PC Minutes 1965-11-0222�
Asroy� �rande ��1����n��
November 16th Y965
�he Plann��g C�mmiss�on me� 3n r�g��ar session wi�h Cha�rman S�rother
pres�di�g, P�esen� wer� C�mm�ss�o�e�� D�x�er Evans, McM�11e� Mize and
Schul$ze Absen� �as C�mm�ss��ne� `�a.��.��o �m�ncilman L�vine and Mayor
Wood were �n attendan�eo
A mm�ian vuas made by Comm�ss�oner M��� seconded by Cmmmxss�oner
Schul�z �ha� �he m�nu�es m� �he reg�lar mee��ng o£ N�vember 2nd, 1965
be approved as preparedo Mo�3.on ca���ede
COND>USE PERMI� REQUES� NOo72m65 m 1012 G�and Aveo(Chr�s��an Sc,Soco)
A mo��mn was made by Commiss�oner Schultz, seconded by Comm�ssioner
McMi.Ylen, that Gond�tgonal Use P�rm�� Reg�est Noo 72d55 �f �he Chris�ian
Science Society of Arroyo G�a�de to allow for Church services and res
1a�ed ac�iv�t�es a� 1012 Grand Aveo on a p�rtion �� �ot 5 0� �he Folsom
�rac� �n a C�1 Zone be se� fmr heari�g a� 7:45 P,M, December 7th, 1965,
Mot�on car��ed,
COND.USE PERMI� REQUEST NOo73m65 m 821 G�and Ave, (C��y Neon)
A mo�ion was made by Gommass��ner McM���en, sec�nded by Commissioner
Schult�� �ha� Gonditio�al Use Permit Reques� Noo 73�65 of Cliffoxd
Buckner �or City Neon Inc, �a a�l�w ��r d��ee s�and�ng sign at 821 Grand
Avee on a por�ion of Lots 3 and 4 Block 15 of Wes�ern Add�f�on be set
�or hearing a� 7045 P,M, Decembe� 7th, �965e Motion carried,
5° UT1���Y EASEMEN� LOT 13 �RAC� NOo 250 �(G�antham)
The D�rec�or of Publ�c Wmrks advised �ha� �he City Council had had
a req�es� �o abandon �he no��he��y 5�ee� o� a 15 foat Piablic Utility
and Drn.�nag� easement on �he sou�her�y li�e mf Lot 13 in Tract No, 260
which was �e�e��ed �o the P�ann3.ng C�mm�ss�on far �he�r considerntion,
He �ur�he� advised �ha� Pac���� Telegho�� and Telegraph Company and
P�ci�ic Gas and E.�ec�s�c Coo sen� 1e��e�s ind�ca�ing tha� �hey approve
th�s request and tha� Sou�he�n Co�����s Ga.s Coo has sta�ed t�at they
have no �n�e�est �n �his easemen� and i� �as M�o A�derson°s opinion
�his easemen� was �f no �se �o the C�ty as 10 fee� would be sufficient,
After discuss�o� a m�t�on was made by G�mmiss�oner Evans seconded by
Comm�ss��ner Schul�z tha� �he Planni�g Commi�s�on recommend �o the
City Counc�.l �ha� the northerl.y 5 fee� o� ��e 15 foo� Public U�ili�y
and Drainage easemen� mn �he Sau�h s�de of Lo� 13 Trac� Nmo 260 be
abandoned. Mot�on carr�ed,
JOINT MEETING - CTTY COUNCIL �- November 30 .1965
T�e C��y Adminis�rator advzsed �ha� the C:i�y Council had approved
Novembes 30, 1965 a� 7030 P,M, as t'he ��me for the joint meeting,
Comm.issioner Schul�z requested �ha� d�sc�ssion on a Memorial for Mayor
Jacobs be placed on �he agenda, Any add���onal agenda items were to be
subm�dted to �he City Administra�or��rior to the joint meeting,
The D�rector o� Public Works read aloud a letter from the San Luis
