PC Minutes 1966-03-01_ 1�2 Arroyo Grande, Californ+a March lst, 1966 The regular meeting cf the�Planning Commission was not held this date, due to the lack of a quorum. March 15th, 1966 The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Strother pre- siding. Present were Commissioners Dexter, Evans, Mize and Talley. Absent were Commissioners McMillen and Schul:tz. MINUTE APPROVAL A motion was made by Commissioner Talley, seconded by Commissioner Evans, that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 15th, 1966 be approved as prepared. Motion Carried. REPORT°SLO COUNTY PLANNONG MEETING OF FEB. 16 1966 Mr. Gallop, the Planning Director, advised that he had attended the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission Meeting of February 16 1966 and the following two items were of interest to the City: 1) that a zoning general plan be prepared by the C�unty staff for the�Oceano creek bottom area and the Huasna area, and pre- liminary studies be prepared of the Los Berros Road from Highway 101 to Oceano and the road between the City of Arroyo Grande and the�Lopez Dam erea, and 2) a dis- cussion of garbage disposal sites to replace the Nipomo site which is to be closed in March. It was suggested that the County contract wi.th Mr. Brisco for the use of the pit at Old Highway 101 and Brisco Road in Arroyo Grande to conduct a.i.nte.rim modern sanitary land fill operation. HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE N0, 66-80--Bell St � Grand Ave. (Apex Sha�..Work's) Chairman Strother declared that Use Permit Case No. � 0 of Louis J. Baker for Apex:Sharpening Work's to allow for a free standing sign at the corner of Bell Street and Grand Ave. in a C-1 Zone on Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 of Western Addition had been duly published and property owners notified and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against th� request would be heard. The Planning Director advised that this sign was a replacement for a previous sign and that he was con- cerned with signs of this type being placed.on main arterials when the businesses act�ally faced another street, There being no persons for or against the request Chairman Strother declared the hearing ctosed. After Planning Commission discus- sion, the following action was taken. RESOLUT{ON N0. 66-16 U RESOLUT�ION OF THE PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE N0. 66-80 On motion of Commissioner Mize, seconded by Commissioner Evans, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Dexter, Evans, Miae, Talley and Chairman Strother None Commissioners McMillen and Schultz the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of March 1966 HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE N0. 66-81-- tn rear of 116 E.Branch St. Nix) Chairman Strother declared that Use Permit No. �81 of Harvey Nix to allow for a plumbing shop for storage and fabricating plastic and soil pipe in the base- ment at 116 East Branch Sfireet on a portion of Lot 5 of the Nevada Tract, had been duly published and.property owners notified and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against the request would be heard. Mr. Nix advised that access to the property was across private land from Bridge Street with the owners permission, there�would be little noise from pipe machines and a small butane fire pot.which would be used-inside and outside, that the windows that faced on Branch Street would be opened at times for ventilation, and that it was his intention to add additional roofing and fencing to the rear af the building. Mr. Nix indicated the.building would be used between 2 and 8 hours weekly. Mr. Porter was advised the use was per mitted under the present zoning and Mrs. Harvey Nix.was advised that the property Planni�ng Commessooe� Marc� 15, ��66 P�9e � Hear�or�g�Use �ec�cnm t Gase Ne�. 66�8���:c�E�td, wozald be ��sed ��r reta6l b�.��an,e3s �sc�rpm�es when the GPr�t:s��� Buser�ess District Pla;n is implemer�ted. �'her�e beang �o fta; i.het� discusse�n f�r c�r agair�st the request, Chairm�rr Sfi�°ot�eo° declared the h�e�c°ur�� c,lr�sed. _Afiter c�o���s��a�o, �he followarag act ti ��a wv�� �ta�.��� < R,����0�,�9`�'uc��9 ��o. 66�17 � �� �OV�UT V ON 0� `�E��: ��,/�NN �!�C �:O�IM 9 SS C ON (.��� '�'!