PC Minutes 1966-04-2617 Arroyo Grande Cal�forn�a April 26th, 1966 The Planning Commission met in adjdurned session wit'h Vice Chairman Evans presid�nge Presen� were Commsssioners Mize, Schult� and Talley, Absent we�e Gommissioners Dex�er McMillen and Chnirman Stro�hera Councilman Levine and Mayo� Wood were in attendancee MINUTE APPROVAL A motion was made by Cmmmiss3oner �'alley, seconded by Commissioner Schultz that the m.�nutes of the regul.ar mee�tzng of April 5th 1966 be ap- proved as prepared o Moit.i�on carried o LETTER FROM CBD IMPLEMENTA`TION COMMIT`TEE (Downtown Mexchants Assoc.) Mro Gallop, Planning Direc�tor, read aloud a le�ter received from the Central Business District Implementa�tion Committee of the Downtown Mer- chants Associa�tion requesting 1) °tha� �he Plannzng Comm.ission have an ordi- nance dra.fted for the purpose of providi.ng unde�ground utilities in the Central Business District and 2) that °the staff of the Commission prepare a preliminary d�aft of a zoning o�da.nance amendment for joint study by the merchants, staff and commission, covering the Central Business District. The le#$er also advised th.a� °�he Cmmmit�kee would like to see a more pre- cise plan be developed £os the area north of the creek, Je 0, Pence, Chairman of the Implemen�a�ion Gommi#�tee was presen°t and adv�.sed the Cen- tral Business Distri�� �vas �he prima•ry concern nnd the underground utili°ty secondary and that �he Merchan��s were �n�e�ested �.n implemen�ing the Cen- tral Business Dis°trict plan, After discussion, a motion was made by Com- missioner Schultz, seconded by Gommissioner Talley, that the Planning Com- mission staff be ins�tri,xc•ted to prepare, 1) an ordinance for the purpose of providing underground ut�l.ities in the Central Business District, Z) a zoning ordinance amendment for study covering the Central Business Dis- trict, and 3) a more precise plan fos the area north of the creek. Motion carried. HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE NOo 66-82 -- 414 Traffic Way (Knotts) Vice Chairman Evans declaxed tha°t ilse Permit Case Noo 66-82 of R.Je Knotts to allow for a Au�om�tive Garage .�n a HS Zone at 414 Traffic Way on Lot 20 of the Jones T�act had been duly puxb�ished and property owners notif�ed and the hearing was nou� opened and all persons for or against the reques�t would be heard Cl�ude Devereaux, ownex of the property,was present and advised �hat the use �n►�uld occupy both existing buildings on the property �xd �ha� the c�.as �ha� are now�r s��xed on the property would be removed as soon as cleared by the P�lice Departmento There were no pro�ests re�e�ved There bea.ng no �iax�her discussion for or against the request, V�ce Chair.mara Evaa�s declared the hearing cl.osed After dis- cussion, �he ��ll�w.iang c�,c��.�n was �ak�no RESOLUTION NOo 66a19 U RESOLUTION OF° THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRAN'TING A USE PERMIT CASE NOe 66-82 On motion of Commissioner Mize, seconded by Commissioner Talley, and by the following roll call vote to-wit� AYESo NOES: ABSENTo Commissioners Evans, Mize, Schul�z and Talley, None Commzssioners Dex�er McMillen and Chairman Strother, - the foregoing Resolu��on was adopted �his 26th day of April 1966. HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE NOe 66m83 �� 420 2raffic Way (ArroMrhead Puritas V.ice Chairman Evans declared - �hat Use Perm�.t Case No, 66-83 of Arrow- head Puritas Water Coo to allow fo.r a free s�tanding sign �n a HS Zone at 420 Traffic �ITay on I.aots 2.1 nnd 22 m� �he Jones Tract, had been duly pub- lished and p�mper�y ownexs notif�.ed nnd �he hearing was nor,v opened and all persons for or agn�ns°t the r�q�est va�uld be heard, Mro Gallop, Plan- : Arroyo G.rande - Plar�ning Commiss��n u April 26, 1966 � Page 2 ning Dire��or advised °�he C�mm�ss�on as #o ��e �ype of sign size, location, etc, There were no proi:es°�s re�e�ved, No �a�r°ther dxscussion for or against the reguest, V�ce Cha3rman Ev�.a�s declared the heara.ng closed. RESOLi7`�ION NOe 66�20 U RESOLU`�IOPi 0�° THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF �'HE CITY 0� AR}.30Y0 GRANDE GRAN`TING A iISE PERMIT, CASE NO. 66-83 On motion o� Commiss�one� �'all.ey, seconded by Commissioner Schultz, and by the follov�ring roll �a.