PC Minutes 1967-01-17•/ Planning Commission Arroyo Grande, California January 17th, 1967 The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Strother presidinge Present were Commissioners Dexter, Duvall, McMillen, Porter and Schultze Also in attendance were Mayor Wood, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilman Schlegel, City Administrator Butch, Public Works Director Anderson and Planning Director Gallop. MINUTE APPROVAL A motion was made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissiorier McMillen, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 3rd,. 1967 be approved as prepared, Motion carried, WAIVE AGENDA ITEMS A motion was made by Commissioner McMillen, seconded by Commissioner Porter that the balance of the agenda items be held over to the next regular meeting on February 7th, 1967, Motion cnrried. MEMORIAL FOR COMMISSIONER VISSER �- Chairman Strother spoke to the Visser family who were present, con- cerning his personal acquaintanceship with Mr. Visser, both as a friend and Planning Commissioner< Following Chairman Strother's re- marks, each of the Planning Commissioners added their personal re- marks, in respect to Mr, Vissere Chairman Strother requested that a moment of silence be observed, The meeting adjo ed at :48 P,Me , - U. ATTEST : �✓ ./ �-� � � Pldnning Direc/.o'r� _� -.- ' �Chairman '- �