PC R 22-2367RESOLUTION NO. 22-2367 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Traffic Way Bridge was built in 1932; and WHEREAS, in 2016 an inspection revealed signs of deck cracking, failed expansion joints, spalling concrete, concrete abrasion, and creek channel erosion; and WHEREAS, in 2018 the Bridge was determined to be high risk and identified as a replacement project; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2018, City Council approved an updated Master Service Agreement and Program Supplement Agreement for the replacement of the Traffic Way Bridge; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in June 2022 to evaluate potential impacts to the environment consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was made available for the 30-day public review period on June 21 , 2022; and WHEREAS, the public review period closed on July 21 , 2022 and no comments were received; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande, after giving notices thereof as required by law, held a public hearing on August 2, 2022 concerning the review qf the environmental document and carefully considered all pertinent testimony and the staff report offered in the case as presented; and WHEREAS, additional review and analysis of safety issues related to traffic calming mitigation during construction shall be evaluated; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recommends the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project as attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Chair Martin seconded by Commissioner Guthrie, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Martin, Guthrie and Buchanan NOES: None ABSENT: Schiro and Maraviglia the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of August, 2022. GLENN MARTIN CHAIR ATTEST: PATRICK HOLUB SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: Z --a A- - BRIAN PEDROTTI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR