PC Minutes 1965-04-20,` � �R
Arroyo Grande, California
May 4th, 1965 - 7:30 P.M,
The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman
Talley presiding. Present were Commissioners Evans, McMillen, Shaffer
and Strother. Absent were Commissioners Rondeau and Schultz, Council-
man Wood was in attendancea
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 20th, 1965 were ap-
proved as prepared.
COND. USE PERMIT REQUEST N0. 55 - 1.51 N, Rena (Pace)
A motion was made by Commzssioner Strother, seconded by Com-
missioner Shaffer that the Conditional Use Permit request of Vic Pace
to permit a 1 bedroom apartmen�t over an off�ce building on Lots 12 and
13 in Block 1 of Western Addi�ti,on in a C-1 Zone at 151 N, Rena Street
b� set for hearing at 7�45 P,M., May 1,8th, 1965. Motion carried.
ARCH. APPROVAL - Elm and Grand Ave. (Humble Oil � Refining Co�
A motion was made by Commissioner Shaffer, aeconded by Commiss-
ioner Strother that the photograph and e,levation plans, as aubmitted
by Humble Oil and Refining Co., for a serv�ice sta�ion at #he sou�thwest
corner of Elm Street and Grand Ave. be approved for Architactural
Approval. Motion carried.
COND. USE PERMIT REQUEST N0. 54 � E1m-Graz�d Ave. Humble Oi1Z
A motion was made by Commissioner Evana, seconded by Commieaioner
Strother that the Conditional Use Permit request of' Humble 011 and Re-
fining Co. to install a free standing, ,fn�erior ligh�ted� ro�tating sign
on a portion of Lot 7 Tract 10 at the Southwes�t corner of El.m Street
and Grand Ave. in a C-1 Zone be set for hearing a�t 7:45 PAM. May 18th,
1965. Motion carried.
Correspondence was received from Stan.ley A. Dyer requesting the
Comm.ission consider changing the Conditional Use Permit granted to him
on February 16th, 1965 to include fura�ture as well as automobile up-
holstery. The original application of Mr. Dye� wae for an upholstery
shop and any related usea normally done in euch a ehop, and Mr. Dyer
advised that sterilizing equipment i.s not required when furniture is
covered for the owner and ia not for resale, A mo�tion wae made by Com-
missioner Shaffer, seconded by Comm3esioner Stro�ther, �tha�t the require-
ment ''the operation be limited �to auto type upholatery work" be changed
on the Conditional Use Permit granted �tn Stanley A. Dyer on February
16th, 1965 to allow furniture uphole�ary alsoa Mo�:ion carrieda
HEARING - VARIANCE REQUEST N0. 39 � Linda Drive (Gaynoe)
Cha3rman Talley declared the Variance requeet of Nick Gaynoe was
duly published and property ownere notified and the hearing wae now
opened and all persons for or againet the request would be heard. The
Director of Public Works read the application aloud, and the explana-
tion of the request submitted by Mr. Gaynos. John Bryant, 1120 Linda
Drive; Fred Marks, 1198 Linda Drive; Don Carte�, 1160 Linda Drive;
Richard Coffey, 1110 Linda Dxive; Ken�t Blankanbux�g, 1106 Linda Drive;
Jay Wright, 1155 Linda Drive; John Huret, 1141 L�.nda Drive; Don Harrah,
1140 Linda Drive; Gerald Ladley, 1130 Linda Dr�.ve; Archie Green, 1151
Linda Drive; William Brigh�t 1131 Linda Drive; and Ben Jacobe of Gz�and
Ave., protested the granting of the variance for the following reasons:
Street is all residential development and is zoned R-1 and duplexes
would cause a disturbance; du,plexes would have tranaien�t �type occupante
and would lower property values; would 3ncxeaee °the population denaity
from the present average of th�ree peraons to a lo�t; the requested 15
foot set-back would no•t be compatible with the other development on
the street and multiple dwelli,ngs could create parking probleme. One
letter of protest was rece,ived from John Bainer, 1:148 Grand AveA It
was stated by residenta of the street that the eubject property could
be developed as residential. No further diecuseion for or against the
Planning Commission
May 4th, 1965 - Pa.ge 2
Variance request Noe 39 � Continued,
request, Chairman `Talley decla.red the hearing cl.osed, After discussion,
n motion was made by Commiss.ioner S�trother, seconded by Commissioner
McMillen, that the Variance Reques� No,. 39 of Nick Gaynos to allow for
R-2 Use and a 15 foot front yard set back ,in a R-1 Zone on a portion of
Lot 11. of the Folsom °�ract on Linda Dr;ive be denied, Motion carried,
HEARING - CONDo USE PERMIT REQUEST NOe 53 _ 933 Grand Ave, (Harvich)
Chairman Talley decla�ed ithe Conditional Use Permit Request of
Leon Harvich was duly published and proper•ty owners notified and •the
hear�ng was now opened and a1.1 persons for or aga,inst t'he request would
be heard, The D.irec�to�r of P�ubl:ic Works rea.d �the appl�ication aloud, Mr.
