PC Minutes 1978-07-18Arroyo Grande Planning Commission July 18, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairperson Cole presiding. Present are Commissioners Gorsline, Harris, Moots, Simmons and Vandeveer. Commissioner Fischer is absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Castro and Planner Sullivan. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no corrections or additions, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 20, 1978 were approved by Vice Chairperson Cole as prepared. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO AGENDA Planning_ Castro requested that the following items be added to the agenda: 5a. Mr. Castro advised he has received a request from Oak Park Acres for realignment and widening of Oak Park Boulevard. Written Correspondence. Discussion of a written communication from the City Administrator regarding the width of Ash Street near the Sports Complex. Oral Communications. Mr. Castro advised that staff has received a number of calls regarding some of the properties on Tally Ho Road with re- gard to zoning. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1978 -79 FISCAL YEAR After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to postpone election of officers and Committee appointments until a time when all Commission members are present. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -174, PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING, 205 SO. HALCYON ROAD (DR. JENKINS). Planner Sullivan pointed out the location of the proposed construction on the map, advising that the flag lot is triangular shaped resulting from the re- alignment of Grand Avenue and Halcyon Road. The proposed structure is a two story complex with parking and a mechanical room on the ground level and a doctor's office facilities on the second floor. Mr. Sullivan advised that the parking pro- visions meet the Ordinance requirements. There being no further discussion, Architectural Review Committee action, dated July 12, 1978, was approved as sub- mitted. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET NAME CHANGE - "CROWN STREET" TO "CROWN HILL ". Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for the street name change had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing open. Planning Director Castro advised the Commission that a memo had been received from City Administrator Butch, dated May 25, 1978, indicating that the City Council, at their regular meeting of May 23rd, asked that the Planning Commission consider renaming "Crown Street" to "Crown Hill ". Mr. Castro further advised that a letter had been received from Pat and Jerry Sanger, 573 Crown Street, stating that they would be out of town at the time of the hearing and they are in favor of the street name change. art: Ms. Ruth Paulding, 551 Crown Street, and Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, spoke in favor of the street name change. Mrs. Barbara McCoy, 559 Crown Street, stated she would like the name to remain "Crown Street ". There being no further discussion for or against proposed street name change, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing closed. After a brief dis- cussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -626 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE NAME "CROWN STREET" BE CHANGED TO "CROWN HILL ". On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gorsline, Harris, Moots, Simmons, Vandeveer and Vice Chairperson Cole NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Fischer the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of July 1978. 005 006 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -18 -78 Page 2 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - NON- CONFORMING USES. Planning Director Castro requested that the Commission set a date for a study session to review the matter of non - conforming uses as well as a general review of the Home Occupational Uses. After a brief discussion by the Commission, a study session was set for Monday, July 31, 1978 at 5:30 P.M. to review pro- posed zoning ordinance amendment on non - conforming uses and Home Occupational uses. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - PET SHOP IN A "C -N" NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, CORNER OF VALLEY ROAD AND SUNRISE DRIVE (SUNRISE SHOPPING CENTER). Planning Director. Castro referred to a letter from H. C. Elliott, Inc., requesting an interpretation as to whether a pet store would be allowable as a specialty shop in the Sunrise Shopping Center. Mr. Castro advised that the "C -N" section of the Ordinance makes reference to "Specialty Shops ", and that staff finds no objection to the location of a pet shop in this area. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, that a pet shop would be a permissible use in the "C -N" Neighborhood Commercial District. REFERRAL BY CITY COUNCIL - EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR PONDING BASIN PURPOSES. Planning Director Castro reviewed that this matter was discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting and the Commission's feelings were presented to the City Council through City Administrator Butch. He further advised that the documents requested by the Commission for review had not been received. Public Works Director Anderson presented a copy of the agreement for the exchange of properties to the Commission and proceeded to review the proposed transaction. Mr. Anderson referred to a drainage study made approximately in 1970 wherein the plan calls for acquiring 9 acres of property for ponding for about 25 acre feet of water generated from the upper area of Grand Avenue. Mr. Anderson advised that a small piece of property has been acquired with access to Grand Avenue, and the City has also acquired a 50 ft. easement, which is a 50 ft. strip of land right opposite of Courtland Street and is reserved for egress and ingress. Other than that, the City has been unable to acquire the property needed without going to condemnation, which the City Council would like to avoid. With reference to the map marked "Exhibit A ", Mr. Anderson pointed out the area that the City presently owns and has developed the rear portion into a ponding area, however, it is very inadequate. They have talked to Mr. Carmichael who owns the property in between, and he has agreed to exchange the property that the City owns for his property 150 ft. deep all across the back end. The City would give him the City owned property and, in exchange, he would give us the area to use for ponding and for access, however, it wouldn't be given to the City; it would just be used for drainage purposes until the City Council decides it is no longer needed. He pointed out that this solution would solve our drainage problems for this area at the present time, which will last for a number of years and the City wouldn't have to spend any money at this time. The majority of the Commission indicated they didn't feel the recommended property exchange was a good exchange as far as the City is concerned. