HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1978-10-17Arroyo Grande Planning Commission October 17, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Harris presiding. Present were Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Gorsline, Moots and Vandeveer. Commissioner Simmons was absent. Planning Director Castro and Planner Sullivan were also in attendance. M_ INUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meet - ing, of October 3, 1978 were approved by.the Chairman as prepared. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 78 -296, •PRINTZ ROAD (LACKEY). Planning Director Castro advised that this matter had been continued from the last Planning .Commission meeting pending a review by the City Attorney for a determination as to whether or not the lot split could be conditioned wherein the remaining undeveloped lot could not be built upon until such time as water and sewer facilities are provided by the City. In discussing the matter with the City Attorney, Mr. Shipsey, he indicated he didn't see any real problem in conditioning the lot split as _recommended by staff. Mr. Castro stated that, should the Commission be so inclined in approving the split, staff would recommend that one of the following conditions be applied: (1) That ,a covenant be recorded:with the land noting that no building permit shall be issued on the remaining.. parcel until such time as City water and sewer facilities are provided, or (2) That certification on the final Record of Survey be noted,, again conditioning that no building permit will be allowed until City water and sewer services are provided. Planner Sullivan advised, in answer to the question previously raised con- cerning the denial of a lot split on this property less than a year ago, that there is nothing in the State Statutes or the City Ordinance that prohibits the applicant from resubmitting a different lot split on the same parcel of property within a specified period of time. Planner Sullivan requested that the Commission, in their approval of the Lot Split, include the requirement that appropriate park fees be collected. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Com- missioner•Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, that Lot Split Case No. 78 -296 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That a covenant be recorded on the map noting that no building permit shall be.,issued on the remaining parcel until such time as City water and sewer services are available. 2. That appropriate park fees be collected. 3. Mylar copy of recorded map to be furnished to the City. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION LOT SPLIT ° CASE NO, 78 -296, PRINTZ ROAD (LACKEY). Planning. Director. Castro advised that staff is recommending approval. of the Request -for Negative Declaration,' Subject. to the two conditions noted in the "Assessment of Negative, Declaration Request ", dated October 13, 1978, as follows: 1. That no building permit be issued for Parcel B until such time that City sewer and water services are provided. 2. That the cut slope treatment and stabilization required as part of the grading permit for the existing new residential structure be accompli- shed prior to recordation of this proposed Lot Split Case No. 78 -296. Chairman Harris requested comments from the audience with regard to the Re- quest for. Negative Declaration. There being none, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -640 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Cole; seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to`wit 031 032 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 2 AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Simmons the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of October 1978. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 78 -297, 1625 BRIGHTON AVE,(DAVIDSON). Planning Director Castro reviewed the property in question on Brighton Avenue just east of Oak Park Boulevard. He advised that the proposal is for four lots, and that all lots meet the square footage requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan. Mr. Sam Taylor, Jr., 1411 Juanita Ave., Grover City, representing the ap- plicant, reviewed the recommended conditions of the Lot Split and commented that they appear to be the usual and expected conditions. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Com- missioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 78 -297 was ap- proved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Street design from that segment of Brighton Avenue subject to Public Works Department approval. 2. Curb, gutter and sidewalk installed to Public Works Department approval. 3. Construction of one -half of local street section, plus a lane connect- ing to Oak Park Boulevard. 4. Grading and drainage plans to satisfaction of Public Works Department. 5. Street lights per Pacific Gas and Electric Co. standards. 