PC Minutes 1978-08-15C12 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission August 15, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Acting Chairman Harris presiding. Present were Commissioners Fischer, Gorsline, Simmons and Vandeveer. Commissioners Cole and Moots were absent. Also in attendance were Planning Director Castro and Planner Sullivan. APPLICATION OF MID STATE BANK FOR REVIEW TO MODIFY THE EXISTING STREET PLAN LINE FOR LINDA DRIVE AND BENNETT AVENUE. Planning Director Castro advised that the property owners on Linda Drive have been notified of the proposal to modify the existing plan line on Linda Drive. He reviewed a map showing the plan line adopted by the City in 1969 noting the possible connections, between Linda Drive and Bennett Avenue. He stated that the staff, in reviewing the plan, did consider the . possibility of both alternatives as a means of serving not only the idea of connecting Linda Drive and Bennett Avenue, but as the large parcels of land along Grand Avenue develop, will necessitate some means of a street extending from Halcyon as a means of disbursing traffic and getting traffic off of Grand Avenue. Mr. Castro reviewed the plan proposed by Mid State Bank, stat- ing that it is basically the same alignment except that the curve has been flattened considerably for the purpose of slowing down traffic, and also it seems to work better with the exchange of properties that may occur between the different property owners. The proposal was to add an administrative facility for computer equipment, ex- tending the parking for the employees and the customers of the bank, and providing a means of having an alternate pattern to the express window. Mr. Castro advised that the staff foresees a lot of problems with the capacities and circulation element of Grand Avenue and feels that some alternate means of directing traffic is essential, not only with the existing businesses, but as businesses develop on the undeveloped land the traffic congestion is going to get worse. He stated he feels that the circulation proposal submitted is a valid one to alleviate some of the problems on Grand Avenue. Mrs. Fox, 1131 Linda Drive, suggested a cul -de -sac at the end of Linda Drive. She stated she is opposed to having that street go through because it will. create a very bad traffic hazard. Mr. Murray Bromley, 1101 Linda Drive, stated he was concerned on this present plan as to what will happen to the storm water that comes down Linda, in that if the street goes through, where would the water go? Planning Director Castro advised that there is ponding being provided right now at tha end of Linda Drive and, even- tually, the plans of the City are when this property develops, there will be a storm drainage system extending on to Grand Avenue. Deanna Bryant, 1120 Linda Drive, stated she is opposed to the street going through. Linda Shepherd, 1106 Linda Drive, stated that most of the residents agree that the plan suggested by Mid State Bank is superior to the "Y" configuration that the City proposed. She stated they are also concerned about Brisco Road, and if Linda is to be used as a street connecting for traffic from the bank, then it is necessary for that traffic to safely get out of Linda Drive on. to Brisco Road. Thomas Fox, 1131 Linda Drive, stated he was concerned about turning this area into commercial, or a thoroughfare to and from commercial property because of potential traffic hazards. Ralph Vanderveen, 1140 Linda Drive, suggested coming down at the end of Linda Drive and putting a cul -de -sac in, and then tieing the existing cul -de -sac into the proposed street, thereby eliminating the traffic problem. After further discussion, Acting Chairman Harris advised that the matter would be continued to the next regular meeting of September 5, 1978, when Mid State Bank representatives could attend and make their presentation. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -118, "RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -M" PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRAFFIC WAY AND CHERRY AVENUE (WILLIAMS). Planning Director Castro introduced Mr.. Rudolph Ortega to make a presentation on the proposal. Mr. Ortega, Architect, acting on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, stated that at the last meeting there was a great deal of public testimony taken in connection with the rezoning of approximately 14 acres to "P -M" District. He pointed out that Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8 -15 -78 Page-2 there was no exhibit at that time reflecting what the intent of the applicants was and, in his opinion, much of the concern resulted from the fact that at that time no in- dication as to