Ob�sgo Co�n�y Plann�ng C�mmissi�n advising �ha� �hey would meet with
this Cammiss�on on December 2, 1965 at 8000 P,Ma in the Arroyo Grande
Ci�y Ha11 �o dzscuss p.lanning �n conjunc��on with Lopez Dam, Mayor
Wood adv�sed �ha� Rober� Born, Coun�y Hydrau��c Engineer wo�uld mnke
eve�y effort to at�end the meet��g and �he D��ec�or of P�bl�c Works
advised �ha� Ned Rogoway �o�n�y P��n��ng Dixector, wou�d also attend
the meeting, It wns reques�ed $hat Ly.le Carpenter, County Supervisor
be invited to a�tend ��e mee�ing �Isoo Chai�man Strother suggested
�ha� a green belt or open a�ea �n the Ar��ya Grande area be discussed
and �he naming o� s�ree�s bo�h in �he Ci�y and �n �he County area
around the c�ty l��i�s,
Plann�ng C�mm�sss.on
Arroyo Grande, Cal�fo
Nov. 16�h, 1965 m Page 2
HEARII�IG�COND, USE PERMI'T NO e 71,� 65 G 226 S e Reaaa St o( Cmuch
The Direct�or of Publ�.c V+lorlcs �ead a1�a�d �he Condi�ional Use Per-
mit reques� of James F� Bonnie Couch c�s�d designated °�he area �o be used
and explazned the exis�zng use and �he p��posed use. Chairman Strother
declared �hat Condi�ional Use Perm�� Req�a�s•t Noo 71�65 �aas duly pub�
l�shed and property o�rners no�i£a.ed arad �}°xe hearing was now opened and
all persons for or aga,ins�t �he reqt�est woi.xld be hea�d a Mr o Anderson
explained °�hat °the applica.�t�.on had s�ated �he a.ddress fmx �he property
in gues�ion uras Yis°ted as 227 S. Rena . S� o bu°t the correct address was
226 So Rena S�o Mr, James Gov.ch explained �he reques�ed use was for
the ca.re of inen°tally retarded People w�m had minds tha�t had not ad�
vanced beyond certain ages, �ha� these people were slow.thinkers that
could be tra�ned but requ�red superv�.s�.on, tha� they were no�t dangerous
and were placed in homes for a type af �amily care,
The Direc�or of Publxc Wcrr}cs r.e�.d aloud �e°t�ters received from the
Sta�e of Galxforn�a Health and Vilelfare Agency, Department of Mentnl
Hygiene, nnd the San Luis Obispo Cotxnty Vllelfare Depar°�ment regarding
th�.s type mf home, that i•� wou.ld be licensed or cer�ified by the State
Departmen� o�' Mental Hygiene nnd the let°ters o�xt�ined °the pu�rpose,
type of patiea��s and superv�.s�on this �type of home would haveo
Lette�s m�' pro�est to �the use vuere rece�.ved from Mr. and Mrs.
McGee, oumers of �he proper�y nnd �rom De�il P, Vdni�ers, A peti�ion
o£ protes�t was rece�,ved s�gned by �9 residents of �he South Rena St,
°The �ollowing people spoke in pro�est �� �he use being granted:
Ruby Wa�rd, 216 S, Rena S�.; Rugh H�bbs, 230 S, Rena St.; H, M, Andrews,
218 S. Rena St,; Amel.�a Pr�ce, 778 Dods�n Way; Gordon Vaard, 216 S.
Rena Sto; Coleen Smith, 223 S. Rena S�.; Douglas WThhit�ney, 205 S. Rena
S°t o; Earl Pr�ce, 778 D�dsos� 1Nay; Ja,ck ��hnson, 835 Ol.ive St, ; and Murl
Sl oan, 1.43 S. Rena St .
