R 5191 RESOLUTION NO. 5191
WHEREAS, on May 10, 1994, an agreement was executed by and between the
incorporated cities of San Luis Obispo County ("Cities") and the County of San Luis Obispo
forming a joint powers authority pursuant to the provisions of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act
(Government Code sections 6500 et seq.), for the purpose of facilitating the development of
waste diversion programs and projects that provide economies of scale without interfering with
individual agencies' exercise of power within their own jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as
the "JPA Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the JPA Agreement, the power to perform the responsibilities
of the joint powers authority was vested in the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste
Management Authority Board of Directors ("IWMA Board"); and
WHEREAS, in or around 2001, a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") was executed
by and between the Cities, the County of San Luis Obispo, and certain special districts within
San Luis Obispo County that possessed solid waste authority ("Authorized Districts"),
amending the JPA Agreement to include the Authorized Districts for representation on the
IWMA Board (also known as the First Amendment to the JPA Agreement); and
WHEREAS, in or around April 13, 2022, the IWMA Board considered and approved
amendments to the JPA Agreement ("Second Amended and Restated JPA"), including those
reflecting the withdrawal of San Luis Obispo County from the IWMA, and directed IWMA staff
to circulate it to Participating Agencies for approval (a true and correct copy of the Second
Amended and Restated JPA is attached hereto as Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, the Second Amended and Restated JPA shall amend the JPA Agreement
and shall be considered a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities and the
Authorized Districts to enable and allow one (1) representative of the Authorized Districts to
participate in the governance of the IWMA as a member agency pursuant to Section 40977 of
the Public Resource Code to represent the interests of all Authorized Districts; and
WHEREAS, all Authorized Districts are encouraged to execute the Second Amended
and Restated JPA prior to October 15, 2022, or otherwise pursue means by which to achieve
their waste diversion goals and to comply with the Integrated Waste Management Act,
Assembly Bill 341, Assembly Bill 1826, Senate Bill 1383, and all current and future state-
mandated laws, rules and regulations; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo desires to acknowledge, accept, and
agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Second Amended and Restated JPA.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
does hereby declare, determine, and order as follows:
SECTION 1. The foregoing Recitals are true, correct and are incorporated herein.
SECTION 2. The City of Arroyo Grande hereby acknowledges, accepts, and agrees to be
bound by the terms and conditions of the Second Amended and Restated JPA, a copy of which
is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference.
SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. The City Manager
or her designee is directed to deliver this adopted resolution to the IWMA's Interim Executive
Director and Executive Committee.
On motion of Council Member Barneich, seconded by Council Member George, and on the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Barneich, George, Storton, Paulding, and Mayor Ray Russom
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of May, 2022.
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made and entered into this _ day of , 2022, by and between the
incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, El Paso de Robles, Grover
Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach, and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal
corporations of the State of California and located within the boundaries of the
County of San Luis Obispo California, hereinafter called "Cities."
WHEREAS, on May 10, 1994, an agreement was executed by and between
the Cities and the County of San Luis Obispo ("County") forming a joint powers
authority pursuant to the provisions of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act
(Government Code section 6500 et seq., for the purpose of facilitating the
development of waste diversion programs and projects that provide economies of
scale without interfering with individual agencies' exercise of power within their
own jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as the "Original JPA Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Original JPA Agreement, the member agencies
created and established a public entity identified as the San Luis Obispo County
Integrated Waste Management Authority ("IWMA"); and
WHEREAS, in or around 2001, a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") was
executed by and between the Cities, the County, and certain special districts
within the County ("Authorized Districts") amending the Original JPA Agreement
to include the Authorized Districts for representation on the IWMA Board; and
WHEREAS, on or about November 15, 2021, the County withdrew from the
IWMA; and the Cities and Authorized Districts determined that a single regional
agency remained advantageous to advise, plan for, and implement solutions to
common solid waste and a waste diversion efforts; and
WHEREAS, the IWMA was originally formed to meet the requirements of
the California Integrated Waste Management Act (California Public Resources
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Code section 40000 et seq.) and all regulations adopted under that legislation
require, among other things, that certain public agencies in California make
adequate provision for solid waste management within their jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, since the IWMA's formation, Assembly Bill 341 (Chesbro, 2011)
(Recycling of Commercial Solid Waste ("MCR")) was signed into law and
established requirements for jurisdictions to implement a commercial solid waste
recycling program designed to divert commercial solid waste; and
WHEREAS, since the IWMA's formation, Assembly Bill 1826 (Chesbro, 2014)
(Recycling of Commercial Organic Waste ("MORe")) was signed into law and
established the requirement for jurisdictions to implement an organic waste
recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses; and
WHEREAS, since the IWMA's formation, Senate Bill 1383 (Lara, 2016) was
signed into law requiring jurisdictions to implement organic waste diversion
programs that include providing organic waste collection services to businesses
and residences, edible food recovery goals, public education and outreach,
contamination monitoring and sampling activities, recordkeeping and reporting,
organic materials and edible food recovery, infrastructure capacity planning,
procurement of recovered organic waste products, and enforcement; and
WHEREAS, the Cities and Authorized Districts continue to believe that by
combining their separate powers they can achieve their waste diversion goals and
satisfy the requirements of the Integrated Waste Management Act and other
legislation more effectively than if they exercise those powers separately; and
WHEREAS, the Cities affirm, that pursuant to this Second Amended and
Restated Joint Powers Agreement, the IWMA remains a regional agency in
accordance with Public Resources Code section 40970 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 40977, the Cities shall include one (1)
Authorized District to be included as a member in the IWMA regional agency for
the purpose of representation on the IWMA Board of Directors; and
WHERAS, the Authorized District "member" may change from time to time;
the current elected or appointed Authorized District representative shall
represent the collective interests of all Authorized Districts; and
WHEREAS, this Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement
shall be considered a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities and the
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Authorized Districts to enable and allow one (1) representative of the Authorized
Districts to participate in the governance of the IWMA as a member agency
pursuant to Section 40977 of the Public Resource Code to represent the interests
of all Authorized Districts; and
WHEREAS, the Cities and the Authorized Districts (together "Participating
Agencies") desire to establish and confer upon a separate legal entity the powers
necessary to enable them to achieve their waste diversion goals and to comply
with the Integrated Waste Management Act, Assembly Bill 341, Assembly Bill
1826, Senate Bill 1383, and all current and future state-mandated laws, rules and
regulations to the extent allowed by law and by the terms and conditions of this
Second Amendment; and
WHEREAS, the Participating Agencies desire to avoid a series of
amendments to the Agreement over time due to future state-mandated
legislation and programs, and as such, the parties desire to authorize the IWMA
Board to enact policies, resolutions, and ordinances as are necessary to ensure
and oversee compliance with any and all future state-mandated programs related
to solid waste, recycling, waste diversion, and any other purpose of the Authority
as provided in this Agreement.