Harvich was present and advised he cou,ld add nath�,ng further to his re-
queste No further d,iscussion fo�r or aga3�nst �rhe request, Chai�rman Talley
declared the hearing cl.osed, A mot,ion wus made by Comm�iss.ioner McM311en,
seconded by Commissioner Evans, tha�t the Condit3.ona1 Uae Pe�rmit Requeat
Noe 53 of Leon Harv3.ch to allow for an Auto Uphols�tery Shop a�t 933 Grand
Ave, in a C-1 Zone on a por�tion of Lot 2 of t�h� Folsom Tract be approved
subject to�
1, That three off-street pa,rkir�g spacea be prov�ded ma,king a
total of S parking spaces f�r the two combined opezations at
this address�
2, Tha�t no outside s�torage be allowed.
3o That a r,eview be made �,n one year.
Mot.ion carried,
5 LECTURE SERIES -� Santa Mari
A�requ.est was received by the C�ity Co�uncil f�rom th� City o£ ��nta
Maria regazd:ing a 5 Lecture Ser3es en�t3�tl�d "S��i�ng ou�r �nv�ronmen�k",
to be held a.n Santa Maria i.f enouc�h intere�st wa� �hown l�y �th� Commun�
ities in the area, The Planning Commi�sion fel�t etctf€ m�mb�x� might be
interested ,in attending the �ezi�� and macle n� �r�c�mm�nda�t,ion to th�
Ci�ty Council.,
G�nera].. di�scuasion wa� held r�garcl.i�g a px�p�,��d �xpr��,�w�y �t�
connect Route 227 with �iig}�way 1 a.nd Mx, �u.tch �dvis�� th�t th� �t�t�
was pre�a�ing several xoute� at thi� t�.m�e Commi��i�r��r McMill�r� ad=
vised he wou.ld a�k�tand �the �tate C'hamb�r Af Comm��rce I�ighway Me�t.ir�g
on May 6th, ;1965,
Comm3��ic�n�x McMillen ��p��t�d t'�� impr�v�m�nt �f �t'�� pr�p���d
Walnut Stx�et wa.e now being clelay�cl du,� t�o tl�� l�ck of ]a�ir�g sl�l� �to
ob�tain bonds �
PLANNING CONS, RECOMMENDP►�'IONS -�Icticyon R�ad ct�d �lm S�tr��t
Mr, Ander�on wa� r�qu��ted to wri�te t� Hahn a�nd Wi�� ar�d x�qu���t
a wri.�t�ten �op,inion ox xecomm�n�a�tion x�g�.�d�ng �h� aaning on Halcyon Road
and South E1m S�tx�eet ancl a�.�o x�gu��t th�m to pr�pa�� t'h�i,r Api,nion on
the granting of varianc�� and zone chang��,
There was a general dieeu��s,ion h�ld r�garding °t,h� condition� uncler
wh,ich a variance could be grant�d,
Councilman �lood advi��d tha�t eeveral cor�txactox� wer� int�x���ted
in building cluplexes but R�-2 Zon.ing wa� �o l;imited �n th� C��ty �that
building lo�t� were unavailala,le, and thctt h� f�.;l�t m��r� R�2 Zon:�ng �houlel
be made availa]ale,
A motion wa� mad� by Commi��ion�� McM:tll�n, ��cond�cl by Commi�s�
ioner Evans, that the meeting be adjou�rn�cl a�t 9:�7 P,M, Mo�t3on car�ried,
ATTE �c./�
ewell other
l� �� ���.,
Oliver Talley, Chair an