°The tollowing are some o� �the reas�r�s stated by the above for
protes�ing the use being graa��tedo Men�ally handicapped people are
unpredic�able; res�dents purchased property as R-1 and do no# want
the zoning to change; would be poo� planning to allow when abuting
ProfesssonalmCommercial zoning which doesn't allow this type of use;
property values �aill depreciate; nume�ous small children in the area;
patien�s not supervised prope�ly; too many peop.le under one roof
creates p�oblems such as the R-�3 areas on the street; patients, while
no�k considered dangerous at this t�me could be at a later date; and
a six year old mind in an adult body ws�th more s�trength, could be
dnngerous around a normal s�x yea.r dld child, Mr. McGee was present
and stated he did not want bad feelings w3th his neighborso
Mre James Couch and Mrs, Bonnie Couch spoke in favor of the use
being gran�ed for the fmllowing reasons:" patien�s are not insane but
just retarded; are no�t dangerous; are supervised and cared for and
they fel.t res.idents would no�k be awa�e o� $}ae pa°tients. Mr, Chester
Will�nms advised that a sta�te represen�ta�ive could not be present due
to the wea.ther condi�iora.s but wns ava,�labYe by telephone to answer any
No fur°ther d�scussion for �� agcy.�.ns°t �he request, Chairman
Strother dec.�ared the hearing closed, A mo�ion u►as made by Commissioner
M�ze, seconded by Commiss�.oner. Sc3at�Y�z� °�ha�t due �o °�he protests and
line of reas�ns given tha� the Condi�aanaX Ldse Pe�m�t Reqixest Noo 71-
65 of James and Bonnie Corxch to allour �t�ae board3ng of six mentally
haz�dicapped females be�t�aaeen ages 2,1 and 65 air 226 S. Rena S�reet on a
portion of Lot 107 of the Rancho Cnrral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de
c;hemisal �n a R-3 Zone be den�edo Gommiss3.oners S�trother, Dexter�
Evans, Mize and Schult� vo�ed '�Aye°°o Gomm�ssi.oner McMillen voted "No".
Motion carr�.ed,
.. .. .�
Planning Cmmmission
Arroyo Grande, Cal��o
Novo 16th 1965 m P�ge 3
CONDo USE PERMIT REQUEST NOo 74-65 � 1040 Gra�d Aveo(Harrisan)
A m�t�on was made by Commiss�one� Schul��, sec�nded by Commissm
ioner Evans, $�a� G�nd���onal Use Pe�m���IRequest Noo 74m65 of G, E,
Harrison �o germit a Pa�n� and Body Shop a� 1040 Grand Ave, on a
pmr��on o� L�� 5 of �he Fo�s�m �rac� �n a C=1. Zone be set for hearm
ing at 7045 P,M, Decemb�r 7th, 1955, Moti�n carri�do
CONDoUSE PERMIT NOo 33 m 1405 Grand Aveo•(K�ng)
Comm�ssioner McMillen rec�xested the �erms and cond�t�ons of the
granting o� Gondi�ional Use Permit Noo 3� on September 1, �964 to
show and sell cnmpers and s�pplxes at 1405 Grnnd Ave, be rev�ewed,
Commissioner Schultz reported that he had just completed a six
week course on City and County Planning nt the Sain Luis Obispo Senior
High School and gnve a brief summary of �he lectures and discussionso
A motion was mnde by Commissioner SchuYtz, seconded by Commiss-
ioner Evans, that �he mee�ing be ad�ou�ned �� 9017 P,M, and �hat a
study session on the Land Use Element of the Master Plan be heYd
following adjournment, Mo��on ca�ried.
� ��
Joint Meeting of Planning Commission and City Council
City Council Chambers
November 30, 1965
Oliver Talley
Orville Schultz
Winslow Evans
Wayne Mi.ze
Newell Strother
Mansell Dexter
Harry McMillen
George Burt
Jane Thompson
- Baird McNeil
Addison B. Wood
Kenneth Levine
J. Anderson
B. Gallop
L. Wise
Merchants Association:
N. Garrison
D. Curson
C. Porter
General discussion was held on effect of traffic through
Arroyo Grande to Lopez Dam with the possibility of routing this
through traffic off of Branch St. onto other streets such as
Cherry Ave.