SECTION 1. Definitions.
To the extent that any of the following definitions conflict with any definition set
forth in the California Integrated Waste Management Act, (Pub. Resources Code,
§ 40000 et seq.), and the Regulations promulgated thereunder, said Act and/or
Regulations shall take priority. The terms defined in this Section that begin in this
Agreement with quotation marks have the following meanings:
1.1 "Act" means the California Integrated Waste Management Act
of 1989 (Pub. Resources Code, § 40000 et seq.) and all regulations adopted under
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that legislation, as that legislation and those regulations may be amended from
time to time.
1.2 "Agreement" means this Second Amended and Restated Joint
Exercise of Powers Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time.
1.3 "Authority" means the San Luis Obispo County Integrated
Waste Management Authority, a joint exercise of powers agency created by the
Members pursuant to this Agreement.
1.4 "Authorized Districts" means certain special districts with solid
waste authority participating in the IWMA through this Second Amended and
Restated Joint Powers Agreement, including but not limited to the Avila Beach
Community Services District, California Valley Community Services District,
Cambria Community Services District, Cayucos Sanitary District, Ground Squirrel
Hollow Community Services District, Heritage Ranch Community Services District,
Los Osos Community Services District, Nipomo Community Services District,
Oceano Community Services District, San Miguel Community Services District, San
Simeon Community Services District, and Templeton Community Services District,
or other qualified agencies that may later determine to become a Participating
Agency by execution of this Agreement.
1.5 "Authorized District Representative" means the
representative, or alternate, elected or appointed by the Authorized Districts to
represent the Authorized Districts' interests as a member of the IWMA regional
agency pursuant to Section 40977 of the Public Resources Code.
1.6 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Authority
1.7 "CalRecycle" means the California Department of Resources
Recycling and Recovery.
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1.8 "City" means any Participating Agency that is a city, and
"Cities" means all of the Participating Agencies that are Cities.
1.9 "Composting Facility" means a facility at which composting is
conducted and which produces a product meeting the definition of compost in
Public Resources Code (PRC) section 40116. ("Compost" means the product
resulting from the controlled biological decomposition of organic wastes that are
source separated from the municipal solid waste stream, or which are separated
at a centralized facility. "Compost" includes vegetable, yard and wood wastes
which are not hazardous waste, and biosolids where combined with other organic
materials in a mixture that consists largely of decayed organic matter, and is used
for fertilizing and conditioning land.)
1.10 "Executive Director" means the person hired and appointed by
the Board as the Authority's chief administrative officer to administer the affairs
of the Authority and to implement the policies of the Board.
1.11 "Fiscal Year" means the period commencing on each July 1 and
ending on the following June 30.
1.12 "HHW" means household hazardous waste as described in the
household hazardous waste element as required by the Act (Pub. Resources Code,
§ 40000 et seq.), as that element may be amended from time to time.
1.13 "HHWE" means the Household Hazardous Waste Element as
required by the Act (Pub. Resources Code, § 40000 et seq.) as that element may
be amended from time to time.
1.14 "IWMA" means the Authority as defined herein.
1.15 "IWMA Region" means the jurisdictional territory and
boundaries of all Participating Agencies.
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1.16 "Joint Facilities" means a materials recovery facility,
composting or HHW Facility, or other facility developed for the purpose of
complying with requirements established by state legislation or the regulations of
CalRecycle, or combination thereof, which is owned by some or all of the
Participating Agencies directly, or by the Authority, or by a private entity, or a
public agency, for the benefit of some or all of the Participating Agencies.