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Gorsline, and carried, the following recommendation was made: "That the City not exchange its property for an easement from Mr. Carmichael as has been recommended by the City staff. Suggest that the City acquire the portion of Mr. Carmichael's property which it feels is necessary for drainage either through trade or purchase from Mr. Carmichael to be held in fee simple and not as an easement. City planning and negotiations for such drainage area should not be restricted to Mr. Carmichael's property. As a last resort, con- demnation proceedings should not be precluded as a means of obtaining necessary drainage area ". REQUEST FROM OAK PARK ACRES FOR REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD. Planning Director Castro advised that since the approval of the Oak Park development, continuous studies have been made with regard to the Circulation element of the project. He pointed out that one of the concerns expressed at the time the Commission reviewed Parcels 7, 8, 9 and 10 was the adequacy of Oak Park Boulevard. There was a lot of concern expressed as to the alignment of Noyes Road with Oak Park Boulevard and the suggestion was made to straighten Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -18 -78 Page 3 the curve out to eliminate some of the traffic hazards that may arise with the additional population. In addition to the concerns within the project, there is also the Christian Academy's request, which has been acted upon by the City Council, one of the sites selected by the Lucia Mar School District in this vicinity, and the proposed developments in Pismo, and considering what is taking place in the County, staff has re- studied the alignment and the actual right of way. Mr. Castro pointed out on the map the right of way that falls within Mr. Kvidt's property, stating that the other portion of the right of way would have to be negotiated at some time with the City of Pismo Beach. He advised that the suggestion being made for the Commission's consideration tonight is the widening of the right of way, at least for the portion that is owned by Mr. Kvidt. They are proposing a 75 ft. right of way, and staff is recommending that go to an 80 ft. major street. Also, the road is being realigned by taking Oak Park and connecting it to Noyes Road, with Oak Park coming in and "teeing" at Noyes Road, which would eliminate the curve and possible traffic problems that people have been concerned about. He further advised that the matter has been studied by the City and the County, and there seems to be a general agree- ment that this is the way that Oak Park Boulevard should be finally improved. Mr. Castro stated, in his opinion, this would be a fine addition not only to the City, but also to the development, and what may occur eventually in the County area. As far as the portion in Pismo, Planning Director Castro advised that some time ago, staff had a meeting with them when :reviewing possible trades of the Christian Academy School services, etc., and they expressed at that time the desire for this road to eventually be wider than what we were antici- pating, so it was his feeling that the widening of the right of way would meet with their approval. Planner Sullivan pointed out that changing the alignment of Noyes Road would not be creating another parcel. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -627 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF REALIGNMENT AND1 WIDENIING _OFD °OAK PARK BOULEVARD AS PROPOSED. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Moots,- and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gorsline, Harris, Moots, Simmons, Vandeveer and Vice Chairperson Cole NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Fischer the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of July 1978. SIGN ORDINANCE Vice Chairperson Cole advised that the Sign Ordinance would be reviewed at the Planning Commission study session set for 5:30 P.M. Monday, July 31, 1978 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - PLAN LINE REQUIREMENTS ON ASH STREET. Planning Director Castro advised that a memo had been received from City Administrator Butch stating that the City Council, at their regular meeting of July 11, 1978, requested that the Planning Commission and staff review the plan line requirements on Ash Street from Elm Street to the west City Limits, with the thought in mind of reducing the width of the road from 80 ft. to 60 ft. Mr. Castro pointed out that our General Plan Circulation Element shows that portion to be a 64 ft. right of way. Planner Sullivan advised that in 1975 Garing and Taylor did Plan and Profiles for several major streets in the City, and this one happened to get drawn up as an 80 ft. right of way with 64 ft. of paved area, instead of 64 ft. right of way. Mr. Castro stated that the official right of way designation that has been approved by the City is the 64 ft. right of way. He advised that the matter has been discussed by staff, and it was their feeling that this would be adequate. He pointed out that the Sports Complex is going to generate quite a bit of traffic and, if at all possible, parking should be elimi- nated to allow an easier flow of traffic at least on the south side of the right of way, and possibly provide some sort of turning pocket. He further stated that whether the 64 ft. right of way is adequate, in his opinion, should be determined by the City when they review the Sports Complex with The Associates. 007 008 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -18 -78 Page 4 TALLY HO ROAD ZONING Planning Director Castro advised that a lot of calls have been received from property owners along Tally Ho Road inquiring what they can do with their property, such as lot splits, etc. He pointed out that the whole area is zoned RA - B3, which is one acre lots, and the variation of lot sizes range from 6,000 to 40,00 square feet and up. He further stated it was his feeling that the area should be cleared up and defined with the proper zonings. He stated that if the lots are split and are going to remain as such, then they should be so recognized; and those properties of an acre size could be retained as acres. He further stated that with the Focus Report being done for the Tally Ho drainage, maybe the land use and zoning should be reviewed at the same time. Planner Sullivan pointed out that nearly 80% of the lots fronting on Tally Ho Road are below the required 40,000 :square foot minimum lot size. Mr. Castro advised that what he would like to do is merely clear the matter in such a way that you recognize the proper zoning for the lots that are now in existence, otherwise the setback requirements, etc. are totally unrealistic when you base it on an acre and you have 10,000 square foot lots. After a brief discussion, it was the Commission's feeling that there would be too many problems involved at this time to clarify proper zoning designations of existing properties in the Tally Ho Road area. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioners Harris and Moots advised that they would be absent from the next Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Cole at 9:10 P.M. ATTEST: )41V5��/� Secretary // Vice: Chairperson