General discussion was held on possibility of making joint
meetings between Planning Commission and City CQUncil mandatory
�n a semi-annual basis by ordinance. General feeling was that
these meetings were beneficial but that an ordinance was not
Discussion was held on possibility of having the staff set
hearing dates on Conditional Use Permits thus expediating these
applications. It was generally felt that this was desirable and
that a change be prepared. . �-
A discussion was held regarding a memorial for Robert Jacobs.
As a City Park is being proposed at this time, it was felt that
possibly this could be commemorated to Robert Jacobs.
A discussion was held on annexations and the new Local Agency
Formation Commission.
Arroyo Grande, California
December 2, 1965
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in joint session with
the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission. Present from the
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission were Commissioners Strother, Schultz,
Talley, Evans, Mize and McMillen. Present from the San Luis Obispo
County Planning Commission were Commissioners Cook, Franklin, Hourihan,
Tarr and Radke.
Also in attendance were: Bud Johnson,Deputy District Attorney, Ned
Rogoway, County Planning Director, Lyle Carpenter, 4th District Super-
visor, Kenneth Levine, Arroyo Grande Councilman, Larry Wise, Planning
Consultant, Jane 'I'hompson, Arroyo Grande Councilwoman, Mayor Wood,Arroyo
Grande and Robert Gallop and J.E. Anderson from the Arroyo Grande Plan-
ning staff and Tom Butch, Arroyo Grande City Administrator.
l. Lopez Dam and its effect on Arroyo Grande.
A. Access from Highway 101 - Larry Wise discussed the impact of
Lopez Dam on Arroyo Grande and various traffic routes to the
Dam other than Branch Street. Those present advised that there
were no alternates to the dam being considered other than
through Arroyo Grande.
B. Land Use between Arroyo Grande and Dam - It was discussed that
land between the Urban Area and the Dam be kept clean with bill-
board type signs prohibited and commercial facilities be limited
to specific areas in block form, that the agriculture land be
protected, that the City and County agree on establishing limits
of the Urban Area. � �
. . , .. .. . . , ' . . . � . ,.i i ��l • .
C. & D. Potential Commercial and General Recreational �facil`ities at
the Dam - Ned Rogoway presented a map of the proposed Commercial
and recreztional facilities at the dam, and explained the various
camp sites, roads, limited commercial facilities, etc.
2. Rerouting of State Highway No. 1- Ned Rogoway presented a Division
of Highway map indicating various proposed relocation rroutesfor
Highway 1 indicating proposed intersections with Highway 101 at
.Five Cities Shopping Cente�, Central Blvd. Overcrossing, on the
South Traffic Way undercrossing and at Berros Road.
3. General Land Use Plan for Huasna Valley, Lower Arroyo Grande Valley
and Mesa - Ned Rogoway presented a tentative zoning study map indi-
cating County proposed land use in these areas wlnich would protect
top agricultural land and development of non-productive areas. It
was agreed that further cooperation would be necessary to establish
an Urban Area Line. Larry Wise indicated this would be done on the
proposed plan for the City.
4. Street i�ames were discussed with no a:ction taken pending further
development of the Dam.
5. Parks and Airport - Larry Wise explained that in the City Plan parks
- would be developed in conjunction with schools for better utilization
of land. Airport development was discussed and Supervisor Carpenter
said he had a request for an airstrip at the dam site and that limited
improvement was being made at the Ocean� airport.
6. Subdivisions - Larry Wise advised he will have a proposed subdivision
ordinance with Map Act included for the City in the near future which
would also regulate Lot-Splits.
7. It was generally felt coordination and communication between the City
and County were very good, and joint meetings were very desirable.