1.17 "Members" means the Cities who are members of this regional
agency, formed pursuant to Public Resources Code section 40970 et seq, and the
one (1) Authorized District Representative pursuant to Public Resources Code
section 40977."MRF" means a "materials recovery facility" which means a
permitted solid waste facility where solid wastes or recyclable materials are sorted
or separated, by hand or by use of machinery, for the purposes of recycling or
composting. (Title 14, Ch. 9, Art. 3, Section 18720, "Definitions.") "MRF" also
means a transfer station which is designed to, and, as a condition of its permit,
shall recover for reuse or recycling at least 15 percent of the total volume of
material received by the facility. (Pub. Resources Code, § 50000(a)(4).)
1.18 "Participating Agency" or "Participating Agencies" means and
shall include the Cities and the Authorized Districts who are signatories to this
Agreement, delegating powers to the Authority pursuant to this Agreement, and
participating in the governance of the IWMA.
1.19 "NDFE" means a Nondisposal Facility Element as required by
the Act (Pub. Resources Code, § 40000 et seq.), as that element may be amended
from time to time.
1.20 "Revenue Bonds" means revenue bonds, notes, certificates of
participation and any other instruments and evidences of indebtedness issued by
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the Authority from time to time pursuant to the law or any other applicable law in
order to finance the MRF, any Joint Facilities or any Sole Use Facilities.
1.21 "Sole Use Facilities" means an integrated resource recovery
facility, performing one or more of the functions of a MRF, composting or HHW
Facility which is located within the boundary of the Authority and is owned by one
Participating Agency or a private entity, but in all events is operated for the benefit
of the residents and/or constituents of the IWMA Region.
1.22 "Solid Waste Landfill" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 40195.1 of the Public Resources Code, as that section may be amended
from time to time.
1.23 "SRRE" means a Source Reduction And Recycling Element as
required by the Act (Pub. Resources Code, § 40000 et seq.), as that element may
be amended from time to time.
SECTION 2. Purpose.
Government Code section 6500 et seq. provides that two or more public agencies
by agreement may jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties.
Public Resources Code section 40977 authorizes a district to be included as a
member of a regional agency. Public Resources Code section 40976 authorizes a
city or county to enter into a memorandum of understanding with another city,
county, or district for the purpose of preparing and implementing source
reduction and recycling elements or a countywide integrated waste management
plan. It is the intent of the Participating Agencies to utilize these statutory
authorizations in this Agreement.
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The Participating Agencies enter this Agreement with the intent to operate the
Authority in compliance with the requirements of the Act and other state
legislation, with a minimum level of staff, addressing those operations and
programs that can be most cost-effectively handled at the regional level by
maximizing local resources, private sector participation, and contract services
provision. The duties and responsibilities of each Participating Agency are
described in the applicable adopted plans. The Authority is formed with the
purpose and intent of facilitating the development of programs and projects
related to waste diversion for the benefits of the residents and/or constituents of
the IWMA Region that provide economies of scale without interfering with
individual agencies' exercise of power within their own jurisdiction.
SECTION 3. Creation of Authority.
3.1 The Cities hereby re-create and re-establish an authority and
public entity to continue to be known as the "San Luis Obispo County Integrated
Waste Management Authority," (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" or
"IWMA") it being understood that the Board shall be entitled to change the
Authority's name from time to time. The Authority shall be a public entity separate
from each of the Cities and the Authorized Districts.
3.2 The Authority shall constitute and remain as a regional agency
pursuant to Public Resources Code section 40970 et seq. The regional agency shall
include one (1) Authorized District Representative as a member pursuant to Public
Resources Code section 40977. Said regional agency, and not the Participating
Agencies of the regional agency, shall be responsible for compliance with the
waste diversion requirements set forth in Public Resources Code, Article 1 of
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Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 41780). In the event that the regional agency
fails to comply with said waste diversion requirements, it is expressly understood
and agreed that Section 14 of this Agreement shall provide for indemnification for
the benefit of the regional agency and its Participating Agencies as specifically set
forth therein.
3.3 The assets, rights, debts, liabilities, and obligations of the
Authority shall not constitute assets, rights, debts, liabilities, or obligations of any
of the Participating Agencies. However, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent
any Participating Agency from separately contracting for, or assuming
responsibility for, specific debts, liabilities, or obligations of the Authority,
provided that both the Board and that Participating Agency approve such contract
or assumption in writing.
3.4 This Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement
shall take effect upon its adoption by each of the Cities. The Authorized Districts,
and each of them, may elect to participate in the IWMA by execution of this
agreement wherein they shall be bound by its terms and conditions. All prior
agreements, including the MOA, shall be extinguished upon the execution of this
Agreement by the Cities.
SECTION 4. Inclusion of the Authorized Districts.
4.1 This Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement
shall be considered a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities and the
Authorized Districts to allow one (1) representatives of the Authorized Districts to
participate in the governance of the IWMA pursuant to Section 40977 of the Public
Resources Code. Participation of the Authorized Districts is limited to special
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districts within San Luis Obispo County that possess solid waste authority. The
Authorized District Representative shall have all the governing rights and powers
granted to an IWMA City Member. This Second Amended and Restated Joint
Powers Agreement shall supersede, replace, and supplant the Memorandum of
Agreement executed by and between the Cities, the County, and the Authorized
Districts in or around 2001.
