PC Minutes 1978-01-17Arroyo Grande Planning Commission
January 17, 1978
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman
Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Harris, Moots, Ries and Vandeveer.
Commissioner Cole is .dtg;?, L One vacancy exists on the Commission. Also in
attendance are Planning Director Castro, Planner Sullivan and City Engineer Karp,
Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meet-
ing of December 20, 1977 were approved by the Chairman as submitted.
Planning Director Castro advised that included in the packets of the Plan-
ning Commission are various documents pertaining to the improvements and main-
tenance of the Oak Park Acres greenbelt system,. He pointed out that on the first
page of the packet submitted by Mr. Kvidt it describes the description of the
improvement, and also the phasing program that is being proposed. He further ad-
vised that in reviewing the matter, staff didn't see any particular problem with
the phasing program and the time element as it applies to different phases of
the improvements. He pointed out there is also a map describing some of the
physical improvements, and also a larger map outlining some of the hiking trails
and greenbelt areas. Mr, Castro stated there is also a statement, Exhibit B, de-
scribing the enhancement and care of Oak Trees program, and this stems from ad-
vice received from the Forest Service and the University of California Cultural
Science, He advised that the permanent pasture and watering system is described,
and also the hiking, biking and jogging trails, and that staff did not see any
particular problems with the proposal as presented. He referred to the agri -turf
irrigation system and that staff finds the proposal quite acceptable. He also
referred another exhibit which shows in more detail the cross sections of the
paved walk areas, and the pedestrian /bike path areas, wood fencing, and also the
horse trail system.
Planner Sullivan referred to the map and described the area and some of the
proposed improvements. Planning Director Castro pointed out that staff has not
received any definite proposal yet on the planned equestrian complex, and have
advised Mr, Kvidt that staff sees no objection in delaying the building plans un-
til a later date. Mr. Castro advised that the entire project is being recommended
for approval subject to the improvements and the irrigation system satisfying the
Department of Public Warks He pointed out that there are some concerns regarding
the slopes that dre. being proposed, for instance on Lot 7, which is a 3 to 1
ratio, and staff is recommending in approval of that tentative map that the main-
tenance of the slopes be part .. of this greenbelt system also. He commented that
this is all being conditioned as a part of each development coming in.
Mr. Castro stated 'the only other concern staff has, is the proposed white
rail fence, and that they would perhaps like to postpone action on that area until
we have a chance to review the lot definition of holdings and determine whether a
solid fence would be more appropriate since there is no control as far as the main-
tenance of the private areas there and may not be such a desirable view to have as
people use the greenbelt area.- Other than that, staff has no objections to the
approval of the greenbelt area,
Mr, Rueben Kvidt explained the watering system, stating it is a relatively
new system. He pointed but it is a subterranean system, and one of the advant-
ages is that you don't have any sprinklers on which to trip, or on which you have
to have constant. mainteiiance:.. Another advantage is that it only takes about half
as much water.
After a brief di following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissiofiiers Harris, Moots, Ries, Vandeveer and Chairman
1 15 2 -
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 2
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Cole
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of January, 1978.
Planner Sullivan explained on the map the close proximity of Beech Place
and Beech Street, both off of Farroll Avenue. He referred to the memo from
Police Chief Clark requesting that the name of Beech Place be changed due to
the possible conflict of Beech Street and Beech Place, which are located in the
same area. Mr. Sullivan noted that the Planning staff feels that it is appropri-
ate to change this name because it is confusing, and it is recommended that
"Beech Place" be changed to "Diana Place ".
Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for the
proposed street name change had been duly posted and published, Chairman Gerrish
opened the public hearing. There being no discussion for or against the pro-
posed street name change, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed, and the
following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Harris, Moots, Ries, Vandeveer and Chairman
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Cole
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of January, 1978.
Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for the
proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance had been properly posted and published,
Chairman Gerrish declared the public hearing open.
Planning Director Castro referred to the memo forwarded with the Agenda,
dated January 13, 1978, stating staff feels the request from Mr. Wratten does
have merits and that storage facilities in the "R -A" District probably should
be considered for a higher height limitation. The concern staff has is theā¢.close
proximity of single family residential buildings to the "R -A" District and, for
that reason, staff is recommending that the Ordinance be modified to state that
any accessory building exceeding 14 ft. in height be subject to a Use Permit.
This will give the Planning Commission the ability to review the plan, and to
see that no encroachments are being made on the adjoining property.
