HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1978-11-07()Li() ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION November 7, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with- Chairman Harris presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Simmons and Vandeveer. Commissioner Cole is absent. Planning Director Castro is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Commissioner Moots requested that the minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1978 be corrected to include the discussion on the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: "Chairman Harris stated his feelings that he would prefer not to have the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every meeting. He explained that it was his feelings that constantly giving pledges or other oaths detracts from the dignity of them. Commissioner Moots stated he would object to not having the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the meetings. Commissioner Cole expressed her feelings that this is an opportunity that she has of expressing her allegiance to her country and she would not want it taken away from her. There being no '7 rd.d .t s or cox : -ectionm, the minutes of the regular meet- ing of Octohor 7.6 1970 wo::r -- ar ac corrrec:tF6,e ARCHITECTU +.T T 2 - • 3 :'? ' ! Df 'N;7) . /9 -- 1199 GRAND AVT iN: Plasnxnim r::.70coT Cast:70 application:, rrnotiy the on r3 Commission e is tLe that t hc' i g,o)z svc')� ing on (4 �.��� . r•_ Savingr, fi4 installer as s :fl left tu.r: A" After discussion, Commissioner Cole moved that the Commission continue saluting the flag at the beginning of the meetings. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moots, and carried, with Chairman Harris voting "no ". opinion, %dr ,,y ;,, ,,2 respon-a? ' r vised that '!e . . of t . , .0O, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS F, LOAN ASSOCI?TION dinplayed a net of pictures received with the w; the property. He advised the „ trcrn :�n. hi : .`cJ:,sg lot isprcoveBent, otating acir .', _,n to the portion of the building front- t■ZUV2 DISCUSSION. are at;.dinv_ 22 ft. to the exist- : so omzin.ing between the overhang and w;31 be oca landscaping n otI'c r arc-06m. Ho further n • the Zoning Ordinance and staff ie reco nding ?Thn,o idoollod ''21 hibit A" :%t representing Santa Mercbara u2; :'r.: g?xt Turn Only" sign be - ;.te from vashing an illegal EA tcd that, in hio y ,,,,.ac: •.,y tr;._ City and ohould not be the �' ? A. :.n.ning Director Castro ad- ' • ":•.; * -'3 to cahoro the posting Savings and Logan. There being no further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, that Architectural Review Case No. 78 -180 be approved, subject to the Architectural Plans labelled "Exhibit CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -121, STAGE COACH ROAD "RA -83" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (ZOGATA). Planning Director Castro advised that he had received word today from Shirlee Davies, representing Mr. Zogata, that they would like to withdraw the application from the agenda. He further advised that part of the filing fees would be refunded to the applicant. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, that the application for Rezoning Case No. 78 -121 be withdrawn. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -7 -78 Page 2 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 77 -113, "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT,, "KNOLLWOOD" (FORMERLY HALCYON HILLS), PROPERTY LOCATED EASTERLY OF THE RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT. (JONES). Planning Director Castro referred to a letter received from Mr. Jones re- questing that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting'of November 21st. He advised that staff recommends continuance of the public hearing pending a re- submittal of plans by the applicant. Chairman Harris inquired if anybody in the audience came to speak on the matter they could speak tonight or could come back in two weeks when the matter will be continued. There being no comments from the audience, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, public hearing for Rezoning Case no. 77 -113 to be continued to the next regular meeting of November 21, 1978. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Cole requested permission to leave the State, and advised she planned to be back in time for the next Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Vandeveer commented that Planning Commissioners are appoint- ed by the City Council and, in his opinion, have something they might be able to offer; and perhaps the Council thought so when they appointed each one to the Commission. However, in his tenure of two years, he has yet to talk to a Council- man, and thanks to press coverage, he has some glimpse of what the Council believes the City should go toward. He further stated that in the past he has asked for a joint meeting of the Council and the Planning Commission on water and drainage alone, and nothing has resulted from the request. He stated he would like to have a joint meeting with the Council, and he would like to have the Council's opinion on where the City should go; what do they expect the City to look like; what do they want the Commission to do? There is need for a joint meeting and some guid- ance from the Council, rather than reading it in the press. Planning Director Castro stated that the request the Commission made about a month or so ago for a joint meeting is still pending in the City Manager's office. He advised he has not received any written memorandum saying whether the Council will or will not meet with the Planning Commission. Commissioner Cole stated she concurred with Commissioner Vandeveer, and that this matter was brought up during a very heated discussion on drainage, and some of the Commissioners felt very inadequate, and felt that some kind of guid- ance and enlightenment was needed. Commissioner Vandeveer pointed out that this is very pertinent in the Halcyon Hills or Knollwood Project, because one of the factors in the Walker study is that it will over - burden an already over - burdened drainage system. He stated that he is supposed to be passing judgement on such matters, and yet he has never had the .drainage system that is on the books ex- plained to him. Commissioner Cole suggested that the study session be held on either a Saturday morning or afternoon so that members would not be pressured by having worked all day, and would not be as tired. I After considerable discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, econded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, that a joint study ession be requested with the City Council to obtain their views on growth atterns, land use and future development for the City of Arroyo Grande includ- ng drainage and traffic problems. Commissioner Gorsline stated he was concerned about the schools and suggested that perhaps something could be worked out so that there could be a joint meeting with representatives of the School Board and the administration in terms of some direction as to what the schools are going to be able to absorb. He stated he feels that somehow or other there needs to be some communication channels opened up because the Commission is constantly being asked to approve new subdivisions and he hears that the school system is about to overflow. He stated it is his feelings that we need some sort of direct communication with them. Planning Director Castro pointed out that before Commissioner Gorsline was appointed to the Commission there was a report prepared for the Lucia Mar School District, and maybe a study session would be desirable just to discuss 041 2 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -7 -78 what is being said in that report and some of the new enrollment figures we have - received from the School District. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gorsline, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, recommending to the City Council that a planning session be set up specifically dealing with schools, and that this session involve the City Council and representatives from the Lucia Mar School District. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion:by Commissioner Gorsline, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman . Page 3