6. Street tree fees at 50 ft. frontage at $15.00 per tree. 7. Park fees @ $100.00 per lot. 8. Mylar copy of recorded map to be furnished to the City. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 78 -297, 1625 BRIGHTON AVE. (DAVIDSON). Planning Director Castro advised that the only significant impact was the project drainage pattern, which has been conditioned by the Commission's prior action on the Lot Split, and staff could see no problem in granting the Request for Negative Declaration. There being no discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -641 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Simmons the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of October 1978. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -179, TAXIDERMY SHOP, TRAFFIC WAY (ADJACENT TO DOWER WAYSIDE PARK) (OULRY). Planning Director Castro reviewed the proposed plans and the 11 conditions for the approval of the project as noted in Architectural Committee Action, dated October 11, 1978. After a brief discussion, Architectural Committee Action was approved as submitted. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE - "MAY STREET" TO "CROWN OAKS DRIVE ". Planning Director Castro :advised that a petition had been received, signed • by Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Mr. Etov (iJ Di.L vino use the only residents of the May ,:51. �i.�'C_ -L l.0 :�l.. Ct�i.,i -� :- n Vi :'. of rhs limited Street alignment, requesting of property owners who are in total 6green,ec,i ::'Lc.f: t'ne name che) :.ge, and the fact that May Street doesn't go beyond the limits of McKinley and the Tally Ho drainage ditch, staff has no r0i.j_ tic:a:1 to rh. street name ch tinge Chairman Harris suggests.-] t} future, pencopW i'.: !- better if • a policy were established on otry : `re they `: reviewed by the Police Department and Fire 1 : r , r to :.irsg :: 4:, _. y, Plan- ning Director Castro advised that s', :h pc,i'Lcy could be est, b1ishaj if the Com- mission so desired, however, the PleFnni,13 Dapartmer.t does have a rr_aater list of street names for the Five Cities area th"4t is checked .for name duplication, etc. Commissioner Goraline the Hricstoriccl Society be con- tacted in cases of street name' ch.:ng,..c in - :'_ of sr.°iig nol names, and who the streets were named after. After diecuosion, the fs-' r . action w8S taken: F'-;?SO ACS < MO 76-642 AYES: HOES: ABSENT: RECOM :: = IANNIHG C ;AAISS .OW Ok? THE CITY OF AF=O C,.'\'6DE RECOMMENDING THAT THE STREET KNOWN AS '' nY STREET" 'BE CHANGED TO "CROWN OAKS DRIVE ". On motion by Cori aicein: .1; • : nalcd by Coat:.raioai.oner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to Chair ... a^ None Commitsr. ye e the foregoing Renolutio:a After further cliocu:;,: . Co maiooioner Vandaveer, n : street no changes be asan County Hiotoreical Society f- f. . soon. @@combed by :c. L t ast_ Ln the future, all proposed Dep a tLonto and the South Lln ration by the Planning Commis- CONTINUATION CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC FL , . "RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL AGRIC'01a!'i (ZOGATA). ' Planning Director C3 ::: vised that a tentative mL7. meeting. Chairman Harris public hearing on Rezoning Cu u meeting of the Planning Ccn_ai °��3z. Gor01.iti c:, Nooto, V3ndc veer t3Tsid Jr,y 10S. 73 2 , , S°Y JGt, cc CHRO D 21:4i'h MV"Iag,1 QST DISTa ICT .7,Jr._'.cxi :hot o': ff hod been ad- Y�:, Abe .nnat regulab ob jeLlti ®no, the coui be e3ntinueu to the newt regular PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE KG, c -�a� � AGRICUI. U�Y I._ DXSTRm TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT D IS T;.0 116 F' OK'I'hG i ri sfi �GY k O _6� IYAC"A Planning Director C h � r n in qu,Dott:�1on OTC) oo4 �:,��. :. o k�'� :..� ::r is +� ��� +'� �_,...A� tiguous to the Rancho Grande pry, ?:not thy barb occoon 4 the Frontage Road. He note d be.an is ccar m icau.1cr with the oppl :. -- cants for sometime, and the - 1,4,:,o't to :c c e = :aa r'ropertg to the Planned Dove,-.. ment District is in conform..nc LLc t'r.c. deco'mnerdatinnu of otaff, Mr.. Castro further pointed out that due t th . can L.gnment and neceuoary flattening of .the service road, @toff feels that thnze r cuid be a joint effort of the aapplicanto and Mr. Bennett, of Rancho Cr..'.Lk Y'rry '= a tle Y , to develop a joint master plan of both propertied facilitntin ; ce t i_b _. 1 'rld uae arrnragem nt, 00 well no the circulation element. He Sot. cdJvelcparo on thin nutter and they all seem to be in general cgx6 nc thr,t tL^y will try to :pork together and come up with a master plan. Ho a' k-.. ' "r t £toff recommends approval of the one change. 