PC Minutes 1964-07-21�rroyo Grande, C.al�fo
�ugust 4th, ],964 - 7:30 P,M,
The Planning CommissiQn met in regular session with Chairmc�n
Talley presiding, Present were Commissioners £vans, McMillen,
Schultz and Shaffero Abse�t tNexe Councilman Burt, Commissioner�
Rbndeau and S�rother,
The City Administrator advised that �he City Attorney had
given the opinion that the Planning Commission co�z.ld have Com=
�mittees consis�ing af thr.ee members pr less and �hat the Com-
mittees could recommend ta the Planning Commission and the Plan-
riing Commission as a whole decide any actione On major items
the complete Planning Commission may sit as a Committee of the
whole and their mee�ings must be public, September 29th was
tentatively set as a date for a joint meeting`of the Planning
Commission with the City Gouncil, Study sessions were also
discussed, and t,he possibi�.ity of ineeting with the Parks and Re-
creation Commission.
Cha:�rman Talley reappoanted �he following committees: the
Elm, Poplar and Ha3cyon Road Zoning Committee to consist of the
complete Planning Commission; the Street Nam� Committee to con-
sis� of Commissioner Strother, Chairman, and Cammissioners Shaffer
and Rondeau; and the Tree Planti.ng Committe� to consist of
Commissioner Schul•tz; Chai.rman, and Commissioners McMillen and
The minu#es of �the regtixlax mee�ing of �uly 21st, 1964 were
a�proved a� preparedo
; ,
The Planning Commission wa5 advi�ed that on July 24th, 1964
ci letter was sent by Registered mail tro Mrs Callahan notifying
him the terms of the Conditional Use Pc�rmit had to lie m�t by
July 30th, 1964, and that delivery of th�s le#ter is doubtful as
the return receipt has not been received, It waa agreed nb action
be taken until confirma�i.on of �the notice had be�n �eceiveda
The City Adm�.�nzstrator advised the �'ounty Planriing Dire��or
had not pxepared the maps and information anfl requested the s��ort
be held to another meeting,
CONDe.USE PERMIT HEARING - Grand Ave, (Richfield)
Chairman Talley declared the Conditional Use �'Sc�mit reque�t
of Robert L, Baldwin was duly published and proper#y awners
notified and the hearing was now opened and all gersons for or
against the request would be heard. Charl�s Burington advised
; the Planning Commission the sign wou:ld be non-flashing and hav�
'. inaide illumix�ation, One let�er o.f protest was receisred, No
further discussion for or agaix�s� the reques�, Chairman Talley
declared the hearirng closed. A motion was made by Commissioner
Shaffex, seconded hy Commiss�oner Schultz that the Conditional
�se Permit r.equest of Robert L. Baldwin to permit a free stand-
ing 2�6" by 20'1" sign on a 35' 8" pole for the prapOs�� Richfield
Station at 495 Grand Ave. be appxoved. Motion carried,
/� 5'
Planning Commission
August 4th, 1964 - Page 2
COND. USE PER�IT HEARING - Branch St, (Lindquist) �3�
Chairman Talley declared the Conditional Use Permit request
of Florence M. Lindquist was duly published and property owners
notified and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or
against the request would be heard. �rs. Lindquist advised the
business would consist of antiques, used furniture, oil paintings,
etc. and no junk or upholstering would be in the building. No
further discussion for or against the request, Chairman Talley
declared the hearing closed, A�otion was mnde by Commissioner
Strother, seconded by Commissioner Schultz that the Conditional
Use Permit of Florence M. Lindquist to engage in an Antiques and
Used Furniture Business at 110 E, Branch Street be approved sub-
ject to the following conditions: 1) that the display of iner-
chandise be confined to the inside of the building, 2) that no
painting, refinishing or upholstering be done on the premises,
3) that there be no storage of solvents and 4) that a review of
the granted use be made each year,� Motion carried,
COND. USE PERMIT HEARING Cont. - Grand Ave.(Shell)
The hearing for the Shell Oil Co. Conditional Use Request
was continued from the July 21st, 1964 meeting and was again
taken under discussion, Mr. Anderson explained the sign con-
struction. There being no further discussion for or against the
request Chairman Talley declared the hearing closed. A motion
was made by Commissioner Shaffer, seco�ded by Commissioner
Strother that the Conditional Use Permit Request of Shell Oil
Company to permit a free standing �ign at the northwest corner
of Elm St. and Grand Ave. be approved on condition 1) the
revolutions of the sign not exceed 8 times per minute, and 2)
if in the future the Planning Commission decides that rotating
signs are a ha�ard, the Conditional Use Permit can be rescinded.
�otion carried.
REVIENI OF LOT SPLIT NOe 22 (Proposed Walnut St,) "
Corr�esp�ndence was received from Jerry Osborn, representing
Mr.,Kenneth E. Stratton, requesting the Planning Commission re,-
consider the conditions placed the granting of Lot Split No.
22 on January 15th, 1963.� As the conditions placed on this lot
split involved acceptcuzce and improvement of a street which re-
quired City Council actian, and as the Planning Commission was
advised new information had been received from the property
owners regarding this proposed street no action was takeno A
motion was made by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Commissioner
Shaffer, that the requesfi be continued for 30 days and the City
Administrator send copies of the City Council minutes p�rtaining
to this piece of property to the Planning Commission�rs. Motion
Commissioner Shaffer was requested to attend the next two
Council Meetings as Liaison, as Commissioner Schultz would be
- unab�e to attend those and the next Planning Commission Meetinge
Commissioner Shaffer requested that the Clerk be instructed
to write a letter of appreciation t.o the Board of Sapervisors
for their part in presenting the �Nork Shop at Cal Poly and give
commendation to Ned Rogoway, County Planning Direct,or, and his
staff for a splendid Planning Conference.
.. - . . � 1 _ . k- � �_ � . . . '
.Planaing Cvmmission �
Auguet 4th, 1964 - Page 3
Commissio�ere Schultz, Shaffer and Strother edch gave brief
repor�s regcxrdiAg the variaus p¢nel� and discussion� held at the .
Ccl Poly Work Shop. General discussion followed reg_a�din�:joint
meetings with Councils,.stwdy sessions, duties of the Planaing
Commission, otc,
A�oliori Mas made by Commissioner Mcl�illen, seconded by
Commission�r Schulttx that the �ae�ting be adjourtled at 9:45 F.D�,
Motion cmied.
Oliver Talley, Chai an �re].1 Strother, SecretdaX
� . ,. �