PC Minutes 1964-12-01��5 � . L Arroyo Grande, Calif�rnia Decemk�er 15th, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. The Planning Commissian me� in regular session with Cnairman Talley presiding. Presen� were Comm.�ssioners Rondeau, Schultz and Stro�ner. t�sent were Commissioners �vans, McMillen arbd Shaffer. 'I�ere was no Council r.epresentative present. MINUTE APPROVAL `lYhe minutes of the regular meeting of December lst, 1964 were approved as prepared. COND. USE PERMIT REQUEST - 855 Olive Sta (E.E. Hale) A mot�on was made by Car�anissioner S�rothe;c, seconded by Com� missioner Schultz �hat ti�e Conditional Use Permit request �f Mr. & Mrs. E.E. Hale to permit a rest home in a R Zone at 855 Olive Stree� �.P set for Y�.earing at 7:45 P.M., .January 5th, 1965. Motion carried. HEARING - Rezoning Reqixest � N. Elm Ste (Pinnell) Chairman Talley d�c.la�ed tYne rezoning request of Glenn E. Pinnell was d�lj p�.xblished and p.rop�rty owners notified ar_d the hearing was n�w opened and a3.1 persons fc�r or against i�he request would be heard. TY?�e D�.rector of Pub:Lic Warks read tk�e application and explained the zoni�g adjacen� to the parcel. Mr. Pinriell spoke in f�var of the rezoning and said he felt the property was not suitable or desirable as R-1. No further discussion for �r against the request, Chairrnan Talley dec,lared the hearing closed. A r�n.�oti�n was made �y Corr�missianer Schultz, seconded by.Commissioner Strorher, tha.t the Planning Commission recommend to the City C���r�cil �hat that portion of Lot 15 of the Folsom Tract as descrik�ed in the rezoning request of Glenn E. Pinnell be rezoned from R-1 to R-3. Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT ON MC��ILE HOME PARK ZONING STUDY Commissioner Strotk�er repor�ed the co_mmittee of Yiimself and Commissioners Schultz and McMillen had nn.et with Ned Rogoway, County Planning Director, and �=nuch information had X�een gained. Commissioner Schultz felt t�e committee could start preparing a preliminar� ordinance �,vi��h the infor�r�a�ion obtained from the County and various other sotxrcese Each Commissioner was give� a copy of a repor� or�. Mobile H�;me or "T" Zuning, prepared by the County, for their sttxdy. LOT SPLIT COMMITTEE Chairzr�an Talley appointed Commissioner Schultz to serve� as an alternate on the Lot Split Committee as the three regular members are not always avai.lableo LOT SPLIT NO. 54 - Salo The City Administrator advised the Planning Commission that the City Council,l�ad referred the easements in connectior� with the Salo Lot Split back to �he Lot Split Committee for clari- fication as �o street widtl�., etc. E. CHERRY AVE IMPROVEMENT - The Director af East Cherry Avenue Pstablished. �_� �,�; Fublic Works advised any study on impr_-.q:ving was being hel� until. .�the Master Plan __. �, MASTER PLAN . The City Ad.^Zini.strator ra�t.i�ied �:he Planning Commi.s.sion,_ tha� ��e City Co�ncil had approved th.e agreement for the funds-,for '�:.ne Master Plan and the City's share of $50.00 had been�deposited. �.�� Planning Commission - Deco 15, 1964 - page 2 HEAR�NG PRQ�CEEDURE Commiss3oa�er Strother was advised an� discussion �y the Planning Commission was Yield after the Y�ear3ng was closed as they were to Ynear all �vidence and then render a decision and the City Attorney had advised hearings should be so con- ducted. CREEK CROSSING Commissioner Rondea� was advised a road to connect Valley Road ta Halcyon Road was under consideration at this time. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Commissioner Scl�ult�, seconded by Com- missioner R�ndeau the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. AT'I'EST• N well trother Secretary � Oliver Talley Chairman