033 3 i Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 4 Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Re- zoning Case No. 78 -122 had been duly posted, published and property owners noti- fied, Chairman Harris declared the hearing open. Bill Langworthy, Printz Road, inquired as to how many acres are involved in this proposal. Planner Sullivan informed him he thought there are approximately 20 to 25 acres. Mr. Langworthy inquired that, since the property is essentially surrounded by the commercial part of the Rancho Grande development, if it is the developers' intention to make the entire 20 to 25 acres commercial? Planning Director Castro stated that, right now the "P -D" is to permit a diversified de- velopment and at this time it is not known what that plan will encompass, but it will be subject to review and approval by the City. It is expected that the entire development will go into commercial, such as office use, etc., however, the requirement is there that before development takes place on either parcel of property, Rancho Grande or the subject property, an overall master plan will be required. Mr. Langworthy commented that he has no opposition to the planned development; it would seem unreasonable not to have such zoning since it is surrounded by so many other parcels of planned development, but he was concerned about having another 20 or 25 acres of commercial in addition to the 40 acres already existing for Rancho Grande and some 30 acres for Oak Park Acres. Mr. Castro pointed out that staff has expressed some of the same concerns about the amount of commercial property fronting on that service road and the City's ca- pability to use it, but it is the Council's policy to endorse that commercial area, and staff feels that to exclude that or to submit it in some other form would not be a compatible use. Mr. Pat Gifford, 367 Ortega Ridge, Montecito, advised that the property in question involves 10 acres; not 20 to 25 acres. He further advised that Mr. Bennett of Rancho Grande approached him last week and he was anxious for his architect and engineer to work with them to get a master plan for the entire area if the rezoning application is approved. There being no further discussion for or against the proposed rezoning, Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion by the Commission, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -643 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Simmons the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of October 1978. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -122, "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, 1122 AND 1160 EAST FRONTAGE 'ROAD. (GIFFORD AND FAGAN) Planning Director Castro referred to the Assessment of Negative Declaration Request, dated October 13, 1978, prepared by. Mr. Sullivan, noting that as a con- dition of granting the Request, there should be a master development plan sub- mitted which defines all of the commercial properties, including the Rancho Grande Properties and the two parcels owned by Messrs. Gifford and Fagan. Chairman Harris requested comments from the audience. There being none, the following action was taken: Arroyo Grande Planhing Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 78 -644 EIR On motion by Commissioner Vrndeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Goraline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris None Commissioner Simmons the foregoing Resolution:tirae adopted this 17th defy of October 1978. SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 775 (AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO TRACT 'NO, 671) - ALPINE STREET ,(WALKER) . Planning Director Cootro advised that this matter involves a readjustment of the lot lingo in, Trect No. 671 and n subdivision for the Walker property, He reviewed that ,thin' porticular oron wao studied at some length to determine the best circulation pattern to serve the Walker piece as well as the properties fronting on Grand Avenue. He pointed out that the tentative map is in confor- mance with the straff re coaenendntione,'and approval of the map is recommended, subject to the 15 conditions noted, in the staff report dated October 12, 1978. Plainer Sullivan referred to Item' 6 and 7 of the etafk report:, referring to the number of lots allowed on o cul- de -ooc and that the length of the cul - de- sac hos boon encoodladl. He . noted that, in diacuseing the matter with the City Engineer, the cocoon for that requirement io for circulation and in his opinion, it would be for batter to hove o longer and more used cul -de -sac than to punch out another otreet clooe.to the Quieting Alpine Place in the Miller tract. Sec- tion 93508 of the Subdivioion Ordinance entitled "Deviation from Requirements ", allows the Commiooion to deviate from the requirements of the length, and this should be noted in the reoolution approving the mop, Commiooionorr Vondovoorr inquired obout the requirement for a retaining well backing up to tho ogriculturo1 rand, which woo required on the Miller develop- lent. Planning Director Cootro advised that there will be a requirement for a retaining wall and o fence on top, rather than o atone wo11 15 ft. or so in height. It coo nogod thot this condition ohould be added to the requirements noted in the otoff report, - Mr. Mitch TYog4or, 242 