PC 2017-06-06_7c COC 17-001 El Camino RealMEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: SAM ANDERSON, PLANNING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 17-001; LOCATION -1475 EL CAMINO REAL; APPLICANT -JACK CHAPMAN; REPRESENTATIVE -JENNY EMRICK, GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES DATE: JUNE 6, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Certificate of Compliance No. 17-001. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 17-001 JUNE 6, 2017 PAGE2 The project site is located on El Camino Real and is zoned Office Mixed Use (OMU). The site is developed with eight (8) apartments separated into two (2) structures. The proposed Certificate of Compliance is certifying the legal existence of an underlying lot line separating the structures (Attachment 1 ). ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Certificate of Compliance A Certificate of Compliance is a document used to verify the legality of a subdivided lot. The Subdivision Map Act (SMA) regulates the legal subdivision of properties. However, the SMA did not regulate the subdivision of four or fewer lots until 1965, and did not begin requiring a Parcel Map until 1972. Government Code Section 66499.30(a)-(c) prohibit the sale, lease or financing of any parcel of real property unless such property has been subdivided in accordance with the SMA and local ordinance which generally requires that either a final or parcel map be recorded. However, Section 66499.30(d) exempts from this prohibition the sale, lease or finance for any parcel in compliance with or exempt from any law, regulating the design and improvement of subdivisions in effect at the time the subdivision was established. This subsection (d) is generally referred to as the grandfather clause of the SMA. The property in question was originally subdivided as part of the Town of Grover Tract Map in 1887. The property remained under the jurisdiction of the County of San Luis Obispo until the El Camino Real Annexation No. 1 was completed by the City of Arroyo Grande in 1981 (Attachment 2). The property originally was one and a half (1 %) acres, but was continually subdivided into smaller lots by the conveyance of grant deeds beginning in 1946. The subdivided lot in question, APN 077-041-015, was first conveyed as two separate properties from Tony Angello to Harlan and William Fry on June 13, 1963 (Attachment 3) and to Joe and Ruth Zavala on June 13, 1963 (Attachment 4). The Zavalas proceeded to sell their portion of 077-041-015 to the Frys on February 13, 1964 (Attachment 5 ). Both lots were then sold on separate deeds by the Frys to Merrill and Cressie Joan McKee on October 27, 1970 (Attachment 6). Both lots were then sold on the same deed with two legal descriptions by the McKees to Richard and Ruth Edmiston in 1976 (Attachment 7). 1he property did not transfer hands again until 1989, by that time having been annexed into the City of Arroyo Grande. The property has remained under one deed since that time, with two legal descriptions describing the property's two underlying lots. As stated before, the property was first conveyed by grant deed as two separate properties in 1963. At that time, the lot was under the jurisdiction of the County not the City. In accordance with the San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building's Subdivision Regulation Matrix (Attachment 8), properties PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 17-001 JUNE 6, 2017 PAGE 3 smaller than one (1) acre could be subdivided legally by grant deed until 1966, at which point the County of San Luis Obispo began requiring Parcel Maps for subdivisions of less than five (5) lots. Based on the above transfers and subdivisions surrounding the subject property, the two underlying lots located at the subject property should be considered to be legal lots and a certificate of compliance should be issued. ADVANTAGES: The proposed project confirms the legal status of lots which allows for flexibility in development. DISADVANTAGES: None. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Commission's consideration: • Adopt the attached Resolution approving Certificate of Compliance 17-001; • Modify and adopt the attached Resolution approving Certificate of Compliance 17-001; • Provide direction to staff. EN~RONMENTALRE~EW: The project was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15061 (b )(3) of the Guidelines regarding projects where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that there will be a significant effect on the environment. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT: Per Municipal Code Table 16.12.030-B, a public hearing is not required for approval of a Certificate of Compliance. The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City's website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. No comments have been received. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1 Site Plan 2. City Council Resolution 1433 3. June 13, 1963 deed from the Angellos to the Frys 4. June 13, 1963 deed from the Angellos to the Zavalas 5. February 13, 1964 deed from the Zavalas to the Frys 6. October 27, 1970 deeds from the Frys to the McKees 7. April 21, 1976 deed from the McKees to the Edmistons 8. San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building's Subdivision Regulation Matrix RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 17-001; LOCATED AT 1475 EL CAMINO REAL; APPLIED FOR BY JACK CHAPMAN WHEREAS, the applicant has filed an application for a Certificate of Compliance to verify the legality of two lots located at 1475 El Camino Real; and WHEREAS, the subject property was originally subdivided by grant deed in 1963; and WHEREAS, properties in the County of San Luis Obispo could be subdivided legally by grant deed until 1966; and WHEREAS, the subject property was not annexed into the City of Arroyo Grande until 1981;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for implementation of CEQA and finds the project to be categorically exempt per Section 15061 (b)(3) of the Guidelines regarding projects where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that there will be a significant effect on the environment. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the project at its meeting on June 6, 2017; and WHEREAS, the Planning Ccmmission finds, after due study and deliberation, that the lots were legally created. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Certificate of Compliance 17-001, as presented to the Planning Commission on June 6, 2017. On a motion by Commissioner following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , seconded by Commissioner The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 61h day of June, 2017. and by the RESOLUTION NO. PAGE2 GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGER SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: TERESA MCCLISH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1475 El Camino Real Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 APN 077-041-015 El Camino Real ATTACHMENT 1 ...,. \, < ...... 1' 1': l ~ i ~ ' I I ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 1433 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION TO BE HEL-0 IN TERRITORY PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION ON TUESDAY, THE 3RD DAY OF MARCH, 1981 AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO THE CALL AND CONDUCT OF SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating to the annexation of lnhabitated territory by a City in the State of California, this City Council did properly cause a "Notice of Public Hearing" to be pubflshed and thereafter did on September 23, 1980 hold such public hearing; and · WHEREAS, protests have been filed in a number less than 50% of those voters within the territory proposed for annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE AND DETERMl.NE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That all of that territory described as EL CAMINO REAL NO. I ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande subject to conHrmation by a majority of the duly registered voters res.ldent in said territory. SECTION 2: That pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Sections 35228 and 35061, there shall be and there is hereby called and ordered a spedal election held in said territory on Tuesday, March 3, 1981 for the purpose of ascertaining whether the voters residing therein confirm and agree to the annexation of said territory. SECTION 3: That notice of said speci~l election shall be given and published by the City Clerk pursuant to California Government Code Sections 56080 and 56083. SECTION 4: That within 5 days from date of this Resolution the Clerk transmit, by certified mall, a copy of this Resolution and any additional information required by Government Code Section 35065 to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission. SECTION 5: That the notice of election include a deadline date of December 29, 1980, after which no arguements may be filed on the measure. SECTION 6: That the notice state that no polling places will be established for the special election and that the election will. be conducted as an all mail ballot election pursuant to provisions of California Election Code Sections .1340, 1350-1352. SECTION 7: That the question submitted shall be as follows: "Shall the order adopted on October 14, 1980 by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ordering the annexation to said City of the territory described in said order and designated as "El Camino Real No. l Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande" be confirmed? Opposite the question and to its right shall appear thewords "YES" and "NO" on separate lines 1·1ith voting squares. SECTION 8: The Clerk is ordered to mail to each voter along with the official ballot and instructions on voting as required by law, a pamphlet containing all of the materials listed and required by Government Code Section 35070. SECTION 9: As a special condition of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission, prior to completion of .annexation by the City, negotiations between the City of Arroyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo must be completed as requjrcd b~ Senate Bill 180. ' . . - [ [ SECTION 10: That if the majority of those voting in said annexation. election vote in favor of such annexation, then such annexation shall thereby be approved by the voters. SECTION 11: The City Council directs the City Clerk to canvass the election on March 5, 1980, and that canvass shall be conducted pursuant to Election Code Section 17082 and Election Code Section 17083. SECTION 12: That in all other particulars not provided for, the Clerk shall conduct the election as provided by law. SECTION 13: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolution of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. SECTION 14: That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Council Member SmHh, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. ATTEST: ~~~/LilttU) E UTY TY CLERK CITY OF PISMO BEACH ({})AOC IPAm.OC ANNIEJ~A'JfIT(QlN N(Qlo li CITY ORD. No. 180, JUL. 23, 1963 CENTERUNE OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD Bk. 148 DEEDS, Pg. 344 'i j f;_l__,OC.}<. \ :jl~~ \ /~---" \"--... '\ '-'~/ ---..._ __ / --1 «J'll' I Bk ~ BLOCf\ 6 --111-==-~0--ANNEXlTION LIMITS -·-·--CITY UMITS -----RIGHTS-OF-WAY El TRACT LIMITS REFERENCE R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 MAPS FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. 3 FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. 26 FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. 7 RECORDS PER VOL. 428 OF 0.R. PAGE 105 RECORDS PER BOOK 5 OF MAPS AT FJIGE 64 FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. 