4.2 Authorized Districts, collectively, shall appoint or elect one
representative and one alternate to represent the Authorized Districts on the
IWMA Board of Directors. Authorized District Representative shall be limited to
elected or appointed officials of an Authorized District. Said representatives shall
represent the collective interests of all Authorized Districts. The selected
Authorized District Representative shall serve a defined term, if so determined by
the Authorized Districts, or so long as they hold an elected or appointed office with
their Participating Agency, or until they resign or are removed prior to the end of
their term. The Authorized District Representative alternate shall be entitled to
vote on IWMA matters only in the absence of the Authorized District
4.3 The Authorized Districts, as Participating Agencies, shall have
no individual powers and/or authority other than through the Authorized District
SECTION 5. Term.
The Authority is and remains effective as of the date of this Agreement. It shall
continue until dissolved in accordance with Section 15 of this Agreement.
However, in no event shall the Authority be dissolved if its dissolution would
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conflict with or violate the terms or conditions of any Revenue Bonds or related
documentation including, without limitation, indentures, resolutions, and letter of
credit agreements.
SECTION 6. Powers.
6.1 The Authority is empowered to acquire, construct, finance,
refinance, operate, regulate and maintain a Solid Waste Landfill, transfer station,
MRF, composting, HHW, or Joint Facilities and Sole Use Facilities subject, however,
to the conditions and restrictions contained in this Agreement. The Authority shall
also have the power to plan, study and recommend proper solid waste
management consistent with the Act and other legislation and, to the extent
permitted by the Act and this Agreement, implement plans approved by the IWMA
and the programs specified in the state approved and locally adopted SRREs, the
HHWE, the NDFE, and the Countywide or Regional Siting Element for all or any
portion of the area included within the IWMA Region. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this Agreement, the Authority shall not acquire, regulate, set fees
for, or operate any solid waste landfills, recycling, or composting facilities owned
or operated by Participating Agencies without the express written consent of such
Participating Agency.
6.2 To the full extent permitted by applicable law, the Authority is
authorized, in its own name, to do all acts necessary or convenient for the exercise
of such powers that each Member could exercise separately including, without
limitation, any and all of the following:
(a) to make and enter into contracts;
(b) to apply for and accept grants, advances and contributions;
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(c) to contract for the services of engineers, attorneys,
accountants, planners, consultants, fiscal agents and other
persons and entities;
(d) to make plans and conduct studies;
(e) to acquire, improve, hold, lease and dispose of real and
personal property of all types;
(f) to sue and be sued in its own name;
(g) to incur and discharge debts, liabilities and obligations;
(h) to establish rates, tolls, tipping fees, other fees, rentals and
other charges in connection with the Authority's facilities
identified in Paragraph 6.1 herein, as well as any and all
services and programs provided and/or implemented by the
(i) to hire agents and employees;
(j) to exercise the power of eminent domain for the acquisition
of real and personal property;
(k) to issue Revenue Bonds, grant or bond anticipation notes,
or other governmental financing instruments, in accordance
with all applicable laws for the purpose of raising funds to
finance or refinance the acquisition, construction,
improvement, renovation, repair, operation, regulation or
maintenance of the facilities identified in Paragraph 6.1
herein or as otherwise deemed necessary or beneficial to
the Authority;
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(I) to sell or lease the facilities identified in Paragraph 6.1
(m) to loan the proceeds of Revenue Bonds to any person or
entity to finance or refinance the acquisition, construction,
improvement, renovation or repair of the facilities
identified in Paragraph 6.1 herein;
(n) to provide that the holders of Revenue Bonds, whether
directly or through a representative such as an indenture
trustee, be third party beneficiaries of any of the obligations
of any Member to the Authority and to covenant with the
holders of any Revenue Bonds on behalf of any such
Member to perform such obligations and comply with any
agreements that Member may have with the Authority;
(o) to prepare and implement plans and programs as deemed
necessary and/or beneficial to the Authority in carrying out
the purposes of this Agreement;
(p) to provide public education, outreach, and marketing
activities in support of diversion and edible food recovery
(q) to enter into memorandums of understanding with other
regional agencies, cities, counties, and special districts;
(r) to adopt, as authorized by California law, ordinances as are
necessary to ensure and oversee compliance with any and
all current and future state-mandated legislation and
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programs related to solid waste, recycling, and waste
(s) to act as the delegate, on behalf of the Participating
Agencies,for the responsibilities of compliance, monitoring,
reporting, and education of all state-mandated legislation,
including, but not limited to the Integrated Waste
Management Act, Assembly Bill 341, Assembly Bill 1826,
and Senate Bill 1383.
6.3 Such powers shall be exercised subject only to the limitations
set forth in this Agreement, applicable law, and such restrictions upon the manner
of exercising such powers as are imposed by law in the exercise of similar powers.
The Authority hereby designates the City of San Luis Obispo as the Member
required to be designated by Section 6509 of the California Government Code.
Should the Participating Agencies desire to designate an alternative agency for the
purposes of Section 6509, such new designation may be changed by resolution of
the Participating Agencies without need for an amendment to this Agreement.
6.4 This Agreement shall not limit the ability of the Participating
Agencies to plan, administer, implement, and otherwise conduct waste
management and other related local programs as deemed appropriate by the
agency and consistent with the purpose and intent of this Agreement.
SECTION 7. Expressed Limitation of Powers.
The Authority's power to adopt, impose, implement, and/or comply with
regulations and ordinances is expressly limited to state-mandated legislation and
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regulations related to solid waste, recycling, organic waste, and waste diversion.