�� vo�e, °to-t�ai�: AYES: NOES; ABSENT; Commissioners Evans Mize, Schultz, and Talley. None Commissioners Dex•�er, McMillen and Cha�.xman S°trother. the foregoing Resolution was ad�pted this 26th day of April, 1966, HEARING-PLANNED UNI`T DEVELOPMEN°T OR "PD�o DIS°TRIGT Mr. Gallop, Planning Di•rec�or, summa.r:�zed �he prior study and action taken regardi.ng �he 'PPD" Dis�ric•t outl�ned �the puxpose of the new district and advised �he Comm.ission �tha�r �he chan�es �they had recommended had been incorporated into t�he f�nal. d.raf of •t�e gPPD'P D�..str.�c�t. V�ce Chairman Evans declared the Pu�blic Hearing fo� �the Planned Uni� Development Dis°trict had been duly p�u�bl�sheci accord.ing °to Ci°ty Ordznance and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or agazns°� the ��equest wo�xld be heard.`There were no pro°tes�s rece�ved. `There we•re no comments for or agninst the pro- posal, Vice Cha.irman Evans declnred �he hearing closed, RESOLUTION N0, 65�2I Z A RESOLU`TION OF THE CI�'Y OF° ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION RECONIMENDING TO °THE CI'I°Y COUNCIL AN AMEND- MENT °TO `E'HE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND£ (ORDI:NANCE N0. 157) BY ADDING TO SAID ORDI- NANCE A HEW SECTION ES�ABLISHING A PLANNED UNIT DE- VELOgMEN`:" OR 1 °PD'° DISTRIC.�'. On mot�on of C�mm�.ssioner Schul�tz, seconded by Commissioner Talley, and by �he �ollow�ng roll. cal� v��te �c��wi�t: AYES� Commiss.�oners Evans M,�ze, Schul�z, �al.ley, NOES: None ABSEN°T: Comm:issioners Dex�er, McM�.11en and Chairman S�ro°ther. the forego�.ng Res�1.u��.on was adopYed �h�.s 26th day of April, 1966. 2ND HEARING -� LAND USE ELEMENT OE°'�HE GENERAL PLAN Mre Ga11,op, P�anning Di�•ectqr.,, �ev�ewed °khe prior action taken by the Planning Gc�mmiss,i�n and C.f.�ty Counc�,l. xegarding �t�e Land Use Element and briefly o�utl�.ned the changes adog�ed by the Comm�.ssion a°t their April Sth,. 1966 meelting. Vice' Ghairman Evans dec�a.�ed the Public Hearing for the Land Use Elem.ent 'had been dizly publ.ished a.ccording t�o Ci�ty ordinance and the heari�ng was now opened a.nd all. persons �'o� or agaznst �the request would be heardo Mro Robe�� F'o.lkerts was presen� and p�otested the area south of the proper°ties facing D�dson ViTay �;o F°air Oa.ks Ave. be�ween A1der St, and Halcyon Road be�.ng lotia density wi°�h mos� of �he mul•tiple zoning being east of the freeuiay. I�k was discusseci �ha� �ighe� densi�t�es iaere shown in the area of Cherry Aveo as �he st�eet raoixld be a ma�or artery in the future and the developmen� :�n the area would be :�n conjunc�tion wi�fh the development of the Central Bi,xs�ness Distr�ct, `The developmen�t of the large and odd size lots in �the Faa�r Oaks A�ea we�e d�.scussed and how �h.is development would conform °ko °the Land Use Plan projec��.��n. P(o fu.r�ther discussion for or against �he Land Use Elemen�t, V�.ce Ghairman Evans declared the hearing closedo �19 Arroyo Grande d Plann�.ng Comm�ss3o� m April 26 1966 � Page 3 A motion `vas made by Commiss�oner M�ze, seconded by Commissioner Tnlley that all of tha°t blocl� so��th o�' °khe p�oper�t�es facing Dodson Way to Fair Oaks Ave. be�tt�aeen Alder, S�. a,nd Halcyon Road not �ncluded in the Office Profess�.onal use be changed �'rom 1.ow density to high dens3ty, Motion carried, The nren noxtherly of F°ca�,�re11. Road;� sota.�heas�terly of Elm Street and south�vesterly of Ash Street approved to be low density at the April 5th meeting was discussed and �.