PC Minutes 1963-01-15. • • Arroyo Grattde, Galifornia February 5th, 1Q63 The Planning Commission met in re;ular-session with Chairman Talley presiding. Pres�nt were Commissioners Schultz, Richard.son, Strother,-5mith and Councilman Wood. Absent were Comanissioners , Shaffer, Brisco and Evans. _ � MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes oi the regular meeting •f January 15th, 1963 and th2 special meeting oi January 21st, 1963, were appr�ved as prepared. LO'T N0. 21 (Farris) Lot Split No. 21, request�d by �oy_Farris, was held to.the next meeting, as i�7r. Farris was not present and had not submitted plans regard.ing the development of the property. _ LOT -SPLIT N0. 23 - Tract 46 (Heide) Lot Sp1it�No. 23, r�ouested by John J, Heide, for a portion of Lot 4, B1ock 6, Tract �To. 46 was taken und.er d.iscussion. I� motion was made by Iylr. And.erson, seconded by Ch�irman Talley, that Lot Split r?o, 23 be approved. All members present of the Lot Split Committee voted "Aye" . ° � LOT NO. 25 - Folsom Tr. Landini) . , Lot Sp1it lvo. 25, requested by F. L�ndini, for a portion of Lots 6 and. 8 of the Folsom Tract was taken under discussion. A motion wa� mad.e by Mr. Anderson, s�cond.ed. by Chairman�Talley, that Lot Split No. 25 be approved. All..memb�rs present of the Lot Spli� Committee voted. "�,ye". LOT-SPLIT NO: 26 - Tr. 46 (Carpenter) � Lot Spli�t. N�o. 26, , requested by Lyle Car-penter., for _a portion of Lot 8 Block 7 0� Tract No. 46 was taken under d.iscussion. A motion wa� made by R�r. And.erson, s2conded by Chairman Tall�y, that Lot Split No. 26 be approved. Al1 members pr�sent o:c th� Lot Split Committee voted "�y�r'. , LOT-SPLIT N0..24 - Huasna Rd. (Azev�do) �ot Sp1.ifi �o, 2�, requested by John P�I. Azevedo, `xor a portion �� Lot 17 oi Steel��s resubdivision of part of the Ranchos Corral d.e Pkedra and.Bolsa d.e Chamisal; was t�ken under d.iscussion. ��i motion was mad�� by I�Tr. And.erson-, second.ed by Chairman Talley, that a letter be written to �r. �zevedo, from the �ngineering D�partment, outlining the requirements of the Lot Split Committee, such as a map and details of th�e property to be split, before a lot split could be allowed and that no decision be reached on Lot Split No. 24 until such in�ornation had. been submitted. All nembers present of the Lot S lit Committee voted. "Aye". COND. USE REQ. - Bjennett-Rena-Halcyon Rd. (Levine Animarl Hosp.) ' A motion was �nad.e by Commissioner Strother, seconded by Commiss- ioner Schultz, that th� Conditiona� Usa Permit request, or Kenneth Levine, to.construct an animal hospital in a C-1 Zone, on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, B1ock 10 of Western Addition, be set For fiearing on February 19th, 1963 at 8:00 P.Pi. 1�11 menbers pr�sent voted "Aye". VAR. REQ. - Tract 282 Unit 1 _ la motion was made. by Commissioner Schultz, second.ed by C.ommiss-- • ioner Strother, that 'the Variance rec�uest of. A. Filer to �allow R-1 Use in an RAB-3 zone �or the property contained th` r�vised Tenta�ive Map of Unit One of Tract 282, be set for he�ring on Febru�ry 19th 1963 at 8:00 P.�l. A�l members pres�n� voted.�"Aye". REZON�NG REQ. - Tract 282 (Master Plan) _I A motion w^s mad.� by Commis�ionc:r 5trother, second.ed by Commiss ioner Richardson, that the rezoning request of W. A. Filer, to change all that property contain�d in the master p.lan of Tract 282, �rom RAB-3 to R-1 and R-3 zoning as indicated on submitted map, be set for he�rin on March S, 1963 at 8:00 P.T�I. A.11 members present voted. "Aye". RF,ZONIN� REQ. - W.Branch Dr. (Nelson) A r�otion was made by Commissioner Schultz, second.ed. by Commiss� ioner Strother, that the r�zanin� requ�st of id.win F. Nelson, to change a portion of Lot 30 of the.St�ele's resubd.ivision of part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pisr�o and Bolsa de Chemisal, said property having 100 �oot front3ge and lying between Larchmont Drive and West Branch Street adjacent to property owned by Certi£ied Freight Lines, Inc,, irom R-1 to C-2, be set for hearing on I�farch S, 1963 at. �:00 P. P�,, All mer.