PC Minutes 1967-10-03110 Planning Commission Arroyo �rande, California October 3, ig67 The Plannsng Commission met in regular sessi�n with Vice Cha�rman Schultz pre�iding. Present are Commissioners Duvall, Moss, Smith and Strother, Commissio�er Porter and Chairman McMillen are absent. Also in attendance are Councilman Levine, City Admsnistrator Butch and Plannirg Director Gallop. CHAIRMAN MC MELLEN ENTERED THE MEETING AND JS NOW PRESIQING MINUTE APPROVAL ��On motion of Commissioner Strother, seconded by �Commissione�r Duvall, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the meeting of September i9th, 1967 were aRproved as prepared, REQUEST FOR DETFR�INATION U NDER SECTION 9-4.2 FOR ST'O OF TIRES I SINESS DISTRICT � Director G�llop advised the Commission that Mr. Folkerts has been storing tire� in t�e old Ntkinson Building 133 E. Branch Street, a�d that thie owner of the bi,ilding was ir,formed that this was a violht�on of the Central Business District Zoning Ordinance, and that the owner, ir turn, informed the tenant. The �_er�a�t is removing the tires at this time. There is a section of the code ��hic.h ;�i�ows the Commission to make a determination if ihis use is similar to, and n�t incr�nsistent with, the uses permitted in the C.B.D, Director Gallop ad�✓i�ed t�e ��ommission that all uses are of a service and retail nature only, �nd ther�e was� no wholesaling or storage permitted ir the district. Mr, T. A. Rutherford, 119 E. Branch Street, stated that he felt the storage of tires was not consistent with the Ordinance based on the zoning of the C.B.D., ard that the Ordinance would give the merchants an opportunity to develop a village atmosphere and merchandising atmosphere and he, therefore, would like the Planning Commission to go along with strict adherence to the Ordinance passed, Mr. Don Curzon of Don's Variety Store, 123 E. Branch Street, reiterated Mr, Rutherford's statement, and stated that many of the merchants are going to, or have gone to a lot of expense to improve the Business District, and that this use was certainly doing a great deal to nullify the thousands of dol]ars spent to improve this area, and that the Commission should stay strictly to the C.B.D. Zoning Ordinance. in answer to Commissioner Strother's questio� as to when Mr. Folkerts exper_ted to have the tires moved out, Director Gallop stated Mr, Folkerts said he wo�ld 'moVe" ouf 120 to .150 tires a day, which is his recapping capacity. Director Gallop stated that there had been some tires removed, but that he did not know how many, Director Gallop advised the Commission that Mr. Folkerts had made �rrangements for other warehousing facilities, and a week should be sufficient time to move them out, After Commission discussion and on motion of Commissioner Strother, seconded by Commissioner Smith, and unanimously carried, the request for storage of tires in the Central Business District was denied. After discussion regarding a time limit to move the tires, and on motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Moss, and una�imously carried, Director Gallop was directed to notify Mr, Folkerts to move all the tires out by October 10, 1967, HEARING - Use Permit No 67-116 - To Allow for Construction Equipment Yard In a C-1 Zo�e �app) Chair�an McMillen granted permission to Commissioner Duvall, at his own reyuest, to leave the meeting due to conflict of interest. ..111 Planc�ing Commisseon - 10-3-67 Page 2 Upon be�ng assured by Director Ga�lop that �he ��ab�ic Hearang f�r �se Permit No 67s116, August J:o Happ, to a�low for Ca�r�s��°aa��cor� Equi��ne��: Y�r.d in a C-1 Zone, had been duly posted, p�abl�shed and �a����rty ovaners notsfaed, Cha i rman McM i.l 1 er� decl a red the hea r i ng apen < Mr. August Happ was present and st�ted that hos a�torney was o�a� of town and had attempted to have the hearing paskponed, Darector Gallop stated that Mr. Weaver had conta�ted him by telephone req�aest°sng that the Gommisssor�'as decision be delayed because he would not be able to represent Mr,, Happ at the meetingo Director Gallop recommended that he write � letter to the Commission making a request, but the letter had not been recebved, Mr, Happ spoke in favor of the Use Permot being granted, stating that he was operatsng alone and was not hiring any men, that he h�ad his office in the house, arad he was cutting his equipment down to three piecese He stated that his lease �r�s up an M�rch and his present plans were to buy another piece of property and move h�s business elsewhere. Mr, De We Harrah, 1140 Linda Drive, was pre:=ent and sp�ke against granting the Use Permote Mr, Harrah st.ated that he, a��;�g wuth other residents on Linda DrBve, tried �o keep their s.treet clean and neat, a�id � credit to the City of Arroyo Grar�de, He presented pictures t.o the Co�nmission for their review, show- ing a rear vaew of the property, stating that the industrial complex in the middle of their neighborhood was not too sightly, and he