Gorden Street, repreoonting the applicant, stated that the configuration of the subdivision is a little bit extraordinary, but as mentioned previouoly, they don't want to open onother street so close to the existing one, and also the proposed subdivision will clean up a nonconforming use thot has masted in the area for sometime into a more reasonable residential area compatible with the ourrounding area. In answer to Commissioner Vondeveer's question as to whether or not the Fire Chief had reviewed the plans, Planner Sullivan advised that he ha reviewed this subdivision, and a combination of the two subdivisions together,'oting where the proposed fire hydrants were in Tract 671 and in Tract 775. N; Planning Director Cootro referred to a letter dated October 2, 1 78 from Dr. Hoagland of the Lucia Mor School Distr9 ^t. He stated it is the ' recommendation ghat no further housing construction be approved unle the builder is willing to provide oe o mitigating factor $400 per home ($ per mobile home). Mr. Cootro advised . that this is a standard recommendation from Dr. Hoagland'e :office,. He further noted that the surcharge ordinance has been adopted by the -City Council, but has never been implemented pending the adoption of a. similar ordinance by neighboring citieo. There was considerable discuss- ion regarding a surcharge for the School District, and Chairman Harris suggested that the matter be discussed under "Oral Communications". There being no further comments on Tentative Tract Map No. 775,.'the follow- ing action was taken: 0 -35 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 78 -645 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT NO. 775, AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO TRACT NO. 671, AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Filcher, Gorsline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Simmons the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day of October 1978. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO, 775, ALPINE ST. (WALKER). Chairman Harris requested comments regarding the Request for Negative Declaration on Tract Np. 775. There being none, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -646 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE EN- VIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Goraline, Moots, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Simmons the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day of October 1978. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 77 -113, "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "RA -B1" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, HALCYON HILLS (PROPERTY LOCATED EASTERLY OF THE RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT) (JONES). Planning Director Castro stated that regarding the Halcyon Hill project, staff strongly urges the Commission that in considering the application for the rezoning, they also consider the Environmental Impact Report and the subdivision which are all part of the same unit. Mr. Castro read the staff report on the matter, dated October 13, 1978. He also made reference to a copy of a letter given to the Commission tonight from Al Spierling, 299 Miller Way, dated October 17, 1978, regarding the rezoning application and the Environmental Impact Report, and the house plans that are being proposed for the subject development. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Re- zoning Case No. 77 -113 had been duly posted, published and property owners noti- fied, Chairman Harris declared the hearing open. Mr. Ken Jones, Ventura, applicant for the rezoning, commented with regard to Planning Director Castro's interpretation of the cross slopes wherein he states it is their interpretation that "the ordinance applies to the topography of the land, and not to the finish grading ", his thoughts that the basic intent of an ordinance such as this is to basically control water and to prevent water from passing over slopes, really doesn't apply in a situation such as their de- velopment since all of the water that is received on any lot will flow to the street and subsequently to drainage systems that the project will install. The control of the drainage off of pads that would be graded would never go over slopes; they positively grade them and install individual drainage patterns so Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 7 that they all drain to the streets. If you look nt it on the basis of the topo- graphy that now exists, then you are speaking of a situation of where you ere going to build on what is there, and the only way you are going to be able to do that is with pole housing or built -up areas above wood floors, which is very expensive. He advised that they are proposing the first increment of 30 acre° consist- ing of 58 lots and, as things develop, and whether the market abeorbe this size development or not, would depend entirely on what happens in the future. If the market in Arroyo Grande