�k wns �'elt should be amended as the properties within this area because of �their shape and s3ze do not lend themselves to good single family development A motion was made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Mize $hat �he area northerly of Farrell Road, east of Elm Street and west of Ash Street be changed from Low Den- sity to Medium Density as orig3nally shown on the Land Use Map, Motion carried. RESOLU�'ION N0. 66-22 G A RESOLU`TION OF THE PLANNING CONIlufISSION OF THE CITY OF° ARROYO GRANDE ADOP"TING 2HE LAND USE ELEMEN'T.OF THE GENERAL PLANo On motion of Commissioner Mise� seconded by Comm�.ssioner Talley and on the foll,owing roll call vo�te �to-taito AYESo Commissioners Evans, Mize Schultz, and Ta11ey. NOESo None � ABSEN�'o Comm�ss,�oners Dexter, McMa.11en and Chairman Strothero the foregoing Resolution was adopfed �this 26�th day of April, 1966, NOTIFICA�'ION 0� GENERAL INF'ORMATION I'TEMS Mr. Gallop, Planning Direc°to� noti�ied the Commission of the follow- ing informationo ' The Ci�y Council at its special meeting of April 19th approved the joint study meeting requested for May 3rd to consider the proposed Subdivision Ordinance, the meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M, May 2nd has been se°t as�.de as 1 °Youth in Government Day" and the Com- mission members have been invited °to the luncheon to be held nt Lowe's Restaurant at 12000 o°clock noono The next qunrterly meet�ng of the Chnnnel Count�es Division of the League of Californ�,a Cities will be' held in the City of Lompoc on May 12t�h, 1966, At the last special Council meeting of April 19th, 1966, Chairmnn Strother requested permission, which was granted, to be absent from three meetings or�mox�e of the Planning Commission, The City Council, on Apr�l 19th 1966, appointed F Kirkpatrick, Noland Garrison and Carroll Pruitt��o the newly formed Parking Com- mission. A letter was received from �khe Division of Highways concerning the adoption of new or reloc6,tion of State Highways and pertaining to public hearings as �equired under AB 3404 Sect�.on 74,50 SECRETARY TO ATTEND LEAGUE MEETINGS Commissioner Schultz reqv.ested the Secretary of the Planning Com- mission be invited to at°tend Channel Goun°ties D,�vision of �he League of California Cities meetings as he fel°t a°�tendance by the Secretary at these meetings wotxld be benef�cial to the Commissiono a 20 Arroyo Grande - Plann�ng Commission - April 26, 1966 s Page 4 EXPIRATION OE°'�ERMS 0� PLANNING CONIMISSIONERS Commissioner Schultz introduced and discussed the terms of o�fice of� Planning Commissioners, advising that he felt the terms o� four members of a seven member board expir.�ng at the same time could create problems with a possible complete major�ty change and he fel� t�vo terms expiring nt the same time would no� be so de��rimental. Af#er discussion a motion wns made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commiss�oner Talley, that the problems that could arise by the terms of fo�+xr Commission Members ex- piring at one time be brought to the atten�ion of the C��ty Council with the suggestion that it might be possible to amend the ordinance for a more efficient•operation. Motion carri�d. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Wood recommended the Planning Commission give considerable thought prior to changing existing zoning as many property owners do not reside in the immediate area and would not be aware of the proposed changes. Mayor Wood also requested the staff study the City street system and plan now where existing dead end streets may be continued in the future nnd control the development to avoid structures being installed in proposed right-of-ways, Some of the streets suggested for such a study were: The Pike, Leanna Drive Woodland Drive, Farrell Road, a connecting street between Huasna Road and the Freeway, and the area east of Alpine Street. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Talley, that the meeting be adjourned ATTEST : GrJr�L Y�.� .G�.ao �/ Secretary Mize, seconded by Commissioner at 10:31 P.M. Motion carried, Vice-Chairman n I LJ