what the magnitude or scope of the project was. Mr. Ortega proceeded to outline the development proposal for the subject property and addressed some of the concerns expressed by the residents with regard to the project. Acting Chairman Harris reopened the public hearing and requested comments from the audience who are opposed to the proposed rezoning request. Rod Gibson, 241 E. Cherry Avenue; Audrey Howard, 508 Launa Lane; Gary Wescom, 203 E. Cherry Avenue; Dennis Flores, 411 E. Cherry Avenue; Ruth Federico, 303 E. Cherry Avenue; Mr. Kitchell, 246 Garden Street; A. Cohen, 510 Launa Lane; D. W. Dylan, 500 Launa Lane; Faith Wescom, 203 E. Cherry Avenue; Gordon Bennett, 415 Allen Street; Bruce Baldwin, 416 Allen Street; Bob Baldwin, 416 Allen Street; Salvador Federico, 303 E. Cherry Avenue; Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane; and Mrs. Finley, 407 E. Cherry Avenue, spoke in opposition to the zone change. II/ Mr. and Mrs, Myron Williams, 537 Orchard Street, applicants for the zone change, spoke in favor of the rezoning. There being no further comments from the audience, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion by the Commission with regard to the problems of drain- age, and the traffic that would be generated by an industrial use so close to the downtown area, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -629 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING DENIAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PRO- VIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. On motion by Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Gorsline, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gorsline, Simmons, Vandeveer and Acting Chairman Harris NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of August 1978. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -119, "RA -B3" TO "RA- B1 -D ", TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 741, "WILDWOOD RANCH ", CORBETT CANYON ROAD (TEMPUS). Planning Director Castro advised there are two items pending on the agenda on the Wildwood Ranch matter; one being the rezoning of the property from "RA -B3" to "RA- B1 -D", and the other being the subdivision review of the Tentative Tract Map No 741. In regard to the subdivision review, the Subdivision Review Committee met on the 9th of August and the continuance of this matter was recommended pending the action on the rezoning request. He advised that the applicant was in concurrence with this continuance to the first meeting in September. With reference to the rezoning application, Mr. Castro advised that the request is to permit the development of the property which is located at the intersection of Corbett Canyon Road and Huasna Road, from "RA -1B3" 40,000 sq. ft. lot requirements, to the "RA -B1" 10,000 sq. ft. lots. He pointed out that the " -D" override is being suggested as part of the tentative map exhibit, which suggests that on 33.4 acres, 74 lots are being proposed with an average lot size of 19,660 square feet. Mr. Castro further advised that if the "-D" override was not being requested, based on 10,000 sq. ft. lots and the number of acres that the applicant has, the property could yield up to 134 lots. Being that Mr. Tempus is concerned about the quality of his project, the preservation of trees, and the orderly development of his land, he has chosen to minimize the number of lots to 74. He pointed out that the lot sizes vary from al- most 8,000 sq. ft. to almost one -half acre throughout the project area. Staff finds the design offers diversified lot sizes with good opportunities for various economic segments of the community, and would endorse approval of this design. Mr. Castro advised that staff is concerned that on several other projects, the Council has seen fit to deny the projects without prejudice and have expressed UJ ) '1 • Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8 -15 -78 Page 3 a desire for a lower density classification, primarily one half acre to one acre lots. In addition, the Council has also favored the Planned Development procedure as providing controls and the necessary exhibits for development on the hillsides. In keeping with that concern of the Council, we are offering the idea of the modi- fication of this application from the "RA -B3" to the "P -D" District with the Tentative Map, Tract #741, labelled as "Exhibit A ", Basically, that would accomplish the same thing as the " -D" Override. The control of this design is really what we are after; the diversified lot sizes, the minimizing of taking Oak trees off of the property, and a good balance of large lots primarily fronting on Corbett Canyon Road. Mr. Castro stated, in his opinion, this is a well designed