PC Minutes 1971-11-023>84
Arroyo Grande" Planning Commission. -•
November 2, 1971
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman
Schultz presiding. Present are Commissioners Berryhill, Bowles, Jones, Nunes,
Porter and St. Denis. Also in attendance are City Administrator Butch, Mayor Levine
and Planning Director Gallop.
Chairman Schultz noted a correction in the minutes of October 19, 1971,
Page 6, Paragraph 5, in that the date should be corrected from September 21st to
September 1st. On motion of Commissioner Bowles, seconded by Commissioner Nunes,
and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 19, 1971 were
approved as corrected.
Director Gallop advised that when the new 18th Street - Central -Oak Park Blvd.
was reconstructed several years ago, a parcel of property was acquired by the Division
of Highways for this redevelopment, which is .3 of an acre in size and is in the
bottom of quite a deep hole. There is an expression of interest by the abutting
property owners and others to acquire this property. The Division of Highways have
referred it to the City of Arroyo Grande for an indication as to whether we are
interested in the property or not. This matter was taken to the City Council last
Tuesday, and they in turn have referred it to the Parks and Recreation Commission and
this Commission for consideration.
Director Gallop further advised that the Parks and Recreation Commission
considered the matter at their meeting of October 27th and, after discussion, con-
sidering the amount of fill and the cost of an extension of the drainage tube,
agreed that they would not be interested in this property for park purposes because
of the marginal effect as compared to the cost of the development.
Director Gallop further advised that if this Commission has no interest in
the property, the City Council will be so informed and the Division of Highways can
release it as they see fit. He pointed out that if the property is purchased and
developed, the purchaser will have to take care of the drainage. Director Gallop
referred to a memo from Director of Public Works Anderson, dated 10- 20 -71, advising
that the property is of no importance to the City as far as his department is con-
After discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nunes, seconded by Commissioner
Berryhill, and unanimously carried, that the Planning Commission go on record as
having no interest in the .3 acres offered by the State Division of Highways at Oak
Park Boulevard and Frontage Road.
Director Gallop advised the Commission that the League of California Cities
Quarterly Meeting will be held in Paso Robles on November 19th at the Country Clubs
with the Study Session starting at 4 :00 p.m., social hour at 6 :00 p.m., and dinner
at 7:00 p.m. He requested that anyone wishing to attend the meeting contact City
Clerk Kingsley for reservations no later than November 15th.
PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 71 -177 - Anna M. Laing for P. T. & T., 981
Bennett Ave. - Corporation Yard.
Director Gallop advised that the request is on the part of the Telephone
Company to expand their existing corporate yard located on the westerly deadend
of Bennett Avenue. He further stated that several years ago a development plan
was adopted providing for the extension of Bennett Avenue and Linda Drive.
Director Gallop pointed out that the Telephone Company plan is for an
extension of two existing buildings, redevelopment of the pole yard, black topping
to provide additional parking, and the parking area which presently exists is in-
dicated to be landscaped. They indicate sidewalk, curb and gutter would be ex-
tended down to the extension of Bennett Avenue to their southerly property line.
Director Gallop referred to a memo from Director of Public Works Anderson,
dated November 2, 1971, which reads as follows "The City to provide 60' right -of-
way for the southerly extension of Bennett Avenue. Developer to provide curb,
gutter and 10' sidewalk on all street frontage, and 32' pavement area on the
southerly extension of Bennett Avenue from existing pavement on Bennett Avenue
adjacent to their westerly property line ".
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -2 -7T Page' 2
Upon being assured by Director Gallop that public hearing for Use Permit
Case No. 71 -177, had been duly published, posted and property owners notified,
Chairman Schultz declared the hearing open.
Mr. Gene Artru, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., was present and ad-
vised that they have reviewed the plans with Mr. Gallop; and they would object to
street improvement as to the paving of Bennett Street, as they feel It is not a
street as yet, and Improvement would be the responsibility of the City. He further
stated they had no objections to staff recommendations 1 and 2, or the sidewalk,
curb and gutter.
Mr. Bob Goulart, 801 Opal Drive, stated that In many cases before this
Commission It has been the normal procedure that when the area is developed, the
property owner pick up his half of the street and improve the street to City speci-
No further discussion for or against the proposed Use Permit, Chairman
Schultz declared the hearing closed.
Director Gallop further advised that the street will be a 40' street,- ; and `
that the 32' Improvement would be two driving lanes plus a parking lane. Mr Artru
advised that the Telephone Company does not own this property and they are not
obligated to do any improvements if they do not wish to. Director Gallop stated
it is not the concern of this Commission as to whose responsibility it is to make
the improvements; If the Commission feels this Is a reasonable requirement, the
responsibility Is between the two parties involved.
After further discussion, the following action was taken;
CASE NO. 71 -177.
On motion of Commissioner Berryhill, seconded by Commissioner St. Denis,
and by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: 'Commissioners Berryhill, Bowles, Jones, Nunes, Porter, St.
and ,Chairman Schultz
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of November, 1971. .
Director Gallop edvTsed that the property in question Is adjacent to the R-
property on which Dr. Wical has Just completed a mobllehome park. He pointed out
that when Dr. Wlcal submitted this request for rezoning, he omitted in his appli-
cation a rezoning request for a second weal immediately west; and that a second
rezoning application has now been filed for this omitted parcel, which Is scheduled
for a public hearing at the Planning Commission mooting' of November 16th. He
advised that the original parcel consisted of 5.1 acres and contains 33 mobllehome
spaces, and that he was through the park the other day and noted that the land-
soaping and all requirements of the original Use Permit had bean met.