11 FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. !7 CHILTON STREET ANNEXATION NO ! FAIR OAKS ANNEXATION NO. 20 , RECORDS PER VOL. 1941 OF 0.R. PAGE 71 (OAK PARK ACRES REORGANIZATION) OAK PARK ACRES ANNEXATION NO. I TRACT NO 652 ANNEXATiON TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE JLA JIBIE,JL JL IE, Tm.AC 'JI' Bk A of MAPS, Pg. 142 c,'r ';;:;,;~·,~:<044.;'i;; '•C. "•f,_> .... ;~ //~-.. ,., ~///;>~"t .. ,,_ '<?-97 ·~if?-/ ~"'"' ;~· ··t"' VICINITY MAP NO SCALE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO STATE OF CALIFORN!A ~ ~....._t-t\1:,,\\h3'i PROPOSED ~~~,f"';~'~;:, EL CAMINO REAL ANNEXATION No. I TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PG. CITY 3-R...an Anx #1 to Arroyo Grnm:fo E'1l-"1rrtinoRP.>J!:?m (Exhibit ;'A") (CERTIFIED BY COLIN~ "/f)_ .. •\ · 1· . · .... . ..... :' ........ ·. .... ; ....... · .. ··~ -. ATTACHMENT 3 .. I I I .. I",. '/, I ... :_ ..... ;.vnt 1246 FAtlilMO . • > ANO WHl:N RCC.ORDllO tliA1L. TO • ,..,_ Mr. and Mrs~ Harlan .J!'. Fry ,,,.,, P.O. ·&ox 90S ~~;" Grover C1ty • Cdifomia .J Stott L . '• ... ~ .. · ''" ___ ...._ _ __. Joint Tenancy Grant Deed .____ ____ _, .. ~m· FORM f"'URNHIH•g •v TITl..I: IHllURANOlt ANb TRUST CQMl"AN'r' i.---------'-'""------·--------------------1 ... ''" . :. '· !. "· ..... , . .. . F'OR· A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,'rflteipt'of wbiob 1t.·bereby acknowledged, . , ·. . .... . . . ...... . ..... ~" ' ~. ' .. TONY ANGILLO • a married man• alil his sole an? sepa.i:a te property hereby CRANT(S) to ~ F. FD.'!· j'Jl)cJ WILMA F ... FRY• husband and Wife · the r~al pro!"'rt{ in the · .. · 6;';.,11y of · · 11:\at porti9Q .. (,f I.Qt A of t.he. :r~ of Grover, ~11 t;h! Gounty .. of San Luis Obtspor State of Cidiforn:i.a:, according to .. map · .. ' lh'a:wll by' A. Lundqu~st· -and filed for 'record Novell!bei"l3, 1892, in Book A~ Page 6 of Maps in the office of the County . RecordeJ: of said. C®llty. ·described ~s follow~: • ,,o .... -.·· ••• ,. \ • " • • .. • .. ... .. ~ • '··-··· • Beg:l.rin;l,ng ~t ·corner No.· l. 'betng'.a po~t; .91l, the Southwesterly . U.lie" of ~he· Cal.ifornia Sta~!! Highway as de~cribed in the deed dated August 29, 1.928, and recorded in ~.I< 58 1 at page 62 of Official Recorda, distant ther09rl North'.57"' 48 West, 405.10 . . feet frOlll ·the intenection of .aai(I B?uthwesterly line with 1. . I ' J · t.pe, U.n'.,:: betwaf!il Lot A of. Hid Town of Grover and Lot 106 .of · • ...• 1 ......... tht.i Subdi~td.on,e of the Ranchos CoJ.1;'al. dl!I Piedra; Pi.~~ a.nd .\·. : ·. · .. _.'::)H~l~o!'! .d~ .. Cb«mi,aa1,. ... 11.c.c..11t:.¢iflg t;o 1114!> 9:1; t:h~ sµbdivie.i~qli ·of ", ... '·~''" ... . said Ranchos od file"in the office of.. the County Recorder of '·" g;· . . &aid County; thence Soui:t:i· 32~ 12' West, .55.5 feet· thencft. : . · North 57° 48 1 West, 125 feet;' thence South 32° l2' West,· 55.5 fv' ' feet to the Soutbweaterly line of the ptop~rty· conveyed to ';; l Henry L~ Krovious4 et u:x:;, by deed dated March 19, 1947, and ~·; · ~:~~~0 ~8~o~~=t! 3:~~:. :fd ~;u~i.;~:;~f;\~~:~·-t~~~::tln·~,. ·. ·:c .. : .. -~'·'·"0••• · s:f.on thereof, ·J.25.01) feet ·i;o the true point of"beginningi• thence , ... cont:l.uuing North .57° .48 1 West 50 feet· to the :Nortbweat:er y lira~ 1-.i. of the propei:ty conveyed to Henry L. KroyiOU.9 ~t ux. • by deed sa ...... dat41ld .. }tarch-l9, -1947, .. and--recorded in Book 439 0 at .. pnge ·38 .of ~-. 1 . Offiei.al Records• thence·Nortb 32° 12 1 Bast along said North• I. weeterly line, til feet to the Soutbweate:i:ly line of the Cali· Cl forniia State Highway aforesaid; thence South 57° 4$1 Eatilt along sud Soutllweet:erly liH• 50 feet to a line bearing North 32° 12 1 &a.at ~rom tba true point of beginning; thence s~th 32' 12• w .. t 111 '"'to tho..,., point of b,.1mnns, l ':' ,. "•, . 'l,. .. , ·: ... ::; ........ ··:-.... ....; : ~· -. ' O• -o 000 -"'.""'• 00 OMO • 0 ,• .... I . . . .. ' : .. .