PC Minutes 1965-01-05Y�i�
Arroyo Grande, California
January 19th, 1965 - 7:30 P,Mo
The Planning Commission me�t in regular session with Chairman
Talley presid�ngo Present were Commissioners McMillen, Schultz
qnd Strother, Absent were Cammissioners Evans, Rondeau and Shaffere
Councilman Wood was in at�endance,
The minu�tes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1965 were
approved as prepared,
CONDe USE PERMIT REQUEST - Certified Freight Lines (Branch Sto)
The Planning Commission was advised �he conditional use pe�mit
application had been submitted wi°th a erroneous description which
appeared on °the agenda and �the correct description had now been sub-
mitted. A motion was made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded hy
Commissioner McMillen that the Conditional Use Permit Request of
Certified Freight Lines, Edwin Nelson, to permit the building on
n portion of Lot 30 of Steele's Resubdivision of the Ranchos Co�ral
de Piedra, Bolsa de Chemisal at 230 Wo Branch Street, to be used
for an off.ice for Certified Fre3ght Lines in n R-'1 Zone be set
for hearing at 7:45 P,M, February 2, 1965, Motion carried,
LOT-SPLIT NOe 54 (Salo & 1'eters)
The Director of Public Works advised that Hahn, Wise and
Associates, Inc, had forwardeti copies of a suggested Minor Sub-
division Ordinance and with the letter of transmi.ttal referred
to Lot Split Noo 54 as follows� "As �to the lot split currently
before the Committee, it is one of a type that the suggested
ordinance would not a11ow, and one wh3ch I would not recommend,"
After discussion, it was generally felt the lot split could be
allowed if the problem of the access �to the property could be
resolvedo A motion was made by Commissioner McMillen, seconded by
Commissioner Strother, that the Plax�ning Commission serving as a
whole, as a lot-split committee approve Lot Split No, 54 provided
the City Council accepts the requested easements, as shown on the
follow3ng map, subject to the follow3ng conditions:
1, Parcels A and B as shown on °the following map�remain private
property and be maintained by property owners,
2, Parcel C as shown on the following map not be split agnin
until a full street is developed,
3, A minimum of n 30 foot set back be maintained on Parcel C
.:.ndjacent to Parcel B, as shown on the following map,
4, That the City have legal right of access over and across
Parcel A as shown on following mnp,
Motion carried,
Planning Commission
1/19/65 Page 2 �
� \ � A /
. �
( �V
A Owned by owner of C in Fee Titl.e,
B Proposed Easementso
C Parcel to be splito
' V
Correspondence was received from the Ci�ty of Walnut Creek
notifying that a Conference on munic.ipally sponsored arts program
would be held in Walnut Creek on February 6th, 1964, The Planning
Commission referred the letter to the Parks and Recreation Com-
A motion was made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Com-
missioner McMillen that the.mee°ting be adjourned at 8:47 P,M.
,Motion carriedo
ATTES _� L, a ,.�A _ _
Newel Strother Oliver Talley
Secretary Chairman
. �,.nd?�Cre