PC Minutes 1967-04-04�o Planning Commission Arroyo Grande, California April 4th, 1967 � 7:30 P.M. The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Strother presiding. Present are Commissioners Duvall, McMillen, Moss, Schultz and Smith. Absent is Commissioner Porter. Also in attendance are Planning Director Gallop, Director of Public Works Anderson and City Engineer Garing,.,, MINUTE APPROVAL A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Schultz that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 21st, 1967, be approved as prepared. Motion unanimously ca�ried. �� WELCOME TO NEW COMMISSIONER �ELLS SMITH Chairman Strother welcomed Wells Smith and said he was sure the Commission would enjoy working with him, that Mr. Smith will be a good addition to the Cammission and even though he is a"Junior" member should express his opinion, COMMISSIONER PORTER IS NOW PRESENT SEC.131(g) OF PUBLIC LAW 89-285,THE HIGHWAY B EAUTIFICATION ACT OF 1965 Copies of a proposed Resolution regardir�g the Highway Beauti- fication Act of 1965 had been submitted ito th� Commission for th�ir con- sideration on March 21st, 1967, and was taken under discussion at this time. Chairman Strother briefly reviewed the Resolution which was a request to Congress fo elimiz�ate financial reimbursement to sign com- panies for removal,of billboards along the Freeway systems. After dis- cussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION N0. 67-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITS OPPOSITION TO SECTION 131(g) OF PUBLIC LAW 89-285,THE HIGH- WAY BEAUTIFTCATION ACT OF 1965. On motion of Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Duvall, and by the following xoll call vote to wit: AYES: Commissioners D�auall., McMillez�, Moss, Porter, Schultz, Smith and Chairman Strother. NOES: None ABSENT: None ,the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of April, 1967. CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SLO CHA.PTER OF 'CHE AMERICAN RED CROSS Copies of a letter from the Sa� Luis Obi.spo Chapter of the Ameri- can Red Cross had been distributed to the Comm�ssiax� an March 21st, - 1967, for their consideration az�d was taken under discussion at this time, As the letter was not clear as to what was requested of the Com- mission, and it did advise a spenker would welcome the opportunity of speaking to the Commissi�n, Director Ga11op was requested to contact Mr. Earl Iunker, Ghapter Chairman, to determine the purpose of the let- ter and explain to them that this Gammissioz� is a small group but if their speaker wished to appear he would be welcome, and a time would be arranged for the speaker. at a Cnmmission meeting. PUBLIC I OF USE PERMIT I�0..65-67 (Chr.istianson) Chairman Strother granted permission to Cammissioner Duvall, at his ow�n zequest, to leave the mee+�ing, due to a possible conflict of interest„ Direc�or Gallop advised that Mx„ Don Ghrisfizanson had been notified of the time and pince of the Publ.ic ���.riz�g w}:4en t}.�Q Planniz�g Commission would coz�sider revocu*�i�n of Use P�rmxt• Nor 65-67� He also advised that Mr. Christia�son had can�acted him axAd s�:Q.�ted he could z�ot meet the con- ditions of the permit, that he fie.l.t thnt he woul.d discontinue the use if Planning Commission - April 4th, 1967 - Page 2. Use Permit No. 65-67 continued. he had to install 2" of asphalt and that he would be unable to attend the meeting but thnt Mr. Bill Smith would be present to represent him. Director Gallop then read aloud the conditions plac�d upon Use Permit No. 65-67 at the time of granting. Chairman Strother declared that the public hearing to consider revocation of Use Permit No. 65-67 granted "to Don Christianson at 220 Traffic Way o� September 21st, 1965, was.now open and all persons for or against the revocation would b� hedre� : . Mr., Bill Smith was present and indicated that Mr. Christianson feels that a 2" asphalt surfacing of the premises was not findnc=ially feasible, that he had been ac�vised that if the existing red rock base wcie surfaced.with emuls3or�,, sanded and.rolled, it would make a dusf proof, weather proof surface� that the dxainage would be tdken care of Frhen weather permits and that he desired to install a chain link fence on the southerly line of the property instead of in'stalling bumper block"s. No further discussion for or against the matter, Chairman�Strother declare$ the hedring closed. Director of Public Works And'erson indi=. c ated.that in his opinion the completion of the "surface coverage_witli emulsipn and sand would provide a dust proof, weather pro.of�s.u:r_face.. After discus$idn, the following action was takeni RESOLUTION N0. 67-55 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY USE PERMIT CASE N0. 65-67. On'mo"tion of Commissianer Moss, seconded by Commissioner Smith, and by th� following roll call vote, to wits AYES: Commissioners McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schtiltz, Smith and Cha3rman Stro�kher. NOES: None ABSENT: Cominissioner Duvall the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of April, 1967. COMMISSZONER DUVALL IS NOW PRESENT HUASNA ROAD PLAN LINE REFERRED FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Director Gallop read aloud the letter of re�erral of the H�iaena Road Plan Line from the City Cr�uncil z�otifying that City En'g3neer Caring had presented three separate al�kernate pl�an .line's, �.d�eri�Cif�a.e'd as No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3"respectively and that �he Council� xe'coiunterid+�t� the adoption of Plan Line No. 2 which indicates that the cer►t�t' liri:e of the proposed 80 foot Huasna Road would b� the same as the 'ci�nt�� line of Huasna Road as i.t now exists. Engineer Garing rev3.ewed �]ie three plan lines ai►d reiterated thut th� 's�taf�'s �r�comin�ndd�iotl 1i�cis . �till Plan Line ,No. 1. The �ommis'sion discuss�ii t.hn� e'v�'ri t}iough onljl Plan Line No. 1 wds presented a�t �thefr Pv.blic Hearirig the p'0'se3$3.li�t��g as shown 3n Plan Lines Nos. 2 and 3 were considered and �t was i�x3�.:1 g�nerally agre�d thdt No. 1 was the bes�t plain. '. RESOLUTION N0. 