PC Minutes 1962-01-02"e�5r 3. � `�.�' January 2, 1962 Arroyo Grande, California A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on the above date in the Council Room of the City Hall, 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. Brisco, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Evans, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Tally Mr Lee � , ABSENT: None MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as prepared. VAR. HEARING - Spruce St. (Shi enaka A hearing was held on the variance request for Bob Shigenaka property on Spruce Street, there were no protest, and the variance was granted, motion by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Tally. ALL AYES , , REZONING - 18th an3 Fronta e Road (Cook) Tiie anning ommission discussec� Mr. Cook's property on Frontage Road and 18th Street and agreed to participate in the proceedings to change the zoning from R-1 to HS as soon as possible. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the_meeting was adjour:�ed. Paula Howard Mr. Brisco, Chairman � 0