PC R 95-1526KF.,SOLUTION NO 95-1526 � �� A R�SOLUTION Or TIIF., PLANNING COMMISSION O[� Tilr CITY Or ARROYO (:RANDr PROVIUINC AN INTERPRCTA7'1ON TIIA7' SANTA [,UCIA NATIONAL BANK 111AX nrri rOR A �11N(1R f;XCEI''TION IN CUN,IUNCTION 1VIT11 A SICN PERMI'1' PURSUANT'i'O 1'I,ANNING COM�IISSION R�SOLUTION NO. 93- 1422 WI(ERF..AS, lhe Develo��menl Ccide w�s �do��led by lhe Cily Council on May .14, ]991, nnd hec�me effeclive on June 13, 1991.; �nd WIIERfAS, Seclic�n �-(11.11(1 ((i)(3) c►f Ihe Develo�imenl Ce�de rrnvides Ihe Plnnning C ��mmissit�n wiUi lhc aulh��rity to clarify �mhigui(ies; and Wl1I?12FAS, ��n .luly C, 1993, Ihe Pl�nning Commission �dopled Resolulion Number 93- 1.422 clarifying Iha( a minor exce��li��n cc�ald he considered for cert�in sign devialions; �nd 1'VIIFRT;AS, Sanla I.,ucia Nalicinal E3ank has requesled a ��ermil for signs lhat exceed lhe nu►nher and �ggreg�te square fool�ge allc�wed by (he Developmenl Cocle; �nd WIIrREAS, Sanl� Luci� Nalional f3ank has requesled lhal Ihe I'lannin� Cc�mmission ��rcivide �n internrel�lion of �vhether Ihe �iropoSed sign5 may be considered lhroagh Ihe minor exceplion ��rocess; �ncl WII�RCAS, Ihe I'lanning C c�mmissic�n, afler due research and dcliheralion finds lh�L• NO1V, TI(ERFf�ORT', 13r 17' RFSO[,VT',U IJi�I thc ('lanning Commission of Ihe C:ily of Arr��yo (�rande hercby m�kes lhe inlcr��ret�lion (h�l. Sanl.a I�uci� N�Iional F3�nk may �r�,ly for � minc�r excepli��n in conjunclic�n wilh a sign rermil (�ur5uant lc� I'lanning Conunission Res��lulion No. 93- 1 �t 2 2. 2. "T'he requestecl mc�dificalic�n is minor in n�ture or exlen(. On m<�li�>n of (�ommi�si��ner Cg2�' , scconcicd by Commissioncr SOtO , and by lhc follo�ving roll c�ll volc, lo wil: nvrs: rvc�rs: nnsrN�r: The prci��osecl �igns meet l.he inlenl of lhe sign regulalions ancl will resull in surcrior pl�cemenl of sign�ge. Caimtissivners Soto, Carr and Keen Cananissioner Tappan Carmissianers Deviny, Beck and Lubin IJic forel;oing Res��lulion w�s rassed and aclopted lhis 151. day c�f Augusl, (995. A T'f F,ST: N;ui . u wn, C:��mt j.5ic�n ' r Jc�l�Cecn, Ch�� an rrRC�vrn ns �ro cc�NTrtvT: Ullt2iv L Dt�reen 1 'herto-Rlaiick, Plannin� Direcic�r �� � J