PC Minutes 1967-08-24�104 Planning Commissio.n Arroyo Grande, California August 24, 1967 The Planning Commission met at a special meeting, with Ghairman Mc�Millen presiding. Present are Commissioners Duvall, Moss., Porter,�Schultz and-Smith. Absent is Commissioner Strother. A.lso in attendance are Director of Public Works Anderson, Plarrning Director Gallop, and City Engineer Garing. REUISED TENTATIVE TRACT 364 SUBDIVISION MAP REVIEW `\� D.irector Gallop advised the Commiss.ion that the special meeting was ca.11ed to conside.r the Revised Map for Tract 364 as some of the conditions were cantested by the Subdivide.r, and there we.re changes made-in the tract layout� Director Gellop read and explaine.d the changes in the revised map. The changing of Flora Road from a through street to a cul-de-sac and a temporary road; and that Rarrcho Circle which had been approved as a 32' section with concrete curb and gutters, and the-developer requests a change to 40' sec*.ion with no curb and gutter. After considerable discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Duvall, and unanimously carried, Staff Recom- mendation No. 14 was revised to read; F1ora Road :temporary section two 12 foot driving.lanes with paralleling dikes. Qevelopment .cost of Flora Road temporary section to Flora Road permanent section to be covered by a bond, or equivalent, in the event Rancho C.ircle is not connected to Branch Road within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed five years, and subJect to appeal by the .developer. Following a discussion on Item No. 15 of the Staff Recommendations, and c�n motion of Commissio�er Duvall, seconded by Commissioner Moss, a variance was yranted for an asphalt section of 8' - 12' - 12' and 8' for the follawing reasons: That concrete curb and gutters would be a burden because of the large lots, that the variance would not be the granting of special.privile.ges,. and that the proposed section would be more acceptable aesthetically, and that asphalt driveway aprons would be permitted. Opposed are Commissioners Smith and Porter. Mr, Wood questioned the need for Public Utility Easements. Director Gallop explained that both the telephone company and the electric company requested the easements because of the existing services in the adjacent subdivision, and that at the moment they did not know if they can serve from the rear o"r the front. The gas company also requested the easements.. If these easements are not used, then this can be taken off the map in the final stages. RESOLUTION N0. 67-79 S RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A REVISED TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0 364 GREENWOOD ACRES ; , On motion of Commissioner Duvall, seconded by Commissioner��Moss, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: � � AYES; Commissioners Duvall, Moss, Schultz.and Chairman McMillen �ilt� �-�<'� /u/ �rG%LC^'a�rd�n.C�'} SUSTAINED: Commissioners Smith and Porter • �_`.� ' � -�,�: t ,�:s�l��� NOES; ABSENT: None Commissioner Strother the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of August,.1967, 105 Planning Commission, 8-24�67 - Page 2 A discussion of the s:ubdivision ordinance follawed. Mr. Wood inquired of Commession members Smith and Porter as to what their feelings were on the re- quirements:of the present ordinance, indicating that he felt there should be some rel�xation of the ordinance, After Commission discussion, the matter was held in abeyance subject to further study, ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chairman McMillen at 8:50 p.m. � � ATTEST: � � // ' Secretary � Ghairman �,