�►bers present voted. '?qy�" . • �� . PLANNING COMMISSIOr1 - February 5th, 1°'63 - Page 2 REZONING REQUEST - Whiteley St. A formal zoning request was rec2ived.froc:i M. C. Cockshott, accompanied by a p�tition containing"36 sign�tures of property owners residing in the General�Area-of W�:it�aley Street-�rom Allen Street to Nelson Street�requesting their propert� presently zoned R=3�b2 re- zoned to R-2. A c�otion was made by Commissioner Strother, szconded by Comr.iissioner Smith, that th� Planning Commission, on its own motion dzsignate the area proposed. to be rezoned from R-3 to R-2 be the property with xrontage on GJhiteley Str�et between th� Arroyo Grande Creek and Allen Street and the lots which facz A11en Street and are adjacent to the a�foresaid. described property, and the p�rcel of�land now owned by Gordori Bennett and with a residential hoa2, and that a hearing be set for March 5; 1963 at-8:00 P.M. for the re- zoning of this area. All r:zembers present voted "�ye". BRIGHTON�AVE.-BRISCO RD: INTERSECT After considerable discussion, it was generally agr�ed, by_all t�resent � that th� fol�ow�_ng F�.rrlOP.. �niQ+1�_c'� bP.. +-ak�r. res�ax�.i.nd +�h.P Bri��tor� A�e. and Bris�o :ZCr&Cl inte� secti��r�: 1. Supervisor Alton L�e said. he would obtain permission for the City to make an engine�ring survey on the County's Brisco Road; � - . s 2.: Mr. J. ':�. Anderson, within two or three we�ks to prepare� plans and estimates of cost, for lowering the "hump!'. on Brisco Road. at Linda Drive, six and one half feet and for the improvem�nt .of `-the' Brighton l�ve. entrarice t.o Bri•sco Road; 3. Supervisor l�lton Lee said that �fter the plans and cost � estiraate had been submitted., h2 would do everything he could, to get County funds to aid in removing the tra�fic hazard at Brisco Road and. Brighton Avenue; � 4. Lowell Kraatz, representing the �lementary School Board., said the School Board has funds set aside to improv� . �Brighton Ave, to this �vtent, the full width to be graded, 20 foot paved area, concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks to be installed on the north side, and the SchooY District is to d�ed to the City a right of way 60 foot wide ror Brighton . . Ave . ; - .- 5. Lc;well Itraatz ad.vised. the Planning Commission that the possibility of� obtaining an easement rro� the School District ext�ndir►g fron the North side o� Brighton Ave. along the rear of the first two properties lying north.of_�the Brighton Ave. and Brisco Road intersection would bood, as the School District intended to sell the.excess land; _ 6. Supervisor Lee and Lyle Carpenter of the County Planning �Comnission ad.vised the Planning Coc�mi�sion.they would be � willing =or the Cbunty' to deed �Brisco �oad. _to, City; � 7. Lowell_Itraatz requested. it be made a part of the ninutes, that all present had. concurred. that the-Brighton Ave: �ntrnnc2 to the school �rom Brisco Ro�.d shouid. be established� ELM'ST. PLAN LINES . . � A motion was made by Comr►issioner Strother,,� second.ed by Comesiss- ioner Schultz, that the'Planning Commission recommend to the Gity Council fihat the `ulm Street Plan Lines as g�nerally shown on pre- � liminary rn�p b� adopted. and th�t a speci�ie d.etai�l map of the plan ' lines be 2ngineered and adopted. All members present voted "Aye". Don Heiderprim of would hold a h�aring on heard at that ti.me. 16� S. Elra Street was advised tfie Council the ::Lm Stre�t Plan Lines and he could be � • . PI1�NIvING COIy�i�lISSIOI� - February Sth, 1�63 - Puge 3 TRACT 260 EROSION PROBLEM Mr, Anderson reparted Mr. Born had not pr�pared a report on the cre�k adjacent to the Norman and Towery Tract �s approval_would have to bc granted by the County Board oi Supervisors before he could. recomt:�end to the City and. it had bEen stated in the n�wspaper that ap had been ranted.. R- ZONING & DIVIS�ON OF LARGE LOTS & BLOCKS R-12 '�oning was discussed and Councilman Wood. expiained � sketch he had. prepared for the c�.evelopm�nt oi l�rge lots by extending streets thru existing blocks to give access to the rear or the large lots creating building �ites instead of using th� proposed. R-12 Zoning. I� was agreed �-12 zoning would. create considerable problens in the development of large lots and Conmissioner Schultz recommend.ed the possible adoption of an ?�-li zoning be he2.d over at ,this time«, All Commissioners p reeent�a re2d.. � T OR TRAILER ZONES AND SU�DIVISIONS Councilman Wood d.i5cu�sed the possibility of including in the City's Zoning Ordinance, T-Zones or Trailer Subdivisions, for,the Plannin Commissions consid.eration. _ ADJOURN�NT _. �i notion ���s mad.e b� Commissioner Schultz, seconded. by Cor�miss- ioner.Strother that the me�ting b� adjourned. at a:58 P.I�q. All m�.mb�rs present voted "Aye" . �� New�ll W. Strot er,- Secretary liver_. a ley, irman