There being no discussion for or against the proposed amendment, Chairman
Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion by the Commission,
the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Harris, Moots, Ries, Vandeveer and Chairman Gerrish.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1-17-78 Page 3
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Cole
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of January 1978.
Planner Sullivan reviewed that the lot split is on the corner of Arroyo
Street and Pilgrim Way, and involves two standard size "R -1" lots, He re-
ferred to the City Engineer's assessment, wherein he indicated that a 6" water
line be extended along the full length of Pilgrim Way, and that there may be
a sewer line extension required. Currently, according to the City Engineer,
there is a deadend water line on Arroyo Street and a deadend water line on
Orchard Street, The idea is to connect those water mains, In answer to Com-
missioner Harris' question regarding reimbursement to the property owner for
the oversized lines, Planning Director. Castro advised that the City will pro-
vide reimbursement to the developer for the oversized lines, and that the re-
imbursement will come from the other property owners across the street when
they develop their property,
After further discussion, the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Ries, and
by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Harris, Moots, Ries, Vandeveer and Chairman
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Cole
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of January 1978,
Planning Director Castro advised the property in question is the parcel
fronting on Huasna Road and is directly east of Rosewood Lane, and the northerly
line abuts Stagecoach Road., He further advised that the first phase of the ten-
tative map had been approved in 1977, Staff has received a new submittal and,
because of this, it opens up the review process in regard to the tentative tap,
He advised one of the concerns of the Subdivision Review Committee was the soil
and we wanted to make a determination if an Environmental Impact Report would
be required, Staff has reviewed the project and are quite concerned with the
amount of grading that is required on this tract and the potential impact. He
stated that the Soils Report indicates that four feet of soil will have to be
removed and recompacted in some areas, Staff is recommending that the Commis-
sion order a Focus Environmental 'Impact Report; this report should review the
grading, geology, drainage and soils conditions on the entire site, evaluate
the potential impacts, and develop proper :mitigation measures for those poten-
tial impacts, He further advised that the report presented for the first phase
of the project by Cencral''Coast Laboratories has been reviewed, and staff finds
the report very complete and feels that if the report can address itself to the
entire property all at one time, then staff will be in a position to advise the
Commission as to the approval of the tentative, or any phase of the property,
Staff would recommend that the Commission withhold action on the tentative map
until the Focus Report has been completed, and would recommend that the Commiss-
ion direct staff to get this report prepared,
Chairman Gerrish pointed out that in 1977 a tentative map for Tract No, 555
was approved, and the developers have since elected not to use that map, and it
is the staff's recommendation now that they be required to have a Focus Report
on the soils in that area,
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 4
In answer to Commissioner Moots' question as to where the 4 ft. of soil
would have to be removed, Planning Director Castro advised it would be mostly
from the front part of the property where that particular soil condition occurs.
In answer to Commissioner Ries' question with regard to the definition of
a Focus Report, Planning Director Castro explained it is limited to specific
areas, such as grading, geology and drainage that we would like the engineer to
address himself to.
Mrs. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill. Road, stated she lives next to this pro-
posed development and that there are an excessive number of frogs living on
that hill. She stated that in the Five Cities paper it was reported that they
are becoming extinct and she would like to see this covered in the Focus Report
wherein they could be moved somewhere where they can continue to live.
Chairman Gerrish summarized the feeling of the Commission that a Focus
Environmental Report be ordered to cover grading, geology, drainage and frogs.
There being no further discussion, the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Ries, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
Commissioners Harris, Moots, Ries, Vandeveer and Chairman
ABSENT: Commissioner Cole
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of January 1978,
Chairman Gerrish re- opened the public hearing on the EIR for Rancho Grande.
Planning Director Castro referred to the question raised by Mr. Langworthy
at the last meeting as to the review process including the preliminary EIR and
whatever pertinent documents have been prepared for the presentation. He ad-
vised he had written to the City Attorney for an opinion, He read the letter
from City Attorney Shipsey, dated January 17,1978, wherein he stated he had
talked to Dr. Harrow, Dr, Harrow stated he did say that a project could not be
approved until the final EIR has been reviewed and approved, but he did not say
that a project could not be considered until the final EIR had been approved.
