HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1967-06-20a• A m �J Planning Comm�ssion Arroyo Grande, Cal�forn�a June 20th, 1967 ��e Pl�n�ing Commission me� in regu�ar sess��n w�th Chaxrman Strother presiding, Present a�e Commissioners McMil.len Moss, Porter, Schu1��, and Smithe Absent is Commissioner Duvall, Also zn a�tendance are Counciiman Levine Councilwoman Thompson Mayor Wood �ity Administrator Butch, Ci�y Engineer Garing, PYanning Di- rec�or Ga.11op and Director of Publ�c Works Andersona MINU"TE APPROVAL On motion of Commissioner McMillen seconded by Cammissioner Moss, and unarnimously carried the mznu�tes of the regular meeting of �.Tune 6th, 1967 were approved as prepared, CON'TINi..nATION OF PUBLIC HEA.RING-USE PERMT'T CASE NOD 67-110 (First Baptist) C:hairman Strot}�er revieraed tha°t a Pub1�c Hea.ring had be�n opened at the meeting of June 6th, 1967 to consider Use Permit Case No, 67-110 for the F,irst Baptist Church to allow for a F°ree Standing Sign at 310 North Halcyox� Rond zn a R-1 Zone, ancl thn�t as there was no one present at that #ime to represent the applicant the hearing hnd been continued to this meeting, Mre Lindholm and Reve Horton represen�ing the First Baptist Church were present ax�d spoke an favor of the permit being gran#ed ndvis- ing lkhat a r�presenta�ive �'rom the church �nras to be present at the last m.eetin� a�nd tha�t �they we�e not aware until a�ter �he mee�ing �hat no one from t�.e church hnd attended, '�"hey also advised �hat they did nat know a permi# �vas rec�uired un�til af�es the sign had been almos� completed, as the material and construction of the sign.�aas on a volun�teer basis, and was don.e a�t odd times which made it diffscul�t for the City s�aff to con- tact #hemo Director Gal:l.op sta�ted �ha•t �he sign does comply with City ordix�an�es, was very attractive and well bes.ilt, There were no protests to the request, No further discussion for or agains# the request, Chair- man S�t�o�ther declared the heaxing closede RESOLU'TTON N0, 67-69 U RESOLUTION OF T'I� PLANNING GQMMISSION OF 'THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PEI�MIT, CASE NOo 67-110, On mo�tzon of Commissioa�er Moss, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vote, to wit� AYESa Commissioners McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schult�, Smith and Chairman Strother, NOES: None ABSENT4 Commissioner Duva11, the foregoing Resolution �n►as adopted this 20th day of June, 19670 TRA.CT N0, 364 - GREENWOOD ACRES - Tentative Subdivision MaP Chairman Strother reviewed that Tract No, 364 had been presented and discussed at the June 6th, 1967 mee�ting and had been continued to this date in order to give the �ommissioners time �� visit the Lake Marie Es- tates, soi.xth of Santa Maria, on C�.ark Road where the s�reets are improved with street sections the same as proposed for �h.�s subdivisione Cha�rman Strother also briefly ou�lined t}aat o� the 15 recommendations of the staff that the developer was requesting a var�.ation on ��ems 2 and 13, It was agreed �that Item 2 be amended �o read "`�hat deeds or �asements be secured to flood control areas for flood control and green belt purposes adjacent to the creek bed, the delineation to be mutually agreed upon after sub- mission of final. engineering and grading plans". Mro Bill Rust, representzng Mr, Addison B, Wood discussed Item 13, street improvements, and requested that n street section with two twelve foot driving lanes and two four foot shoulder.s wi.�th redwood header be cxllowed in lieu of conven�ional concrete curb and gutter and street sec- tions to City standards and specificatioz�s, Mr, Rust indicated that he felt the 32� �,mproved street would be su£fics.en� �n this subdivision that wns designed as a rural development, �azth acre lots tha# would nlso Planning Comm�ssion - June 20�� �967 m P�ge 2 allow for the keeping of horses w��h�n ��e ���c�o favor of �he 32° street sec��on 3.nd�ca��ng ��a� szdered as a Planned Unit Deve��pmen� w���h w���d requi.rements with n varied use a�d �hat ��e �x,act on its own mer.i�s and not be cons�de�ed �he sa�e me�to Mr, Wood aYso .spoke in �h�s Txa�� sh�uld be con- a11ow changes �n C�ty should be considered as a small lot develop� �omm�ssion members tha� had �evie�ed ��k� Marie Es�a�es d�scussed tha� the stree�s as i,mproved in �h�� ��a�� c�eated ma.intenance problems, as to weeds growing in the swaie and di�'fic�lty of sweepzng them, Com� missione� Smzt� adv�sed that he �el� a dev.