PC Minutes 1962-09-04� � � �
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Arroyo Grande, California
September 4, 1962
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on the
above date in the City Council Room of the City Hall, 7_:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Chairman, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr.
ABSENT: Mr. Evans, Mr. Strother
On motion of Mr. Talley; seconded by Mr. Kithcart, the minutes
of the previous meeting of August 21, 1962, were approved as
COND. USE HEARING - Halcyon Rd. (Johnson)
A continuation of a hearing on a Conditional Use Permit for
Joseph M. Johnson to construct a car wash and a service garage
on Halcyon Road in C-1 zone was held. Martin Polin submitted
new plans for the car wash to the Planning Commission. After
discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Shaffer, seconded by Mr.
Kithcart, that the hearing be continued to the meeting of
September 18, 1962, so that the new plans submitted may be
studied by the Planning Commission.
A hearing on Variance Requests for Wallace Barr, Leo Brown,
and Karl A. Hogan to permit R-3D use on property presently
zoned RA-B3 on Poplar Street was held. There were no written
or oral protests. On motion of Mr. Shaffer, seconded by Mr.
Kithcart, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mr. Brisco,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Evans,
Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley
Mr. Strother
the Variance Requests were granted subject to the Planning
Commission's approval of the proposed plans.
VAR. HEARING - Gaynos - Farrell Rd.
A hearing on a Variance Request for Nicolaus Gaynos to con-
struct Mobilehome Estates on his property on Farrell Road was
held. There were no written or oral protests. On motion of
Mr. Talley, seconded by Mr. Kithcart, and on the following roll
call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mr. Brisco, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Evans, Mr. Strother
the Variance Request was granted for R-3D use.
VAR. HEARING - Farrell Rd. Saw er
�I��.Y'i�Tg�Y��*aY�art'c���,� for James F. Sawyer to construct
Nobilehome Estates on his property on Farrell Road was held.
There were no written or oral protests. On motion of Mr.
Kithcart, seconded by Mr. Talley, and on the following roll call
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mr. Brisco, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Evans, Mr. Strother
the Variance Request was granted for R-3D use.
VAR. HEARING - Alder St. (Walker)
T� hearing on a Variance Request for Robert E. Walker to permit
R-3 use on property presently zoned R-1 on Alder Street was
held. There were no written or oral protests. On motion of
Mr. Talley, seconded by Mr. Shaffer, the hearing was continued
to the meeting of September 18, 1962, for further study by the
Planning Commission.
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COND. USE PERMIT REQUEST - Traffic Way (Schmitt)
A Trailer Court Extension for Paul Schmitt, at 535 Traffic
was discussed by the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr.
Shaffer, seconded by Mr. Talley, a hearing date was set for
September 18, 1962, at 8:00 P.M.,� subject to the filing of
application for a Use Permit and the fee.
Tentative plans for the new Post Office facility in Arroyo
Grande were discussed by the Planning Commission. A motion was
made by Mr. Shaffer, seconded by Mr. Kithcart, that the Plan-
ning Commission pass the plans as a recommendation to the Post
Office Department.
ZONING - Fair Oaks
The proposed Fair Oaks zoning was discussed by the Planning Com-
mission. Mrs. Naomi Lawrence requested that all of her property
be zoned C-1, so that she does not have part C-1 and part R-3,
which would.increase C-1 zone on Halcyon Road sixty feet. Some
members of the Planning Commission feel there is a problem of
getting too much commercial zone on Halcyon Road before it is
widened. On motion of Mr. Shaffer, seconded by Mr. Kithcart,
a Resolution was adopted setting a hearing date for September 19,
1962, at 8:00 P.M., for a public hearing on the Fair Oaks zoning
for the newly annexed area only, and on the following roll call
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mr. Brisco, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Evans, Mr. Strother
COND. USE PERMIT REQUEST - Grand Ave. (Neufeld)
A Conditional Use Permit for Harry Neufeld to establish a Radi-
ator Repair Shop in C-1 zone at 950 Grand Avenue was discussed
by the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Kithcart, seconded
by Mr. Talley, a hearing date was set for September 18, 1962,
at 8:00 P.M. �
A Conditional Use Permit for William R. Smi.th to establish a
Dry-Cleaning Establishment in C-1 zone at 109 E. Branch Street
was discussed by the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr.
Kithcart, seconded by Mr. Talley, a hearing date was set for
September 18, 1962, at 8:00 P.M.
LOT SPLIT NO. 13 - Spruce St. (Van Beveran)
Lot Split No. 13 for Robert J. VanBeveran on Spruce Street was
discussed by the Planning Commission after an explanation by Mr.
VanBeveran. Approval was held for further study by the Lot
Split Committee.
No further business appearing, upon motion of Mr. Kithcart,
seconded by Mr. Talley, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.