project and staff recom- mends approval. Mr. Bob Flowers, Santa Barbara, Engineer for Mr, and Mrs. Tempus, advised that,. as indicated by Mr, Castro, at the Subdivision Review Meeting, the possibility was considered that instead of considering this project under the original proposal by the applicant for "RA- Bl -D ", if the Planning Commission so desires, the "P -D" District is acceptable to the applicants. Mr. Flowers outlined the plans for the proposed tract, pointing out that the project would be developed in three units; the first phase would be 13 lots; the second phase would have a total of 47 lots, which would be the largest phase; and the final phase would have a total of 14 lots, He further advised, in his opinion, the lot density that is shown on the plan is. appropriate for the land, and they have taken care to lay out the lots in such a way that development of the lots will not require extensive grading, and the same is true with the roadways, resulting in a minimum impact to the topography. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 78 -119 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing open. Mr. Tony Azevedo, Rt. 2, Box 567, stated he did not object to the development, however he was concerned about the Hall property, and felt that there should be some type of barrier between the development and the Hall because the business that the Hall property conducts is of an entertainment nature, and they have already had complaints in the past because of the noise, etc. Hazel Pinz.e, 241 Highway 227, inquired as to who will be responsible for the drainage. Planning Director Castro advised that the drainage problem would have to be resolved before any of the lots could be ,sold. James Dorsey, Rt. 2, Box 632 -D, inquired about the lot size on the upper north corner of the tract, stating' it was his feeling that if these are acre lots, then the developer should at least match the acre size and then go into the transition of smaller lots. Mr. yard Roemer, 804 Plata Road, stated he was concerned about the drainage problems and how they are to be overcome. Mr, Flowers outlined the developer's plans to provide for drainage, Mr. Chuck Tempus, 220 Corbett Canyon Road, petitioner for the zone change, stated he feels very strongly about making a development that is going to be con- sistent with the rural atmosphere of the village of Arroyo Grande. Ms. Helen Stone, 231 San Luis Road, stated there is a traffic hazard there now, and she is concerned about the road coming out of this tract on to Highway 227. Mr. Flowers advised that they have submitted the plans to the Division of Highways for review, The plans are showing contour grading to lay this area back so that sight distance can be achieved on both sides of the roadway, and there will be just one connection to Highway 227, which does meet the State's requirements for sight distance of 300 ft, There being no further comments for or against the proposed rezoning request, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed. The Commissioners indicated concern about the drainage problems. Acting Chair- man Harris stated he would not be in favor of the map as it is currently drawn, in that he felt some of the lot sizes where they are adjacent to the larger lots are simply too small, However, he felt that the overall plan is satisfactory with the exception of a redesign of some of the lots in some areas, With regard to the . concerns about the drainage, he advised that would not effect the rezoning itself, and would have to be worked out in the Subdivision Review of the tract, and that Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8 -15 -78 Page 4 the developer still could not put in the project until they come up with a satis- factory answer to the drainage problems, Planning Director Castro pointed out the difference between the "RA -B1 -D" zon- ing and the "P -D" zoning, in that you have more to negotiate with the "P -D" as opposed to the "RA- Bl -•D" and, in this case, it meets the needs of the developer as to what he intends to do. It also makes the map an exhibit, whereby if the developer wants to make changes, it means coming back before the Commission. After discussion, the following action was taken:. RESOLUTION NO 78 -630 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4, ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. II/ On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by.Commissioner Harris, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gorsline, Vandeveer ' and Acting Chairman Harris NOES: Commissioners Fischer and Simmons ABSENT: Commissioners Cole and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of August 1978. RE2UEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - REZONING CASE NO 78- 119, "WILDWOOD RANCH ", CORBETT CANYON ROAD (TEMPUS). Planning Director Castro requested continuance of this matter to the next regular meeting. SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 741, "WILDWOOD RANCH ", CORBETT CANYON ROAD (TEMPUS). Planning Director Castro requested continuance of this item to the next regu- lar meeting of September 5, 1978. