PC Minutes 1978-10-03Arroyo Grande Planning Commission October 3, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairperson Cole presiding. Present were Commissioners Fischer, Gorsline, Harris, Moots, Simmons and Vandeveer. Planner Sullivan and City Engineer Karp were also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 1978 were approved by VicecChairperson Cole as submitted, ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Planner Sullivan suggested that since all Commissioners are present, that the Commission elect new officers and make Committee appointments at this times Vice Chairperson Cole opened nominations for Chairman. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, Commissioner Gorsline was nominated as Chairman of the Commission. Commissioner Gorsline stated he was pleased to be nom- inated, but declined the nomination, Commissioner Gorsline nominated Ron Harris as Chairman, and Commissioner Fischer seconded the nomination, There being no further nominations, Commissioner Gorsline moved that nominations be closed, and that the records show a unanimous ballot was cast electing Ron Harris as Chairman of the Panning Commission for 1978 -79. Chairman Harris assumed the chair and opened nominations for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Simmons nominated Alan Gorsline`as Vice Chairperson. Nomination second- ed by Commissioner Fischer. There being no further nominations for Vice Chairperson, Chairman Harris closed nominations and ordered the records show that a unanimous ballot was cast electing Alan Gorsline as Vice Chairperson of the Planning Commis- sion for 1978 -79, Chairman Harris requested volunteers to serve on the Lot Split /Subdivision Re- view Board and the Architectural Review Committee, Commissioner Fischer volunteered to serve as a committee member, Chairman Harris appointed Commissioner Fischer to the 'Lot "split /Subdivision Review Board and the Architectural Review Committee, and appointed himself to the Architectural Review Committee. Commissioner Cole volun- ree to serve as an alternate to both committees.. t'U "I :ins COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -177, REDEVELOP'MEN'T OF OLD METHODIST CHURCH 124 W. BRANCH STREET. LINTE_RIQ_RS BY AMANDAZ, Planner Sullivan reviewed the proposed redevelopment project, stating that the petitioner proposes to sand blast the building and restore the structure, and that there will be no major structural changes to the building;. With regard to the park - ing, Mr, Sullivan advised that staff is working with the developers of the proposed Village West project, which is adjacent to this property, to make some changes so that the parking and circulation can be coordinated on these two properties. He further stated that three of the parking spaces indicated on the plans are temporary until Le Point can be improved and the Village West project is developed. Planner Sullivan reviewed the conditions of Architectural Review Committee action dated September 27, 1978. After a .brief discussion regarding parking requirements, Arch- itectural Review Committee Action was approved as submitted: REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO, 78 -178 PARKING LOT IM- PROVEMENTS - SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS. Planner Sullivan advised that Santa Barbara Savings, located at the corner of Elm Street and Grand Avenue, have been working to resolve some of their internal parking problems, and in doing so, they purchased a parcel of adjacent land to add 33 more parking spaces, including one handicapped, The plan will also improve some of the circulation problems on Grand Avenue regarding ingress and egress, He ad- vised that staff has reviewed the proposal and finds the proposed improvements to be in compliance with the City Standards, and the Architectural Review Committee recommended approval of the plans,. There being no discussion, the proposed parking lot improvements were accepted as recommended by the Architectural Review Committee, LOT SPLIT CASE NO, 78 -296 PRINTZ ROAD BILL LACKEY) Planner Sullivan advised that the Committee recommended that this matter be continued for two weeks, Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, noted that Mr. Lackey was denied a lot split on this property January 3, 1978, and would have to wait a year before he can apply for another lot split. Planner Sullivan noted that the same property is involved, but the proposed split is different than the one originally submitted, Chairman Harris requested Mr, Sullivan to check the Ordinance 027 C28 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1O -3 °78 with regard to the time period and report back to the Commission at the next meet- ing, PUBLIC HEARING - .PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. EAST FRONTAGE ROAD Upon being assured by Planner Sullivan that public hearing for the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan, with regard to East Frontage Road, had been duly posted and published, Chairman Harris declared the hearing open, Planner Sullivan referred to the report prepared by Dr. Jones for the City and his recommendation that East Frontage Road right of way from Oak Park Boule- vard to West Branch Street be increased from 48 ft, of right of way to 56 ft. of right of ways He pointed out that the current General 'Plan Frontage Road section for commercial areas is 48 ft. of right of way. He further advised that staff is suggesting that this be added as an additional section that can be used as an alternate. The determination of which section would be used would be an engineer- ing question and the key purpose is getting that many feet of right of way and paving, and as the need dictates, it can be striped the Way it works the best such as turning lanes, stacking lanes, etc, In answer to Commissioner Simmons' question with regard / to the area where the County Regional Center is going in, Planner Sullivan advised they will be required to provide a 56 fit, right of. way, City Engineer Karp stated that from previous meetings with the County's architect and engineers, it seems to be their intent to move the hill back 6 ft„ Commissioner Gorsline stAted he felt we should do everything possible to get that extra width in there.. There being no further discussion, Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed end, after a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Com- missioner Gorsline, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of Dr. Jones with regard to East Frontage Road right of way was approved, TALV HHOR? F,,D lenner Sullivan stated that currently in the Circulation Element of the (Thee : 1, Plan, Tally Ho Road is shown as a collector street : He also pointed out that :hare is a major drainage project for the area pending before the City, Part o: ": t ea:.t drainage project is the road imps o-,ement