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PC Minutes 1965-02-02
• i �. - .. Pianning Com.Fnissio�: A�royo Cra�r�e, Cali.f�rnia �'ebruary 1E�.IY 1965 -- 7:30 PoM, The Planninc� Cu.mmission met �n rea�la� sAss�on �? *��s rp�� missioner S�aaffer. presidi.ng ail Ci:�3ir�nbar �:r�-��;�Gr-�o L�r�s�.�:.�. w�re Commissioners McMillen, Ro.ndPa�, Sc�.�,�� �.z �nd S`.r�t��ere A��ent were �om�,�ssic�rers E�.;ar�s and G�a?�::�;�r�, �`al�.��e Co�nc:�.?M���:. We��d and Co�:�rYczlwom.an 'I'}3��n.ps�x� werz in a+�.�.nrder�:..e � MINUTE AFPROVAL Tl�P minu.tes �f t��e reg�.;;Zar. rnee�;�ng t�� �'e�r�.�ar� 2��, T965 were �pprov�d as pr.epar_ed. �.TrJa.N'I° MEE '�ING [�1�'I'H CITX C�UNCIL '���.e da�:e �f Marc.h 30�.h 1.96�: a�: '�:3C� �eM. �n tk�e ��_�s� I?a�l was cor�firr�ed as t::hP ±�i.m,e o� ��ae �c����:t� ������i.nc� with. t�� City �oun.cil v N� �ger_da i.tF�n.s wer� s�s��.:L�t.�d at �h.is �.ime � AS I L,c�M,AR COI�T�' s � �2 P13r�*�.i.ng �pm*nission was ad��isE� tr�� annual c:onference a�t :p,s��,�n�u�r wi.�l kaA held �:� M�ay�la 1.?t�, 19E`a a.�d �I�aa�: no pr.m� crrarh ra�:� reen �ecei�ve�. as �.�e�m Th.e �o�r.;t�° �.l.�nr.:�r�� �o��nission ad�ise.� i� �no�:g}� �.n���r�s�. was s�z��n an a1� �����.;�t�wo�ld b� ma�e �o c�ar�,�r. a kz�.s �rd C����i.ss�on�.rs Sh�f.f?.r ar�d S�.r���aer �ndi� ��k:ed th�v wo;�ld a�:�e.nd ±he co^fp.r�.n.r-�o �'AI�b��HAL�T G ONIa . L?S� �'.FR MI'� R��'�EW Mro S2�;i� Ki.nne�%, ��.1? l.di��?� �l'i��'+PCfi�7� T1c�fW1f�2� ;r'r�c3�: "��2 rc�n�l.i �.s� ppr.m..�t c�� ����:l�r�a� t:.� o��r���� .3 s���.�e�Y �����a shc�p h�a3 �enn �e�,��.���,v��d as req��ir�Pd in P'��.a=�.^i,r_a �'orm��ss}�z� m�n- ��.es of Sep�e:�'c�ar �, � 9�.� an� t.?�a±. tYzQ �i:.,�:i.ness �a3S �-;o l.onger in nper.at��.�x� �nd t�� Fr���ca:r.+v.�r i.� r��:�,w �:?�i.r�.c� ��.a.s�� fc�. rad.io �e� pair. w�ii.cY� � s a perm.�.s: �.��� �s? i�? F_�.:is zon.�� o A��a+.�.��r was made �� Com�m�.Jsi.o�?r. S��?�,�.lt�, �ec��.�zd.er_]. Ya�r �.�r��r�.issic�n�r McM.illAn �.ha�: �:�,e ���d�i,�i.ona�l �d��� ��tirra.i.� �ss�.��d t:,�� �en�.r• �;:��ll.a� �o alir�w a Yneati.n.g a�!.d a.ir �oY3.di.�:i.oning sY3op. ? r a �-�1 2on� at 1354 Grand Ave. �e c�.i.s�c�rr�irued. I�iotior� carrie�e WIIaI�3AMS gR�S e_ SHOPPINC: CEN'?`�R� P,. c?so t�'� �c��Tal�ri� �S� T�� Da..rec.�.�ar. o� P�a.b.l.ic Tn1c��-�� d�.s�.�;:ss�c� t�k1e s��*��.t:�:ed map anr� advi�e� t:!�at it c�n:�c�rz*.�.e� to *:�a.e r�s� c�.€ +�Y�� sh�pping cen- ter and he fe�t it: was ver� qeode A m.c�`.i.