PC R 95-1542RESOLUTION NO. 95-1542 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING AN INTERPRETATION OF USE5 P�R.IVIITTED PURSUANT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 93-508 THAT EMPLOYEES HAND PREPPING CARS FOR CUSTOMERS IS PERMITTED AT 1203 GRAND AVENUE � W�IEREAS, tlie Development Code was adopted by the City Council on May 14, 1991, and became effective on June 13, 1991; and WIIEREAS, Section 9-01.110 (G)(3) of the Development Code provides the Planning Commission witli the authority to clarify ambiguities; and WHEREAS, on July 20, 1993, tlie Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Case Nv. 93-508 for a self-service car wash at 1203 Grand Avenue in the General Commercial zone; and WI-IEREAS, an ambiguity has arisen regarding the permissibility under CUP 93-508 of hand washing cars before they enter the automatic wash bay; and 2. 3. 4. WIiEREAS, the Planning Cornmission, after due research and deliberation finds that: CUP 93-508 permits up to four (4) employees for the use; and CUP 93-508 allows tl�ese employees to assist customers and do prep work on cars entering the auto►natic wash bay; and The employees are only washing tl�e exterior of vehicles before they enter the automatic wash bay; and The e►nployees are not drying, waxing, or vacuuming cars for customers, therefore the facility is being operated as a self-service car wash and not as a full service car wash. NOW, THEitEFORE, BE IT RTSOLV�D tf�at the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby makes the interpretation that, pursuant to CUP 93-508, the car wash may employ up to four (4) persons to ass�st customers and hand prep cars before they enter the automat�c wash bay. On motion� by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Can, and by tl�e following roll call vote to wit: AYFS: Commissioners NOES: None ABS�NT: Commissioners IIeck, Carr, Liibin and T�ppan Soto, Deviny and Keen tlie foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this Stf� day of Decernber, 1995. ATTEST: � '1 Q J � Breese, Co iss�on Clerk i l�am Tap an, Vice C atrperson anck, c.;ommunity llevetopment Director