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION FROM THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION APPROVING THE GRANDE HIGHLANDS ANNEXATION ' TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, SUBJECT TO PREZONING BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION. Planning Director Castro reviewed his memo to the Planning Commission dated August 9, 1978. He also reviewed the Local Agency Formation Commission hearing held on July 20th, wherein the City outlined their feelings that their main con- cern was primarily that we have large pending developments now within the com- munity, and that the forecast of residential lots in the easterly part of the City was exceeding the expectations we had programmed in Arroyo Grande. He stated that before this annexation can be finalized, the property needs to be pre -zoned and recommended for annexation to the City Council, and should the Commission and O,uncilfeel that this property is pre - mature in being annexed to the City, the Commission's action should be to deny the pre - zoning, which would constitute denial of the annexation. He advised that staff recommends denial of this annexation at this point in time. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for the prezoning request had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing open. Mr. Warren Thompson, Architect representing the developer, advised that they have an alternate plan whereby if the annexation does not actually happen, the developer has another plan already laid out, however, the staff has not had a chance to look at it. He advised that the developer is interested in develop- ing the property in a quality manner, because they feel the area is a real quality part of town. He pointed out that there are many things that have come up since the first hearings, and they have been working on this project for about two years. There are certain changes to the EIR that have been written for over a year in the way of economic, .social and other environmental considerations that they would like to have an opportunity to review. He asked the Commission for a 015 nie Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8-15_78 Page 5 continuance so that they can review the matter with staff and bring it before the Commission to snow thee the kind of program the developers are thinking about. He f'lnrther stated that .r.f a continuance is not possible, then they would like to make a presentation at this time.. Planning Director Castro advised, in his opinion, he didn't feel that the matter under consideration this evening is a presentation by the developer on the type of project he is proposing. The only question before the Commission now is whether or not the property should be annexed to the City and the pre - zoning of the property. That has to be determined first and adopted by the City Council before they proceed with their presentation, Mr. Thompson outlined the developers' reasons for requesting annexation. He pointed out that the plan line, as it was brought to the Commission before by the staff, was to square up that boundary along the upper part, and that the extension of services is a natural one. He advised that there is a plan in the County at the moment, and the tentative map has been approved, to develop all of the pro- perty in here down to Los Berros Road, so the boundary has been set by County development of larger lots along this property line and will, in fact, leave a little undeveloped island into this general City boundary, He further advised that it is a single piece of property in one ownership and, because of this, they feel it should. be either all County or all City, He stated they have felt all along, and LAFCO agreed with them, that the area could be serviced, and they are asking for that consideration tonight. Mr Paul Haddox, 587 Valley Road, referred to the Valley Gardens and Sunrise Terrace annexation, stating before that annexation we had a very good City boundary, and with this annexation, it would be better than it is now. He pointed out that school children walk on that County road in heavy truck and commuter traffic with- out sidewalks, which is a hazard, In his opinion, if this annexation does go through, City streets would be connected to Sunrise Terrace and the school