PC Minutes 1967-07-1895 Planning �ommission Arroyo Grande, California July 18th 1967 The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman McMillen presiding. Present are Commissioners Duvall, Porter, Schultz, Smith and Strother. Absent is Commissioner Moss. Also in attendance are Mayor Wood, City Administrator Butch, Director of Public Works Anderson and Planning Director Gallop. MINUTE APPROVAL On motion of Commissioner Duvall, seconded by Commissioner Schultz, _. and unan.imously carried, the minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 5th, 1967 were approved as prepared. REVIEW-USE PERMIT N0, 65-56 - 1160 101 Hiqhway (Don E. Keith, Trucking) Director Gallop advised that when this permit was reviewed one year ago, it was renewed with the condition.that the wash sump'to the rear of the�property be protected by a chain link fence and that this requirement had been met, and that the staff would recommend a review of�the use in one year. Mr, Al Browne was present and advised that although he had submitted a letter dated May 31st, 1967 to the Commission requesting that Use Permit No. 65- be terminated in one years time that current developments indicated to him that grading would be commenced on Tract 349 within a matter of months, that the golf course portion would be in operatior within a year, and that as.this construction could be an inconvenience to both proper*.ies concerned, that he would request the Planning Commission delay any action regarding this Use Permit until.a later date. Mr. Ron Gould, Attorney, representing Mr. Doko and Mr. Keith objected.to postponing a decision at this time; as he felt the earliest possible date to use Mr..Browne's property...- '�= would be one years time and the trucking operation would not interfe'�'e with Mr. Browne's development. Director Gallop recommended that the Commission review the perm�i't in six months and if it was decided at that time to terminate the use permit,a termination date of six months could be set in order to give Mr. Kei:th due notice. After discussion, a motion was made by Commis- s.ioner Strother, seconded by Commissioner Porter that Use Permit Case No.�65-56 be reviewed six months from this date. Motion carried. REVIEW-USE PE�RMIT N0. 65-60,- Lots 49 and 50 of Jones Tract (Madsen) Director Gallop advised that Use Permit'No. 65-60 granted to Donald E. Madsen'.to store, service and deliver contr.actors electric barricade signs on Lots 49 and 50 of the.Jones Tract,:had been reviewed by the staff and the property has been maintained as.requ.ired by the use permit and the staff.would recommend that further review would not be necessary`. REVIEW PERMIT N0 65 - 1524 Grand Ave. (Garrison and Arnold) Director Gallop advised that Use Permit No. 5-61 granted to J. C. Garrison and Kenneth Arnold to permit the Grand Opportunity Shop at 1524 Grand Avenue had been inspected b;y the staff and the illegal sign and:surfacing of the parking area had been corrected and.that.the staff.would recommend.a: r,eview in one year. After discussion, a, motion was made by Commissioner Porter,.seconded.by Commiss.ioner Sm.i•th that Use Permit No. 65-61 be.rev.iewed one year from th.is dete. Moti�oh carried... - REVIEW-USE PERMI?...NO 66- 88 - 1053 Grand�.Ave. (Landini). Di.rector Gallop advised.that Use Permit No. 6-88 granted fo:r Bi,ll iard Center, to Keith,Hinds and later tra,ns,ferred to .Mr. Landini not. been.used.and.if it.was not utilized by midnight of July l9th, 1967 the perm,it w lapse automatically by ,city ordinance. a has •� Pianning Commission - 7/18/67 - Page 2 PUBLIC. HEAR�NC-:11SE.'PEl�hI.�T. GASfs.NO. 6.7-,113 - 1007 Grand Ave. (Rodkey) Upon being assured by D rector Gallop, that the Public Hearing for Use Permit No. 67-113, Sue Rodkey, to allow for buying and selling of Used Odds and Ends at 1007 Grand Ave. in a C-1 Zone had�been duly posted, published and property owners notified, Chairman McMillen declared the hearing open. Mrs. Rodkey was present and stated that the address for the proposed use should have been 1005 Grand.Ave. end would be iden- tified as such and after Mrs. Rodkey had read the staf.f recommendations she advised that she was in agreement with the four items as noted but would request that the installatio,n of curb, gu�tter and.sidewalk the full length of the property on Alder Street not-:be an immediate requirement. There were no protests to the use. No further discus- sion for or against the request, Chairman McMillen declared the hearing closed. RESOLU.TION N0. 67-74 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A�USE PERMIT, CASE N0. �7-113 On motion of Commissioner Duvall, seconded by Commissioner Strother and by thefio�llowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Duvall, Porter, Schultz, Smith, Strother and Chairman McMillen. ' None Commissioner Moss. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th of July 1g67 PUBLIC HEARING-REZONING CASE N0. 67-31 - So. Traffic Way Extension (Schmitt) Upon being assured by Director GallQp, that the Pukilic Hearing for Rezoning Case No. 67-31, Paul Schmitt to rezone all that land as shown on Parcel.Map recorded the 26th day of ,1une, 1967 in Book 2 of Parcel Maps at Page 14, records of 3an Luis Obispo County from RA-63 to HS.and R-1, had been duly posted, published and property owners notified, ._� _ Chairman McMillen declared the hearing open. Mr. �$u� Schmitt was. present and spoke in favor of the rezoning being granted.: There were . no protests to the request. No further discussion for or against the request, Chairman McMillen declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION N0. 