·· . . :, .. Descr:Lption: San Luis Obi,sp~,~A Document -Year.Doc.ID 1963.15810 Page: 1 of 2 . ': l , I f 1.-Order: 11 Comment: .. -"'· ____ , __ .. _ ~-------··'· ' . ---~·- " I l \ ·1 · . . ' ·:.; l • ; •. :! .. .. ·. ~ ! • .: . . •/ . ------....... · .. -------------·-----·----- ' •" ii ......... I' ··.· .. ~· . . ..~ .. ~ .. ..:.:.:.:. ,._·._ .... . \··----~. . ............. _ ... ·~·' I ·······--·-··-"-··""·-.. , I I I . I . ._( .' Description: San Luis Order: 11 Comment: v0t 1R46 rnc~641 l . Tit.LI Order No----_ -.·----·--;- :· .. ''.. "I ..... ·: . . ... ~ .,. ...... ,, ...... ~ .. ·--.:.. .... .' · 1 .. I .. I :. .... · · 1 · I 1 ATTACHMENT 4 .. ·. l'llCCOl'IOING Rl!:QUl;STIU> lllV I AND WH&N Rt:CQl!ft)etQ MAtL TO r ·-1 ..! l I ..... Mr. and MJ:11 • Joe R. Zavala '""' P.O. Bc:nt 905 ....... Crover City t California ~!4" L .J 1----'---SPl\CI! l\SOV!i: THI$ L.INI! l'OR RECOROER'S USI!--- t'Oll I\ VALUAl!L£ CONSIDERATION, receipt «f -.h;ch i• hereby acknowledgtld, TONY ANGELLO, a Jllan'ied man, aa h:l.G sole aud separate pToperty hereby GRAN'r(S) 10 tho real j>topcrt y in th<! County of Sllu Luis Obispo , AS JOINT TENANTS, Stale of California, dC11Cribod ""' That portf.on of Lot A of the Towo of Grover, in the Co\lnty of San Luis Obispo, S Ctlte of California, according to map drawn · by A. Lw.dquiat and filed for record November 23, 1892, .. in Book A, Page 6 of Maps in the office of the county Recorder of add county, de1foHbed aci .f<?lloiws; . :Beginning at corner No.' l, being a potnt on the Southwesterly line of the California State Highway as described. in the dAed dated. Auguat ~j). 1928, an.d recorded in Book 58 1 at page 62 of .. Official Records, distanJ; thereon North 57° 4S West, 4-05.10 f41et frOll;.th,a intersection o.f said Southwesterly line with t:he }.•. line between Lot A of Hid Town of Grover and Lot 106 of the . "-" I I I I Subdivisions of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra,· P:f.slllO and Balsa . :l\:· de Cbamieal, according to ma!? of th!J. subdivi!il~O~s,,!)f_!iµd Ra11-., . "".'.T ... , .... ,. _. enc; ·;m. fil.a-.in ;;h.,; -.:t.fficiir ¢.i;··the··County Recordarr: ot· s:a1d-county; ;ft . · ' th«ace South 32° 12' Weet 55,5 feet;. ~hence North,5.7°. 48 1 . West, ···• . . 125 feet;· thence South 32a 12' West, 55,S feet to tha So'uthwest· · erly line o~· the propertr conveyed to Henry L. Kravious, et ux., ~· by deed dated MarCh 19, 947 • and recorded in Book 439, at page Cit . 41 of Official Records; thence North 57° 48 1 West dong 111.aid c,o · Southwel!lterl:Y Una at1d the .~tens;J.qn tbet11'<1f,. .75. Oo· feet;. ta . .!<he .......... C'.) .. . . . , true ·point· of· ·b111gbming;·-dience continuing Not'th 57" 48" West r:t.; 50,00 feet• thence Nortn 32° 12 1 ~ast'lll feet to the South* westerly ltne of the Cali!!omia State Highway :aforesaid; thence Sout.~. ~r ~· Ea!ft ;;ilong "f_8.:f.i:I S~u~~l!.t«.!!l:Y:. tine, :50. fe~t. to .11. .. .. .. .. line bearing North'3iy·12 East from tne true point of beginning; thence South 32° 12\¥,~!lt Ul feet to the trtie .po:l.nt of beginning, J_ ' .. ·.' ·I Hp J I .I . . . Description: San Luis Obispo,C~ Docwnent -Year.DocID 1963.15908 Page: l of 2 . , Order: 11 Comment: __ ._,__ ___ ._·_. -· · . ' :· ---· ·-·- I I , . I _ ..... . 1 ..... 1. JUN 251963 ~.;v~ Go It D . ..... 1111. ,..., .. 12. •. .llldeXM . l>atetl._ J:u..!J.~ 13,_ 19§1._ ___ ,, STATE or CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF Snn LUia.Jlbiap.Q... ·-SS. On Jup~ l-4~ .lW --· h<foro m'-1hc undt:r· 11i«ttf'd. a N1uuy Puhlif' in amt for ;.aJd Cttnnl)' and Statr, 1Jf"rt0Jtl11)• •P-~ Angello. __ .. _,. ----···-·--· :· ,· ,, ' .. .. , ~· ... _ ...... . .•: t• .·-···:. ....... ,• -·:: ••• . !' ...... VDL12f7 fi;Gf J 4 ...... 1 .... \I . ........ :"':~ ...... ..: •• ,,,,,'•: .... :: ............. _.";.t,. ·~···: ............ •·i-r·-··: . .:: '·. ' . ·. ~.: 1.~ . I. I . . . Description: San Luis ~?