The Authority shall establish a budget policy requiring Board consideration of the
minimum work required to comply with state mandates and regulations in the
most demonstrably cost-effective way possible. Said policy shall not preclude
other requirements such as Board consideration of the equitable distribution of
services throughout the IWMA Region and program enhancements that are
funded by grant revenues and/or reimbursements from Participating Agencies.
Additionally, the IWMA shall establish a purchasing policy with a similar provision
when preparing scopes of work for consultants and independent contractors who
are engaged in implementing the Authority's projects and programs.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, all existing IWMA ordinances, rules, and
regulations, whether or not mandated by the state, shall remain in full force and
effect and not subject to this limitation of power unless otherwise determined by
the Board.
SECTION 8. Boundaries.
The boundaries of the Authority shall be the boundaries of the Cities and the
Authorized Districts identified herein as the IWMA Region. In the event a
Participating Agency withdraws from the Authority, the boundaries shall be
modified to exclude the area of the withdrawing agency. In the event a qualified
city or district joins the Authority, the boundaries shall be modified to include the
area of the joining Participating Agency. Section 8 shall not prevent the Authority's
use and/or operation of facilities outside of its boundaries within the County of
San Luis Obispo.
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SECTION 9. Organization.
9.1 The Board. The Authority shall be governed by the Board,
which shall exercise or oversee the exercise of all powers and authority on behalf
of the Authority.
9.2 Participating Agencies.
(a) Cities. City membership in the Authority shall be
voluntary, but only the cities incorporated in the
County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future,
are declared eligible for membership in the Authority
as a regional agency. City representatives to the
Authority shall consist of one (1) member from the
governing body of each incorporated City within the
boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo which is
a party to this Agreement. The Cities may elect to
have an alternate member(s) in addition to any
official member, but said alternate shall be an elected
or appointed official and shall be able to vote only in
the absence of the official representative.
(b) Authorized Districts. The Authorized Districts shall be
collectively represented on the Board by one (1)
representative and one (1) alternate elected or
appointed by and among themselves. The Authorized
District Representative shall have all rights, power,
and authority granted to a City representative. The
Authorized District alternate shall be elected or
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appointed officials and entitled to vote only in the
absence of the official Authorized District
(c) Representatives of the shall be appointed to serve on
the Board in accordance with procedures established
by each of the governing bodies of their respective
agencies, except that the Authorized District
Representative and alternate shall be elected or
appointed pursuant to Section 4. Representatives
shall serve so long as they hold office with their
member agency, until they shall resign or are
removed by a majority vote of their member agency,
or pursuant to a set term established by their
member agency. Vacancies among representatives or
alternates shall be filled in the same manner as the
first appointment.
(d) Designation of the official representative or
alternate(s), or changes thereto, shall be transmitted
in writing to the Executive Director of the Authority
by the appointing agency.
(e) In addition to the incorporated Cities and Authorized
Districts presently a party to this Agreement, any
other city or qualified special district which may
desire to participate in the activities of the Authority
may do so by executing this Agreement without prior
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approval or ratification of the named parties to this
Agreement and shall thereafter be governed by all
the terms and provisions of this Agreement as of the
date of execution.
(f) Membership and/or participation of any Participating
Agency shall be contingent upon the execution of this
Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers
Agreement, as same may be further amended from
time to time, with no requirement to execute the
Original JPA or any prior amendments thereto.
9.3 Principal Office. The principal office of the Authority shall be
located at 870 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. The Board may change that
principal office upon giving at least 15 days' notice to each Participating Agency
and to CalRecycle.
9.4 Officers.
(a) The officers of the Board shall consist of a President
and Vice President elected for a term of one year by
a majority vote of the Board
(b) Both the President and Vice President of the Board
shall be elected at the last meeting preceding July of
each year.
(c) The officers shall serve until their successors are
(d) The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
1) President
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a) Shall preside over all meetings of the
b) Shall appoint all ad hoc committees
subject to ratification by the Board.
c) Shall be an ex-officio member of all
d) Shall execute all contracts and legal
documents on behalf of the Authority
except those that have been delegated
to the Executive Director through
purchasing policies or other actions of
the Board of Directors.
2) Vice President
a) Shall serve as President pro-tern in the
absence of the President.
b) Shall give whatever aid necessary to the
c) Shall be an ex-officio member of all
d) In the event of a vacancy occurring in the
office of either the President or Vice
President upon said officer's death,
resignation, removal or his/her ceasing
to be an official representative of a
member agency, such vacancy will be
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filled by majority vote of the Board, the
officer elected to serve for the balance
of the unexpired term.
9.5 Executive Director. The Board shall employ or contract for the
services of a general manager (the "Executive Director") who shall be the chief
administrative officer of the Authority. The Authority shall select a qualified
Executive Director using professional personnel standards and an open
competitive process. The Executive Director shall plan, organize and direct the
administration and operations of the Authority, either directly or by means of
delegation to IWMA staff, shall advise the Board on policy matters, shall
recommend an administrative structure to the Board, shall hire and discharge
administrative staff, shall develop and recommend budgets, shall reply to
communications on behalf of the Authority, shall approve payments of amounts
duly authorized by the Board, shall implement Board policy, shall carry out such
other duties that may be assigned to the Executive Director by the Board from
time to time, and shall attend meetings of the Board and committees as directed.
