PC Minutes 1964-11-17�
, _ _ � �.� � _ _ _._.
Arroyo Grande, California
December lst, 1964 - 7:30 P,Mo
The Planning Commission me� in regular sess3on with Commis-
sioner Strother presid�ng as Act3ng Chairmano Psesent were Com-
missioners Evans, McMillen Rondeau, Schultz and Councilman Wood.
Absent were Commissione� Shaffer and Chairman Talley,
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 17th, 1964
were approved as prepared
REZONING REQo - N, Elm Sto (Pinne�.Y�
- .
A motion was made by Commi,ss3oner Schultz, seconded by Com-
_--. . .
missioner Evans that �he rezoning req�uest of Glenn .Ea Pinnell to
rezone a portion of Lo� 15 of the Folsom Tract (N, Elm St.) from
R-1 to Multipl.e family residential or R-3 be set for hearing at
7:45 P,M..December 15th, 19�64, Motion carried,
HEARING - COND. USE PERMIT REQ, - Mrs, Vixqini.a Thomas
Acting Chairman�Stro�her declared the request of Mrs,
Virginia Thomas was duly published nnd property owners notified
and the hearing was now opened and nll persons for or against
the request would be heard The Direc�a�r of Public Works rea.d
the request aloud, Mrs, Thomas advised there would be little
noise or i,ncrease,in #raffic connected with the proposed usee
No further d3.scussion for or agai�st the reques� Acting Chairman
Strother declared the hear,ing elosed, A motion was made by Cqm-
missioner McDQillen seconded by Commiss3oner Evans, that the
Condi#ional Use Perm�.t request of Mrs; Virginia Z'homas to permit
�he use of t�vo bedrooms of a four bedroom home for n rest home
for ambula�ory patients in a C-1 Zone'at 165 Fair V3ew Drive be
approved subject to the ins�alla�ion of sidewalks and compliance
with off street parking requirements, Motion carried,
HEARING - COND, USE PERMIT REQ, - Fent;ecostal Church (Fike)
Huasna Road - San�Luis Obispp Rd.
. . �---�-�-
Acting'Chairmdn Stro�her declared the request of Arthur B.
Fike was duly'published and property owners notified and the heaz-
ing was now opened and all persons for or against the request
would be heard, The Director of Public Works.read the request
aloud�, A representative of the Arroyo_Grande Hall Association
was advised parking for the church, in accordance with the park-
' g ` " have to be provided for on their own property.
s.n ord,inance would
Mro Maury Brennen questioned t}�e use as he felt a traffic hazard
now existed in the area and�there wouid be additional hazard with
the increased traffic a church would create, along with the
traffic to the proposed Lo�ez Dam, Mr, Pat Grisson and May French
spoke in favor of #he use being granted Acting Chairman Strother
advised Mra Fike the Planning Commission was atcting on:the use
af the land only at this time, and that parking, set.backs, etc,
would be consi�ered when i�uilding plans were sulimitted,:_..:_.No-further
discussion for or against the request, Acting Chairman Strother
declared the hearing clmsedo After discussion, it was the general
feeling of the Planning Commi�ssion that the Huasria Roati site was
more preferable,'
1 / �,-
. �
Planning Commission 12/1/64 - Page 2
Hearing - Pentecostal Church (Continued)
A motion was made by Commiss�oner McMillen, seconded by Com-
missioner Schultz that the Conditional lJse Perm�t request of
Arthur B Fike to permit a Pentecost"al Church in a RA-B3 Zone at
125 San Luis Obispo Road and �19 .Huasna Road' be approved subject
le the permit being voided in six (6) months from this
date if building has not been commenced on either
site, and if building has been commenced on one site
the use permit �'fo� . .�he__. s3.$e:.. n�t �.. �.'::�. ' ' '
being built'on will be voided at the end of this s3x
(6) month limita
2, the installation of cmncrete curb, gutter and side-
walks; and
3a set backs to conform to f�ztu�e road realignment,
Mption carried,
Councilmnn Wood commended �he Planning Commission for the
way the hearing was conduc�ted and the decision that was reached.
Acting Chairman Strother sugges�ted the Planning Commission
consider recommending to the Ci�ty Council that an effort be made
to have.sidewalks installed on at least one side of the Grand
Ave, overhead crossing due to the increased amount of pedestrian
travel and children on bicyclesa
A motion was made by Commissioner Rondeau, seconded by
Commissioner Schultz that the meeting be adjourned nt 8:45 P.M.
Motion carried,
(�l./. i
N ell Strother, Secre#ary Olives Talley, C�a' man