and the people that live in the .signed a petition requesting that the collector _-street designation be :_angel to e rural section_ Planner Sullivan referred to City Engineer Karp's r_e =:;o, dated Se otarnber 22, 1918, r .coma nendieg that Tally Ho Road be developed with a minimum of e 40 ft, wide improved section, with t-.e allowance for adequate side- walk right of way on both sides of the road pavement, Upon being assured by Planner Sullivan th public hearing for proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan for Tally Ho Road had been duly posted and published, Chairman Harris declared the hearing open. Shawn Davies, 258 Tally Ho Road, advised she helped circulate the petition for Tally Ho Road drainage and the residents of Tally Ho Road all seem to want e narrow road section. Everyone is concerned about the creek channel improvement, and it appears that most of the residents of the street will not approve the assessment district if the collector street goes through_ Bruce Stuede, 195 Tally Ho Road, stated if the collector street is approved, there is still going to be a bottleneck at the southerly end of the road where it curves into Le Point Street. Mr.: John Sprague, 212 Tally Ho Road, stated a wider road would result in more traffic and a race track, and you would still have the bottleneck. Mr. Sam Facchetti, 248 Tally Ho Road, stated he has lived there for 14 years and the traffic is getting bad, and he could see no sense in having a narrow strip in there where you have no exit. He pointed out that Le Point and Mason Streets are narrow on the southerly end, and Highway 227 is narrow on the northerly end. Jim Spaulding, 194 Tally Ho Road, stated the wide road will cause a problem for everyone who has to give up a portion of their property, and it will also cause a bottleneck at the end of the road,. In answer to Mr, Stuede's question, City Engineer Karp advised that the Public Works Department would be out next week and stake where the curb to curb width would be for a 40 ft. curb to curb section, and the area reserved for sidewalks will be behind the curb,, Mary Ann Smith, 262 Tally Ho Road, advised she was one of the residents who took the petition around to form the assessment district for the channel, and that the majority of the people that were contacted gave the impression that if the Page 2 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 10 -3-78 Page 3 rural section were allowed to go through, then they would sign the petition for the assessment district, She pointed out that they desperately need the district because of flooding, but with the collector street, there is no way the people will sign the petition for the assessment district.: Ms„ Shirlee Franz, 191 Tally Ho Road, stated her house is located up on a hill and she felt the wide road would undermine her property, Mr. Vincent Lechner, 331 Tally Ho Road, stated, as previously pointed out, you will have a 60 ft, road from the north city limits, bringing it towares town and then terminating it. He further stated he likes the road the way it is, Mr. Saks, 188 Tally Ho Road referred to the drainage channel and the required 60 ft. of right of way required for the channel and for the roadway to maintain it and that, if this were the case, he would wind up losing 45 ft, of his land. He stated he has lived there for 30 years and has never been bothered with the water and he couldn't see any reason for giving up 60 ft, of his land for a 20ft, ditch at the bottom. Chairman Harris advised that after the Planning Commission makes a recom- mendation, the matter then goes to the City Council, and that the road will be staked prior to the City Council meeting There being no further comments, Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed, City Engineer Karp displayed a large view of-the Tally Ho Road area that was prepared from survey data, sewer maps, etc,, and an aerial photograph of the area. He further advised that the reason the plan was pushed six years ago was because there is a segment for implementation.in the Circulation Element of the General Plan wherein it states that "additional plan lines should be adopted for exist- ing or projected streets as a method of protecting future street widening or new alignments from encroachment by new construction.. Plan lines for the following streets should be adopted at the earliest possible time to protect existing right of way and abutting property owners ", and that one of the streets listed in the Circulation Element is Tally Ho Road, He further advised that he, professionally, eould not recommend that the City adopt a sub - standard road that is unsafe, It is his opinion that a safe section in this area, because of existing frontages and existing setbacks from the right of way, would be a minimum of two driving lanes and two parking lanes, Regarding the bottleneck through the curve referred to previously, he stated we are actually proposing wider than those minimum 12 ft, lanes; we are proposing 14 ft., lanes in there. Mr. Karp further pointed out that the traffic is there now and is going to continue to be there whether it is im- proved to two 14 ft, lanes all the way down or whether it is improved to 40 ft., and the minimum paved section that he could recommend would be the 40 ft. section, which would amount to two 12 ft, driving lanes and two 8 ft, parking lanes. Commissioner Simmons stated she would like to see the street come down to something between a local and a rural section, but closer to the rural section, City Engineer Karp stated that the City would then acquire 12 ft, of right of way instead of 20 ft, and go with a 52 ft, street, He further stated that the City owns 60 ft, of right of way with the exception of four parcels, After discussion, the Commissioners indicated they were sympathetic with the residents of Tally Ho Road, but the majority of the Commissioners felt the road should be planned for increased traffic and the safety of the entire community. On motion by Coiauisaioner Vandevear, seconded by Commissioner Cole, approving an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan changing Tally Ho Road to a Local Street section with a minimum width of 52 ft, Motion carried with Commissioners Gorsline and Simmons voting "no" The following action was taken on the two recommended amendments to the Circulation Element of the General Plan, RESOLUTION NO. 78 -639 G RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit 029 e30 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1O -3 -78 Page 4 AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Garsline, Mots, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Harris. NODES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of. October 1978. ADJOURNMENT a.' . There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman .at 9:35 P.M. ATTEST: y9 v Secretary. 1 1