PC Minutes 1978-06-06Arroyo Grande Planning Commission June 6, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Cole, Moots, Ries, Simmons and Vandeveer. Commissioner Harris is absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Castro and Planner Sullivan. COMMISSIONER HARRIS ENTERED THE MEETING AFTER ROLL CALL AND IS NOW PRESENT. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1978 were approved by the Chairman as submitted. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Planning Director Castro requested continuance of the following Agenda Items: 1.a. Architectural Review Case No. 78 -168, Taco Bell, Grand Ave. 1.c. Architectural Review Case No. 78 -170, plex, South Elm Street (Elmer Smith). 4 Unit Apartment Com- 1.d. Architectural Review Case No. 78 -171, plex, South Elm Street (Elvin Smith). 7. Sign Ordinance. Mr. Castro requested that the following item be added to the agenda: 1.e. Architectural Review Case No. 78 -166, Valley Road and Fair Oaks Ave., (Gospel Lighthouse U.P.C.) 4 Unit Apartment Com- REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -169, CENTRAL COAST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, 227 BRIDGE STREET. Planning Director Castro read the conditions of the Architectural Committee Action, dated May 31, 1978. He referred to a plot plan of the area, noting that the proposed modular will be located directly in back of the church facility. Planning Director Castro pointed out that the parking requirements for the school are in agreement with the Ordinance. After discussion, Archi- tectural Review Committee Action, dated May 31, 1978, was approved by the Chairman as submitted. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -166, FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND VALLEY ROAD (GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE U.P.C.) Planning Director Castro reviewed the conditions of the Architectural Committee Action, dated May 31, 1978. He advised that the concern of the Architectural Committee at their first review was the definition of the win- dows and the exterior materials being used, and they have since submitted a colored rendering depicting the treatment of the building, and the Committee found it to be satisfactory. He pointed out that in the original plans the parking was sub - standard, and has been increased in the revised plans to meet the Ordinance requirements. The applicant has complied with everything the Committee has requested and staff recommends approval of the project. After discussion, Architectural Review Committee Action, dated May 31, 1978, was approved by the Chairman as submitted. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELE- MENT TEXT RE: PRIME I AND II AGRICULTURAL LANDS. Planning Director Castro referred to his memo dated May 31, 1978, with the suggested wording offered by Commissioner Harris amending the General Plan text to permit rezoning of Prime I and II agricultural lands. Commissioner Harris stated, in his opinion, this is the best solution to achieve what ap- parently is the consensus of the opinion of the Planning Commission and City Council. Chairman Gerrish re- opened the public hearing on the Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element Text. There being no discussion for or against the proposed amendment, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -614 G RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -6 -78 Page 2 by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT RE: PRIME I AND II AGRICULTURAL - LANDS. Chairman Gerrish requested comments from the audience on the Request for Negative Declaration. There being no discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -615 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -116; 1219 FARROLL AVENUE, "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "R -3 -D" MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT (FULLER /DAVINO). Chairman Gerrish re- opened the public hearing on Rezoning Case No. 78 -116. l 7 Planning Director Castro reviewed that in keeping with the Commission's recommendation regarding the General Plan Land Use Element endorsing the "R -3 D" classification, the " -D" override will restrict the development to the plans as submitted by the petitioners, which is a planned 30 unit condominium project. He advised that the units will range up to 1200 square feet, and that the maj- ority of the existing trees are being retained on the property, in that the de- veloper has worked the units around the existing vegetation as much as possible. Mr. Castro stated that staff is recommending approval of the zone change request. Roger Fuller, 271 So. Alpine Street, petitioner for the rezoning, was present and spoke in favor of the zone change. He advised that they plan on putting in 30 condominium units and to use as much of the existing landscaping as possible. He stated that the parking is.adequate according to the City re- quirements. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, stated that at the last meeting there was a question brought out as to the amount of traffic that this project would bring into the area, and inquired if anyone had solved this problem. Plan- ning Director Castro advised that The Pike may be one alternative in the future and, hopefully, when Oak Park Boulevard goes through, it may be a means of dis- bursing traffic. He stated he couldn't see any other improvements that would help the traffic flow as it is right now. Chairman Gerrish advised that Mrs. Tallman did have some concerns about the traffic, and Mr. Fuller had provided some traffic statistics. There being no further discussion for. or against the proposed rezoning, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Castro read a statement from Melba Tucker, Manager of the Grandmother's Mobilehome Park, adjacent to the proposed development, endorsing the zone change request. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission 6 -6 -78 Page 3 After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -616 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ✓ a ,.: ABSENT: None the foregoing was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -116, 1219 FARROLL AVE., "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "R -3 -D" MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT (FULLER /DAVINO). There being no discussion for or against the Request for Negative Declar- ation on Rezoning Case No. 78 -116, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -617 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and by the following.roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -117, STAGE COACH ROAD, "RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (ZOGATA). Chairman Gerrish re- opened the public hearing on Rezoning Case No. 78- 117. Planning Director Castro summarized the staff report dated June 5, 1978. He advised that Mr. Zogata's Zone Change request has been continued from time to allow Mr. Zogata and staff to review general concerns regarding circulation, lot densities and grading. Planning Director Castro referred to the latest exhibit submitted by the petitioner. He stated that basically what .staff was concerned about was the topography of the land, and they had indicated to Mr. Zogata that staff wouldn't object to the higher density being accommodated on the flat land in order to minimize as much grading as possible and, after dis- cussing this matter with them, they have submitted the plan now being presented to the Commission. Staff finds this to be a workable scheme, however, there are still some technicalities that have to be worked out on the orientation of the lots, or maybe pre - establishing a setback requirement for some of those properties so that they are workable with the adjoining properties. He pointed out there may be a reduction of anywhere from one to three lots, depending on the conditions that the Public Works Department may have. With regard to Pearwood Avenue, Planning Director Castro advised that the staff felt to bring that minor residential street across and connecting it to Stage Coach Road may not be advisable at this time. There is a through street being created on the adjoining property from Huasna Road all the way up to Stage Coach Road. He stated that the plan previously had lots fronting on Arroyo Grande Planning Commission 6 -6 -78 Page 4 Oak Hill Road and staff felt that there would be problems with that possi- bility; namely, lots fronting on a private street. He stated he would like to recommend the " -D" Override to make this an exhibit zoning, indicating that the plat shall conform substantially to that particular design. Mr. Castro stated that there may be a need for some alterations but, basically, what the surveying group has done is to illustrate that the higher densities will occur in the flat land, with maybe the larger lots being up at the top of the hill where the grading will be minimized. Commissioner Vandeveer questioned why the additional 1,000 feet was recommended for that area. Planning Director Castro advised most of the de- velopment that has occurred on Tract No. 555 and the extension of Oro Drive, for the most part, have required 7,000 feet, however, the Commission could leave it much as it is on a 6,000 foot basis. It was staff's feeling that the general lot configuration of the tracts approved in the past would be appropriate. Mr. Leonard Berry, Surveyor for Mr. Zogata, Bakersfield, California, stated they realize there is same steep terrain in there and it is their in- tention to keep the terrain in its natural state as much as possible. He further stated that they hope to continue the water flow on Pearwood, which would enhance the quality of the water, and they also hope to utilize the existing sewer on Pearwood Avenue. Christine Phillips, 216 Pearwood Avenue, stated her house is right at the end of Pearwood Avenue and Oak Hill Road dumps right into her drive- way. She stated there have been a number of problems when it rains, in that they have mud, gravel and water; when it doesn't rain they have the dust. Any traffic going up and down Oak Hill Road would require that road being paved. She stated she would object to having any houses fronting on Oak Hill Road, or any additional traffic. She further stated that if Pearwood were continued, it would have to go up a very steep hill and they have had severe water problems this past winter, with flooding behind the houses and a good quantity of water coming down Oak Hill Road. In her opinion, if there is a good deal of grading done on top of the hill and if there isn't good control, there is going to be even worse problems for those people living at the bottom of the hill with mud, gravel and water. Planning Director Castro advised that staff is suggesting that the Preliminary Map labelled Study No. 3 shall serve as a general guideline, and its circulation or lot configuration shall not be interpreted as final until it is reviewed by the Subdivision Review Committee. There being no further discussion for or against the proposed zone change, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After considerable discussion among the Commission regarding the sug- gested 7,000 square foot minimum lot size, Chairman Gerrish suggested that per- haps the zoning ordinance should be changed requiring 7,000 minimum square foot lots in the R -1 District. Commissioner Ries stated that if it is found that adequate water lines and sewer lines do not serve that area, then the developer will have to pay for additional lines. Commissioners Vandeveer and Cole stated thay were in agreement with all of the staff recommendations with the exception of the 7,000 square feet minimum lot requirements. Planning Director Castro explained " -D" Override will merely stipulate that the plat will be in general conformance with that particular design and with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet instead of 6,000 square feet, which is the minimum permitted in the R -1 District. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -618 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMEND- MENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4, ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -6 -78 AYES: Commissioners Moots, Ries, Simmons and Gerrish RESOLUTION NO. 78 -619 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE EN- VIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. Page 5 On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: NOES: Commissioners Cole, Harris and Vandeveer ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - REZONING CASE NO. 78 -117, STAGE COACH ROAD, "RA -B3" DISTRICT TO "R -1 -D" DISTRICT (ZOGATA). Chairman Gerrish requested comments from the audience on the Request for Negative Declaration on Rezoning Case No. 78 -117. There being none, the following action was taken: On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - PHASE I (SOUTH SIDE OF FREEWAY). Chairman Gerrish re- opened the public hearing on,Phase .I of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments. Planning Director Castro reviewed the outline, dated May 31, 1978, list- ing the various zone changes that will need to take place to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan amendment recommendations that were made a couple of weeks ago. After review of the proposed zone changes, Chairman Gerrish requested comments from the audience relative to the proposed . changes recommended by staff which,basically, is to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan. Paul Geihs, Pismo Beach, stated he would like to address the Commission with reference to the Baden parcel. He pointed out that at the last meeting there were five members present and there was a split vote as.to the staff recom- mendation on the Baden property. The staff recommended that the entire Baden property be high density consistent with an R -3 zone. In pointing out the justi- fication to the staff's recommendation, Mr. Geihs stated that the obvious reason from the standpoint of land use comprehensive planning, is that the R -3 area, which would include the DeBlauw 16 unit condominiums next door to the Baden piece is a logical buffer between R -3 and what will probably end up to be Highway Ser- vice down below fronting on Grand Avenue, and if you make it R -1, you are going to have houses next to service stations, hotels, motels, restaurants and general offices. There would be no natural buffer zone through there; there are no streets through here, you would just.have Highway Service abutting up against R -1. Mr. Seigfred C. Baden, 1385 Brighton Ave., spoke with regard to his'prop- erty on Brighton Avenue, requesting that the Planning Commission rezone the southerly half of his property to "R -3" District as recommended by the Planning Department. Mr. Conrad Grieb, Route 1, Box 484, spoke with regard to the property on Fair Oaks Avenue. He advised that particular property north of Fair Oaks Avenue was in the City when the City was first incorporated. He inquired what the zon- ing has been on that property in the past. He stated he didn't feel it is right Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -6 -78 Page 6 to take that which was in the City when the City was incorporated and not allow them to do anything but farming, and they are 100% against the change from "RA- B3" to "A" District. In response to Mr. Grieb's question regarding the zoning on the property, Planning Director Castro advised that in 1949 the property was zoned "R -1" and in 1961 it was changed to "RA -B3 ". Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, stated that at the last meeting, the Planning Commission came to a tie vote on the Baden property and it was to go to the City Council for a decision, and she asked how the Commission is going to rescind their motion when the Baden property goes to the City Council for a decision. Planning Director Castro advised that no recommendation has been for- warded yet to the Council on the General Plan Land Use Element. The recommenda- tions will be forwarded when the Commission concludes the rezoning on the north side of the freeway;as the Council wants to have the complete package which in- cludes the General Plan Land Use Element and the zoning that goes along with it. When the matter is presented to the Council, they will be advised of the staff recommendation, and they will also be informed of the action of the Planning Commission in that it came to an inconclusive recommendation. The Council can then review the staff recommendation and the action of the Commission on this property to make their decision. There being no further discussion on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments on the south side of the Freeway, Chairman Gerrish declared the hear- ing closed. Planning Director Castro again reviewed the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments, Phase I, on the South•Side of Freeway 101, Items 1 through 10, as noted in the staff report dated May 31, 1978. After discussion of the items, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78-620 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING MAP, PHASE I, AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR'THEIR ACTION AND ADOPTION. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Ries; and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. With regard to Item No. 11 of the staff report dated May 31, 1978, which is the southern half of the Baden property, Chairman Gerrish advised it is the staff's recommendation that this portion be rezoned from "C -N' District to "R -3" District. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 78 -621 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZON- ING MAP, PHASE I,_ AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR ACTION AND ADOPTION. • On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by*Commissioner Vandeveer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Moots, Ries and Vandeveer NOES: Commissioners Harris and Simmons ABSTAIN: Chairman Gerrish ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. • REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT There being no discussion on the request for Negative Declaration on 52..E 3'2 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -6 -78 Page 7 the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the . following action -wa'sa taken: 'ro c:T' ?li RESOLUTION NO. 78 -622 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Moots, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - NON - CONFORMING USES. Planning Director Castro referred to the memo from Planner Sullivan, dated May 31, 1978, containing the proposed wording to amend Article 29 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding partial conversions of Non - Conforming Uses. He stated that the staff would like to request a study session to review the entire package, including Home Occupation Uses. After discussion, it was agreed that a study session would be held on Monday, June 19th, at 7 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The study session would include discussion of partial conversions of non - conforming uses, home occupational uses and the Sign Ordinance. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Non - Conforming Uses had been duly published, Chairman Gerrish opened and continued the public hearing to the next regular Planning Commission meeting of June 20, 1978. REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX BY THE ASSOCIATES DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, COMMISSIONER MOOTS REQUESTED TO BE EXCUSED AND IS NOW ABSENT. Planning Director Castro reviewed his memo to the Planning Commission, dated May 31, 1978, with regard to the proposed sports complex, and also re- viewed the plan as submitted to the City Council at their meeting of May 15th, and the matter was referred by the Council to both the Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission for their review and comments. He advised that the Parks and Recreation Commission met on May 24, 1978, and their recom- mendations were attached to staff's memo dated May 31, 1978. Mr. Jim McGillis, Sunset Drive, spoke representing The Associates. He explained that "The Associates" is an organization of all of the organized sports leagues in the City and in the County; it encompasses a program that probably more than 5,000 people participate in, and this is the first time that everybody has been able to get together and agree upon a major concen- tration of sports facilities. Mr. McGillis reviewed the proposal for the Commission, stating that the whole concept is subject to the approval of the City Engineer on the grading plan. He advised that The Associates have com- mittments to build the concession stand area, to do the grading, and committ- ments for money on the signs, if permission is granted to put the signs up. He further advised that The Associates are taking the project on as a major fund raising effort to get the park built. They have asked the City Council for $10,000 which would• largely go.for irrigation of the fields. Commissioner Cole pointed out that in the letter to Mr. Butch from the Parks and Recreation Commission, one of the concerns was that there was no expression for an EIR for this particular project. Planning Director Castro stated he had reviewed the need for an EIR and, in his opinion, he couldn't see where we would learn anything new from such a document. He further stated he feels that the plans of the City have expressed that type of development. Mr. Castro stated that at the time the development plans 1 1 1 i 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -6 -78 Page 8 are submitted, we will have to make a determination on a Negative Declar- ation. Mr. McGillis advised what the Associates are asking for tonight is concept approval in order to "get the wheels in motion" on whatever is needed so that they might get advertising signs up in the outfields. With regard to the signing, Planning Director Castro stated that if the Commission is disposed in granting approval of the signs, they could authorize them this evening so long as they are uniform and are going to be maintained. Gee Gee Soto, 312 Alder Street, described the signs, stat- ing they would be 4 x 8 plywood signs with names of businesses on them. She further stated that the Jaycees already have the money to build the concess- ion booths and the bathrooms, and the Babe Ruth League already has the money to put the lights in the stadium. It was further pointed out that the signs could only be viewed from the inside of the ball park. Commissioner Vandeveer stated he is tion is satisfactory, and proposed that the Council that we do accept the concept, with indicated, and accept the signing request. following action was taken: NOES: None RESOLUTION NO. 78 -623 satisfied that the signing por- Commission recommend to the City the reservations that staff has After further discussion, the RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT OF THE ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Harris, Ries, Simmons, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish. ABSENT: Commissioner Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June 1978. COMMISSIONER MOOTS IS NOW PRESENT ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Castro pointed out that the first regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting in July falls on a holiday, and re- quested consideration to cancel the meeting of July 4th. After discussion, it was agreed that the 4th of July meeting be cancelled. Commissioner Cole advised she would be out of the City for the study session of June 19th and the regular Commission meeting of June 20th. HALCYON HILLS EIR With regard to the Halcyon Hills EIR, Planner Sullivan advised that the review pexiodwwill probably be until the first of August. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and . imously car- ried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 523 ATTEST : ,_,p/ 0L, Secretary / ' Chairman