HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1962-08-07"� � "�
Arroyo Grande, California
August 7, 1962
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was lield on the
above date in the City Council Room of the City Hall, 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Chairman, Mr. Evans, Mr. Shaffer, Mr.
Talley, Mr. Kithcart
ABSENT: Mr. Strother
EMERG. ZONING = Mobile Home - Farrell Rd. (Gaynos)
�1 letter was read rom Nicholaus Gaynos addressed to the City
Council requesting emergency zoning to permit a mobilehome �
park on his property at 1212 Farrell Road. The Planning Com-
mission wi1T consider this reguest in the overall zoning of
the�Fair Oaxs=�Area.� �� �-� '���-�� � :�
e er was received requesting that Sunset Drive remain
entirely residential with no businesses being permitted.
Letter was signed by twelve property owners on Sunset Drive.
VAR. REQUEST - Pike Rd.(Lancaster) .
A Variance Request for Nick Lancaster on Pike Road was tempor-
arily withdrawn.
VAR. REQUEST - Rena St. (Pendo)
A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart that a hearing date be set
for August 21, 1962, 8:00 P.M., for a Variance Request by
Robert M. Pendo to reduce the rear yard setback to seven feet
on the northwest corner of his property on Rena Street.
A discussion of church parking lots was held.with representa-
tives of the various churches. -
The Peace Lutheran Church on 18th Street has adequate
parking on the south side of the There is one
parking place to every four seats, and they also have
permission to use Young's Market parking lot.
Reverend Criswell from the Methodist Church presented
plans for a parking lot for eighty cars. The paving
of this lot has been delayed.due to.curb grades. He
anticipates an eventual 380 seats..
Reverend Warren from the First Assembly of God Church
said they now have parking for 38 cars. They also
have another parking lot being constructed that is yet
The Saint Patrick's Church has adequate parking, but
people do not take advantage of it. It would be a
big help to the traffic if they would use the parking
lot instead of Branch Street.
The Church of the Latter Day Saints has more than ade-
quate parking. There is improved parking for forty
cars, and unimproved for one hundred cars.
There was no representation from the following churches:
Presbyterian Church
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church
Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church
Christian Scientist Church
Four Square Pentecostal Church
Jehovah's Witnesses
Mr. Shaffer and Mr. Evans were appointed to attend the next
Ministerial meeting to discuss the parking problem of Churches
in the City. Reverend Criswell will plan a meeting in Sep-
tember on a day that both Planning Commissioners can attend.
A hearing on the rezoning of the Glenn E. Pinnell Property on
Lots l, and 2, Block l, and Lots l, 2, and 3, Block 3, Tract 161,
� �
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from R-1 to R-3 was held. Mr. W. A. Harrison, Engineer on this
tract,�gave a brief explanation as to why this portion of the
Tract should be rezoned. There were no written or oral pro-
tests. On motion of Mr. Shaffer; seconded by Mr. Evans, and
on the following roll call vote, to-wit:
Brisco, Mr. Evans, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley,
A recommendation was made by the Planning Commission to the City
Council that the property be rezoned from R-1 to R-3.
REZONING - Dodson Way (Christianson)
earing on e rezoning o��Fie C. C. Christianson Property
on Dodson Way from RA-B3 to R-2 and R-3 was held. Mr. Shaffer
questioned Lot Split No. 14 having any affect on the granting
of the rezoning. There were no written or oral protests. On
motion of Mr. Kithcart; seconded by Mr. Talley, and on the fol-
lowing-roll call vote, to-wit:
Brisco, Mr. Evans, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley,
A recommendation was made by the Planning Commission to the City
Council that the property be rezoned from RA-B3 to R-2 and R-3.
COND. USE PERMIT - Grand - Halcyon (Johnson)
A conditional use permit for Joseph M. Johnson to permit con-
struction of a car wash and ser.vice garage specializing in
brakes on property now zoned C-1 in back of the Union Oil Service
Station and Lambert's Garage on the Southeast corner of Halcyon
and Grand was discussed by the Planning Commission. A motion
was made by Mr. Shaffer that a hearing date on this conditional
use permit be set for August 21, 1962, at 8:15 P.M.; seconded
by Mr. Talley.
FINAL MAP - Tract 244
A motion was made by Mr. Talley, that the Final Map of Tract
244 be approved subject to:
Approval of drainage by Director of Public Works and
County Hydraulic Engineer.
All provisions of the.Subdivision Ordinance.
Sanitary Sewers are not to be required unless more
available than at present.
(5) Recommend that the City assume the Courity agreement
to pave the additional street width required on
Pike and 26th.
Seconded by Mr. Kithcart, and on the following roll call vote,
AYES: Mr. Brisco, Mr. Evans, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Talley,
Mr. Kithcart
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Strother '
LOT SPLIT No. 14 - Dodson - Halcyon Rd. (Askeland,Autry,Keats)
Lot Split No. 14 for Askeland, Autry, and Keats on the corner
of Halcyon Road and Dodson Way was discussed by t�e Planning
Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart that the Lot
Split be approved; seconded by Mr. Anderson.
LOT SPLIT N0. 15 - Huasna Rd. (Anderson)
Lot Split No. 15 for Robert L. Anderson on Huasna Road just
east of the Portugese Hall was discussed by the Planning Commis-
sion. A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart that the Lot Split be
approved with a 40 foot setback; seconded by Mr. Anderson.
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LOT SPLIT N0. 16 - Sierra Drive (Clark)
Lot Split No. 16 for C. H. Clark on Sierra Drive was discussed
by the Planning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart
that the Lot Split be approved; seconded by Mr. Anderson.
"D" zoning was discussed by the Planning Commission. A motion
was made by Mr. Kithcart that the Planning Commission recom-
mend to the City Council that they adopt the County "D" Zone
as an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance; seconded by Mr.
No further business appearing, upon motion of.Mr. Talley,
seconded by Mr. Kithcart, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
'Elaine Youngblood
Mr. Brisco, Chairman