PC Minutes 1966-12-20� Planning Commission Arroyo Grande, California December 20th, 1966 The Planning Commission met in regular session at 7:30 P,M. Chair- man Strother and Vice Chairman Schultz were not in attendance. A motion was made by Commissioner Dexter, seconded by Commissioner Visser, that Commissioner Duvall be nominated to preside as Acting Chairman, Motion unanimously carried, The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Duvall and upon roll call, Commissioners Dexter, Porter and Visser report- ed present. Commissioners McMillen, Schultz and Chairman Strother were absent. Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman Levine were also in attend- ance. MINUTE APPROVAL A mbtion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Dexter, that the minutes of the regular meeting.of December 6th, 1966, be approved as prepared. Motion carried. DECISIQN REGARDING USE PERMIT CASE N0. 66-99 - 501 Ide St (Proud) Actzng Chairman Duvall briefly reviewed that a Public Hearing had been held an November 15th, 1966, on Use Permit Noe 66-99, to allow for a Warehouse and occasional sales at 501 Ide St. in a R-2 Zone, and a decision was not made pending an op.ini.on from the City Attorney. As the opinion had been received tk�at �he proposed use cannot be allowed unless testimony is produced �ko shova that previous sales were conducted on a regular basis as a ret�ail store �r�d the applicant had been notified of the opinion and had not appeared to p�esent additional evidence, the following action was taken: CHAIRMAN S'�ROTHER IS NOW PRESENT. RESOLUTION NO. 66-48 U RESOLU"TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING A USE PERMIT, CASE N0. 66-99. On motion of Commissione•r Porter, seconded by Gommissioner Visser, and by the fol.lowing roll ca11 vote, to-wi�: AYES: NQES: ABSENT: Commissioners mar� Strother. None Commissioners Dexter, Duvall, Pcrter, Visser and Chair- McMillen and Schultz. the foregaing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of December, 1966. ACTIN.G CHAIRMAN DUVALL RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO CHAIRMAN STROTHER, STUDY SESSION --. PUBLIC BUILDINGS ELEMENT OF TfiE GENERAL PLAN. Director Gallop da.stributed copies of a Memorandum from Admfn3strator Butch adv,ising that he had reviewed the Public Bu.ildings Element and gen- erally found no major omission ar erroxs in the Plan and tha�t the plan seems to cover satisfactarily the requi�red area and space necessary for the Civ.ic Center. Dixectox Gallop expla,ined the Publ,ic Buildings Element ae it involved the Civic Center, Fire Stat,ion, Police Station,, Library and Corporate Yard. During th� study session there was discussion pnrticularly concerning the present cox�di.tion and eize of the C3ty Hall ax�d "Annex", the Fire Station location in respect to the recammendation az�d the size and location of the Corpaxate Yard. After discussio�z, the Chairman xequested that Fire Chief Marsalek attend the next study session scheduled for January 1�1th, 1967 to discuss the F°ixe S�tation locat3.an recommendation. CORRESPONDENCE FROM DIVI A letter was receiv 5, Divisian of Highways, control o� junkyurde on SION OF HIGHWAYS-�Tunk Yard Legislat3on. ed from R. J. Datel., Diatrict Engatneer, District supplementing the original letter relating to Intexsta�te and fedexal-aid pr,imary routes. REPORT FROM SLO CO3 PLs4NN. COMM. REGARDING CITY £. COUN'�Y GENERAL PLANS. Copies of a Comparative Analysis of the Arroyo Grande (City General Plan and the A.xroyo Graz�de Valley (County) General Pla�n, prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Planz�ing Commission were distributed as information for the Gommissioz� pr3or to the join�t meeting to be held �.n January, 1967. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Strother declar�ed the meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M. ATTEST: � � � cretar C airman d