Planning Commission Agenda 05-16-17Planning Commission Teresa McClish, CDD Director Debbie Weichinger, Secretary Glenn Martin, Chair John Mack, Vice Chair Lan George, Commissioner Terry-Fowler Payne, Commissioner Frank Schiro, Commissioner AGENDA SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017 6:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Mack 4. AGENDA REVIEW: The Commission may revise the order of agenda items depending on public interest and/or special presentations. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. The Brown Act restricts the Commission from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. The Commission requests that public comment be limited to three (3) minutes and be accompanied by voluntary submittal of a “speaker slip” to facilitate meeting organization and preparation of the minutes. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence or supplemental information for the Planning Commission received after Agenda preparation. In com pliance with the Brown Act, the Commission will not take action on correspondence relating to items that are not listed on the Agenda, but may schedule such matters for discussion or hearing as part of future agenda consideration. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: 7.a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Weichinger) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the April 7, 2017 meeting. Agenda AGENDA SUMMARY – MAY 16, 2017 PAGE 2 7.b. CONSIDERATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 17-002; LOCATION – 570 LEMON LANE, 212 GULARTE ROAD, AND 560A OAK HILL ROAD; APPLICANT – RON LINDSTAED; REPRESENTATIVE – LEAHA MAGEE, MBS LAND SURVEYS (Anderson) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 17-002. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: 9.a. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 12.16 OF TITLE 12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE (COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM) (Magdosku) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission review proposed amendments to Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding the Community Tree Program and make a recommendation to the City Council for approval of the amendments. 9.b. CONSIDERATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN (Magdosku) Recommended Action: It is recommended the Planning Commission find that the Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the General Plan 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE MAY 2, 2017: None 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the Planning Commission. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the Community Development Director. 13. ADJOURNMENT ************************ All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the Planning Commission within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Community Development Department, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for dis ability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website at www.arroyogrande.org. If you would like to subscribe to receive email or text message notifi cations when agendas are posted, you can sign up online through our “Notify Me” feature. ************************** Planning Commission meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande’s Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.org.