�rz was m.�cie k�y Com- m� ssa.oraer MeM�..11�n, seco�a.��d 1;�� ��r�mi.ss�.o��er S�:r�t:�ier t.Y�iat tY�e s��mit�ed p3,.�n of Unit� � o� Wi1.3..iar,a.s Br.����.e.rs S?:��pp? nc� Center be aFp.�ovPd �or ar.ch.it�;ect,�xral appr�u�'�.o l�l�t.;i.c.�r. �ari�a..ede HEAR�NG �-� GONI� m USE PERM3T- � 15 �T e F�a ��v��n R� , F� �.? n-L�e r - �-- Cr�ai.rrnar� ��o-�em Sl��af .f.er d�cZare� �,�i�: �c�z�.di.t.:�..�. �s:L Use PE:?^IC�l req�,;�es� q-E Mar�.in. Polyr� was d.F�.l.y t��a�'.:�.�.isr�ec� ax:d propert�a owners royi,�ie�. �r.d t.he r�eax.inq waa n��a �p�r.�d a.r�.d a.1.1 persons for c�r.� aqair�st t.he rPq�.�est. w��ld be ��ear�o 7"�,r.e p.3.°ec�o:r o.f PL�''aliC Y�lorks r��d �Yne a���.�.��at:aon. �l.o�.�,�, N!r. , Mc�'r'S.�i�? el.d re- preser_ting Stan1.P�� Ao D_�Pr� a �•.�-a�p.l� �.,�n�:: f�r �:..ky� use, spoke in fa�ror• o:f �t.he �.�,se kae�..ng e�ra�z�:ed �.n.cl a;l���.sed �r�r.�Q� #:�z�� doors wo�.1�d be ir�st3ll.ed ��r �.'�.e b�,ail.di.Y�.q o Nc.� .f�;�.�-t::;.�.er �?.sc+:�asi�.r., for or ��gain.s#: th� r.eqz��st., G3-na�.r.r�an Pr.,�--�ye� Sr�.<�.f..::`�r ��r:�.�red �he rearina cl.�sedo A.�t:?r d.i:�c��zss;.or� a�.��.�.on w;�s *n.a:�e ��� Co*�-� miss.i.oner Sch4�1}z seco!-.deci k?v �c�-��r.iss:i.on.er r![�:M:Y.1..1.eY'u t:'�a.t;: the �ondztional LTs� Per*�.i�� �rPqt��s��� o:� M�rtr�.� �ol.,�...r�. �t�.� �.11.ow ..�n up- ?�.ol.�tery s�c��, �nd a:�y _��.��ed. ti.tses npYm�I._.;;� c3.o�A i..n s�.Lh a sYa.op a+ 1.1.5 Nor. t,� H�]..�.�on Road �n. a por� �,c�xa. o±� L,c��, .1 �f the F��.��:o*�. �ra�t z.n a��1. Zon� �aP qrarz!�Pd s�.a;?�;e�.t_, t=c,� ]. e 2. :� . 4. 5. M�ti.o�� '1�a.r�e (3 j a:ff-�s�,.r�e �. parki.rrc� s�.�c°s r�e z�.r.�,�; �,�e�le 'I'�e opera��r�n �e �.�.r���.te�. .�,,�.. �,c��.p +_�p� ��.pk����.a�.er� worka 'I`r�� insta�.l��io� �f � ry�a.�:*..e� a�.d si.dew,��,�so '��:e.rP �� r� c��afis �.�.� s tor.ac�P � 'I"'a^:cZt: rJ7'. or�.e 3.5 f�ot. dr.s.�r�w�� '��� per.rtr�.tL��d �e�ween #:,��A a.l.� ey ar�d t;'�.� ex� st.; nc{ �k7rrT'° ��l.o�k �:��.�.ld�r..c�. r�r. r. �?�.. � �i i , Planning Commission - �'ebo �.Fi, � 965 - Fag� 2 ANIMAL HOSPI'I°AL DISCUSS30N Co�respondence was received r�om Dro K��a�ae�k� 1Ro Lev�ne requesting a pl.ant.er on the �orner of HaY�.yo� Road ar�d Bennett Aveo �e disc��ssedo Mro Kinr�e�, Luil..ding �nspector explained a planter l�ad been in.stal�ed in the �idewalk area in conju�nc- �ion wbth the constr�ction of �he Animal. H�spa.tal, tYaat this plan�er was shown on. tYie plans aggrovec� �� t,�ie Planr�ing Cor�� m.issi.