HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1967-12-19121
Planning Commission
Arroyo Grande, California
December�l9, 1967
The Planning Commission met in regular ses�+on at 7:30 PeM. Chairman
McMillen and Vice Chairman Schultz were not in attendarce, Commissioner Smith
assumed the chair and called the meeting to order, pmr�edi�tely thereafter a
motion was made by Commissioner Smith, seconded by C�mmassioner Moss, and
unanimously carried, that Commissioner Strother ��eside as Actdng Cha�rman,
Commissioner Strother assumed the chair. Upon roll call, Commissioners Moss,
Porter, Sawyer, Smith and Strother were present. Absent are Chairman McMillen
and Vice Chairman Schultz. Also in attendance is Director Gallop,
On motion of Commissi�ner Moss, seconded by Cc�mmissioner Sawyer, and
unanimously carried, the minutes of �he meeting of L�e�em.5�r 5th 1g67 were
approved as prepared. '
Direc.tor Gallop advised the Commission that the Gity Cauncil held a special
meeting at 5:00 p.m, today and, therefore,, requested that e new date be set for
the Joint Study session with the Cour�cil on t`�e New Zor.ing Mape On motion of
Comm,issioner Porter, seconded by Acting Chairman Strother, arid �ananimously
carried, rhat the Gounci) be invited to �tte�d the st�dy se��,:�e�n after the
regular Pl���ninq C�mmissian meeting of ,l�nuary 16 1968
PUBL I C H�. ARI NG - USE P ERM 1 'a'� CA N0 , �'67-1 18 LOS P.q�R.F'S AMBU�ANCE AND S I CK
R00M SUPPi_ i F. S� � ...��.
Upon being assured by Jirec*or Ga'Il��p that the Public Hearing for Use
Permit Case Na. 67�-118, Los Fadres AmbularGe �and Si�k Room �u�aplies, to allow
for ambulance service and sick roem si,pplies in a P-C Zone at Z�6 So, Halcyon,
had been d;.�ly posted, published a,d �roperty o�!rer; notified, Acting Chairman
Strother decl�ared the heari^g open.
Director Gallop informed the Commission that this district was created
for this purpose, was convenient to the hospital, and there were no traffic
problems evident; and upon inspection of the premises by the F'ire Department
and Building Department, they indicated there would be no prablems from their
departments. Director Gallop stated a letter had been received from an
abutting property owner stating no objection of the use, but would tike to
have some contro] of the siren upon leavinq and entering the premises.
Mr. Richard Nichols, representing the Los Padres Ambulance and Sick
Room Supplies, w�s present and stated they never turned their lights and
siren on unti] they were out and moving int.o traffic, and that in the past,
they had been �perating out of Williams Brothers Shopping Center, which is
much more conge�ted tha� the proposed location� Mr, Nichols spoke in favor
of the Use Permit being granted, st�ting the location, being near the
hospital, would be more advartageous to the people being released from the
hospital needing wheel chairs, etc,, that there was no heavy traffic problem,
and that they would have access, both north and south, to the freeway.
Director Gallop stated that the City department heads involved felt
this location much more advantageous than Williams Brothers Shopping Center
from the standpoint of pedestrian traffic, as well as vehicular traffic.
Director Gallop also stated the petitioner has indicated that entrance on
Halcyon is proposed. Mr, Nichol�s indicated that at present they would
probably back inro the garage on Dod.son Way,
There were no protests received. No furkher discussion for or against
the request, Actir,g Chairman Strother declared the hearing clo�ed< After a
brief discussion by th° Commission, the following action was taken:
�. �22
Planning Commission - 12-19-67
Page 2
On motion of Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Moss, and
by the following roll call vote to wit;
AYES; Commissioners Moss, Forter Sawyer, Smith and Acting
Chairman Strother
NOES: None
ABSENT; Chairman McMillen and Vice Chairman Schultz
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of December, 1967
Acting Chairman Strother declared the meeting adjourned at 7:56 P.M.
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