Mr. Castro also read a letter from Mr, Albert Browne, addressed to Tom
Butch, dated January 17, 1978, stating: ",., I have no financial interest of
any kind in the Rancho Grande project; also there does not exist any agreement
or agreements, real or implied, written or oral, which could result in any type
of compensation, award or benefits to me, directly or indirectly now or at any
time in the future. These declarations also apply to all members of my family.
The fact that I do not have any financial or beneficial interests in the Rancho
Grande project does not mean that I no longer have a citizen's interest in it,
as well as in other matters which may come before the Commission or Council..."
Planning Director Castro also read a letter from Fire Chief Marsalek, dated
January 17, 1978 with regard to fire rating, which was written in response to
Mrs. Honeycutt's inquiry at the last meeting. Mr, Castro advised that, in dis-
cussing the matter with the Fire Chief, Mr. Marsalek advised him further that
there is very little difference in the fire insurance rate between the Class 4
and the Class 7 within the City, and the major bulk of where fire insurance may
increase is in the commercial or industrial development.
Planning Director Castro also advised he had received a call from Mr.Steve
Rickula, State Office of Planning. He stated Mr. Rickula is in charge of 701
Grants, Coastal Planning Programs, General Plans, Reviews, Specifications and
EIR's. He stated Mr. Rickula had received several calls from several citizens
in the City indicating that (1) the City had not permitted adequate time for
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1-17-78 Page 5
agencies to comment, and (2) he didn't know whether or not we had fulfilled
the Notice of Intent. Mr. Castro stated he; discussed the matter with Mr.
Rickula and advised him what we had done so far, and advised him of the pub-
lic hearings we have had for this particular project: Mr. Rickula indicated
he didn't see any particular problem with the procedure that we are follow-
In reference to some of the comments made at the last meeting, with re-
gard to Mr. Landsman's statement on the 31% growth, Planning Director Castro
clarified that this is an average of the last 11 years of the City of Arroyo
Grande; it varies from year to year depending on how development goes. He
referred to Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs, Langworthy addressing themselves at the last
meeting to the landscaping and buffer areas,. He stated that the staff feels
that maybe the buffer should be part of the greenbelt area, and perhaps the
lot line: should not extend up to that rear property line, and they would recom-
mend that the lots abutting the buffer be a minimum of k acre lots.
With reference to Mr. McCann's concerns regarding the equestrian trail,
Mr. Castro stated they really don't know at this point in time; that the matter
has been discussed between staff and the developer, but no specific plan has
yet been presented. He advised it may be possible to continue the trails from
the Kvidt property, however,there are some problems with the crossing of James
Way which may defeat the joining of those trail systems.
Planning Director Castro advised with regard to the concerns Bill McCann
had on the phasing, he stated the only concern he would have in phasing out
the project or zoning is that you are defeating the whole purpose of a planned
development, and he believed it would be worthwhile to approve the entire pro-
ject, recognize it as such, and then proceed with the approval in phases.
With regard to Mr. Langworthy's concern on the school site, Planning Dir-
ector Castro advised that staff has looked at the State Code requirements, and
there is a provision that stipulates a ten year period, and it also states
that if the land is not used by the School District within ten years after dedi-
cation, the subdivider shall have the option to re- purchase the property from
the District for the amount paid thereof. And also, in response to whether
the site is going to be purchased or donated, Mr, Castro stated he did not know
at this point in time.
On low income housing, Planning Director Castro stated, in his opinion, we
have looked at that and, at this point in time, we question whether any developer
can provide the type of housing Mrs, Honeycutt is addressing herself to without
some type of subsidy.
On the comment made by Mr. Langworthy regarding density, Planning Director
Castro commented he believed the plan provides for a diversified development
providing different types of housing; and has taken the topography into consider-
ation. He stated he feels they have utilized those lands which can be graded
to the maximum and provide different types of housing, as well as retaining
those lands which, because of its natural beauty, should be held and custom de-
sign be applied to those areas.