9.6 Committees.
(a) Committees, subcommittees, and advisory
committees may be established as the Board may
deem appropriate.
(b) Membership on "ad-hoc" policy committees shall be
at the discretion of the President, subject to
ratification by the Board, and consisting of less than a
quorum of the Board. Nothing herein shall be
construed to limit membership on these aforesaid
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committees to officials of the member agencies. The
President may appoint any individual deemed
qualified to serve on a committee.
(c) Standing Committees shall include an Executive
Committee and other committees as established by
the Board. The composition and bylaws of the
standing committees shall be established by the
Board by resolution. All Standing Committee
meetings shall be held subject to the provisions of the
Ralph M. Brown Act (Sections 54950 et seq. of the
California Government Code) and other applicable
laws of the State of California.
SECTION 10. Meetings of the Board.
10.1 Notice of Meetings. All meetings of the Board shall be held
subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Sections 54950 et seq. of the
California Government Code) and other applicable laws of the State of California.
10.2 Regular Meetings. The Board shall hold at least four regular
meetings each year. The date upon which, and the hour and place at which, each
regular meeting shall be fixed by resolution of the Board.
10.3 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called
in accordance with the provisions of the California Government Code.
10.4 Notice of Meetings. All meetings of the Board shall be held
subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Sections 54950 et seq. of the
California Government Code) and other applicable laws of the State of California.
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10.5 Minutes. The Executive Director shall cause minutes of all
meetings of the Board and any standing committees of the Board to be kept and
shall, after each meeting and approval of the Board, cause a copy of the minutes
to be forwarded to each Participating Agency.
10.6 Quorum and Voting. For purposes of conducting business,
there shall be present a quorum consisting of a majority of the Board. Each
director shall have one vote. No action shall be effective without the affirmative
votes of a majority of those present. The Board shall adopt such procedures as are
consistent with this Agreement and applicable law and are necessary or helpful in
conducting the business of the Authority in an orderly manner.
10.7 Budget. The Cities and the County have entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement among the County of San Luis Obispo and the Cities
of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, El Paso de Robles, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo
Beach, and San Luis Obispo for the Establishment and Payment of Landfill Tipping
Fee Surcharges To Support The San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Management
Authority (the "MOA"). Pursuant to the MOA, those members of the Authority
having jurisdiction over such matters have agreed to establish tipping fee
surcharges (the "Tipping Fee Surcharges") which shall be paid into a Solid Waste
Authority—Trust Fund (as defined in the MOA) for the purposes therein.
(a) A line item and program budget for the Authority's
operations shall be adopted by the Board for the
ensuing Fiscal Year prior to June 30 of each year. All
costs incurred by the Authority shall be set forth in
the budget and shall be paid out of the solid waste
- 27-
fund derived from tipping fee surcharges and other
sources as approved by the Board.
The line item and program budget shall be submitted
in draft form to all Participating Agencies for review
and comment prior to adoption.
The line item and program budget shall include
sufficient detail to constitute an operating guideline,
the anticipated sources of funds, and the anticipated
expenditures to be made for the operations of the
Authority and the administration, maintenance and
operating costs of the facilities identified in
Paragraph 6.1 herein. Any budget for Sole Use
Facilities shall be maintained separately. Approval of
the line item and program budget by the Board shall
constitute authority for the Executive Director to
expend funds for the purposes outlined in the
approved budget, subject to the availability of funds.
(b) A budget for the acquisition, construction, or
operation of facilities, or for contracting for the
acquisition, construction, or operation of facilities,
identified in Paragraph 6.1 herein shall be adopted
by the Board before the Authority commits any
acquisition or construction funds or contracts. It
may be amended if and when determined by the
- 28-
Board. Approval of the budget(s) for the facilities
identified in Paragraph 6.1 herein shall constitute
authority for the Executive Director (or any trustee
or other fiduciary appointed by the Authority) to
receive state or federal grant funds and proceeds of
Revenue Bonds and to expend funds for the
acquisition, construction, or operation of the
facilities identified in Paragraph 6.1 herein.
(c) A budget(s) governing the acquisition, construction,
or operation of Sole Use Facilities may be adopted
by the affected Participating Agency or Agencies.
When such budgets are adopted by affected parties,
appropriate accounts shall be established by the
Authority and designated as such participant or
participant's fund. Disbursement of such funds by
the Authority shall be made only upon receipt of
written authorization from the designated finance
officer of the affected Participating Agency or
Agencies. Receipts and disbursements for the
acquisition or construction of Sole Use Facilities may
also be made directly by the affected Participating
Agency or Agencies, in which case such budgets
shall not be a part of the budget of the Authority.
10.8 Rules of Procedure. The Board shall from time to time,
establish written rules and procedures for the conduct of their meetings.
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SECTION 11. Joint Operating Fund and Contributions.
The Authority shall have the power to establish a joint operating fund. The fund
shall be used to pay all administrative, operating, and other expenses incurred by
the Authority. Funding shall be on an enterprise basis or as determined by the
Board. All monies in the joint operating fund shall be paid out by the Auditor-
Controller / Treasurer for the purposes for which the fund was created upon
authorization by the President of the Board and approval by the Executive Director
of demands for payment, or as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board
filed with the Auditor-Controller / Treasurer. No Participating Agency shall be
obligated to make any contributions of funds to the Authority for facilities to be
established in accordance with Section 6.1 or pay any other amounts on behalf of
the Authority, other than as required by this Section 11, without that Participating
Agency's consent evidenced by a written instrument signed by a duly authorized
representative of that Participating Agency. The Authority shall contract with an
independent certified professional accountant to conduct annual fiscal audits as
required by applicable statute or legislation and report the results of such audit to
the Board.