67-56 PL A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TFiB CIT� OF ARROYO GRANDE REA.DOPTING A-FtECOMMENDA'�ION OF PLAN LINES ON FiUASNA ROAD. On motion o£ Commissioneir McMillen secor�ded by CommissinneY Dt�vcill, ��anc� by the followis�g �011 call vo�te� ±o wit: �� ` I �� Planning Commission - Apri� 4�h T967 - Page 3' Resolution Noo 67-56 PL continued, AYES: Commissioners Duvall, McM.�11en, M�ss, Porter, Schultz, Smith and Chairman St��thero NOES: None � ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4�h day of April, 1967. ROTATION OF LIAISON TO CITY COUNCIL Chairman Stro�her revie�ed that Mr. Mansell Dexter had been the ' Commission's liaisoa� to the City Council mee�ings with Commissioners Duvall and Schultz as alternates and as Mr. Dex�er had resigned a new liaison was needed, After discussion, it was agreed that Commission members, ot�er than the Cha.irman, woixld a�tend Council meetings on a rotation basis for the next six months �.s follows; April - Commissioner Smith; May - Commissioner Duvall; June - Commissioner Moss; July - Commissioner Porter; and August and S�ptember be covered by Commission- er's Schultz and McMillen, as determined by �r:�em, BRISCO LAND F°ILL CORRESPONDENCE FROM SLO COUN'�'Y PLANN. COMMISSION Director Gallop read aloud�a let�er �eceaved from the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commissi�n ndvising t}�at no action had been taken on this Gammission°s request for the CQUn�ky to request the Division of Highwa.ys to s�u.dy the mat�e.r af landscape screening of the Brisco Land Fill un�til such time as �he Coun�y G�xrbage Committee de- termined the life of �k�is particular land fill, "A'' DISTRIC'I' FOR PRO�'OSED 20N ORDINANCE Copies of a proposed �'A" Agricultural District, as prepnred by Hahn, Wise and Associates, to be conside�ed tcagether with th� new pro- posed zoning ordinance, raere di.stributed to the Commission. PACIFIC GROVE ORDINANCE REGARDING THROW AWAY NEWSPAPERS, ETC. Copies of the Pacific vrove Ordinance regarding throw away news- papers, advertising, etc., were di.stribu�ed to the Commission for study and consideration. PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UxILITY ORDINANCE Director Gallop reviet�ued that the Do�vn��wn Merchants Association requested that the City Council adopt au� enabling Ordinance for under- ground utility d�.stric�ks, and that the City �oux�cil had referred th� ordinance to the Commission for recommendatian. He also advised that Pacific Gas and Electra.c Co, and Pacifa.c "�ele�hone and Telegraph Co. had already considered #he proposed ordin,nnce, The Commission felt the Downfiown Arroyo Grande Merchants Associ- ation should be commended for their �nterest, financially and otherwise, Y in devoting so much effort for �khe good of the whole communitye Aft�r discussion, the follawin,g amendmex�ts �o the proposed ordi- nance were made: Page 1. SECTION 2� Undexground Service Area ax�d following two lines be elimino,ted. Page 2. SECTION 3 be xedesignv,�ked as SECTION 2, be placed to follow SEG°TION l, and �rhe fallowing be inserted on ].ine six of the tex�k a�'�te� "vi�ce�" -'"Iz� the event that the City Council cal�s such a public hearing�' the Gi�ty Clerk etc, �'SECTION 3- Requirem.e�it r�nd Restxic�,ions in District" be added ut top of p�.ge 2 vn�d para.�xaphs be redesignated from (a) eik seq� Tha�: line 1 under new (a) be amen.ded to read "Under- ground U�tili�ty District'' ix�s�tead of Underground Service Area. Tha�t ald garagzaph (e) be added �to SECT�ON 6. .,'73 Planning.Commission - April 4th 1967 - Page 4 Proposed Underground Utility Ordinan�e - continueda Page 3o SECTION 4 as shown be elimina�ed and ccantent be a con- tinuation of SECTION 3. That the word Utility be added after Underground in � Line 1 unc�er old SECTION 4e . � SECTION 5 be redesignated as SECTION 4 and placed in numerical ordere SECTION 6 be redesignated as SECTION 5 and placed in numerical order nnd nll sections be renumbered in sequence. RESOLUTION NO. 67-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY ORDI- NANCE. On moti.on by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wits AYES: Commissioners Duvall, McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schultz., Smith and Chairman Strother. NOES: None ABSENT: No�ne the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of April, 1967. ASSEMBLYMAN SHOEMAKER'S REQUEST REGARDING STATE HIGHWAY'S 1 and 227 Chairman Strother advised the Comm�ssion that Assemblyman Shoemak�r had given him a copy af Assembly BilY 10-61 tivhich he had introduced; ' which would delete that Section of Highway 1 south of Pismo Beach from the Freeway-Expressway system and place it in the Scenic Highway System and which would also extend'Highwciy 227 from Arroyo Grande to Guadalupe and include it in the F`reeway-Expressway system. He indicated that the Assemblyman had requested a letter expressing his opinion of the pro- posal, After discussion, the Commission agreed that Chairman Strother should write n letter to Assemblyman Shoemaker approving the recommended changes. ADJOURNMENT - On motion by Commissi.oner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner McMillen, and unanimously carried.the meeting was ndjourned at 9:10 P.M, to 7:30 P.M, on April 6th, 1967 for n joint study meeting with the City Council foz� the cQntinuation of study on the proposed Zoning Ordinance. ATTEST : �. CvC� i Secretnry ' Chaix'm�tn