children coitle walk to Orchard Avenue without going out on to Valley Road, Also, the SCAT us e kes a mond trip down theme providing bus service on that road, except there are no bus seoos. He felt it would be possible that the bus could go through the new sehdiviaion and .serve more people without any more miles, dire Haddox stated he not speaking for or against the annexation, Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated. she feels that before we have any more annexations, we should have a comprehensive drainage and traffic plan for the entire Valley Road area, and further that the cost of City services at this time weeld be beyond our capabilities. • Ella Honneycut, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated she would be against any annexations at the present time until we know how many lots we have now that are available to build on There being no further discussion for or against the proposed pre - zoning and annexation, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed, After a brief discussion by the Commission, the following action was taken: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL, OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF TUE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE, On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gor,siine, Simmons, Vandeveer and Acting Chairman Harris NOESg None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of August 1978. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO, 78 -277, RELOCATION AND CONVERSION OF EXISTING DWELLINGS TO PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, "H -S HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT, FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND H IGHWAY 101 D, M. WALKER, AGENT FOR FAIR OAKS PARTNERSHIP). Planning Director Castro ont1ined the request of the petitioner to relocate and RESOLUTION NO 78 -631 Z Arroyo Grande Planning CoriEfTti.:i :oe , a- y 5-78 Page 6 convert seFver°al. exis':.r_rr.g dwellings tc p ofe.:Isional offices at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue: and Highway 101, The property in question consists of a large parcel of land a: d, basically, what the applicant wishes to do is convert the houses to temporary office fact) ties, rather than rent the houses. He advised hat. staff has discussed development of the entire parcel of property with the deg =elopers; however, there are no. positive plans as yet, and the developers do wish to proceed with this preliminary development. Staff finds that the proposal will not infringe upon future development for the balance of the property, and approval of the application is recommended subject to the condition that the applicant re- submit plans to the Architectural Review Committee to review the re- location of one of the structures. and the conversion of the existing dwelling units. Said re- view to include the landscaping, parking, circulation, grading and drainage for the subject: .site: Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Use Permit Case No.. 78-277 had been duly published, posted and property owners noti- fied, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing open, Mr. Mitch Walker, San Luis Engineering, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Perrnit being granted. No further discussion for or against the proposed Use Permit, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78-632 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 78-277. On motion by Cor. m eicnec Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and by the following roll call yorL to wit: RYES : Commiasioners F„scher Gor:slinc, Simmons, Vandeveer and Acting CI'::.a.roan. Harris None T:'. k'.^.ir... ss io •) Cole and Moots :oreg•a• n Rcsoleti.on was adopted this 15th day of August 1978, hi rOIC FEARING PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE "WILHOLM_ LANE" TO "GULARTE ROAD". Planning Director Oaet;ro advised that a petition has been signed by the rl d rz,y owlicxs in thc - t':tta requesting the :stret :? m ,:G.. .change, He further ad- `4r'1. 4,d that " raud'_;= 7 #.,;:e is an c d established family, and staff sees no objection to the proposed street name change. Upon being asser d Ley k 1 .,rxn n.g Director Castro that public hearing for the street name change had been duly pablisi ed and property owners notified, Acting Chairman Harris declared the hearing o.pen.. There being no discussion for or €g& ris_t: the proposed name change, Acting Chairman Harris. declared the hearing c'losed,. After a, brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION' NO,. '78 - '633 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT TEIE STREET KNOWN AS "W.ILUOLM LANE" BE CHANGED TO "GULARTE ROAD". On motion Uy Commissioner Gorslinc, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and by the following roll call vote, to with AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gorslinne, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Parr: -:a NOES; None ASSENT: Commissioner's Cele and Moog. S.sho foregoinT, R sci.u.'