PC Minutes 1965-04-06��� Arroyo Grande, Cal�forn�� April 20th, 1965 � 7:3� PmMm The Plann�ng Com�ission met in re�ular. se�sion wi�� Com� missioner Shaffer presi����a� � as C�aair�.aa:�� Pro��Tema P��ese�t; were Comm.issioners Evans MCM1.l��F1 Sc��l�z ar� S�r���ero Absent were �?�airman Ta11.Py and Gomm� ss�.or�er Rn�?�3eauo MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes o� th�e reg�,lar m,eetir,.q ��f A�r�l. ���n 1965 were approved as prepared. COMMISSIONER RONDEAU IS NOW PRESENT TIRE DISTRIBU'I'ORSH�� WHOLESAI�E AND RE�AIL� IN HS ZONE The Direc�or of P�.ab�ic T✓�Iorks adv�sed vY�a� an ? nq�iry Y�ad been made if a�ire distributorsl�ip, GvYaoiesale and xetail, would be allowed in a HS Zone on Traf£a.c Way. After di.s� cussion, a motion was made by Cor�missio�er Strother, secora.d- ed by Commissioner McMillen that the P�anning Com�ission adopt as policy the permitting of a tire dis�ri����.torsY�ip wholesale and retail, in a HS Zoneo Mo�ion carried. CONDITONS OF CONDl�T�ONAL USE PERMITS The Director o.f Ptablic Works repor. �ed tha± tY?e Central Coast Camper Sales on Grar�ld A�;�er?�.e was re�,�iewed anc� it was found that the campers �ave bePn rem�ved ar�d t.he req�aired parking re-established, arad tr�a� the Ao & A. Re.frigeration (CIR) �n Brisco Road �a�s reviewed a.�d ��,1 �ssed appliances and debris have been removed and everytYair.g apparently is in conforrni�y wit�r. tl�eir �a.se permit, VARI[�NCE REQUEST �- Linda D�ive (Ga .�.�s) 3`� A motion was made b� Commissioner ScY?a�ltz, seconded by Comm.issioner Evans tha� the Va�iance Req�zest �f Nicolous Gaynos to allow for R-2 use and a 15 foot front yard set back in a R-�, Zone on a portion of Lot 11 of the Folsom Trac�. on Linda Dr�ve be se�t for hearing at 7a45 PeM. May 4th 1965o Motion �arriedo CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST -� 933 Gr.and Ave. (Harvich � A motion was made by Commissi�ner S�rotYa.er, seconded by Commission.er Schultz tkaat - �he Co.3i�iunal Use Permit request of Leon Harvich to all�ow for an A�.�o Upl�a.olstery Shop at 933 Grand Avea in a C-1 Zone on a por�:ion of Lot � of the Folsom Tract be set for hearing at 7v45 P.Mo Ma� 4th, 1965e Motion carried. LEASE AGREENlENT - 823 to 875 Grand Avee (P �`he Director of Public W�rks advised tY�xe Planr�ing Com- mission that Mre Martin Poli�. had provided the City wi�h a copy o� �:i� lease that outlined access across the retail tire sales str�re area t� the rear of �is property fronting on Grand I-�ve., as requested by the Commissio�. a�. the April 6th, 19�:.=? m.eeting. ��'�:`E CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HIGHWA�.' MEETING Commissioner McMillen advised that Yie wo�ld attend, if possible, ��he State Ghamber of Commerce Highway Meeting, at 7:30 PeM. on May 6�h, 1965 at tY�e Madonna In.a in S�n Lu.is Opispo. Connmi.ssioner Shaffer reported he had attended the � previous meetings, but wo�ld be unable to attend this meeting. Discussion followed regarding stree�s discussed at ot�aer S�ate Chamber of Commerce Highway meetings. HEARING- Continued- Cond. Use Permit-414 Traf�i� Way (Lopez) The Director of Public Works reported that he had reviewed the request with Mre Lopez and it �,aas de�erm�ned �hat �he use would be limited to body and fender work �nd spot pa.inting, with spot painting being defined as any total area less than �he area of a fender, and t�at onl�r one car would be worked ��� Planning �omm.ission �Apr.il 2��� ?