PC Minutes 1970-12-15Planning Commission Arroyo Grande, California December 15, 1970. The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Moss presiding. Present are Commissioners Bowles, Nunes, Porter, St. Denis and Strother. Commissioner McMillen is absent. Also in attendance are City Administrator Butch, Councilman Wood and Planning Director Gallop. MINUTE APPROVAL On motion of Commissioner Bowles, seconded by Commissioner Porter; and un- animously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of December 1, 1970 were approved as prepared. With regard to the minutes of the meeting of December 1, 1970, Rezoning Case No. 70 -40, Commissioner Strother stated he believed the reasons as given in the minutes for denial of the zone change should also be included in the resolution. Director Gallop was requested to have the reasons for the denial included in Resolution No. 70 -181, LETTER OF RESIGNATION Director Gallop read a letter of resignation addressed to the City Council, dated December 7, 1970 from Harry McMillen, which will be forwarded to the City Council for their action. Chairman Moss requested that Director Gallop write a letter of appreciation to Mr. McMillen.for his past years of service. COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL Commissioner St. Denis reported that at their last meeting, the Coastal Valley Planning Council again discussed the need for a name change on old Highway 101, from Barnett Street to Halcyon Road within the City of Arroyo Grande, which was referred back to the Coastal Valley Planning Council for further study by the Arroyo Grande City Council. He further advised that San Luis Obispo County and Grover City had approved the change to El Camino Real, and the Coastal Valley Planning Council re- commended that the matter again be referred back to the City of Arroyo Grande for consideration, Commissioner St. Denis also reviewed a letter from the California Mission Country Visitors Association, which indicated that their organization, which was instrumental in having U S. Highway 101 designated as "El Camino Real ", recog- nized that marry cities use the same name on streets paralleling the freeway, or streets upon which the highway was formerly located. After discussion, on motion of Commissioner St. Denis, seconded by Commissioner Bowles, and unanimously carried that a recommendation be resubmitted to the City Council to change the name of "Frontage Road" from Barnett Street northwesterly to the west City Limits to "El Camino Real ". Commissioner St. Denis advised that another item that came up for discussion at the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting was the Central Boulevard -18th Street - Oak Park Road matter. Director Gallop pointed out that several years ago the County recommended that Oak Park Road and 18th Street be changed to Central Boulevard, This was recommended by the County Planning Department, went through the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, who acted on the recommendation, However, it was not until after they acted on it that it had been referred to Pismo Beach, Grover City and Arroyo Grande. Grover City and Pismo Beach did not make the change, which has resulted in confusion of proper identification. This matter was discussed by the Coastal Valley Planning Council and was referred to the Grover City Planning Commission for their consideration, and they discussed it last evening. The Coastal Valley Planning Council recommended that Oak Park Boulevard be considered for the entire length of this road from one block south of Grand. Avenue northeasterly to its present terminus. The Grover City Planning Commission, last night after considerable discussion agreed that this would probably be the better name for this road and they are now going to take it to their City Council, Mr. Gallop further advised that this is being brought up for information ,only at this point, and will probably be a recommendation from the Coastal Valley Planning Council at a later date. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 70 -41, LOTS 399 40 and 41 STEELE'S RESUBDIVISION, RA -B3 TO R -1_ (ADDISON WOOD) Dtrector Gallop advised that the request is to rezone three parcels consist- ing of app'roAmately 5+ acres located immediately east of Garden Street between Myrtle and Cherry. The property is presently in walnuts and has been on the market for some time, and the petitioner indicates that subdivision of the property is pro4 posed. He also advised that this R -1 would be a continuation of existing R -1 zoning 011 the west side of Garden Street and it would appear to be a logical extension of Planning Commission, 12 -15 -70 Page 2 of the zoning and use of the property. Upon being assured by Director Gallop that the Public Hearing for Rezoning Case No. 70 -41 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Moss declared the hearing open. Mr.. Wood was present and spoke in favor of the rezoning. He stated he is in the process of purchasing these three lots, that the property is now zoned in a holding type zone, and R -1 appeared to be a logical zone, and he would like to con- tinue with the residential development on these five acres. Mr. Bill McDonald, 756 Myrtle Street, stated he was in favor of retaining the present zoning. Mr. McDonald . referred to a statement in the General. Plan which pertains to low density residential uses, aNd ft was his opinion that it would be to the best interests of the property owners in the area to retain this area in large lot development, and to retain the open space atmosphere. Mrs. Pat Phillips, 762 Cherry, was present and stated she was opposed to the small lot development and also would like to retain the large lot development. Mr. Reed, Cherry Lane; Mr. Stillwell,, 734 Myrtle; Mrs. Adel McDonald, 736 Myrtle; Mr. George Rayback, 404 Lierely Lane all spoke against the zone change. No further discussion for or against the proposed zone change, Chairman Moss declared the hearing closed. In answer to Commissioner Strother's question as to how many vacant lots in the City are in R -1 Zones that have not been built on, Director Gallop estimated that there are probably less than ten or fifteen lots in the City that are available and buildable. He further advised that builders are continually coming into the office and asking what building sites are available, and the few that we were aware of have all been sold for building purposes. Commissioner Strother read a letter he had received after giving a talk at the county wide meeting of the County Development Association. The letter expressed agreement with his views on preserving farm and agricultural lands. Commissioner Strother stated it is important to preserve what farm lands we have if at all possible. Commissioner St. Denis inquired as to how many people are living on