will absorb their product, then they would continue to do the development, in cooperation with the staff and the approval of the Commission and the Council, similar to the one they have done very euccesefully in Ventura County. He stated, in his opinion, people are looking for housing that is detached, and what they intend to do here ae merchant builders io de- velop the property and concurrently and oimultoneously develop the houses. Mr. Jones displayed artist sketches showing that the property looko like now and how it will look when it is developed. A aeries of elides were shown of a pro- ject they are now developing in the City of Ventura which, when developed, will have 360 units. After the presentation, Mr. Jones commented that ghat they, co o developer merchant builder, are trying to do is come up with the beet moot economical way to develop hillsides. They have developed both on the basis of "don't dioturb much ", end on the baeio of a substantial amount of grading in order to reduce the cost of the individual tract, and he has found that, without a doubt, the . only way to do that is to grade it so that people have a level site to live on, and it also introduces far more view sites to any given project. It offers saleability, affordability, and the best and proper way to do the project. Bill Langworthy, Prints Road, counted that here io another very lorgo project coaxing down the pipe toward us which io m growth inducing project in addition to producing growth, using up at a rather high rote the emu@ty land that exioto in the City and producing o structure that will cry for corn land when it io all built up. He referred to Mr. Joneo' ototemant about letting the market control the project, and commented thot markets do control, but they don't nleiay© control at the sew rate that the urban and oociol otructuro con absorb, and oven if the project is approved, in hio opinion, there needo to be a more opecific °tats =nt about phasing. He further ototed there are oeveral elements that bother him with o project of this magnitude. The firot io the ochoole. The housing market may absorb the hou©eo, but even of a .9 children per houee, thot'e another 250 children and the School District hao no ploco to put them. He stated, in hie opinion, we do not have a fine, or Avon a very good school district right now, and that io cauoed, in o very large part, by a big gap between the finances and the facilitieo we have available and the number of children that need to make use of those ochoolo. Hio oocond concern is the plan to move gigantic quantities of dirt, and the alternative to thio is to go along with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and tailor den - sities to fit the existing slopes. Another factor which concerned him is the fact that there is a planned development proposal before uo thot d000n't hove very much detail to it. He stated he realizes that the Planned Development mechanism allows the City subsequent control, but it is hie feeling that we are making a committment to something when we do not know enough of the detoilo to make an appropriate committment. For instance, it ie not clear how much land is to be left in open space. Mr. Langworthy stated another thing that bothers him is, while these gunited drainage ditches, etc. may ouffico, he still remembers water running everywhere about an inch deep down every slope last March, and if those tranverse drainage ditches don't work, it aocero rea- sonable that the water is going tc go som 1oce else. Ales, in hie opinion, based upon the information presented tonight, he can't see haw the City could approve this proposal at this time. Chairman Harris stated that considering the uniqueneoo and the importance of this particular project, he would like to continue the matter for further public hearing at the next oeeeion, which would give the Cammiooionoro a greater opportunity to study the project. On motion by Cemmionionor Gorolino, oeconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimoualy carried, the public hearing woo continued to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commiooion. 037 n38 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 8 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS • Planning Director Castro reviewed that two weeks ago the Commission con- sidered and approved the parking lot for Santa Barbara Savings and Loan. Since that time staff has. received the complete package and they are adding 22 ft. to the building towards Grand Avenue. The architecture is not going to change; they are merely expanding the interior of the office facility, and the parking will be the same as was approved by the Commission. After a brief discussion, the Commission requested that the plans for the addition be presented at the next regular meeting. Commissioner Gorsline moved that the Commission inform the City Council of their concern about the impact of new housing developments upon the schools and urge them to implement their