PC Minutes 1967-01-03a Planning Commission Arroyo Grande, Galifornia January 3rd, 1967 The Planning Commission met in regula-r-sess�.on with Chairman Strother presiding, Present were Commissioxners Dexter, Duvall, McMillen, Porter, Schultz and Visser, Also in attendance were Mayor Wood and Councilman Levine. MINUTE APPROVAL A motion was made by Commissioner Schult2, seconded by Commis- sioner Duvall, that the minutes of the regular mee�ing of December 20th, 1966 be approved as prepared. Motion carried. REVIEW-USE PERMIT N0.66-88 - 1053 Grand Ave.(Riviera Billard Center) Director Gallop reported #hat Use Permit Noe 66-88 for a Riviera Billard Center, at 1053 Grand Ave,, was g�anted on July 19th, 1966, subject to a review in six months, tha� �he use had not been used to this date and that the permit would not become void until one year from the date of granting. CALIFORNIA ROADSIDE COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was received from the California Roadside Council regarding Federal Law and Requirement of removal of Nori-Conforming Advertising s3gns and copies of said letter were distributed to the Ccmmission as i.nformatiox� oaly, with no act�ion being tnken, JOINT MEE'TING WTTH SLO C0. PIrANNZNG COMMISSION °� Direc�tor Ga11op xeported that he had contacted Mr. Ned Rogoway,- � County Planning Director, and thnt the date of January 19th, 1967 would be submitted to the Cownty Plann�ing Commission nt their meet- ing of January llth,1967� for �their approval to be the date of the joint meet3ng with this Commission to d3scuss the Land Use.Element, the Circulation Element and the Parks and Recreation Element of the City of Arroyo Graz�de General Plan. SLO COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOC. PLANNING SESSION Director Gallop infcrmed the Commissicn the f3rst meeting of the San Luis Obispo Ceunty Development Association planning session would be held on January 25th, 1967 and would deal with "Tourism nnd Recreation". He also edvised that this would be the first of four meetings to be held on four consecutive Wednesdays and that when further information wae obtained on what the tepics for discussion would be for the other three meetings that �this information would be forwarded to the Commissicn. � PUBL HEARING (Second) CIRCULATION(Sto a�nd H/'W) ELEMSNT-GEN.PLAN �Upon be3ng assuxed by Mr. Gallop, Pl.an�ing Director, that the Second Public Hearing fer the Circula�tiori (Stzeet and Highway) Ele- ment of the General Plan had been duly published, Chairman Strother declared the hearing open. Directox Gallop briefly reviewed that the Plnnning Commiseion had held a Public Hearing on September 6th, 1966 and had approved the Girculetfon Element and recommended to the City Council that it be adopted, that the Council had held n Public Hearing on November 22, 1966 and referred the Element back to the Planning Commission for their further rev3ew cnd cction and that a second public hearing be held by the Commiesion. Directo� Gallop also reviewed the Circula�tion Element, its pur- poge, the four baeic types of streeta ir� th� plan and ahy they were so deaigned. Councilmar� Schlegel is na�r in attendcnce. One letter addressed to the Plaxu�►ing Commission was received questioning the valtdity of the Cherry Ave. exteneion from Gnrden Street to Coach road over the s3gnature of Glenn E. Peters for Cherry Street Reeidente, ,5'7 � Planning Commission - 1/3/67 � Page 2 Public Hearing - Cir. Element - Cont�nued. Mr. Vard Loomis, Mre Jo]in Waller, Mrs, 'B'hel.ma Hutchison, Mr. Don Rowe, Mrs. Martelon, Mra. Phillips, Mr, Hutchison, Mr, Reed, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Delmar Wood, Mre °Tom Connex;Ly, Bernice Holmes; Mre David Loomis, Mr. Jansen, Mr. Ray Flnl�y, Mr. Glen Peters, Mre. Florence Bennigsdorf and Mr. John Lundgren were present and dis- cussed the Circulation Plan ae to types o� streets proposad, the amount of traffic each type street is designed to accomodate, pro- posed atreet widths, rerouting�of State Sign Route 227, the effect increased traffic on Branch Street Fvill have on the Central Business District, and Gas Tax Monies and City�matching fundse As the audience present were mainly interested in the prmposed improvement of Huasna Road, Cherry Ave. and Cherry Ave. extension, Director Gallop explained the streets were proposed to serve the residents in the area at the present time and were designed to handle the traffic from the pro- jected growth in the eastern part cf the C�.ty, Mr. Vard Loomis recommended the plans for Huasnn Road and Cherry Ave, not be acted upon unt.il the state established where Route 227 would be constructed as he felt the state route would be a major consideration as to where City Streets should be improved. Several alternnte routes were propos.ed and discussed, i.e. improve the preset�t Newsom Springs Road, a road which would pnrallel along the creek bank on the south side of Arroyo Grande creek, and a rond from Brisco Road underpass, easterly over the hill to connect with Huasnn Road in the Crown Hill Campus area. Director Gallop advised thnt him- self, the Director of Public Works, and the City Engineer had studied alternate routes for the area but s�till considered the streets ns shown on the Circulat3on Plan as the better routes. Mnyor Wood was present and stated that he felt the City would not have available funds to improve the roads 3n the easterly portion of the City for at least two years and that as Huasna Road and Cherry Ave. were the only two items of contention in the Circulation Plan, that he would recommend that these two items be completely aliminated from the plan and the staff prepare plan lines fox those two areas ehcwir►g how it would exactly affect properties before the Planning Commission acted on these two proposed streeta. Mr. Butch, City Admin3etrator explained Gas Tax mon�ies and their use. Councilman Levine discussed the Huasna Road project and the need fox a Plan Line and fuzther supported the Circulation Plan as presented. There being no further discussion for or against the request, Chairman Strother declared the hearing closed. Discuasion of the matter between �khe Commission members indicated thct all members were in agreement with the plan excepting Commissioner Visser who opposed the potential loss of farm land and he felt that in some instancea right-of-way widths were excessive and Chairman'Strother and Commissioner Porter felt that perhaps additional time should be devoted to the study of the proposed al�ternate routes prior to commis- sion action. After this discusaion, the following acticn ane taken: RESOLUTION N0. 67-49 G A RESOLU'�ION OF THE PLANNING CONIl�SISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE CIRCULATION (STREET AND HIGHWAY) ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. On motion of Commissioner McMillen,�seconded by Commissioner Schultz, and by the following roll call vote to w3t: AYES: Commissioners Dexter, Duvall, McMillen and Schult2. NOES: Commissioners Porter, Visser and Chairman Strother. ABSENT: None y, the fozegoing Reaolution was adopted thie 3rd day of Januµry, 1967. 0 Planning Commission - 1/3/67 - Page 3 DECISION REGARDING HUASNA ROAD PLAN LINE �A Public Hearing for the Plan Line on H�nasrna Road had been held on December 6th, 1966, and a decision of the Commission had been with- held until after the second hearing for the Circulation Element, but due to the lateness of the �our, a motion was made by Commissioner McMillen, seconded by Commissioner Duvall that a decision on the Huasna Road Plan Line be held over to the next meeting of the Commission. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Strother declared the meet�ng adjourned at 12:32 P.M. ATTEST: �j'�. �c.,J I ' 1. ���_ Secretary � Chairman �5� � 0