PC Minutes 1962-08-21a
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Arroyo Grande, California
August 21, 1962
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on the
above date in the City Council Room of the City Hall, 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Chairman, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Talley, Mr.
ABSENT: Mr. Evans, Mr. Shaffer
n mo ion o Mr. Kithcart, seconded by Mr. Talley, the minutes of
Lhe previous meeting of August 7, 1962, were approved as prepared.
e er was received requesting that Sunset Drive remain entirely
residential with no businesses being permitted. The letter was
signed by twenty-five property owners on Sunset Drive.
UPHOLSTERY BUS. C-1 Zone (Bridge St)
—�� er was rea rom Alber T. Partee addressed to the.Planning
Commission requesting the opening of an upholstery business in
C-1 zone at 103 Bridge Street with furniture being the only thing
upholstered. A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart, seconded by Mr.
Talley, that the upholstery business be permitted on the grounds
' that it is no more objectionable than those uses listed under
C-1 zone in the Zoning Ordinance.
LOT SPLIT N0. 10 - Walnut St. (Beecham)
o p i No. 1 or Thomas Beecham on Walnut Street was d.is-
cussed by the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Anderson;
seconded by Mr. Brisco, the Lot Split was approved.
LOT SP"LIT N0. 11 - Cedar St. (Newdoll)
Lot Split No. 11 for Robert H. Newdoll on Cedar Street was dis-
cussed by the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Kithcart;
seconded by Mr. Anderson, the I Split was approved.
LOT SPLIT N0. 13 - Spruce St. (Van Beveran)
Lot Split No. 13 for Robert J. VanBeveran on Spruce Street was
discussed by the Planning Commission. Its approval was held
over due to Mr. VanBeveran's absence.
LOT SPLIT N0. 17 - Huasna Rd. (Peck)
Lot Split No. 17 for Jay R. Peck on Huasna Road was discussed by
the Planning Commission.. On motion of Mr. Kithcart; seconded by
Mr. Anderson, the Lot Split was a proved.
LAT SPLIT N0. 18 - Newman Dr. (Rigsby �
- Lot Split No. 18 for W. C. Rigsby on Newman Drive was discussed
by the Planning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Anderson,
seconded by Mr. Kithcart, that the Lot Split be approved subject
to a 25' easement from Newman Drive and that the first lot be
reduced to 65' instead of 70'.
A hearing on a Variance Request for a rear yard setback of 7'
instead of the required 15' for Robert M. Pendo on Rena Street
was held. There were no written or oral protests. A motion was
made by Mr. Strother, seconded by Mr. Talley, that the Variance
be granted.
COND. USE PERMIT - Halcyon Rd. (Johnson)
A hearing on a Conditional Use Permit for Joseph M. Johnson to
construct a car wash and service garage in C-1 zone on Halcyon
Road was held. There were no written protests. Oral protests
were heard from the following:
Chester A. Williams, who resides at 812 Park Way, objected
to having a car wash in his back yard, and also to the
drainage problem and congestion on Park Way it would cause.
W. W. Hooker, who resides at 1045 Grand Avenue, stated
that there is no •four inch drainage pipe on Park Way. It
will also cause a drainage problem.
Mr. Everett stated that the noise will disturb those on
Park Way, and it will cause an increase in water and•con-
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Mrs. C. Elliston, who resides at 822 Park Way, stated
that any entrance to the car wash will increase the
traffic on Park Way. It will also cause a drainage
Chester A. Williams feels that a car wash will cause
an increase in noise.
Edna Woods, who resides at 802 Park Way, says that the
block wall will not close out the noise or the exhaust.
Paul Lipps feels that a car wash will not fit in with
surrounding buildings.
W. W. Hooker feels that there is not sufficient water
for a car wash.
Oliver Mann, representing Mrs. 4�Theatley, who resides
on Park Way, is not particularly aga:inst or for the
car wash. Mr. Polin should be granted the privilege
if this property is zoned accordingly. However, Mr.
Mann felt that drainage would be a concern.
Mrs. Naomi Lawrence feels that a car wash is a good
type of business for this particular corner.
A motion was made by Mr. Talley, seconded by Mr. Strother, that
the hearing be continued to the meeting of September 4, 1962,
for further study and check.
ZONING - A.G.,Fair Oaks, County Zoning �f Fair Oaks
i�ir. Anderson explained maps of the present Arroyo Grande
Zoning, the present Fair Oaks Zoning, and the proposed Fair
Oaks Zoning. A short discussion followed. Wallace Barr stated
that the property owners on Poplar Street would like a change
from R-1 to R-3 in the proposed plan with a restricted height
to buildings. Mr. Brisco feels that R-3-D would be best for
this particular area.
Mr. Boroff stated that he would like to put some type of
building on the back of his lot on Walnut Street in R-1 zone.
His property backs up to that of Addison Wood on Maple Street.
VARIANCE REQUEST - Poplar St. (Barr, Brown, Hogan)
Mr. Kithcart made a motion, seconded by Mr. Talley, that a
hearing date on the Variance Request for Wallace Barr, Leo G.
Brown, and Karl A. Hogan, to permit R-3 use in RA-B3 zone on
Poplar Street, be set for September 4, 1962, at 8:00 P.M..
VAR. & REZONING FOR MOBILE HOMES - Farrell Rd. (Gaynos) .
A Variance and Rezoning Request for Nicolaus Gaynos to construct
a Mobilehome Estate on Farrell Road was discussed by the Plan-
ning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart, seconded
by Mr. Strother, that a hearing date for the Variance Request
be set for September 4, 1962, at 8:00 P.M..
TRAILER PARK - Farrell Rd. (Sawyer)
A letter was received from James F. Sawyer requesting that
he be permitted to construct a trailer park on that property
adjacent to the Gaynos property. A motion was made by Mr.
Kithcart, seconded by Mr. Strother, that a hearing date be
set for September 4, 1962, at 8:00 P.M..
TRAILER PARK - Maple St. (Wilson)
The Planning Commission considered a request by Mr. David
Wilson to construct a trailer park on Maple Street. The R-1
zoning will remain as it is until a formal application is
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A Variance Request for Robert E. Walker to permit R-3 use
in R-1 zone was discussed by the Planning Commission. A
motion was made by Mr. Talley, seconded by Mr. Kithcart,
that a hearing date be set for September 4, 1962, at 8:00 P.M..
George Allen would like his property on Alder Street zoned R-3
under the proposed Fair Oaks Zoning. The Planning Commission
feels there is a problem of R-3 zone spoiling the present R-1
A request was made by Mrs. Naomi Lawrence to rezone a portion
of her lot, located on the west side of Halcyon Road opposite
Park Way, from the present R-3 to C-1 under the proposed Fair
Oaks Zoning.
There being no further business, upon motion of Mr. Kithcart,
seconded by Mr. Talley, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
Elaine Youngblood Mr. Brisco, Chairman
DEVELOP. OF BLOCKS - Maple, Walnut, Ash, Elm
The Planning Commission discussed ways of planning a street
to split the lots in the block between Maple Street, Walnut
Street, Ash Street, and Elm Street. A questionnaire will be
sent to every property owner within the block to get the
general opinion of the people on a mutual street.