PC Minutes 1961-05-16F$ �. t � i Arroyo Grande, California rlay iG, /�i6/ A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on the above date in the Council Room of the E'ity Hall, 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. Bennett, Co Chairman, Mr. Evans, Mr. Kithcart, Mr. Tally, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Lee ABSENT: Mr. Brisco � MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Mr. Shaffer, seconded by Mr. Tally. ROAD TO CONNECT HALCYON TO VALLEY The Planning Commission discussed a proposed roadway be- tween Halcyon Road and.Valley Road. Two Preliminary lo- - cation plans were presented by Mr. Anderson to extend a road through the properti:es belonging to George Grieb, Runels, and J. C. Couse, the other to extend through the properties belonging to Fred Grieb, C.H. Clark, Ross Abel and.Stone Saruwatari. Mr. Lee mentioned the City Council is very favorable to any decision of the-Planning Commission. Mr. Shaffer stated that the second proposal, through Mr. Fred Griebs property had been agreeded on at previous meet- ings and that he was still not in favor of the first plan, through.Mr. George Grieb property. It was proposed that a committee be found.to meet with the owners of property on the proposed right of �ray through the Fred Grieb property to establish a definite cost of acquiring.rights of way. Mr. Bennett appointed Mr. Tally and Mr. Evans to work on the committee with Mr. Anderson and two members of the CityCouncil. FALL SHELTER REQ. - A. Wood Mr. Addison Wood requested permission to build fall out shelters withint the set back lines of.property owners. Mr. Anderson was to check.with.our attorney.as to the - legality of the request. TRACT NO. 175 Bond ° Mr. Wiliiford requested the bond required in conjur�t.ion with Tract 175 for curb and gutters adjacent to Mr. O' De,c�ls property be released. Mr. Shaffer made the motion that the minutes stand as approved in the minutes of January 5, 1960, seconded by Mr. Evans. Al1 Ayes ADJOURNMENT Meeting;Adjourned: 9:30 p.m. , � Q�I! Mr. Bennett, Co=Chairman