�at�on should not be granted from �he adopted City speci�ic�tions and s�andards, Commissi�ner McMillen felfi a narrow�r street section wo�ld be des.i��ble in a.subd�vis�on of this �ype bu� tha� a compromise should be �mrked ��t to eliminate the main� tenance problems, A�t�r considerable dzscussion o� I�em �3 of the Staff recommenda- t�ans .�t was amended by a motion made by ��mmissioner McMillen seconded by Gommissioner Schultz, to allow the pnved w�d�h area to be 32 feet with s�andaxd concre#e curb and gu�ter, wi�h �n overall right-of-way width of 60 f.ee�o Mo��on cnrried, Commissioner Sm�th voted � "3"he s�taff pointed ou� �o �kse ��mma�ssimn that the foregoing motion taould in effect create a trans�.�tion of smprovemen� widths on F"lora, Brnnch .M:ill Road and Gxeen�nrood, �nrhich ra�uld crea�e a traff�c ha�arda This ma�t�ter wa.s discussed by the Commission �i�Jh �t�e �ollowing action� A moiti.on was made by Gommissio�ner Sc�ul�t� seconded by Comm�.ssioner Porte�p �o cla.rzf.y the above mo��.on by G�*y spec�fications and s#andards and sideca�alks be required on Flora Road extension to Rancho Circle and Greenwood Drive cul.�-de-sac and Branch Mil:� Road, Motion carriede Com- mzssiorxer. Smi�th abs�ta.ined from voting, sta$i�ng he felt the actzon was failin� �o so1.v� the problem and as he vo�ted B on the first motion, he shoul.d no� vote on the second mo�ion ns it aff�cted the first one, - RESOLUTION NOo 67-70 S RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING GOMMTSSION OF THE CI°TY OF ARROYO G�ANDE APPROVING TEN°TATIVE MAP, OF TRACT NOo 364, GREENWOOD ACRES. On mo�t.ion of Commissioner Schultz seconded by Commissioner McMillen, ar�d by the follo�ring roll call vo�e, to w��: AYES; NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners McMillen, Mass, Porter, Schultz nnd Chair- mnn Strother, � Gommissfoner Smith Commissioner Duvall �he fo Resolution was adopted �this 20th day of June, 19670 Mra Waod requested �tha� the list of conditions be read aloud so everyone would know what was required on a 1 acre subdivision, and the ChQ,ixman and Secretary read aloud the lis•t of 15 itemse Chairman Strother also a.dv,ised Mz, Wood �that the decis�on of the Plann.ing Commission is sub- just to an appeal �o the City Council, REPOR°T ON USE �'ERMIT N0. 65-67 .- Don C, Chris�tianson at 220 Traffic hlay Dzxector GaTlop advi,sed that he had contacted Mr, Don Christianson, regaxding con.formance to the stated requ3remen�s of Resolution Noa 67-55 U �rhich mod�.�ied conditiox�s imposed by Use Perani•t Case Noe 65-67, which he hnd agreed �o comply with, his letter dated May l.st, 1967, that Mr, Don Christa.anson said he had reoiled the parking 1,��, placed bumper blacks instead af the required chain link fe�nce; �hat he had some regrading to do on fihe rear of the proper�y, and that he expected the drainage system to be completed this week and that he would no°tify �the Direc�tor of Public Works v�►hen �he premises would be ready for iz�spection, The Commission discussed the amended Use Permit which complied wi.th Mr, Chris�tianson°s reques� .for permission �o install a cha.in link fence instead of bumper bloGks and �tha�t the request had been graz��ed, s� i. , Planning Commission c June 20th, 196� m Page 3 A motion was made by Commiss:��r�er McM�,.�l�an seconded by Gommissioner Moss, and unanimously carried tha°� ��e s°ta�'f no�rify Mr, Don Christ3.anson, that �he Planning Commission }iad �hanged -the, �r�ginal ,resolution gran.ting U�e Permit Case Noo 65-67 once and tJhat °they expected the cond�,t�ons of Resolution Noe 67-55 U be compl.ied with by tk�e next meeting �ahich would be on July 5th, 1967. , MINOR SUBD�VISION CASE N0. 67-82 � Traffic Way - Paul Schmitt The Lot Split Committee and staff.submitted copies of a report and map, and recommendation regarding a Minor Subda.v3sion, Case Noe 67=82, applied for by Mr, Paul Schmit�, 535 So. Traf�'ic Wa,y to the Commission for the.ir consideration,. The report noted tha� �the property to be divided was on So. .'Traff'i� Way, south as�d adjacen°t t.o the Vagabond Tra�ler Park, tha#.