11.1 Auditor-Controller / Treasurer. The Auditor-Controller /
Treasurer of San Luis Obispo County shall be the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer of
the Authority. The Auditor-Controller/Treasurer shall preform all responsibilities
and obligations as provided in Government Code section 6505.5. To the extent a
conflict exists between this Section 11 and the Government Code,the Government
Code shall control.
- 30-
11.2 Notwithstanding Sections 11.1 above, designation of the
Auditor-Controller/Treasurer may be changed from time to time by resolution of
the Board without necessitating amendment to this Agreement.
SECTION 12. Records and Accounts.
This Section and Section 11 are intended to ensure strict accountability of all funds
of the Authority and to provide accurate reporting of receipts and disbursements
of such funds. The Authority shall maintain accurate and correct books of account,
showing in detail the costs and expenses of any service or acquisition and
construction and the maintenance, operation, regulation and administration of
any service or Joint Facilities or Sole Use Facilities, and all financial transactions of
the Participating Agencies relating to any service or Joint Facilities or Sole Use
Facilities. Books and records shall be established and maintained in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles promulgated by the California State
Controller's Office and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The books
of account shall correctly show any receipts and any costs, expenses, or charges
to be paid by all or any of the Participating Agencies. The books of account shall
be open to inspection at all times by a representative or agent of any of the
Participating Agencies. In addition, if required by any resolution authorizing the
issuance of Revenue Bonds, the Authority shall maintain appropriate books,
records, accounts and files relating to each project as required by such resolution
which shall be open to inspection by holders of Revenue Bonds if and to the extent,
and in the manner, provided in the resolution.
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SECTION 13. Rates and Fees.
The Authority shall be funded by a combination of rates, fees, and other funding
mechanisms as allowed by applicable authority. Use of revenue from rates and
fees shall not be restricted based upon the funding mechanism. The Authority
shall establish and regulate rates and/or tipping fees at facilities within the County
of San Luis Obispo, such as landfills or other collection sites, for (1) the operation,
acquisition, construction, repair, and maintenance of new and existing facilities;
(2) the implementation of state legislation and regulations; (3) the operation of
programs, education, outreach, monitoring and enforcement efforts; and (4) the
preparation, adoption, and implementation a regional management plan.
The Authority may impose fees in amounts sufficient for (1) the implementation
of state legislation and supporting programs; (2) education outreach, monitoring,
reporting and compliance efforts; (3) the preparation, adoption, and
implementation of a regional management plan; and (4) any other purposes as
provided for by this Agreement. Revenue generation may include fees imposed
on "Haulers" (defined as companies with an agreement with a governmental
entity for the collection of solid waste, recyclables, or green waste in San Luis
Obispo County), assessments, or any other funding mechanism as allowed by
applicable authority. Rates and fees shall be set or modified by resolution only.
Prior to the Authority increasing rates or fees, or imposing new rates or fees, the
Authority shall provide the Participating Agencies with all necessary facts, data,
information and analyses related to justification and/or explanation of the
proposed rates and fees that meet all applicable legal requirements to support
their adoption. The Authority shall coordinate with the Participating Agency
- 32 -
managers in this regard to ensure the facts, data, information and analyses
provided by the Authority is adequate to enable the Participating Agencies to
implement the Authority's proposed rates and fees through the Proposition 218
process, if deemed applicable to a Participating Agency by that Agency; however,
determinations regarding the application of Proposition 218 to any proposed
increased rate or fee shall be made solely by each Participating Agency with no
Authority representations of any kind.
The Authority shall establish a rate and/or fee setting policy which shall govern the
obligations of the Authority to its Participating Agencies in the implementation of
any new or increased rates or fees.
SECTION 14. Failure to Meet Waste Stream Requirements.
The Authority shall be entitled to cause the waste streams of each Participating
Agency to be monitored, pursuant to procedures approved by the Board, in order
to determine whether state waste diversion requirements are being met. If the
waste stream diversion of any Participating Agency fails to meet any such
requirements, including but not limited to taking all actions necessary to comply
with state mandates, that Participating Agency shall be solely responsible for any
and all resulting liabilities, damages, fines, criminal and civil sanctions, and costs
and expenses. That Participating Agency shall also indemnify and hold the
Authority and the other Participating Agencies harmless from and against any and
all liabilities, damages, fines, sanctions, costs and expenses that are incurred as a
result of the violation or a claimed violation including, without limitation, all fees
and costs of legal counsel. If two or more Participating Agencies are responsible
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for a failure to meet any such requirements or are claimed to have violated any
such requirements, the Participating Agencies responsible for the violations or
which are the subject of such claims shall be responsible to, and shall indemnify,
the Authority and the other Participating Agencies in proportion to their relative
responsibility for the violations or claimed violations. Upon notification of any
such violation or claim, the Participating Agency or Agencies shall take such
prompt, corrective action as is necessary to meet the requirements. Nothing in
this Section shall preclude one or more Participating Agencies or the Authority
from imposing or establishing additional incentives to meet waste diversion
SECTION 15. Withdrawal and Dissolution.
