HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1962-02-06� - �',
February 6, 1962
Arroyo Grande, California
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on
the above date in the Council Room of the City Hall, 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Chairman, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Evans,
Mr. Strother, Mr. Lee
ABSENT: Mr. Tally, Mr. Shaffer
The minutes of the previous meeting of January 16, 1962 were
approved as prepared.
LOT SPLIT NO. 5 (Walker)
The Lot Split Number 5 for Mr. Bob Walker, 182.88 feet North
of Tract 100 on South Alpine, was discussed.. A motion was
made by Mr. Kithcart that the Lot Split be approved.
Seconded by Mr. Paul McTaggart.
REZONING (Jurinjak)
Mr. Jurinjak discussed the possibilities of a zone change
from R-3 to C=1. His request was taken under consideration
by the Planning Commission. No action was taken.
VARIANCE - Lot 1 Blk 3 TR. 161
Mr. Langston s an Mr_ Pinnell's request for variance for a
multiple dwelling on Lot 1, Block 3, Tract 161, was discussed
by the Planning Commission. The matter was held over until
the meeting of February 20, to consider other adjacent areas
to be included as R-3 zoning.
REZONING - Grand Ave.-Rena St
Mr. Polin suggested that two zone changes be made, one being
near the Wilshire Gas Station on Grand Avenue from R-A-B-3
to C-1 and one on the West side of Rena Street and approxi-
mately 125 feet South of Grand Avenue from R-1 to C-1.
These were previously zoned as requested and had been
changed with the new zoning map. The Planning Commission
will consider this request with others that have been sub-
mitted and will act on them at the next meeting.
Mr. Polin also suggested that the City investigate the pos-
sibility of obtaining an angular piece of �and between U.S.
101, Grand Avenue and the U.S. 101 approach road, to be used
as possible park. The Planning Commission requested Mr.
Anderson to check on this for the next meeting.
Mr. Stanley Grieb questioned the possible routes for the
proposed roadway between Halcyon and Valley Road. The main
suggestion was a continuance of Fair Oaks Avenue, South of
the Community Hospital. Further discussion will take place
at the meeting of February 20.
ere eing no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Elaine Grieb Mr. B'risco, Chairman