Upon being. assured by Director Gallop that public hearing for Rezoning Case
No. 71 -54 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman
Schultz declared .the.hearing open..
Mr. Bob Goulart,. 801 Opal Drive, advised his objection to the rezoning is
that since the existing Use Permit was Issued, there have bean some changes in
requirements for mobilehome parks, and In his opinion, these new requirements
should be considered before approving a rezoning to R -3. Director Gallop advised
that Dr. Wicai's present Use Permit will not cover the proposed expansion, and
that he will be required to file a new Use Permit to cover same.
Mrs. Pat Phillips, Star Route Box '98, inquired about the density. Director
Gallop advised the density could be 7 to 7i units par acre.
Dr. Wlcal, the;'petitioner, was present and advised that the present mobile-
home park Is cp0101 :ete1°y filled and has been well received by the public, and that
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1.1 -2 -71 Page 3
approximately 75% of the people renting. have come from out of town.
No further discussion for or against the proposed Rezoning; Chairman Schultz
declared the hearing closed.
Director Gallop suggested that, if the Commission wishes to approve this
with a recommendation to the City Council, he would recommend that the Resolution
be withheld until the next meeting so that the two rezoning ca:ses..cou-ld go to the
Council at one time. Dr. Wical approved this suggestion.
On motion ofCommissloner Bowles, seconded by Commissioner Porter,. and
unanimously carried, the decision was held' over to the Planning Commission meeting,
of November 16th, 1971
Director Gallop advised that at the last regular meeting of the City Council
there were some decisions made on the recommendations of the Director of Public Wor
on priorities for street development within the City. The number one priority was
given to Cherry Avenue, and the Director of Public Works recommended, and the City
Council approved, that the Plan Line be adjusted.
The original plan line showed the entire right -of -way for Cherry Avenue
being taken from the south side of the street, and in Mr. Anderson's recommendation
he is recommending that this be changed and 14 feet be taken off of the north side
which would then leave 30' to be taken from the south side. This would permit two
lane traffic being developed within the very near future. The .City Council has
authorized Mr. Anderson to exchange curb and gutter for right -of -way from the
property owners on the north side of Cherry. Director Gallop advised that two
small homes would be seriously affected, and that Mr. Anderson has talked to one
of the property owners, who has approved of this change. The other property owner
was not available at the time. Director Gallop pointed out that this item rs in
the 71 -72 budget, so if the plan line Is changed, then this Improvement could be
undertaken this fiscal year before July of 1972, and that if the plan line is to
be altered, it would require another public hearing and a recommendation to -the City
Council that this change be made.
Director Gallop indicated that as the area develops, traffic problems are
created, and the proposed amended plan line will afford better alignment and per-
haps give us a better Intersection with Pacific Coast Railway Piece, and would
give immediate two way traffic on Cherry Avenue from Traffic Way to Pacific Coast
Railway Place.
In answer to Mr. Carranza's,question as to how much this Improvement Is
going to cost the City, Administrator Butch advised that the money will come from
gas tax funds, and these funds can only' be spent on street Improvements. Mr.
Butch further pointed out that the City has a. lot of problems with this one way
After further discussion, on motion of Commissioner Bowles, seconded by
Commissioner Porter, and unanimously carried, that a public hearing be set for
December 7, 1971 for the proposed amendment to the Cherry Avenue Plan Line.
Mr. Goulart Inquired as to why there were no sidewalks in the area in front
of Folkert's Furniture Store, as he felt it should be required from a public safety
standpoint, and asked If the City could force sidewalks In this area. Administrato
Butch advised that at one time the Planning Commission did recommend this to the
City Council, and he outlined the problems. Involved in Installing sidewalks on
this property.
Mr. Gallagher stated that cars parked n front of Bates Plumbing Shop
stick out into the vehicle traffic way, and felt that the area should be red
zoned down to where It Is safe to park a car In that area. Director Gallop
pointed out. that Halcyon Road Is a very narrow street for the traffic It carries,
and that the area In front of the Plumbing Shop, Realtor's Office, etc., is all
private property and the City could not red line It even if they wanted to.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -2 -71 Page 4
Mr. Goulart noted that he had Just passed by the - Philadelphia Tire Recap_
Shop and noticed a mass of blue smoke coming from their chimney and, in his opinion,
this was a violation of their Use Permit.
Commissioner Nunes, representative to the Coastal Valley,Planning Council,
advised that both Grover City and the County have officially changed "Frontage
Road" to "El Camino Real ", and the Planning Council has requested that this Commission
once again consider renaming the portion of Frontage Road within the City, of Arroyo
Grande to "El Camino Real ".
After discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nunes, seconded by Commissioner
Bowles, and unanimously carried, that a public hearing be set for November 16th,
to again consider renaming that portion of Frontage Road within the City of Arroyo
Grande to "El Camino Real ".
The Planning Commission reconvened to a study session at 8 :50 P.M. with
members present as shown on roll call with the exception of Commissioner Porter,
who Is now absent.
On motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Nunes, and
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :15 P.M.
ATTEST: / < e,
Cha 1 rman