67-75 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY GQUN�CIL AN AMEND- . :MENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE.CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 21, OF SAID CODE, On motion of Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and :by the .follow rol l cal l.vote, to wit• AYES: NOES: Commissioners D�vall, Porter, Schultz, Smith, Strother, and Chairman McMillen. None . ABSENT: Commissioner Moss the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of July 1967 ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL - 400 Frontage Road (McKellar) . After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Strother, that Architectural Approval be granted to Dr, and Mrs. T. F. McKellar for a Medical Laboratory and Office at 400 Frontage Road as shown on the Elevation Plans as submitted. Motion carried. � 97 ; �; :� Planning Commission - 7/18/67 - Page 3 S�A.fE REPORT REGARDING USE PERMIT N0. 65-67 (Don Christianson) A report from �W..Dir:ecto'r. Anderson was submitted advising that on June 29th, 1967, he had reviewed with Mr. Christiansorr .the existing and proposed improvements to his parking or �sed car.lot at 220--..Traffic Way, that an oil penetratiori treatment and sand seal had been installed on the front portion of the property where cars are now being parked and the sur"face when swept will provide a dust free wea`ther proof. surface, ' the south side of the property h,as been based and�`is�going.to be graded and oiled similiar to the front portion, surface drainage is to be carried to the northwesterly one quarter of the lot that is going to remain unpaved, and that Mr. Christianson stated that es time alloted =•'�fbr getitin�'.a fence'installed was running out_ he hed concrete bumper blocks installed, as it was faster. Mr. Anderson!s report advised that he felt that the improvements when completed will. result in a satis- factory installation. After a review of the prior action of the Commission regarding this Use Permit and a discussion regarding the Direcfor of Public Works report, a motion was made by Commissioner Duvall, that Mr. Christianson be given thirty days to comply with the conditions of the amended resolution as set forth to the:satisfaction of._�.the Public�Works Depart- ment and i f,he does not comp l y; that a��P,ub�.l��i�c liea;r i ng , be::hel d by� thec cn Planning Commission and a recommendation be made to ,the C�ity Counail that the Use Permit No. 65-67 be revoked, Mr. Addison 6. Wood was present and suggested that an effort be made to invite Mr. Christianson to the next meeting and work out the problem with him and he was advised this had been done on several occasions before. The foregoing motion died for the_lack of a second. Commissioner Schultz was excused from the Commiss.ion, at his own request, and being in the audience as a citizen indicated that he felt a fence "should be instelled on the property as the public was now park- ing in the Post Office parking lot and walking to the car lot and that if a fence were there it would be normal to bacl� the cars toward the fence which would decrease the traffic problem in"the Post Office park- ing lot as people were not as apt to notice the cars from the back as they would be if they were viewing the front of the.cars. Mr. Wood requested permission to contact Mr: Chri�stianson to determine if an agreeable solution could be reached::- A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Strother, that Mr. Wood contact Mr.,Christienson and request his attendance.or escort him to the meeting to determine if the conditions of the Use`Permit�No. 65 -67 can be resolved in a friendly manner, a,nd no further action be taken on this permit until the next meeting of the Commission... Motion carried. COMMISSIONER SCHULTZ IS NOW PRESENT. LETTER REGARDING USE PERMIT N0 67-104 - 995 Grand Ave. (:Haliburton) Director Gallop advised a.letter had been received from residents in.the area requesting that the tire recap shop.behin.d=Weatherby's Store, on Grand Avenue, that was permitted by Use Permit No. 67-104, be immediately suspended:�and revoked,and listed nine seperate reasons. A staff report from the Fire, Building,and Planning Departments was submitted to the Commission regarding inspections made of the premises. As there was no signer of the letter of protest present and no one representing the Recap Shop business, Chairman McMillen ordered the letter and staff repo.rt.placed on file for future reference. LETTER RE.GARDING PUBLIC BUILDINGS PLAN Correspondence was received from Mr...and Mrs. Arthur E. Garey ,.. advising that the area suggested in.the Public Buildings.Plan:for a fire station .looks like prime commercial property and as such should not.be.utilized for municipal f.unctions�, that it.looks like.the exist- ing�firehouse property would be suitable for many years and any add•i.- ticnal firehouse should be in Fair Oaks and that they recommend a�ainst using city funds for acquisition of the Catholic Church property. Chairman McMillen ordered the letter filed. - ::�� �� �� •� Planning Commission - 7/18/67 - Page 4 PEDESTRIAN WALK ON GRAND AVE. �rs. Sue Rodkey requested a pedestrian walk be placed on Grand Ave. at the Alder Street intersection and was advised to contact City .. Administrator Butch as that would be a City Council function. ADJOURNMENT Chairman McMillen declared the meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M. � ATTEST: . Y��t� '� �� � Secretary Chairman �� :3�iC'- � � / / % / �J 0