the larger lots in this area. Mr. Finley advised that most of the properties to the east are two to five acres; there is one that is close to half an acre, and the two smallest lots are approximately 83 x 140 ft. Commissioner Porter stated the question he had is who is going to pay for these open spaces. The way it is set up now, certain people are going to be penalized to maintain open spaces. After additional discussion, on motion of Commissioner Bowles., seconded by Commissioner Strother, and carried with one no vote, that this matter be tabled until the next regular Planning Commission meeting to enable the Planning Commission additional time to look at the property in question. Chairman Moss advised the audience that a continuation of the rezoning would be on the Agenda at the next regular Planning Commission meeting of January 5, 1971, at approximately 7 :45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT :CASE NO. MARIA NEON FOR PHILADELPHIA TIRE, 821 GRAND AVENUE -.FREE STANDING' SIGN Director Gallop advised the request is to erect a free standing sign in connection with an existing retail business adjacent to the Union Station on Grand Avenue. The application indicates that the sign would have 14' clearance from grade, and sign face would. be 6' x l ' or 72 square feet, with an overall height of 20', all within the district limitations. Director Gallop advised that the proposed sign would take the place of light standard that is there now. Upon being assured by Director Gallop that Public Hearing for Use Permit Case No 70 -165, had been duly published, postedand property owners notified, Chairman Moss declared the hearing open. No discussion for or against the pro- posed Use Permit, Chairman Moss the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 70 -182 U A RESOLUTION OF THE , PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARRDYO';G.RANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, . CASE NO. 70 -165.. 319 3.24 Planning Commission, 12 -15-70 On motion of Commissioner St. Denis, seconded by Commissioner Bowles, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: . AYES: Commissioners Bowles, Nunes, Porter, St. Denis Strother and Chairman Moss NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner McMillen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of December, 1970. Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO 70 -45 OPERATION OF MORTUARY CORNER OF BELL AND BENNETT (J. BRUCE IOPPINI) Director Gallop advised the request is to convert an existing church building to a_ mortuary. Plans have been submitted with the application. The petitioner pro- poses to close the entry on Bennett Street and conduct all services from the Bell Street side. He also indicated that all funeral services would be conducted on Bell Street directly to Frontage Road. The building will be renovated and extensive land- scaping done as indicated on the plans. The building is an existing non - conforming structure, with very little potential use for such a structure except a, church or mortuary. Director Gallop read.a statement of the applicant, Mr. loppini. Upon being assured by Director Gallop that public hearing for Variance Case No. 70 -45 had been duly posted, published and property owners notified, Chairman Moss declared the hearing open. "0 Mr. loppini was present and spoke in favor of the variance being granted. He stated that the property is unsalable as a church and has been since the Assembly of God Church moved,athd is ideally situated for this facility. He also mentioned he knew of two other mortuaries in this County that are situated near residential areas, and the only problem is the parking situation for services, and the facility on Bell and Bennett has an adequate parking lot for 45 cars, is fully paved, and is separated by a 3 foot block fence around the parking lot. Mrs. Lucille Lor, 612 Bennett. Avenue, was present and referred to three letters; one written to the Planning Commission, one personal letter signed by Mr. and Mrs. Lor, and a letter signed by the neighbors, expressing their objections to the proposed mortuary. Commissioner Strother read the letter dated November 29, 1970, signed by Mr. and Mrs. Lor, and containing the signatures of 28 residents of Western Addition indicating their objection to the proposed mortuary. Mrs..Aspittle, 609 Bennett Ave., stated she lives directly across the street from the church on Bennett and objects to the proposed mortuary. Mrs. Alarcio, 311. Alpine Street, stated she is against the proposed mortuary because she feels it will reduce the value of the property. Mrs. Betita, 310 No. Alpine; Mr. Manuel Victorino, 210 Bell Street; Mrs. Bayona, 609 Faeh; Mrs. Law, 304 No. Alpine; Marie Victorino, 210 Bell Street; and Mrs. Seeley, 305 No. Alpine, were present and spoke against the proposed mortuary. Mr. Ernest Renshaw, 615 Bennett Avenue; stated he was in favor of the mortuary inasmuch as the building is unsightly at the present time,, and he felt the mortuary would improve the property. Mrs. Madsen, 508 Cornwall; Mrs. Renshaw, 615 Bennett, and Mrs.. Irene Sharps, 220 No. Alpine were present and spoke in favor of the proposed mortuary. No further discussion for or against the proposed variance, Chairman .Moss declared the hearing closed. Director Gallop pointed out to the Commission that a variance is granted because of an existing hardship on the property, which could be any one of a number of reasons. In this case, it is a pre - existing condition that makes it impossible or unlikely to use the structure in the district in which it is.lo- cated. On motion of Commissioner Strother, seconded by Commissioner Porter, that the hearing be postponed to a.later date so that " Mr. loppini could meet with the property owners to resolve their difficulties, motion was lost for lack of a unanimous vote. . After further discussion, the following a`, :tion was taken: 1 1 .Tlanning Connniesion 12~15~70 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO4 70-183 V ATTEST: Secretary -- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANN|NG_'COMM|SSION OF THE F CITY � ARROYO GRANDE GRANT|NG VARIANCE, CASE NQ, 70~45. On motion of Commissioner Nunes, seconded by CpmmYssYonarWpwliS, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: : AYES: Commissioners Bowles, Nunes, Porter and St. Denis NOES: Commissioner Strother and Chairman Moss . ABSENT: Commissioner McMillen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of Decamber, 1970^ Chairman Moss advised that anyone wishing to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council could do so by contacting Clty_clerk Miller within ten dpyy^ ADJOURNMENT There baing no further business before the Commission, Chairman Moss declared . the- meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. ` -�� Chairman ,���� ������