Planning Director Castro referred to a proposal on the phasing program,
which has been a matter of concern for quite sometime. He pointed out that on
Oak Park Acres there are no requirements to be imposed other than the normal
market restraints, which in his opinion, will take care of the matter. On the
Rancho Grande development, staff is recommending a build -out period in a minimum
of 7 years, plus building permits not to exceed 15% of the total D.U..''s per year
On Halcyon Hills, because of the size of the project, staff is recommending a
five year period, and 20% of the total D.U.'s on a per year basis. On Grande
Highlands, again staff is recommending 5 years and 20% of the total D.U.'s per
Mr. Castro pointed out that in looking at the numbers, beginning in 1978,
because the bulk of Oak Park Acres has already been given tentative approval,
maybe a 8.7% increase in total dwelling units; in 1979 this would drop to 6,5 %,
then the actual bulk of the construction begins in 1980, and we are assuming
that based on the approval that may take place on each one of the projects,
goes up to 8.3% and then drops to 7.7 %, and declining each year to 1985 when it
would drop to 3.9 %. He stated that he feels this is a reasonable number to work
for, but as stated in the Cost Analysis Report, staff feels it may take upward
for 10 years to build -out the developments.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 6
On the sur charges, staff is recommending that the sur charges be city
wide and not only apply to the proposed developments that are under consid-
eration, but to any developer in the City. For the Lucia Mar School District,
a $300 sur charge is suggested for single family residences, $100 for apart-
ments, and none for commercial, As previously pointed out to the Commission,
monies collected for schools will be for construction only and will be admin-
istered by the City. Mr, Castro stated there is also a sur charge suggested
for the City of Arroyo Grande; that is $300 for the first 1200 . gross square
feet, plus an additional 20% per square foot over the 1200 sq. ft, of liveable
area; apartments would be $100 for the first 600 gross square feet, plus 20c
for each square foot thereafter. He stated this would include mobilehome
parks, and we are also asking for a sur charge on commercial developments.
Chairman Gerrish called for anyone in the audience who would like to
speak on the EIR or development plan for the Rancho Grande properties.
Bernard Landsman, Newman Drive, commented on the growth rate, stating
he felt an 8% growth rate is a colossal growth rate for any City. This means
more and more traffic; this means we are going to buy new fire engines, a new
fire station, and probably have to have full time people on the Fire Depart-
ment: He estimated on Rancho Grande alone, figuring one student per home,
there will be 1,000 students, and taking an average of 30 students per class-
room, we are talking about 30 classrooms costing an average of $50,000 each,
which is one and a half million dollars worth of classrooms, He stated he
felt the Commission should think. very carefully before they burden the citi-
zens with the obvious high costs that will come from the 82% growth rate and
colossal developments for a little village of our size,
Mr, John Holloway, Secretary of the San Luis Obispo County Building
Trades Council, 8965 Cabrillo St , Atascadero, stated he is representing a
lot of people that live in this area. He stated he felt we need the housing,
the City needs the tax base, and everybody could benefit from this project.
He further stated we need the expansion and we need the development; this
Country was not founded on "small is beautiful "; it was founded on develop-
ment, it was founded on technological advance., and it was founded on positive
attitudes by our ancestors that were dedicated to making a better future for
those that came after them, Mr, Landsman stated this Country was not founded
by developers; this Country was founded by people who fled from the tyrany in
Mrs, Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, stated she has completely
read the Rancho Grande EIR and, in her opinion, she did not think they have
fully taken in the mitigating measures on what this development is going to
do to this community, She referred to the recent storm, stating that had
those hills all been paved and cemented over, Arroyo Grande would have been
wiped out yesterday, and she did not think the mitigating measures had really
been taken into the correct consideration in this EIR.
Elsie Laycock, 110 Longview, Pismo Beach, stated she is a Realtor and
she wanted to point out that as of January 13th in the Mid Coast Multiples,
which are the five cities and includes Nipomo and some housing in San Luis
Obispo, there are only 115 houses actively being worked on right now that are
for sale. She stated that in Arroyo Grande, there are 36 houses; there are
only 18 of them that are under $74,500 and they go up to $149,900. In Oceano,
there are only 21 houses for sale. She further stated she has checked and
right now there are only 3 buildable lots for sale in Arroyo Grande. She
pointed out she has a list of 34 names of people who are looking for lots to
build on, and it was interesting that out of the 34 names, there are only 5
people who don't have a 489, a 481 or a 544 number, so it is people in our own
community who are looking for places to live,
Mr, Langworthy, Arroyo Grande fringe, stated one of the very important
questions is exactly how much are we going to sacrifice, and one important el-
ement of sacrifice which not only the City of Arroyo Grande but the entire
South County area would be required to bear would be to allow the City of Arroyo
Grande alone to grow 82% within the next year, and a minimum of 5% over the next
7 years, which is what it comes down to if all phasing programs goes into effect.
