CC 2022-04-26_10a Supplemental 1 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Jessica Matson, Legislative & Information Services Director/City Clerk SUBJECT: Supplemental Information Agenda Item 10.a. – Discussion and Consideration of a Project Status Update and Design Services Proposals, and Direction Regarding a Preferred Option for the Brisco Interchange Modification Project DATE: April 26, 2022 Attached is additional correspondence received before 4 p.m. for the above referenced item. cc: City Manager Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Community Development Director City Attorney City Clerk City Website (or public review binder) From:Jim Guthrie To:Caren Ray Russom; Lan George; Keith Storton; Jessica Matson; Jimmy Paulding; Kristen Barneich Subject:Brisco Interchange Date:Monday, April 25, 2022 8:20:36 PM Mayor and Council Members I think it will come as no surprise that I am not exactly heartbroken about the subcommittee’s recommendation to discontinue pursuing the Brisco Interchange project. Although I think 1A was workable it did have some unknown costs and if we pursued it instead, I doubt we could meet the time line necessary to keep the SLOCOG funding. I hope you will follow that recommendation. I don’t think we should give up entirely on closing the ramps at Brisco. When we closed them for the test, most of the public liked the improved connection between the west and east side of Arroyo Grande. As I remember the only real traffic problem was the stacking of traffic on to the freeway at the north bound Grand Ave off ramp. We should at least look into the possibility of adding the additional lane to the northbound on ramp at Grand rather than the realignment of the south bound on ramp. Not only could we stack more cars and allow more of them to make the right turn on Grand, we should be able to re- time the light to allow more left turns on to the northbound 101 on ramp. Perhaps more than we would gain with the extended left turn lane pocket. It's not a 30-year solution but it might give us the safety factor we need to close the Brisco ramps. It's also far less expensive and faster to design and build than realigning the ramps on the West side of the Grand Ave overpass. Jim Guthrie