PC Minutes 1978-08-01Arroyo Grande Planning Commission August 1, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairperson Cole presiding. Present were Commissioners. Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Simmons and Vandeveer. Commissioner Harris was absent. Planning Director Castro was also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes the regular meeting of July 18, 1978 were approved by Vice Chairperson Cole as :submitted. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 175,:PIZZA HUT RESTAURANT, 1126 GRAND AVENUE. Planning Director Castro reviewed the report July-28, 1978 outlining the staff's concerns regarding drainage. Since the.date of that:report, staff met with the Department of Public Works and found that the information that - should have been submitted to the Architectural Review Committee regarding of the pro- perty in relation to drainage was omitted. Mr. Castro further reviewed the conditions of approval, and requested approval of the project, subject to the conditions outlined. Commissioner Vandeveer expressed concern regarding the'review procedure and requested a further report on the matter. After discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 78 -175 was approved, subject to the conditions as outlined by Planning Director Castro. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -118, "RA -B3 " RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -M" PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRAFFIC WAY AND CHERRY AVENUE (WILLIAMS) . Planning Director Castro reviewed Mr. and Mrs. Williams" application for a zone change, He advised the Commission that this is one of the few remaining properties that the City could utilize for an industrial base, and it was his feeling that the P -M District offers the City enough tools to condition the project, not only in design, but c:irca.lation, signing, height, landscaping requirements, etc. He also appreciated the concerns of the citizens in that area, and resubmitted their petition opposing the project. Mr. Castro :gated that a development plan was forthcoming describing how the lend would be developed, but the material has not come in. He suggested that the hear- ing be opened and testimony be received from those people that may not be able to get back to the public hearing in two weeks. With regard to the drainage, Planning Director Castro advised that the City is ;vase of the drainage problems in the area, and pointed out that there are two • ways to solve these problems; one is through the development of the property, and the other is through capital improvement programming by the City. He stated he couldn't see the capital improvement programming being adequate enough in the community to solve the many drainage problems that we have. Iie felt that the only way improvement can be achieved is through development via requiring the developer to make proper improve- ments at the time development takes place. He pointed out that the whole project area is in a flood plain, so there will have to be some very strict conditioning applied to the development for any of the properties in the area. He further stated that the City is aware of the drainage problems and feels that there are adequate engineering tools to remedy that, but until somebody develops the land or the City has the money to do so, the problem is going to remain as it is. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that the public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 78 -118 had been duly published, posted and property owners noti- fied, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing open. Mr. Denton Adams, 615 Myrtle Street, stated he would be in favor of a capital improvement project because if this property is developed and there is not a capital improvement project for drainage of some sort, people that are two blocks away are affected by something, that is happening now, and if the property does develop with- out a capital improvement project for drainage of some sort, we are going to get it worse. Faith Wescom, 203 E. Cherry Avenue, submitted a petition containing over 230 names reiterating how the residents feel, in that they do not want a Planned Manu- facturing District in that area. Mr_ Dick Purcell, 139 E. Cherry Avenue; D. W. Dyal, 500'Launa Lane; Florence Lenningsdorf, 518 Alien Street; Shirley Gibson, 277 E. Cherry Avenue; Marie Cattoir, 004 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8 -1 -78 Page 2 195 Orchid Lane; R. A. Sevier, 528 Allen Street; Mario Volpe, 323 E. Cherry Avenue; Ms. Howard, 508 Launa Lane; Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak•Hill Road; Mrs. D. W. Dyal, 500 Launa Lane; Paul Haddo: :, 578 Valley Road; Pete Simpson, 510 E. Cherry Avenue; and Bob Foldne::, 416 Allen Street, spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change. Mr. Rudolph Ortega, Architect on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, stated that the property is well suited for a certain type of industrial use, and the petitioners do not intend to create any type of a project that would be considered in any way obtrusive or objectionable from an aesthetic standpoint. After a brief outline of the proposed project, Mr. Ortega further advised that the project, when ultimately developed, will generate approximately in excess of 250,000 square feet of building area, and the important: thing is that the project will create approximately 550 employment opportunities for this community. He further pointed out that this type of project generates substantial tax revenues that will go directly to the Lucia Mar School District, but does not generate one single child. There being no further discussion at this time, Vice Chairperson Cole advised that the public hearing would be continued to the next regular Planning Commission sheeting of August 15, 1978. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - NON- CONFORM- ING USES. Planning Director Castro referred to the recommendation of the Commission members that met at the study session to review the proposed ordinance amendment. He stated that if the Commission members are so disposed to accept these recommend- ations, the staff would so recommend. Vice Chairperson Cole reopened the public hearing and requested comments from the. audience. Piaitning Director Castro read the proposed amendment, which would be the addition of Sec. 9- 4, 2912 to the Zoning Ordinance. There being no further dis- c.R.sslon, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing closed. After a brief discus- son, the f ?, owe g action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78- 628 RESOrUTION OP THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO 24 C, S. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by following roll ea.;t.i vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gorsline, Moots, Simmons, Vandeveer and Vice Chairperson Cole NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Harris the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of August 1978. APPLICATION OF MID STATE BANK FOR REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY STUDY TO CONNECT LINDA DRIVE ?` ND BENNETT AVENUE. . 'lannina Director Castro advised that staff has been approached by Mid State Bank with the idea that they would like to expand on their existing property with additional facilities and, in so doing, they have requested a reconsideration of the road alignment connecting Linda Drive and Bennett Avenue. M.r. Castro described the original street plan as adopted by the City, and the proposed modification. He stated that the matter has been reviewed at staff level, and both the Public Works r')e artment and Planning Department find no serious objections to the connection as shown on the revised map since the alignment does provide for better frontage and development of the properties being affected. With regard to the W'olosz lot split approved by the Planning Commission <. '_eY; Conti'. at ;o, Mr, Castro advised the split was approved subject to Lbo condition 'I:iiat the right of wa':' be deeded to the City for future extension of .i flyi_ve. were no improvements required on that minor subdivision; the reason n' . City was still not certain whether or not the ei: tension of Linda IJr :i •, i.'<11111 "i ., to Bennett Avenue should go through, A2parently there had bceal, :;o1 "e i > i ; . .r? ;1'I :.ii n the connection by residents of Linda Drive and, in reading the p a c can appreciate their concerns about the truck traffic on Linda 1) : :iv is on an up slope. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 8 -1 -78 Page 3 Mr. Castro advised that he has received a number of calls from residents of Linda Drive, and suggested that the matter be continued so that the property owners can be notified and advised of the pending alignment. Mr. Pruett, Mid State Bank, spoke in favor of the proposed realignment. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to continue the matter until the next regular meeting of August 15, 1978 so that all Linda Drive residents could be noti- fied of the proposal. REVIEW OF REVISED PHHIASINAG PLAN FOR TRACT NO. 555. Planning Director Castro advised that at the time the Commission approved this development, staff identified that the first phase of the development ?ould be Unit 1, Lots 1 through 11 facing Stagecoach Road. The tentative .map has not changed; the map still has. the same number of lots and previously approved circulation. The developer now wants to define the development more precisely for construction and purchasing of the property. The City Engineer has reviewed this, and it is felt that with this precise definition of phasing, we wanted to add an additional condition being that "City staff will have discretion in phasing requirements of off -site improvements, as well as final configuration of underground City services ". Staff would recommend the approval of this phasing plan subject to the additional condition. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, that the revised phasing plan for Tract t1o. 555 be approved, subject to the additional condition that City staff will have discretion in phasing requirements of off -site improvements, as well as final configuration of underground City services. •s1 N ORDINANCE Planning Director Castro recommended that this matter be continued to the first meting of September. Ho advised that a revised draft on the sign ordinance would be a va%lable for review. After discussion, it was agreed that the matter of the Sign Od.in +.nce. be set for. September 5, 1978. O At, C ; 1MtI14ICAT IONS Planning; C ih,'c_'.t or Castro suggested the possibility of the Commission requestiwj ., tide meeting with the City Council to go over in general discussion some of the ps i is rM:-t and objectives of the community. After discussion, Planning Director Castro ; s o recited to address a memo to City Administrator Dutch requesting that the Council R c z =.fader a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. IJINMENT There being no further business before the Commission, Vice Chairperson Cole d,ee1ared the meeting ;djeu -2-Re ATTES =1ann ant" Di.rec Vice Chairperson 011