PC Minutes 1963-07-161 t ,
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
August 6th, 1963 . _
7:30 P.M.
The Pl.anning Commission met in regular session with C.hairman �
Talley presiding. Present were Commissioners Evans, Richardson, Smith,
Strother and Councilman Wood. Absent were Commissioners Brisco,
Schultz; and. Shaffer. _
The minutes o� the regular meeting o� July 16th, 1963 were approv-
ed as prepared, �
Chairman Talley welcomed Tom Butch, City Administrator, to the
Commissioners Brisco and Shaffer joined the commission at 7:45
P. M. ..
e request or the High School to remove the tree on the north
sid.e of Crown Street was taken under discussion. It was.generally
agreed the tree was a hazard and would eventuaZly have to be-removed :
due to its position in McKinley Street. A motion was made by Commiss-
ioner Smith, second.ed by Commissioner Richardson, that the Arroyo
Grande Union High School be given permission to remove the tree. All
members present voted. "Aye".
report was submitted from the Home Occupation Committee-,
recommending th�t they continue as a committe2 to complete their study
before the zoning ordinance is smended. `The report was read and
ordered filed.. Chairman Talley advised Mr. Wright the Committee was
making a study o� an ordinance to provide for Home Occupations, and �
could not determine when the study would be completed. �
The Tree Planting Committee advised. the ordinance they had pre-
pared had been submitted. to the City Attorney and. had not been return-
ed at this time.
ecision from the C ity Attorney regarding Lot-Split No. 3�5 had
not been received and. there was no action taken at this time.
LOT-SPLIT N0. 36_ �.
.mo ion was.made by Commissioner Brisco, seconded by Building
Inspector Kinney, that Lot-Split No. 36 for a portion of Lot 105 of
the Ranchos Corral d.e Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal on the east
sid.e of Rena.Street, be approved. All members present of the Lot-
Split Committee voted "Ayet'. -
mo ion was ma e by Commissioner Shaffer, seconded by Coc�uniss=
ioner Evans,.that the Planning Commission request that the County
Planning Commission rename 26th Street as Elm Street, from_the south
city limits of Arroyo Grande to Highway 1. Al1 members present voted
�tA . �
A motion was mad.e by Commissioner Shaff2r, seconded by Commission-
er �vans, that the P lanning Commission recommend to the City Council
that in conjunction with fihe request to the County to rename 26th
Street, that the City�rename as Elm Street that portion of 26th Street
and First Street within the C ity limits. Al1 members present voted
rman a ey appointed a Gommittee o� Commissioners Shaffer,
Strother, Brisco, and Schultz to make a study and present a recommenda-
tion on parking requirements and the naming o� s�reets on the east
side of town, as requested by the City Council.
motzon was mad.e by Commissioner Shaffer, seconded by Commission-
er Brisco, that the Rezoning request af Stone Saruwatari for a portion
of Lot 104 of the Rancho Gorral de Piedra at the corner of Traffic �
Way and Grand Ave. to be rezoned Erom RA-B3 to HS be set for hearing
at 8.:00 P.M. August 20th, 1963. A11 members present voted "Aye•'.
Commissioner Shaffer requested the applicant to present at the hearing
surveys of t�affic and safety flows and an outline of praposed. entrance:�
and exits to the development.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission - August 6th, 1963 - Page 2
REZONING - A. Wood - Tabb Ranch ,
A motion was made by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Caagt►issior
er Shaffer, that the Rezoning request of Addison B. Wood for portion
of Lot 1 of Newsom Subdivision� in the land known as the- Tabb Ranch,
to be rezoned from RA-B3 to R-1 be set for hearing at 8:00 P.M.,
August 20th, 19b3. All members present voted "Aye".
A motion was mad.e by Comtnissioner Shaffer, seconded by Commission-
er Smith, that the Conditional Use Permit request of Martin Polin to
permit a Service Garage, including muf�ler shop and automotive
aceessories in a C-1 Zone on Lots 9 and 10 Block i6, Western Addition,
be set for hearing at �:00 P.M. August 20th, 1963, and incorporated
within this motion that the applicant present at said. time, a proposed
land use plan of all his propert;� in the area to give the Planning
Commission a opportunity to evaluate his request. All members
present vo.ted "Aye".
The Planning Commission agreed that ��r. Polin be notified the
Planning Commission requests a more'complete plot plan of the area
for which a conditional use permit is requested, showing, to scale,
rhe location of the lots, the required parking spaces, and the
dimensions of the land and improvements to be installed.
� A motion was made by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Cotnmissior:
er Shaffer, that the Conditional Use Permit reques� of Henry Callahan
to permit a heating and. air conditioning shop in a C-1 Zone-on a
portion of Lot 18 of the Folsom Tract at L354 Grand Ave. be set for
hearing at �:00 P.M, August 20th, 1963. All members present voted
COND.USE - Attorney Opinion
Com�tissioner Strother was advised the City Attorney had not sub-
mitted an opinion regard.ing means of tenninating Condit�onai Use �
. Permits that had been granted but not put into ef�ect, or means of
amending conditional use permits. _
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Kinney advised the Planning Commission,
� the contractor building the Post Office had stated he was will.ing
to leave holes in the sidewalk, purchase and plant two `trees, and
requested the Planning Commission designatz the type of tree. .
Councilman Wood invited the Planning Commission to survey the
area by airplane for an overall picture of the development of the
A motion was made by Commissioner Brisco, seconded by Gommission-
er Smith, tha� the meeting be adjourned at 8:41 P.M. All members
present voted t'Aye".
. �� �
Secretary , � Chairman