�n b�:t is an obstruction i�x t�e si.��.ewa�k area � is � public haz�rd and in vio��tion �� C�Ly �r�ir�ax�ceo A�ter �is- cussior_ a m��ion was mad.e 3ay Cam.Tt;issian.er Scr�tzltz seconded by Coana�:issioner McMillen ��aat �his mat�:er b� ,forwarded �o �he Cit� Coux�c�l for thPir ac�.iorz with no �ecor.�end3tion being made from �he Plannir_g �omnnissiono A�otion was i?�.ade by Com- miss.ior�Pr S�r.ot�.er, sPCO:�ded b� C��rs��.�.ssa�ner. R��:�deau �ha� �he m�otiox� be �m�nd�d �o r•�a� -• �ai�� trs� recoi.ru�r.Pr�d�ts.on. tY�a� every effor� be made �o preserve t�e tre� ��at i.� Fvi�:'�..�.r +�l�e �lar�ter and wi�1� nc� f�rt�?ex recc�.�end��.io�. fro� *�� Pl���ing �orr�missiono M�tion ca.rriede T`t origi.na3 arotion was n��w v�ot.ed o�. and carriede BENNaGSDORL' ]PROPE D�VISION DISCLTSS A map was st��m.i�:�:ed of tY�e proper�y borr��re�. ?ay Al�.en Street, RaiZro�d. S tre� �, East C�erry AvA o and �a.rde: S; �r? th a re- q�P�� :fa�r c�ivisi.ons o� pr�pe��� o�ar��d b�- Mr� e Florence Bennigsdorf . The Director o� Puk�Tic W�rlcs adv�.se3 t�at �t.he property was a re-� corded sia�divisi�n. a�.d revieFVed a�l pr�ior. ��ti��az �aken s�ch as lots sold, la sglit stree� a� �ndonri�n�s a e�.�c o, a*�d t� requ°st for �PSa�bdi.�rision o` th� ren�ainia�g property a�: tYi � s tir��e would create n.ine lot.s < �ft��r r��,scussion a motio..r_ was m.�de �v Com- missi�rer St;.rc,t�aer, secon�Pd b�r C�r�an�ssic�n�r Ro.v�.dea��. �:hat the re- quested division of the AAn�igsdarf pr.opert� �e approved subject to: lo A re�or.d o:f su.rv�ev �ezna re�c�rdedo 2e '.b`Y`A in�stal.lation of sewAr.s gi::iar to tk;.e t�.i.me of sa�e of lots. � � Mot��� carr��ed. MOBILE HOME COMMITTEE REPO � A report was .received �ror� t'.4�aP Mo]��.l.e Home Co.mni�tee and a copy was submitted to each Commissi�ner for stud� with. further discussion �:o be ra,eld at t�ie next r�gular meet�in.go Commissioners McMill.en and ScY�ultz cc�mmended G�rn.missioner Str��tk�er .for the time and effort �e had devoted in preparing the reporte ORI�L COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Shaf.fer said he wotaZd sh�w slides taken of the flood area i.n Nor�Yaern California ak t�7a.e next meetinge ADJOLJRNME NT A moti�n �as r.lissioner Schu,ltz Motion carried, made b� Commissioner Rondeat�, seuonded by Com- �k�at. th� rn.�et.ing k�e adjozzrri�d. at 9�10 PoMe ATTES . . �Xd1L��...r�i f�G�.� wez� Strother, Se�.retary �Qliver Tall�y; CY?air an