�965 � page � Conds Use m Lopez - Cantde on at one timeo Mro Ray �ord s�oke �n p�o��s� o� o��side storage of vehicleso N� f�r��er �isc�ssion f�:r or aga��s� the reques�, Ac�ing C��irman Shaffer declare� ��e hearing closedo A motion was made b� Cornnnission�r Sc�.u�+�z seco�ded by Commissioner Evans �ha� trke Conditional Use Per�;t .req�es� of Vincent Lopez to pe.rmi� a a��o bod� and fender repa;r s�op on Lot 20 of the �ones T�ac� in a HS Zo�e a� ��e rear of 4.14 Traffic Way be granted su�ject too l. 2e 30 4. A review �n 3�ont�as and i:f c�nd����ns are not �pheld the permit will be revokedo No outside ���rk be a�lowed ot�er �han water s�ndi�g� No outside s�orage be a�lowed otruer ��an ��e 3 parking spaceso TY?a� painting be �i�ited ��o spot paint�ng on�yo Motion carriedo HEARING - Condo Use Permi� - 1354 Grand Aveo (WheeLer Chairman Pro-Tem. Shaffer declared ��e Conditional Use Permit request of ReCo Wheeler was du�y published and property owner� notified and �he hearing �as now opened and a1� persons for or against the request would �e heard� TY:e Direc�or o£ P��Zic Works read the application alo�do Mro �eeler was presen� and submitted a new ske�ch of a sign he w3s�bed to i�stal.l instead of the one presented wit� �is appl�ca��ono No f�r��er d.isc�ss- ion for or against t�e request C�ai.rma� Pro�Tem.Shaffer declared the hearing closedo A�otion was ma�e �y Commissione.r M�M�.�.1en, secondzd bv Commissioner �vans tt?a� t:�e Cor�dit.ion� Use Perm.id of Ro�o WYbePler to .instal.l a free standing 8 foot i1.�a�*n.i.na�ed on-�site sigr�, as per sketcY� presentr_ed �� tY�is meetirg, a 1354 Grand Aveo ir a Cyl Zone be approvedo Motior� carriedo HEARING � Condo Use Permi� � 875 Grand Avea (Polin Clzairman Pro�Tem Shaffer decl.are� the ConditionaZ Use Permit requ.es� of Martin Polin was d�.ly p�b3ished and �roper.�y owners notified and the hearing was ��w e�pened and al.l persons for or against the request would be hear�o '1'�e Director of Pu.blic Wo,rks read the application aloudo Mro Polin was preser�t and explained the model. speedwav was r�n on t.racks w��:� a 12 volt electrical system, that the build.ing �aas be.irag so�ndproof.ed to some degr.ee and that it was not �is intention to open acces� from trris pro-� perty to Halcyon Roado T�e opera�or o£ t�e hobby sY��p and model speedway was present and advised �he ?�aours of oper.a�i�n were roughl.y 10e30 AoMo to Midnig� Mrso Naomi Keesaman was advised there would be Zittle noise connec�ed with �k�.e operation of the trackse No f�rther discussion� for or agaz�st the reques�, Acting Chairmar.. Shaffer declared t�e l�earing closedo A motion was made by Commi.ssioner McMillen, seconded by Commissioner Sc�aLaltz, that the CondiLional Use Perm.it requ�.est of Martin Folin for a Hobby Sho?? and Indoor "Model Speedway" in a C�1, Zone at 875 G�.and Aveo b� -,Tranted as being n� more objection.able tY3an otl�er permitted l.isr�� in a C-1 Zoneo Motion carriedo RENAMING OF 18TH STREET -(Board of S�pervisors) C�rrespondence was received .from +�ka.e San Luis Obispc� Cotan�� Board of S�.pervisors regarding their action o.n the renarr.ing of 18th Streeto A motion was made by Commissioner McMillen se�ond- ed by Commissioner Evans that the Planning Comm�ssz��. recomm.end to the City Council tha�. those portions of 18th S�reet and Oak Park Road within the City of Arroyo Grande be rename� �o �entral Boulevard to conform to the fol.lowing a�tion of - tkae Board of Supprvisorso 18th Street in the Arroyo Grande Grover City Pismo Beach and Oceano areas is hereby ordered r�r.�med "Cen�ral Boulevard" from Highway 1 to S�a�e Higl�way 227 (Carpenter Can�on Road), and the Cities of Arroyo G.rande Pismo Be���i and Grover City to be so notified of the change and t1��at t?�ey are req�aes�ed to concur wi tY�e same o Motion caxriec� o ��� Planning Commission�Apr�l 20t� 1965 - page 3 CORRESPONDENCE � Norman Canby Correspandence was received fr.�m N�rman �a and Ge�rgia Me Canby requesting a parcel of prope�tX they awn on t�e r.or�h�ast corner of Elm Street and Sunse� D.rive now be zone� co�n.n.ercia�o It was agreed Mr. Canby was to be sent a zoni�g app�acat�on form and a letter notifying him of the necessar� pr��eed�y.r.e, and costs for the rezoning of propertvo ADJOURNMENT A�otion was made by Commissioner Sc�a:s1 seconded b�� Cc�m- missioner McMillen that - �he meeting be adj�urned at 9a35 PoMa Motion carried. ATTEST: N Weii Strother pon Ee Shaffer S cretary Chaira*ban Pro-Tem 0