existing legislation to insure that Arroyo Grande is going to be doing something about the schools. In answer to Commis- sioner Vandeveer'e question as to what would happen to the money if the ordinance were implemented now, Planner Sullivan advised it would be limited for capital improvements. Commissioner Gorsline pointed out that right hare we have the approach of one particular subdivision indicating, that in their experience, 807, of their homes are sold to persons with children and, even if it is only 9/10 of a child per house, that is a lot of children and someplace along the way.we are going to have to take a stand and, in his opinion, maybe if the City Council hears that this is a concern that the Commission has, maybe they will be able to make that stand. Commissioner Vandeveer stated he shares Commissioner Gorsline's concern, and he is sure that the Council does too, or they would not have taken that. action, however, housing that will exist in Pismo Beach that is now growing vary rapidly, and the status of the growth area recently reported rather thorough- ly two weeks ago in the Telegram Tribune shows Arroyo Grande at a lower rate than • Grover City, Pismo Beach and the adjoining areas and, in his opinion, it is ab- solutely incorrect to impose or implement that legislation that now exists on the books for the people who buy homes in this area. It is not the developers that pay for it; they will pass it on, but it is really imposing on the people hare. He further stated that he is not opposed to the overall plan, but to go it alone is incorrect. Chairmen Harris pointed out one possible effect that he could sea, thinking about the possible implication of what could happen if this were imposed uni- laterally by Arroyo Grande would, of course, make Arroyo Grande's housing, parti- cularly low cost housing, higher than neighboring communities, which might en- courage further development in the communities which are not imposing the surcharge, so you would be causing the problem even to get worse. Commissioner Gorsline stated his concern was that somebody has to take a stand someplace along the way to do some- thing for our schools. Chairman Harris stated, in his opinion, we should have de- unification of the Ichool district so that we could get control of the schools back locally and fi- nance them adequately. He further stated he felt that if a way could be worked our where if the money for capital improvements was used for schools within the City that were attended primarily by students from the City, then he would be inclined to go along with it. As far as giving the money just to the school district to spend how they see fit on capital improvements that benefit primarily people outside the' City, then he would be opposed to subsidising them. As far es elementary schools, there are certain elementary schools for instance, which are attended primarily by people within the City, he could see the money being spent unilaterally by the dis- trict on these schools within the City. Peggy Lsngworthy, Prints Road, stated it occured to her that whether or not the County approves the water bond measure on the ballot, in either case, Arroyo Grande is going to be in a command position, because they still have most of the water they have left, so that they are ulti,aately going to be the place to develop. If the bond is passed, the cost will be so great that they will be forced to de- velop that much faster to pay for it, and could Arroyo Grande not take this positive stand and combine this other suggestion of the monies essentially being used for Arroyo Grande in the sense that you have a school site, and could you not have a fund for capital improvement for the specific construction of the elementary school in the hills north of Highway 101. Planning Director Castro advised it was his understand- ing that the School District doesn't want any strings attached to the monies that will come out of that surcharge. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -17 -78 Page 9 After discussion, Commissioner Gorsli a amedhs motion osi asking g the tC Council to consider implementing a unilateral surcharge, provided :such funds with the strings attached, don't have the strings attached, on the condition that the monies be used only for ca rove - capital improve- meets for schools within se families live. in GrandefiiThe�otingeone ri- the marily by students matter was three to three, therefore, there vas no recommendation. Commissioner Moots stated he was opposed to the motion in the for it was presented; he would like to seethe City Council do something about the ordinance we already have. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Gorsline, expressing the Commission's concern over the school fi- nancing and recommending that the City Council take action on the matter. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Commis- sioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. ATTEST: T Secretary Chairman 0347