We will increase our population from those four developments alone by 50% in the
City of Arroyo Grande within the next 7 years, That will generate a need for
some 1200 student stations in Arroyo Grande alone; the Lucia Mar District has
somewhere between 750 and 900 seats for students available, depending on whether
or not you want to deduct the fact that the Valley Road High School is 150
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 7
students over its limit. Also all of the other cities in the South County
are busy growing too, and in a sense we have all five or six areas busy spend-
ing the same thing. We are all saying it isn't our problem because it belongs
to the entire South County; but it is our problem, we are absolutely part of
it and if we don't take it into account, then we have sacrificed our children
in order to achieve a growth rate somewhere between 5 and 8 %%, Mr. Langworthy
stated he is curious as to the status of the school site as to whether the
developer proposes to donate or to sell the property to the Lucia Mar School
District, pointing out it may be a trivial matter because the School District
doesn't have any money to build a school, and the fact that the sur charge
would be but a small fraction of the amount needed to build the school that
will be required by Rancho Grande alone,
Mr. Langworthy further stated with regard to Mr, Castro's comment of
wanting to protect the flexibility of the planned development as much as
possible, it seems to him that the type of phasing program proposed here is
very permissive and vague; the development is to be built out in a minimum
of 7 years; the developer could build 99.77 in the first two years if the
market place would allow it, Planning Director Castro called Mr, Langworthy's
attention to the rest of the statement; Mr, Langworthy read the rest of the
statement and advised he would take his comments back,
Mr. Langworthy pointed out that on the fringe on the north and northwest
side, the relatively high density R -1 land abuts onto the County land on its
north and the lowest density part of Oak Park Acres, which has previously been
approved, and it seems that a more developed buffer zone would be an appro-
priate thing,
In answer to Chairman Gerrish's question with regard to the school site,
Planning Director Castro advised that the Map Act requires that there be a
contractual arrangement between the School District and the developer at the
time of approval of the tentative map, and that the cost for the purchase of
the land be resolved between the developer and the School District, If within
ten years the school doesn't use the site, the developer can re- purchase the
property back from the School District,
Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated she has lived here all of her life
and she was concerned about the cost factor. She stated many citizens feel
that they are not going to be able to afford to live in this community any more,
She referred to Mr. Castro's projection of the new City employees that will be
necessary within the next ten years, and we are also faced with tax re- assess-
ment, She stated she feels like we are being manipulated by a corporate mach-
ine and it is changing our whole destiny, it is coming too quick and we are not
going to be able to cope with it,
Mr. Harold Deal, 609 Myrtle St,, stated he has been in Arroyo Grande for
28 years, is the Business Representative for the Operating Engineers, and he
is in complete agreement with this project,
Mr, Paul Haddox, 587 Valley Road, inquired if the taxes on a home will pay
for the services required for the people who live in it., Planning Director
Castro advised that what the sur charge is intended for is to provide revenues
to the City for both capital improvement as well as services for new development.
The additional revenue that staff has projected on the Cummulative Cost report
is additional monies that the City will be getting plus the sur charge, We feel
the additional cost of the services and improvements for the development will
not be as great as those monies being received,
Mrs, Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated that all the talk of these
three developments are really frightening the people that have been here all
of their lives, They want to live in this community but property values are
already rising, so how can we, if these projects go through, build into the
program so that if.we need police cars for instance, we can get them through a
sur charge of some kind. She stated this is being done in other cities like
San Jose, She requested that the City look into this and see what programs
could be used as a back up, Planning Director Castro stated that, in his opin-
ion, we have done this to some degree, and what we are saying is that the sur
charge is for capital improvement and services in the community. He further
stated that staff has looked into these programs in other cities.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 8
Mr, John Holloway, 8965 Cabrillo, Atascadero, stated he has seen:-this
town expand for 20 years and we have faced the same problems - extension of
facilities, tax increase, inflation, etc. These problems are inherent with
every governmental agency and the problems have to be solved and whatever it
costs, that is what you have to pay. We are talking about a projection of
probably 2200 units for people to live in. He pointed out that we have got
kids that have been going to school here, that hare graduated and don't have
a place to live here. He stated development will bring a new tax base here
for the City, a potential for a lot of jobs for people in the construction
industry which would decrease the unemployment rolls in the construction in-
dustry, and he strongly urged the Commission to go ahead with it
Mr. Clarence Mallory, Route 2, Box 724, Arroyo Grande, stated he was
born and raised here and he is in favor of the EIR,
Mr, George Maddox, 1530 Monterey Street, speaking on behalf of himself
and the Labors International of North America stated that he is in complete
approval of this project,
Mr, Earl Patton, Santa Maria, stated that if the people of Arroyo Grande
didn't want the project, they would take it is Santa Maria.