15.1 The parties to this Agreement pledge full cooperation and
agree to assign representatives to serve as official appointed representatives of
the Authority or any committee or subcommittee thereof who shall act for and on
behalf of their Participating Agency in any or all matters which shall come before
the Authority, subject to any necessary approval of their acts by the governing
bodies of the Participating Agencies.
15.2 Any party to this Agreement may withdraw from the Authority,
upon providing six (6) months' prior written notice, and terminate its participation
in this Agreement by resolution of its governing body. The withdrawal of the
Participating Agency shall have no effect on the continuance of this Agreement
among the remaining Participating Agencies, and the Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect with respect to the remaining Participating Agencies. No
- 34-
withdrawal shall become effective until six (6) months after receipt of the written
notice by the Authority.
15.3 A Participating Agency which has withdrawn from the
Authority shall not be liable for the payment of further contributions falling due
beyond the date of withdrawal and shall have no right to reimbursement of any
monies previously paid to the Authority. The Authority may authorize a
reimbursement if in its judgment such reimbursement is fair and equitable and
can be done without jeopardy to the operation of the Authority. If any
Participating Agency fails to pay a required contribution, as determined by the
Board, that Participating Agency shall be provided with a sixty (60) day written
notice and an opportunity to cure. If the Board determines that the Participating
Agency has failed to cure or negotiate a cure within sixty (60) days following
delivery of the written notice shall be deemed a voluntary withdrawal from the
15.4 The Authority may be dissolved at any time and this Agreement
terminated by a joint agreement duly-approved and executed by a majority of the
Members which are parties hereto. Said termination agreement shall provide for
the orderly payment of all outstanding debts and obligations and for the return of
any surplus funds of the Authority in proportion to the contributions made by the
Participating Agencies. In the event the Authority is dissolved, the individual
Participating Agencies shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of
the Act as included in the approved SRREs, HHWE, NDFE, Countywide or Regional
Siting Element and Integrated Waste Management Plan in addition to compliance
with all waste management related legislation.
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SECTION 16. Amendments Including Termination.
This Agreement may only be amended or terminated by a written instrument
executed by a majority of the Members and meeting the requirements imposed
by the terms or conditions of all Revenue Bonds and related documentation
including, without limitation, indentures, resolutions, and letter of credit
agreements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment or termination shall
require any Participating Agency to contribute any funds to the Authority or
become directly or contingently liable for any debts, liabilities or obligations of the
Authority without the consent of that agency evidenced in a written instrument
signed by a duly authorized representative of that Participating Agency.
SECTION 17. Filing with the Secretary of State.
The Secretary shall file all required notices with the Secretary of State in
accordance with California Government Code sections 6503.5 and 53051
SECTION 18. Notices.
All notices which any Participating Agency of the Authority may wish to give in
connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by personal
delivery, by electronic mail, or by US mail addressed to the Participating Agency,
or Participating Agencies, or the Authority at its principal office, or to such other
address as the Authority or Participating Agency or Participating Agencies may
designate from time to time by written notice given in the manner specified in this
Section. Service of notice pursuant to this Section shall be deemed complete on
the day of service by personal delivery (but 24 hours after such delivery in the case
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of notices of special meetings of the Board), two days after mailing if deposited in
the United States mail, or in 24 hours if provided by electronic mail.
SECTION 19. Successors and Assigns.
This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the
permitted successors and assigns of the Participating Agencies. However, no
Participating Agency shall assign any of its rights under this Agreement except to
a duly formed public entity organized and existing under the laws of the State of
California approved by a majority of the voting Directors who do not represent the
assigning Participating Agency. No assignment shall be effective unless and until
the Authority, the Participating Agencies, and the proposed assignee comply with
all then applicable requirements of law relating to changes in the composition of
entities such as the Authority if and when they have Revenue Bonds outstanding
and with the terms and conditions of all Revenue Bonds and related
documentation including, without limitation, indentures, resolutions and letter of
credit agreements.
SECTION 20. Severability.
Should any part, term, sentence, or provision of this Agreement be decided by a
final judgment of a court or arbitrator to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the
State of California or otherwise be unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of its
remaining parts, terms, sentences, and provisions shall not be affected and the
Participating Agencies represent that they would have adopted this Agreement
even without the ineffectual or non-valid provision(s).
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SECTION 21. Section Headings.
All section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience and
reference. They are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of
this Agreement.
SECTION 22. Effective Date.
This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by all Members, pursuant to
resolutions of such governing bodies authorizing such execution and shall remain
in full force and effect until dissolved pursuant to the provisions herein. This
Agreement may be executed in counterparts which together shall constitute a
single agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
as of the day and year first hereinabove written.
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Arroyo Grande Avila Beach CSD
Atascadero California Valley CSD
El Paso de Robles Cambria CSD
Grover Beach Cayucos Sanitary District
Morro Bay Ground Squirrel Hollow CSD
Pismo Beach Heritage Ranch CSD
San Luis Obispo Los Osos CSD
Nipomo CSD
Oceano CSD
San Miguel CSD
San Simeon CSD
Templeton CSD
-39 -
I, JESSICA MATSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached
Resolution No. 5191 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 24th day of May, 2022.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 31st day of
May, 2022.