•the divis.ion into 4 parcels.indicates two (2) substandard lot front- ages.on Traff.zc Way - Parcel N�, 1 �aith 40' F��n�age (10,806 sqe ft,) and Parc�1 Noo 4 with a 57° fron#age (53 sq, ft,)„ The Commzttee recommended approval of the di.vision, bufi d�xe to t}�e �wo substandard frontages approval by the Planning Commission w+�s �equired; Atter dis- cussion of the �our requ,iremen.ts r.ecommended by the report, the follow- ing ac�tion tnras takenq RESOLU`TION NOe 67-71 S RESOLUTION 0�' �'HE PLANNING COMMTSSI'ON OF �HE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVTNG A MINOR SUB- DIVISIQN, CA.SE NO, 6�-82, On motion of Commissi.oner Smitk�, seconded by Commissioner McMillen, and by t�he followi.ng r411 call vote �to wit: AYES� N�JES ; ABSENfi; �ommissioners McMillen, Mossp Porter, Schultz,, Smith and Cha.irman Stx. other ; None Gommissioner Duvall, the foregoi.ng Reso�ution was adopted this 20th day of June, 1967. REVIEW OF° STREAM BED DEVELOPMENT Director Gallop reviewed the preliminaxy design, as approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, for the development of the stream bed be- tween Mason and Short Streets �,rhich included an entrance to the develop- ment a�k Mason Street and Civic Genter parking lo�, and an entrance and Plaza developmen� on Shor� S�reet adjacen� to the stream bed and swinging bridge, He briefly outlined what was necessary to complete the develop- ment and how it was proposed to proceed in the �uture, REVIEhT OF" REALIGNMENT OF BRAN ST, -'TRA.F'F�I� WAY IN'Y'ERSE�TION , City Engineer Garing reviewed for informational purposes only, n preliminary map prepared by �the State Divisi.on of Highways which was being consider.ed as a solut'ion to the traffic hazards now existing at the intersec�tion of Branch St, and Traffic Way, ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1967 Commi.ssioner Schultz moved to place Harry McMillen in nomination for Chairman of the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission for 1967-68, A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Smith, that nomina#ions be closed. Motion cnrried. On motion of Gommissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Moss, and unanimously carried, it was ordered �hat t�e records show that there was cast a unanimous baZlot to appoint Harry McMillen Chairman of the Arroyo G�ande Planning Gommissi.on for 1967-68, A motion was made by Commissione� Porter, seconded by Gommissioner Smith, and carried,tha�k Oruille Schul�z be nominated for Vice-Chairman of the Ar�oyo Grande Planning Commission for 1967-68, A motion was made by Comzniss�.oner McMillen, seconded by �ommi.ssioner Sma•i�h,, that nomina- tions be closed, Motion carri.ed, � 9i Pl,anning Commisszon - June 20th, 1967 - Page 4 On mo�t�on of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Por�ter, and unanamously'carried, it was ordered that �the records show thet �here was cast n unan�.mous ballot to appoint Orv�.11e Schultz as Vice-Cha�rman of the Arroyo �Grande Planning Commission £or 1967-68, COM�ITSSIONER DUVALL REAPFQINTMENT It was noted that Commissioner Duvall was reappointed by the City Council on ,June 13th, 1967, to serve a four year term, COMME NDATION FOR CHAIRMAN STROTHER 'a'}�e ind�.v.idual Commissioner's commented on Chairman Strother' s hand- " ling of the Cha.irmanship for the past two years, and a motion was made by Commiss.ioner McMillen, seconded by Comm�.ssioner Porter and unanimously carried that Chairman Strother be commended for the splendid work and leadership he hns given during his two year �erm as Chairman of the Plan- ning Coinmission and that the Secretary wr�.�e a letter of appreciation �or }iis service to Chairman Strother. Chaa�rman Strother thanked the Commission, and said he had enjoyed being Ghairman ot t�e Commission and he fel� that much hnd been accomp- lished. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Commissioner McMillen, seconded by Commissioner Smith and unan�.mously carried, the regular meeting of July 4th, 1967 was can- celed a.�nd this meeting was adjourned a�t 10;0�. P.M, to 7:30 PaM, on July 5�th� �.96�a �, , �- A'��'EST° , ����� � � _ ecretary - � Chair an