Mr. Ron Snyder, 755 Paul Place, stated he is now in a position where he
can move up to a more moderately priced home in this development if it is
completed, otherwise he is stuck where he is, He stated that in these meet-
ings, everybody is so stuck on the economics of the community and he felt if
people can come in and spend $60,000 to $200,000 for a home, you are getting
the type of person that is beneficial to the area, He felt that a person
that is making a few dollars is not looking to rip off his stereo, T. V.,
etc,; they keep up their area and take a little bit of pride in what they are
working for, He further stated he is definitely for the project and would
like to be a member of it,
Peggy Langworthy, Printz Road, stated it is a well know fact that what
is happening is that the parents of Cal Poly students are finding that they
can pay their kids way through college by buying a house, letting their kids
live in it, and sell it after they are through with it, This is what has
been giving a lot of rise to the problems in San Luis Obispo. She stated we
are having a problem of overflow of not only the working families in San Luis
Obispo, but also the student population,
There being no further comments, Chairman Gerrish advised that the public
hearing would be continued to the next regular meeting of February 7, 1978,
Chairman Gerrish requested that the staff submit a summarization of the
public comments of the areas in which the public is concerned with, He fur-
ther stated he would like to have that summarization available by the first
of February so that those people who are concerned can review it before the
next meeting,
Mrs. Honeycutt requested that the Cost Analysis Report be summarized by
Mr. Castro at the next meeting,
Chairman Gerrish stated that at the next meeting he would like to re -open
the public hearing for further discussion of those matters that the public
has commented about, if there is any further discussion, and would also like
to have the developer rebut anything they think is a problem, He stated he
would then close the public hearing and limit discussion of the EIR to the
Commission. Chairman Gerrish further advised he would like to have the con-
tinuation of the public hearing for the Zone Change that same evening. Chair-
man Gerrish requested the staff to give an indication of where the mitigating
measures contained in the Environmental Impact Report have been taken care of
by the developers through a checklist or something that can be easily under-
Planning Director Castro stated the letter sent to the Commission with
their agenda from City Engineer Paul Karp was in response to a request from
the Commission at their last regular meeting with regard to the traffic on
Valley Road,
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -17 -78 Page 9
Mr, Castro also referred to a letter from Mr. Hogan requesting permission
to move his business from 1260 to 1254 Poplar Street, He stated he has dis-
cussed the matter with Mr, Hogan and advised him that the matter regarding 1260
Poplar was a non - conforming use, and that it is impossible, according to the
Ordinance, to go from a non - conforming use to a conforming use, and then revert
back again.
Mrs, Hogan was in the audience and advised the Commission that the property
in question was a rental and a few months ago they decided to try putting the
office in there instead of in the home, She explained that since that time they
decided that the arrangement wasn't going to work out, and they would now like
to put it back as residential property, Mrs, Hogan further pointed out that
the building was never modified in any way; that it is still exactly as it was,
and they only used the living room as an office,
Planning Director Castro advised that the zoning there is "C -N ", but that
there is a good portion of that property that is basically residential use,
Commissioner Harris pointed out that since the non - conforming use was aban-
doned, and even if it is only abandoned for two months, you don't get it back
again., He further stated that since the neighborhood is still almost entirely
residential, he felt the deficiency is in the Ordinance, but he did not feel
that the Planning Commission could violate it's own ordinance by allowing this
non - conforming use,, He felt that the proper may to gb this- wou -ld- require
a change in the ordinance and not to willfully violate the ordinance,
Mr, Al Browne commented he believed that if there is a non-- conforming use
that has been abandoned or has not. been ,ontinuous for less than a year, then
that use can continue, and if it is for more than a year, then the use can no
longer be continued,.
After considerable discussion, Commissioner Ries pointed out that we have
a citizen here that has been conducting a business without any complaints, and
she is trying to do the right thing by the law, and it was his feeling that
the matter should be referred to staff to work out a solution. Chairman Gerrish
stated he agreed with. Commissioner. Ries, and the matter was referred to staff
to solve the problem,. Mrs, Hogan was advised to check with Planning Director
Castro with regard to the matter.,
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman
at 10 :00 P,M,