PC Minutes 1964-03-17��6
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
April 7th, 1964
The Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman
Talley presiding. Present were Commissioners.Brisco,`Richardson,
Schultz, Shaffer, Smith, Strothez and Councilman V+lood. Absent
was Commissioner Evans. �
The minutes of the regular meeting-of �arch 17th; 1964 were
approved as prepared. .
The Planning Commission.,meeting of.Apri1..21st, 1964 wns can-
celled., as requested�by the City Council ns that date was set for
the Council to canvass the ballots of the I�4unicipal Election�
Chairman Talley appointed Commissioner Schultz to serve on
the Parks and Recreation Committee created by ihe City Council.
Chairman Talley appointed a Committee to study a proposed
grcding ordinance, consisting of Don 5'haffer.,.Chairman and Comm-
issioners.Richnrdson, Smith and Evans. -
SHORT COURSE FOR PL1�tfQERS -.. ._.. �. =
lYotice was received of a Short Course for City and County
Planning Commissioners to be held in San Francisco, Aday 7 and 8,
1964, by the Univezsity of California Extension._ Comm-
issioners were requested to notify,.. the clei�k'� by �+lay lst, 1964 if
they planned on attending, so reservations could be made. -
COND. USE PERDBIT - Kit Carson - 950 Grand i+ve.
Chairman Talley,declared the Conditiannl Use Permit request
of Kit Carson to incrense an e-�ci.sting <�4'�--�c. 8�� _ sign to a 4' x 12 �
sign on Grand Ave. and to install a r�ew :4� x 12 �-- sigri on Halcyon
Road for the property at 950 Grand Av�. wds'duly published and
property owners notified and the hear,ing was now opened and all
persons..for or against the request would be heard. A4r. Carson
was present a�d. s"ta#ed he wished- to place a��4� x 8� sign on
Halcyon Road and a 4' x 12� sign on Grand Ave., the sign on Halcyon
Road to be the existing sign on Grand Ave. It was felt a new
application would not�be necessary as I�ir. Carson was requesting a
smaller sign.than his original application had requested on Halcyon
Road, and that he should chnnge the application and initial it.
No further discussion for or against the request, Chairman Talley
declnred the hearing closed. A motion.was made by Commissioner
Shagfer, seconded by Commissioner Strother, that the Cond3tional
Use Permit Request of Kit Carson to allow a 4� x 8� sign on Halcyon
Road, nnd n 4� x 12►'.sign on Grand Ave..to serve the property at
950 Grand Ave, be approved subject to iN:r._. Curson altering and
initialing the application to coincide with the size signs as
orally requested and tliat the Conditional Use Permit granted to
Mr. Cnrson terminate at the snme time as the business operated
by P�lr: Carson. �lotion carried. �
TRACT 1�T0. 295 - Ten±ative �iap
The tentative map e�' Tract No. 295 was submitted to the Plann-
ing Commission and P�r. An3erson went over the o�rner�s statement
and discussed his submitted recommendations on the Tract. A motion
was made by Commissioner Brisco, seconded by Co:x�issioner S�nith,
that the Tentative i�ap of Tract No. 2�5 be app.roved subject to the
. ,;.
Plann3ng Commission - April 7th, 19b4 - Page 2
Tentative �ap Tract No. 295 continued.
Utility ease�ents for.Pacific Gas and Electric Company and
Pacific Telephone Compnny be as required by the individual
Al1 lots be sewered unless individua3. percolation tests are
approved by the County Health Department. •
Existing sewers be�increased to carry additional flow if
calculations prove existing facilities are inadequate.
Adequate wnter system be installed as required by the City
and County specifications and as approved by the City �gineer.
Existing dr.ainage facilities be increased to carry addi.tional
flow if calcula#ions prove existing facil�it�ies•�are inadequate.
Drainnge within the tract be as approved by the City Engineer
and City Director of Public �:orks.
That "A" Street be a 60� right-of-way thctt other local rural
Streets be 50� minimwn right-of-way.
That local rural streets have conventional concrete curb and
gutter or an approved coricrete V-Type gutter.
Tha# "A" Street be continued along "D" Street to the north-
erly tract boundary.
That "J" Street be continued�to the eas#erly tract boundary.
That access to flag lots 12 and 13, Block 1 be improved as
required by the Director of Public Laorks.
12. That subdivider install traffic control signs. _
13. That additional off-street parking be required for a totel of
four parking spnces per residence, nnd be required irs zes�zict-
2 .
4 .
6 .
9 .
ed convenants.
That street trees-be installed as required by the subdivision
Ordinance and that no on-site tree be removed without per-
mission of the City Public V�dorks Department.
That curb, gutter, sidewalk and 2 street paving be required
adjacent.to the subdivision on Le Point and Tal.ly Ho Road.
.5! additioncil. :wi.dth be deeded ta the City 'to allow Tally Ho
to be increased to a 60' width in the future.
That_the street names be chnnqed to more appropriate desig-
nation for hillside developments.
That block numbers be omitted.
Lot and.site grading to be approved by the City Director of
Public eJorks, and adequnte restrictions be included in
20. Lot access location to
21. Lot_size to be � acre
resu'bdivision of Iots
22. Thnt property be 2oned
BQotion carried.
be npproved
minimum with
be included-
by Public �forks Department.
,n covenants.
A proposed Home Occupation Ordinance had been submitted to
the Planning Commission from the Committee, and �4r. Butch dis-
cussed the ordinance briefly. After discussion, it was agreed
that Y�r. Butch revise the proposed ordinance and resubmit it at
the next regular meeting.
. A motion was mnde by Commissioner Smith, seconded by
Commissioner Shaffer that the meeting be adjourr.ed at 9:22 P.Y�l.
BQotion carried.
� �
I� ell Strother Oliver Tall y
S cretary Chairmnn
. �, �
Arroyo !Grande, California
April 23rd, 1964
5:00 P.M.
The Planning Commission met in special session with Chairman
Talley presiding. Present were Commissioners lBrisco, Evans, 5'haffer,
Smith, Strother, and Councilman IWood. Absent were Commissioners
Richardson and Sc}�ultz.
An architect's sketch was presented vhowing the proposed -
development of the Williams Brotlrxers Shopping Center at the corner
of Grand 1�1ve. and South Elm Street, Discussion followed regarding
tF�e draxnag� problem being disposed of and that parking wqs sufficient
for the building..tha�. approva�. �rcas heing requested £or at this time,
and it was nated that the parking was not sufficient for all buildings
that was shown on the submitted sketch. During the above discussion
Commissioner Schultz joined,th�e ?lar�ning Commission.
A motion was �ede by Co�nn�bissioner Strother, seconded by
Com�aissioner Smith that the exterior architectural d�siga� of Williams
Brose Shopping Center be approved for aesthetic value only for the
building that wY31 be constructed parallel with Poplar Street,
subject to construction of a decorative fence three feet from the
top of the �ccrking area on Poplar Street and that trees be installed
according to the Cx�y Tree Ord�.nance. Motion Carrie�.
A motion was made by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner
Schultz, that the meeting be ad�ourned at 5:55 P�.P�I. Motion carried.
Oliver Talley, Chai man Newell trother, Secretary
� �5 � �