~spo,_cA Documen.t .. Year.J:?ocID 1963.15908 Page: 2 of 2 Order: 11 Comment: ...:·: . " '"· I I I j' I .. I I I . I . I ". ' \ .. I. I . . . ~~· . " .,. REOORDRR'S OFFIOi SAN LUIS OBISPO OOU!l'l'Y .t.·· . . .. . ··-···-·------------------ l'llECOftDIN@ l'll!:QUltSTED llV vot1285 rtGE375 FEB 211964 /JJcu ,,(!,Af~ &PACI; Al30VE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER•& USE ---- Quitd;;tim Dee~ TttJ• FmtM f'UftHf8MfrO av TIYLE f~URANCE AffD TltUUT COMPANY FOii A l'Al,IMlll.F. CONSIDERATION, rero!pt of which is hereby acl<n~wledged, Joe R. Zaval.a llnd R.utb Y. Zavala, busba114 and wire, hetr.liy RF.MISF.ISl,>RF.l.F.ASE\S) AND FOREVER QUITCl.AIMIS) 10 } Hlll'lan F. Fry and Wilmn F. Fry, husband and wife, ) the following dr>rrillfd' 1eol proper!)' In tho •l~t" of f'.nlifo111ln: .. .· . .,; county of San r.uia· ObisPO That portion of lot A of the Town.or Grover conveyed to first pal't;y by that cert~ de84,dated June 13, 1963 and ~ecorded in VolUllie 1247 of Ofi'fo1a1 .. ~.~.ords t I.it page 13, records of. snid County of San Luis Obispo. Dated •• Febru&!7.J·]~ l.~. RTATE OP <'.Al.IFORNIA, ' • COIJNTYOP _vent)J1'!l._,,_,,___ J~s. . On _F$1.l,lf11!U'Y ll,. ~,964__ . before.,., tho und<r· •iRn'11, a Notuy l'ubllc I~ and far uld Slat<. pen.o•11l1 •P!><"ml Joe R, Zavala ~.1....],,,,a""va"'l.,a,__ __ .. . ---~-~·--. -· --• bown to irte In lw lhe fW'J$.On ·'-w~ MMe'L-a.r& , -.. _. -· . aubtcribbl to -------------- tht whhln ln•IFI'"""' •nd 1rlnowJ..l1od thll •• :\;hey.··--· ········---··. f"Vti:ru1fd ''n' u""'. · F~~iX.<:l<»O;;<;H;.::.X.,iQQOO(~.:;o~ Wl'fNI'.~ ,mJ htnd and olfitl1t t<al. .,:'.'.;!\~ A~l!IA M~RGARET VACCA :~, •• :.~ l;iJIARV run11c. CAlllOl!rllA . ~I"·', COIJNl v or VEN IUUA .'J'ith> Oroor No. ________ ,,_---' f.oorow or Loan No •• ·---·---- Description: San Luis Obispo, CA Document -Year.DocID 1964.4636 Page: 1 of 1-:--. Order: 11 C'onunent: ___ ,_', __ ._ _,_.... .. ..... _ .. _,,___, ATTACHMENT 5 I I l · 1 I I I ·1 ... J.: I. I I •• • ~ .. ¥· ,. R£C0RDll\IG RllEOU!Un'ED BY ..-.nv mlE flSIJWKE a.a AND WM«N .. a<:OltDIED MAIL TO r-I ... 27185 OFFIOIAL REOOllDS SAN LUIS OBISPO CO., CALIF. WILLIAM E. ZIMARIK, COUNTY REC"~DER ATTACHMENT 6 ,..."" Merrill D. Kcltee -.... 2054 ocean Blw. NOV2 1970 JIME N:JIJ/(IG, .,,.... .. l'illl!IO Beach, ClllU.f. 93449 .,,.."L _ . ..J -----------------------.. .5e.M:;i!: l!illl9V.t:.Ttllll I.IN.§ .FQJYtl!!CORDER"S USE ---- MAJL TAX STATEMENlS ro ~ TBANSFml TAX $. 3$.60 COmputed on full value of property conveyed ADDRIS$ AillHillAl•l.ua:0 •un•'••b..., CITY A STAT£L Signature of.~decl t PilOPD'!Y l.OCMBD IN r;: l ~AREA __J Joint Tenancy Grant need ..._ ____ _ L·9 THIS f10RM l'URNUIHl!:D av SECURITY TITLIE INSURANC\t COMPA.NY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledll"d, hereby GRANT(S) to MERRD..L D. MC KEE and CRESSIE JOAN MC KEE, husband and wife . AS JOINT TE'.\AXfS. the real property in the County of San 'Luis Obispo State of California. des•·ribed a•: Tlult portion of Lot A of the tow of Grover, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as more piatt:lcularly descr:lbed in hid.bit A, attached hereto consisting of one page. SUBJECT TO: 1. General and special tllll:ea for the fiscal year 1970~71. 2. Any covenant&, conditions, restr:lctions. reservetiona. r:lgllta, rights of 1flly and e.ueunt:e of record. Dated :p,11 !.il.;$1)/J/s·Po ~.:~~~~_k-~ ----·-}SS. ~~.-3."4 . ..ltfi.-... l,.,fore mo. rhe under· .i..,..i. a "'"'*"' l'obli<: In 1111d for ...ic1 CoWllJ and Slate, l"'"'•nall~ :_~~ ·l'~-·m· iiCl tt11M..L...J'.tt. ___ =~ ·-·-·--······-·----·---·-10 - lo be the ponon...M........w"-at.md.Jll~Lollbecribed 1011iewl1hin in.tt11111Ml ..id oelmowt..l,pd 11iaL-..J:•.••t>e11led the .. mo. _J-w_:_dil!_ ~ WAH. QFIFtClA.L $£.l~L IVA H. COGOISH.All lNOTAl«'I" f'U81.IC •CALIFORNIA PIUIOCIPAL Ol'FIC~ IN llAl\I LUIS 0111111!'0 COUNTY t,..9 (G.S.l Rev. 12-«t (fl p11.) rvo1. I .1 .,,, ,; ; ! ., That .. portion of Lot A of the t.o"m of Grover, in t~~.;~~y pf sari. tJ~ Qb!J.I" : ,!I~~ Cd:: . Cliif9!'nia; Mcording to map drawn bf A.. LUndquifst::~1 filild for r~:&-d· No · 'ef'~'-·f.y~: in bo!)k A, page 6 of tl..aps, .in t.he office of· the co\lritj:f~cprder o.f®id ci" ';i':d~~-, ae fOllows: · · · ·· · ::'!: 1 '' • ···"·· '"' .. ,_. . . . ,,A .. · ,: . . . ··,~ Beginning at eor•i~r •Jo'. 