objected to any dev- iation from the Zoning Ordinancee Mre John Bryant, 1120 Lenda Drive, stated he objected to the heavy equipment beis�g across the streeta Mr, Hurst, 1141 Linda �rove, stated this use was not compatoble with C-1 Zone or R-1 Zone and he did not like to see Use Permits granted deviating from the Zoning Ordinance, Other residents on Linda Drive objecting to the Use Permit being granted were W. Bright, l��l Linda Drive.; Re Coffey, 1110 Linda Drive; Me Bromley, 1101 Linda Drove; Mrso Don Carter, 1160 Linda Drive; Lorraone Ladley, 1i30 Linda Drive; Deareru�a Bryant, 1120 Linda Drive, Mr. Happ asked that if the Commission did:not grant the Use Permit, if he co�ld have an extension of time to move the equipment. Chairman McMillen advised that thi� would be taken into consideratione No further discussion for or against the request, Chairman McMillen declared the hearing closed, After discussion, it was the opinion of the Commission that Mr. Happ has been aware_for quite sometime that this use was not permissive, and that a time limit of 60 days should be set for Mre Happ to discontinue that portion of the use th�t is in violation with the Zoning Ordinance, namely the storage and repair of construction equipment. RESOLUTION N0. 67-81-U R.ESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO., 67-116 On motion of Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Moss, and by tl�e fol lowi ng rol 1- cal l vote, to wi t; AYES: NOES: Commissioners Moss, Schultz, Smith, Strother and Chairman McMillen None ABSENT: Commissioners Duvall and Porter the foregoing resolution was adopted this 3rd day of October 1967 COMMISSIONER DUVALL IS NOW PRESENT HEARlNG - Re uest for Variance #67-42 - Re uestin a 10' Front Yard Setback Frantz Upon being assured by Director Gallop that the Public Hearing for Variance #67 Robert P. Frantz, for a 10' front yard setback on Robles Road had been duly posted, p�ublished and property owners notified, Chairman McMillen declared the hearing open. � �. �.2 , Planning Cm�nmisss.on - 10-�-6� Page 3 Director G�l�op �rsef�y described the proper�t�, exry7�ining the ra�rrna] fro7tage would be on Robles Road, whoc� is �°Bp��aec�B° s�r'eet, ar�d the property drops off q�ite severly north of Sierra Drsv�, and in disc�a�sang tho� wath Public Works Dsa Anderson �nd Caty �nyon�er Garirag, there is � feelang that Robles Road wil.l never be developed into a stree.t, Di�°ector Gailop pointed out that there was an existir�g hmme. on eather corner of Sierr°� Drive and Robles Road, both of whsch have 10° �etba�k on Rob�es� �nd the req�ested Variance wo�ld be a contenuataon of the s�me setback extendede Mr. Robert FranLZ, 410 Longview Avenue, Pismo Beach, was present and spoke in favor of granting the Variance because of the construction probVem involved due to the �evere drop off approximately onemthird to the rear of the property, and stated�he did not believe it would damage the aesthetic values of the sur� pc�aperty. Harry CanSy, 1350 Saerra Drive, was present. and stated he was concerned about the voe.�v he wo!sld have in the b�ck, and asked if the�~e was any way of protectar�g has voew by con�rolling the type of structure f�1re Frantz intends t� buildo Mr. Fra�tz advesed Mr. Cunby the stru�t�or� would be a very 1ow level E���ase. D6rector Gatic,p submitted a plot plan for t6�e Commissican'S reviewa No furt�er disc�sssion for or against the req�est, Chairmar� M�MiI➢en decl�red the l�eareag cio�.e.do RESOLU��ON NOo 67-8?-V RESl7��JT I ON OF THE PLANN 6 NG COMM 9 S5 I ON OF' THE C I�i Y OF ARROYO GRANI�E GRAN�'9NG VARCANCE, CAS� NU�. 67-4�. On motio;� czf Cr�mmissias�er Duvall, seconded by Cammisssoner Strother, and by the following roll call vote, to w`st: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Duvall, Moss, Schultz, Smith, Strother and Chairman McMillen None Commissioner Porter the foregoing Resotution was �dopted this 3rd day of October 1967 NOTBCE OF PUBL�C HEARING - SLO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Director Gallop read a Notice of Public Hearing from the SLO County Planning Co�nmission to be held on Wednesday, October 11, 1967 at 10:00 A,M. to consider the matter of amending the Ordinance Code of the County of San Luis Obispo, D�rector Gallop advised the Co�nmission that the proposed re- zoning,which consisted of 1, 22 and 5 acre districts, was in keeping with the agreeme.nt with the County, and that he did not feel there was a need to attend the Heareng. Director Gallop was requested to write a letter ack- nowledgement to the Si_0 County Planning C�mmission. F�EQUEST FOR PERMlSSION TO BE ABSENT Commissioner Smith requested permission to be absent from the next two, and possibly three, Planning Commission meetings. The Commission acknowledged the request and informed Commissioner Smith his request would be passed on to the City Council for information. ADJOURNMENT Chairman McMillen declared the meeting adjourned �t 8; P.Me , ATTEST: Secretary a i rman