..cn was adopted this 15th day of August 1978. PUBLIC HEA : ING -. I2.I,:::;C)NTITG CAST NO. 7E -i 20, APPLICATION OF RANCHO GRANDE PROPERTIES TO REZONE FRO1 THE "A " AGRTCULT'JRAT: DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT A ROh'"TON OE SAID PROPERTY CONSISTING 0F' APPROXIMATELY 465 ACRES AS DESCRIBED ON TENTA- TIVE IhnP FILED Tc THE PTrftorIEC: DEPT. OF TI-HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. SAID PROPERTY L0- C?': : :i D ?0RTF C'E . fWY . 101' A U ) AL),;A:7E0T TO AND EAST OP OAK PARK ACRES DEVELOPMENT. 017 C18 Arroyo Graede eeLnd Page 7 Planning Dlreeten Deeeno esf . eed on ewe exhibits representing the two con - .. p)$ }. i. nIane. ?'.t- !.i)c Coiitm 10 ;_ 1 .Pcd p ^v'i':us1;` acted upon, and (2) the one `lira':, was p' ? ee eiee t' ", C7ts;;v: . The. Cour i .l.' s action. regarding the Rancho Grande projo t e: 4 :' at they have a.ceepettd the Environmental Impact Report as re- viewed. and adopted bd the P1a.1t ;'t r c Commission, so we have no further action on the F, I. R. With red rtj t.e the j•r.r•,(` eande, Plaeni.ng Director Castro advised that the Courc_.1. d :d deny odie Pl e nned Deee;'.enmen" application without, prejudice. The Council "xpi,es eC eoneeeee re -di g., f t ,,.•, c,T. ;. Y of multi family, the lot definitions border- ing Oik. Park A.::ece and t Cenet y property, C� :Jer than that, they expressed that • this project: wile °et.isf eecr.,' r , they did want to expand the commercial area to venerate mo::f:: t.aX do a s ; e.e ui c emineri ``; . Mr. Castro advised that, based on that dirCct:ikrn end ether [fle .. ng s thee have tai::cn place, staff finds that the plan which has. beer rc Sts ]Ie1..7 *,ted :. ri edbstantial : omp1ia.r.ce with the other plan. Mr. Castro rev ic=ed the ree=-.,sed ceneepteal plan as compared to the plan originally SUhtn 't:.ted and ?.e r.rr od to the I s+: cf concerns 1'y staff as noted in his letter to the Commission dated August :5, 1978, He requested a continuance of the matter so that the modifications r-oa,1d be ^:nceuded on the conceptual plan. After a brier djscutisbo_n by the. Commission, Acting Chairman Harris advised that the public hearing on the Rancho Grande Properties would be continued to the next regular meeting of September 5, 19780 PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW FOR THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY BETWEEN MR. AND MRS. CARtt'CI i'E AND TILE CITY COR PONDING BASIN PURPOSES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 65402. Planning Director Castro neferred to the staff report dated August 9, 1978, concerning the exehatnie of properties and corplai nce with Government Code Section 65402, He pcin£'.< " a out that t :ee matter cf c'ompl .ande with the General Plari can be found ,fit the "Geri rai Plan Element fox Housing, Public Services and Facilities ", and in ,.,';•., same epor;t under the "Drainage" heading, Page 19, it provides a history of the d.e i.na;de and solutions to tho various drainage problems of the community. It e se makes reference to the 1972 Gee :11g, Taylor & Associates' drainage study, and `t,es t ese findlnds under Resolution 75 -391 G adopted by the Planning Commission, and, r ;volution 1160 adopted by the City Council im 1975, Mr, Castro stated that, in vim of t.ee *s, :., ;m(ntatiLoo, staff recommends that the Commission find that the exchange of eeopertee between Mr. and Mrs, Carmichael and the City for pending and drainage enineions : rti in f enf ormanco with said. Government Code, Section 65402„ ATTYSTr bftor thy; €Q. lowing action was taken: RESOLUTION NO 78 -634 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FINDING THAT THE ENC:UANGE OF PRCPER"TIES BETWEEN MR. r'`,ND MRS, .:`ACV CARMIZ EL, AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR POT•IGING BASIN AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH , ?i:T CCGr SECTI.ON 65402, On mutton by Commissioner Gor'sli.ne, ,seconded b Commissioner Vandeveer, and by the foliowlinct ro] 3 . ca31. vote, to w)..17.: • eT;tni!sst.` nets L escl:f r, Gore-lien!, Simmons, Vandeveer and AeC`.:1ng Cloairman Harris NOES r Nano ABSENT.: Comm L crr -s o e and 'Moots f,n,r T :?at',A adoneed ehts 15th, day of. August 1978. AWOORNMENT 'e heed 1 , n n re r d • I^.•t,1ea. *.less be.o (: nhd-' C'o6ttm, s ion, the meeting was adjourned et 7.f.43 I', •- f'. i': :..L' 1 ._.1 , Cic rC .r.