1, beir;~· a. noi:nt .o~ t¥e· south-:i-~~terly ~e ¢.,f tti41. C~(~~~~.. 11 State lUthway ;,.s <l~:.1cr~bed in th!;! oeed dated ;AUgyst ::e.9, 19,2!! and recorded• 'in b®k ~~:.t ~· 62 of Officittl RecD:rds, diata.nt theredn ~oHti) S7° 48'. we~~~ 405.19 S•t I,fO~ t~' ~~_..,,: I• section of said ~;out·h~;,;t .. rl,y line Wit;h. ~h~ ~e ·b~tiw~en ).'dr A pf, ·~P · <;>f:1~G.~•• ' 11nd lot 106 of the Subd vi Bfons C1f th~ .~ari~N~~; :~9,1".fa,.1::011. ~~~~J , f:i.~$ · ::~It { Cham.ieal, a•;<"orcti.ng t<.' map of lh!l sub~i~~~i'o~~ Qf. :1f~q6R¥l~"1?• on .f~~~ of the esunty re~order of !Said t:uunty~ th~~~~'.sji~h '32: J2!;,st,: .5~~{5 north 57 4i't .,.-e •t, 1:?~ fe~l; thence sou~ti . .1.:'' 12 1 'll!l!llt. 55•5 feet. t.9,l lJ.ne of the propnty conve:red to H~nr{ L~·r~fa~o~flt 1 et>1it1t~~ by deel:t and riscot"dea ir. ";1l:. 1, .<i, r·'<l(P. i. 1 ol' lltriS,i ;·.~q~l!j ;,+.~~~" r.orth said :.outhweater'.y line -ilia the exteng:i,°'n.· ~ J:. :!5•~: ~~e,t. to t . befit~ing; thence eont.lnuin~ north 57, 46.~;, 'J~9~:~Ff~~W,·t,hen~I) te3t to the so~thW111sterly l.ir1e of t.h~ .Cf!-~f;,,.,, ~:fi~~e::H:i~~~ a,fo 57 48 1 P!\st atong said south'fe,ster~ :1¥tll!t'• ~ ·f~gt:<to:1 a 1lirie beari f'.l'Olll. the true FCint of begin!1in,i;;; thence aoµt:n'· J:2 12 1 ·west 111 fee ot b9ginning. Initial Jl_yz: ::#:rE bh'ibU: A • ;~p 1 ~ ' ' ,·: ,' i I AllCOADINGI RIEQUmsTll!D llV WCURITV mu: INSIJRANCl row• AND WMllN IUICOllDll'D MAii. TO r DOC.. 27186 O~FICIAL RECORDS SAN LUIS OBISPO CO., CAUF,. WILLIAM E, ZIMAAIK, COUNTY ~ECORDER NOV2 1970 • 0571 Zit DOOOOUO IEct t 0571 21! 000021.£0 f&t o 0571 t~ OOOOlUOD ......... Mettill D. McKee 2054 O~ean Blvd. JIM£ 10: 308.'M. Pilt!IO Beach, C..Uf, 93449 .J -cm • ...... L .J Property located in unincorporated Area 1.-1 FOR A VALUABi..E CONSIDERATION, receipt f which ia hereby admuwledged, lfARLAN F. FRY and wn.MA F. FRY, huaband and wife hereby GRANT(S) to MlmBlLT.. D. MC KEE and amssIE JOAN MC DB, husband end wife, 11111 joint tenants the following described real property in the county of San Luia Obispo , state of California: That portion of Lot A of the Town of Grover• il'l the County of San Luie Obispo, State of California, according to 11111p d~ by A. Lwacl;auiet 111ttd filed for record NOV'f!lllber 23, 1892 in Book A, P~ '6 of Mapa, a• IY!Ore particularly de111cr:lbed in Exhibit A, attached hereto, coneiating of one paige. 1. General and apec:lal tll!Xea for the fiacal year 1970·71. 2, Any covenanta, condit:lona, re111trict1cma. reeervat:lona, rights. rights of 1fllY' mnd easements of record. Dated October 27, 1970 STATE OF CAUFORNIA } COUNTY OF San Luil Obilll!IA . SS. o,, ______ Jl~!!ltU~ 1970 b;ifore me, lho under· ola1ied. a No!Af)' Public In and for uld County and Slate, peraonolly •-'1.u1u .!_. M · ana vs:;ma f. ffi ------knomi kl m• to be the pe.....__,.h_ na~~b;id 1olhawllltin ~m.~men~t an*dw •.hied.~·~~-.----h· ··:e. ~Lt~ Neme <lvped or Priftledl tA Notary l'OR NQTAl'llV llllAL OR llTAl\!ll" ~il\Tt'ERINE p, NORTliAMlll NO~AAY PUBLIC • eAl.ll'ORNIA COUNTY Oft liAN &.Ulll' Ollllll'<O That portion of L<tt. A of the Tow of G110ver > in the county ot San 'Lui• Obi111po, et.ate ot California, acconting to l:iap drawn by A. Lundquist and .fi;l.ea tor reoaiN No1felllber 23, '892 in book A, page 6 ot Mapa, in the oft.ice ot the ioomtty recorder <>f said colll'lty, de111erlb<wl 11a followin Beginning e.t corner No. 1, being a point on the 111outhwe111terq line.:of the CalitO!'llia State Highwa,y as dl!!scrlbed .in the deed dated A~uet 22, 1928 and ".