PC Minutes 1963-09-17r � �rroyo Grande, Calif. October lst, 1963 7:30 P.�. The Planning Commission met in regul.ar session with Chai-rman Talley presiding. Present were Commission�rs Ri�hardson, Schultz, Shaffer, Smith, Strother, and Councilman �,PJood. Absent were Commiss- ioners Brisco and Evans. :�RINCPT� APPROVFaL The minutes of the regular meeting of 5eptember 17th, 1963 were approved as prepared. STREET IVAPriE COP�dIITTEE REPORT - Committee Chairman Shaffer reported a meeting had been held with Bill "rl'icDonald o¢ the County Planning Commission and sugg�sted street names were as follows: The roac� from East Cherry Ave. to its end at the Donovan Ranch be designated as Mill Road; the por- tion og County Road No. 32 now known as Coach Road be designated as Henry Road; the road from the intersection of Branch Street a�d the San Luis Obispo-�rroyo Grande Roa3 to the iron gate above the County Park be designated as"Routzhan Road; the road from the Harris Bridge to the Huasna proper area be desig:�ated as Huasna Road; that the road running east from Noyes Foad c:nd connecting , with the State secondary highway near Tally Ho Road is designated as Lowe Road on County maps; and that since Oak Park Road and 18th Street, are continuous, a single name for them be agreed upon with the County. Chairman Shafger requested no action be tnken at this time until minutes were received of the County Planning Comm�ssion meeting of October 9th, as the street nnmes were t� be on the agenda. The Committee �elt it might be possible in the �Euture for the County to be the moderator in renaming and renumberin� streets in Arroyo Grande and Graver City as a number of �them would inter- sect. Further discussion on Street names would be ta�cen up at the next regular meeting. COND. USE PERMIT REQ. - 116 E. Branch St. Request of Lelia iul. Thompson and Ruth E. Hook to pexmit a seamstress and tailoring shop in the rear of llb E. Branch St., a C-1 Zone, was read. a�motion was made by Commissioner Shaffer, � seconded by Commissioner Schultz, that the Conditional Use Per�►it request be set �for hearing at 8:00 P.�. October 15th, 1963. Al1 members present voted ":�ye". FIAtAL FlWP - .?'RACT 283 The ginal map of Tract 283 vuas presented and discussed and it was noted the final map con#ained one more lot than vuas shown on the tentative map. A motion was made by Commissioner 5haffer, seconded by Commissioner Strother thut the final map of Tract No. 283 be accepted subject to the ponding lots being satisfactory to the City Engineer and the County Hydraulic �ngineer cind that � La.ura Drive be renamed to Carmella Drive. Al1 members p•�esent voted "Aye". TR�E PLANTInG ORDINr'�10E Rtr. Butch advised the Planning Commission, the City �ttorney had reviewed the Tree Planting Ordinance. t� motion was made by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Comn►issioner Schultz, that a recommendation be made to the City Council that the Tree Planting Ordinance be adopted as prepared. All rsembers present voted "Aye'r. TREE PLAri1TI1VG COTIt1�ITTEE RECO .�6'vi IEIdDATIOIV l�r. Bu�ch advised the i'lanning Commission, the soil on Branch Street is suitable for trees to be plented in the ground. The Tree Committee recommended the following trees be designated ns approved Park �°Jay trees in the �ollowing locations: Branch Street - from 100 e�. to 300 E. Block� Indian Laurel (Ficus INitida). These trees to be placed at approximately 50 feet apazt in the sidewalk unless the Director of Public �dorks fi.nds that in certai.n particular locations, the trees would be a hazard to utility lines and should therefore be planted in tubs. Coaunissioner Smith sugg�sted that in such cases, the tubs be placed in the ground with the tops of the tubs at ground level. Planning Co�missi4p � Octob�r- lst, 1963 - Page 2 Traffic �ay - both �sides,full length of street, Southern �agnolia (�agnolia Grandiflora). These trees to be placed in the gr.ound at approximately SO feet apart in the pnrkwcy. So far as possible all street �trees to be so trimmed that the lowest branches be at least 8 feet above the sidewalk. Grand Ave. - 1Vo.recommendation at this time. ��� A motion was made by Comraissioner Schultz, seconded by Commiss- ioner S`saith, that the Planning Commission accept the recommendation v of the Tree Planting Committee. All menbezs present voted "Aye". j A motion was made by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Commiss- ioner Smith, thnt the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council, that the recommeudation of the Tree Planting Committee be adopted. �111 members present voted "�ye". � D�CSCUSSIOTd O� P�',RXIPTG ORD PBr. Butch advised the City Attorney had not completed the changes in the Parking Ordinance but that it should be ready for the next meeting. ST. Id�i��£ F►ND - P.'1RI:. COP�Il12. CHAIRidIlalV � Commissioner ShaffEr requested that he be relieved as Cha3rmnn of the Street Name and Parking Committee as he would not be avail- able. Chairman Talley requested Commissioner Shaffer to chose a member of the Committee ns Chairman. COP��:ITTEES Chairman Talley thanDced the Committees for th� excellent job they had done and said he felt they should all be commended for the time and effort they had spent. � CITY PROPt�TY OP1 ELR4 ST.� Commissioner Strother no�ted a proposed street would cross the City owned property on �lm Stree# and felt the Planning Commission should be aware of the fact. - ADJOURNP�ENT A motion was made by Commissioner 5haffer, seconded by Commiss- ioner Strother, that the meeting be adjourned at 8:53 P.1�6. All members present v�oted "[�ye". � f Ide��l Strother — Oliver Tal Secr .tary Chairmnn