PC Minutes 1962-03-20�`
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March 20, 1962
Arroyo Grande, California �
A regular meeting of the Planning Commis�ion was held on the
above date in the Council Room of the City Hall, 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Chai'rman, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Shaffer, Mr.
Strother, Mr. Lee
ABSENT: Mr. Talley, Mr. Evans
The minutes of the previous meeting
' approved as prepared.
Plans for the plan-lines on Halcyon
distance of no more than twenty feet
sented by Mr. Anderson and discussed
of March 6, 1962, were
Road showing a set-back
in any one place was pre-
by the Planning Commission.
A motion was made by Mr. Shaffer that the alignment of Halcyon
Road be a uniform eighty feet in width; seconded by Mr. Strother.
A motion was made by Mr. Shaffer that a public hearing for the
alignment of Halcyon Road be set for 8:T5 P.M., April 3, 1962;
seconded by Mr. Strother.
Mr. Anderson presented a set of Street Improvement Standards
to the Planning Commission so that a uniform set-up can be
established on s�reets. Mr. Strother made a motion that these
Street Improvement Standards be recommended to the City Council
for adoption; seconded by Mr. Shaffer.
Mr. Anderson presented a plan for the abandonment of Cross
Street and the alignment of Railroad Avenue. Mr. Strother made
a motion that we �ecommend to the City Council that the pro-
posal be layed on the table; seconded by Mr. Shaffer.
VAR. HEARING - Traffic Way (Brumbaugh)
A hearing was held on a Variance Request for R-1 use in H-S
zorie on Traffic Way for C. C. Brumbaugh. Written protests were
received from Mr. Claude Devereaux, 400 Traffic Way; and Mr.
Maury Brennan, 330 Traffic Way. Oral protest was heard from
Mr. Don Christianson, 303 Traffic Way. Mr. Vern Dillon spoke
in favor of establishing a residence on the Brumbaugh property.
A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart that the proposed use would
not be compatable with the established zoning in this area and
that the Variance Request be denied; seconded by Mr. Strother.
VAR. HEARING - Tract 161 (Pinnell)
A hearing was held on a Variance Request for R-3 use in R-1
zone on North Elm Street for Glenn E. Pinnell. Written pro-
tests were received from Mrs. Nelia Lovejoy, 1214 Grand Avenue;
Mr. Jacob C. Mitchell, 201 North Elm Street; and Mr. Dallas C.
Andrews, 416 Pierce Street, Taft. Oral protests were heard from
Mrs. Brooster, 213 North Elm Street; and Mrs. Hawk, 220 North
Elm Street. Mr. Strother made a motion the hearing be continued
to the meeting of April 3, 1962, 8:00 P.M.; and that because of
some doubt that all property owners within 300 feet of the sub-
ject property had been notified, ownership should be checked and
owners renotified; seconded by Mr. Shaffer. *
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VARIANCE HEARING - Halcyo�z Road (Georje Grieb)
A hearing was held on a Variance Request for R-1 use in
RA-Bc� zone on the George Grieb property between Arroyo
Grande Creek and Halcyon Road for Norman and Towery. There
being no protests, the Planning Commission granted the Vari-
ance on �totion of Mr. Strother; seconded by Mr. Kithcart.
VAR. HEARING - Dodson ine (Harris)
A hearing was held on a Variance Request for R-3 use in
R-1 zone on property lying South of Dodson Way between Hal-
cyon Road and Alpine Street for Ellis H. Harris. Oral pro-
tests were heard from Mr. William G. Quale, 251 S. Halcyon
Road; and Mr. Ross Lee, 207 Bridge Street. Mr. Shaffer
made a motion that consideration of this Variance be continued
to the meeting of April 3, 196�2, 8:00 P.M., so that the Plan-
ning Commission be given an opportunity to visit the property�
in question; seconded by Mr. Kithcart.
(Corrected by minutes of May l, 1962)
A motion was made by Mr. Kithcart that a new hearing date for
rezoning of the Martin Polin property and the W. W. Cook
property be set for April 17, 1962; 8:00 P.M.; seconded by
Mr. Shaffer.
Mr. Anderson presented a Tentative Map of Norman-Towery's
Tract 260, and it was fu'r.ther discussed by the Planning Com-
m:�$sion. A letter from the County Health Department recom-
mending tha� Dry Sewers be installed for Lots 13 through 22
was read by Mr. Anderson. Mr. Norman wisYied to know if Fair
Oaks Avenue had been definitely established as the �ajor
road crossing between Halcyon Road and R�alley Road; and if
it had been approved, he wanted to know if the City would put
in a dry weather creek crossing. The Planning Commission
stated that they have recommended to the City Council that
Ash Street be the major crossing, but they were not positive
that the City Council had established a definite location for
the road. It was recommended that Mr. Norman take his request
to the City Council.
Mrs. Bretan presented a set of plans fio the Planning Commission
on the remodeling of her residence at the corner of Bell Street
and Faeh Avenue. After construction had been started, a sur-
vey of the adjacent lot was made which reduced her side yard
to approximately orie foot. The Planning Commission informed
her that she would have to apply for a Variance to reduce the
side yard requirement.
There being no fu'r.thur business the meeting was adjourned at '
10:15 P.M.
Elaine Grieb Mr. Brisco, Cha3rman
*The hearing was continued to the meeting .of April 3, 1962,
due to the need of an opinion from Attorney Harris as to the ,
exact zoning of the property.