�� C V�"�° Q� ARR�YO GRANDE GI��N�' C NC R�.4�� E�ERM U T, �R�� N0, 66m81 (�p'. n�c�tor��� c�� Commissuones° �ex:�e� secc��ded by t;��r�6�s_;ssora�r Moze, and by the fo� l�wi �,y r•J� b c:a� 1 vote, to�w� �:: �Y�:�o Co�nmissaoner�s �r.;r��F�•, k°.ta�ar��, Moze, '�'���ey �a��� Ghaarcnan Strother� Nfi�:��: � Nor�e Af3�k;[�1�6'e Gorr�miss uoners Me:R�1u ��E�u� :�rac� Sch�sl t� the �i:�r•e�csee�q Re���ut�on was �ci�p�:��' ji:�ury �$th day �aE Nlas°r,.�� �966 HEARANG�JREZpN�NG_ ��QUES� C ASI� I�� ,_6 6� "'�� �'�:�,s ,LaB�11 �H9 �� E�SP�' E Woodb�ry `�o°acts — — -- -- ��e-- --� �r°vwne��ch � P �� Cha°srman Str°a"ther declared �hat Rezc�n6n� �.eq�aest Case No. 66m30 of A.A. Browne and C•oHo_Sc(h2ec�e� to rezone fr°om RA�B� to RAmBI pertions of the La Be�le and Hol�� i ker a�d Wcaodbdary �'r�acts, '•had been d�g3y pa�b1 i shed arac! �r�operty owr�ers no� s f i ec� and t�e FaearFr�g was raow opened a�id �i1 persoras for o�° ag�on�t the request would be heard. Ther'e were r�o protests t� the propc�sed rezo�dr�g, h1r, A.Ao Browne was present ar�d spv!�e are fav�r cbf the rezor�Er�g beu�y a���°c�ved as �he proposed �'ract Nm 349 wou�d then cc�mply weth Cety �ot suze r�eq�ure�nents ac�d �;o the G.C, & R.'s of the trac�k. No T�rtt�er c� 8 SCllSS BOEI for or° aga i nsfi the !req�aested �°ezon i ng, Cha � rman Strother de� clared the hear��ng closed. R�SqV�Ufi � QN N0 66� 18 � R�SOLU� B ON OF �"HE P�,AN� C N� C0�1�1 V SS V ON OF `�EiE C I�'Y OF ARROYO GRAI�DE R�COMM�ND�NG APPROVAL O� THE PROPOSED AMENDME�J�', GASE I�O, 6h=�0, �'0 OR� � NANCE N0. 157 �0 REZONE POR�' 0 QNS 'Or TEiE �,A BEL�E AND N C LL B KER AND WAODBURY �'RAG'�'a, Ora mQ�t9c�r� �� Gommissio�E��° Ev�aros, seconded by C��!rnussooner Dexter and by �:he followo�q 6�<:�11 call vote tc�9wi#:o AYE�: NOESo ABS�NTo Commissooner�s Dextes°, �vas�s, Mize, Tal�sey arod Chair�nan Strother None Com�nissoortet°s M��1ul�e� and Schu�tz the foreyo9ng r°es�lutBon was adapt�d thes �l5th day of ?�arGh, 1966. REU B EW� USE ff'�R� G T N0. 64 mC0 S� OP�RA'�'ED GAR WASFl�A,�P I N� & GRAND E�V 0 N On Se�tembet 16th 19�5 �►�. �lvon was granted l9se perm�t No. to aJlow far a co i re o�aerat:�d �et f serv i ce c�r wash, c>n L,c�ts 10, 1 1 arod � 2, B�ock 17 of Wester-n. Addition �t the s��rthwest corr�er of' 5o.A�pene Street and Grand Ave. in a Cml Zone and one of ihe ccanditoons was that the use be reviewed on six months. Dr. E. H. Elvin was ��°�sent and adves�d th�t ��e was stell or� the pr°ncess of negotiatong woth vario�ts car ev�sh companies sn ar? effo.t�t to obtain as nice an installatio� as poss°sbl� and �,�at he would need more t�une. A moteon was made by Commcsseor�er Talley secorded by Ce��massioner Evans, tlhat: Use 6�ercnet N�o. 64 reqsaes�ed by Dr. E.H. Elvire, be extended fos° ssx (6) mo�thso Mc�tso� c:ac�r•ied,. D 0 SCUSS 9 UN��.a4�lD IJSE ELEMEN�' AF ��HE ��N��RA�, P�.AN Th� -P 1�r��n e ng D i recto r adv e�ec� l:B��a;�: ihe C i ty C���n,c s 2 had hel d a hea r e ng on FPbruary 22, �9�� 07 the Land �lse �'lesner�t of the Gersec�a� Plan and that followong sa e�l `�e� r'+ ��cr, � the �a��d �,IsF f; � e�ner�t back t� tE?e P� ar�n a ng Comm i ss o oro re� ��:��:��;��.,:' �.�:.��c��tl�tso� of ei�:ue.�a (��� saA�gester� cha��gPS. Mr. Gallop br�efly 1.3 �� Planning Commission March 15, 1966 Land Use Element of General Plan-contd. pa9e 3 outlined the suggested changes, and after discussion it was agreed further study should be given the Land Use Element. A motion was made by Commissioner Dexter, seconded by Commissioner Mize that the Planning Commission request that the City Council meet with fihe Planning Commission for a joint study session on the Land Use Element.of the General Plan at 7:30 P.M. on March 29th, 1966 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Motion carried. STUDY SESSION ON PROPOSED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT After discussion, it was agreed a study session on the proposed Planned Development District be held by the Planning Commission on March 21st, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and the Commissioners be sent notices to that effect. LOT�SPLIT INFORMATION The Planning Commission advised that it would not be necessary to notify the rest of the Commissioners of action taken by the Lot�Split Committee. ADJOURNMENT No further business before the Commission, Chairman Strother declared the meeting adjourned at 10:16 P..M. ATTEST: Secretary � \ ,r Chairman'