PC 2017-06-06_10a Administrative Decisions ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 2017 (Approvals by the Community Development Director) ITEM NO. 1: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 17-008; USE OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVED LOT FOR CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA FROM MAY 24, 2017 TO JULY 10, 2017; LOCATION – 789 VALLEY ROAD; APPLICANT – CHRIS BURTNESS, MGE UNDERGROUND After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.090 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the temporary use of 789 Valley Road as a contractor staging area from May 24, 2017 through July 10, 2017. ITEM NO. 2: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 16-024; TEMPORARY OVERFLOW EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT FOR ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL; LOCATION – 345 S. HALCYON ROAD; APPLICANT – DIGNITY HEALTH; REPRESENTATIVE – TODD SMITH, CANNON After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.090 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the temporary construction and use of a fifty (50) space parking lot for primary use by hospital employees. The approval is good for two (2) years, at which time the facilities will be required to be made permanent.