·:\)ordfid in book SS, page 62 of Official records, diirWit. thereGlll north 57"' 46• "at, 495. tO feet troa the intet-1100t.ion of hid southwest.erl,y .LLn.. w:l.tb t~e .line ~tween ~'t. A ot Hld towin of Grover and lot 1r>6 of the Subdhillio11e .ot the Rtilehc>'111 Corral l'le:fJ>iedra, Piao and Boln de Chanu.sal, according to Mp ot. the SIA~Ybiona o! ail<I; ~cl1os (JQ tile in the ottiee of tbi! gount)' recordltl' of .~&:i.ct oo~t.7; thencl south ),2 12 1 wet, 55.5 fHt; thence north $7 48 1 west, 12.5 teet; ... t.B:a._,lll liiollth 3~ 12' w~,t SS.S fHt to the 10Uthv.at.erly li:ne or the proper-t.;r enravwiici t(): Hem,. L. Xrovloulat et. ~, b)' dffd dated Marcb 19. f947 and .l.'ttcol"dlild in ~k 439,. Pli• 41 of Oft!~l&l R~on:la,; 'tliiimee north '>7 49' Wlilt dong 111aid southW,fll~•rl.1 l!M ~d the ex:Qnaj,OA thll.'NOfa 125.00 191!/i to the tNe point of beg.inn.tl'lg;. tb111nile .cont:l.nlling north'. S'f lil!t• vilat 11 SQ tMt to th., northwesterly l1.n11 ot th9' prOJ)ert.7 con\'lliy'!l(I to HOIU"j• L. lroV"iOt.UI, .t. we., b7 deed dated M~ch 19 • 194? and l'~(»ntect ift book 439 • page] 38 of Otfiei&l Records; thence north 32 f2 1 ea111t al.Olli •"'14 northwesterq line, IJ1 feet. to the llO\lt.hwesterly line or t.he Cal:i fomia State ~wa;y afo1"111u.id; toone~ sptb Sif 481 ••t &lq •~ aiouthWeaterly line, '° feet to a lfln• beari»g no:rth :)2 t2 1 nst, i'r'om the true point. of beginning; thence south 32 12 1 wat 1l1 feet to t!M tl'tl'- point ot beginning. Initial Eldlib:l.t A -Page 1 rvut1591. PACE 444 ~ ' ·- Ordili' No. Escrow No. 94818-BH loon No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Richard T. and Ruth E. Edmiston c/o 303 West HENDERSON PORTERVILLE, CALIFORNIA 93257 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SAME AS ABOVE ATT/\CHl\llENf 7 MAY 111976 WILLIAM E. ZIMARIK COUNTY RECORDER 11ME8 0 2 Al SPACE ABOVE THIS 1.INf! FOR R!!COADRR'll UBE • llOCU'YlENTAAY TRANSFER TAX $. ..... it.J.:.f.J.::: .................... .. ·---------------·---·-·------------------------ L UNINCORPORATED GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reoeiptw<Jfown~~ui~rh~rb~itt:j<~o~~edef&sSIE JOAN McKEE MERRILL D. McKEE and C. JOAN McKEE,/ husband and wife hereby GRANTIS) to RICHARD T. EDMISTON and RUTH E. EDMISTON. husband and wife, as co11111unity property • the real property in JOO<:RiUcxQl.f an unincorporated area of the County of San Luis Obispo , State of Califou1!~. described ~s REFER TO "EXHIBIT A", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Dated April 21. 1976 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 COUNTVOF _,S'"'em=-'L""W.=a .... Ob,""""':l.s,...PP""'--___ j ss. On~11 26, 1976 before me, Iha undml111111d, 11 Noterv Publlc In and for 8'11d Stat•, pmonaHv 111111Wed -----Mar.tlll. D· McKee aod C. Joan McKee kllilWll to m110 be lh• pmon .s_ whose name S are oubllcrlboel IO tho wllhln Instrument and 11Cknowh1dged that they . aNlll!uUd the umo. WITNRSS my £;d. o~lcl~, '7/!M • , ' Sl@nlltlll'CI ~:.iffitB~~- ~~ furiliD.CKee / <?~---.,; ~ ~···­ C. J~e ·-·-·-------·--- ~---·· 1 "0· ALICIA ANN GIACOMAZZI .~ :,, HOtliRY PUBLIC if.' SAN LUIS O&l~PO (OUNTY • ... ; CAUfORNIA My CommlHlon l!iiplrel lllbroary 2, 1980 !Thia ar"9 tot offlcilel nal<lrl•I ... 11 ·.,. J. EXHIBIT "A" I PARCEil NO. 1: That portion of lot A of the Town of Grover, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to Map drawn by A. Lundquist and filed for record on November 23, 1892 in Book A, page 6 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: · Beginning at corner No. 1, being a point nn the Southwesterly line of the California State Highway as describt:ld in Deed dated August 29, 1928 and recorded in Book 58, page 62 of Official Records, distance thereon North 57° 48' West 405.10 feec from the intersection of said Southwesterly line with the line between Lot A of said Town of Grover and Lot 106 of the Subdivision of the Rancho Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisal, according to Map of the subdivision of said ranchos on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; thence South 32° 12! West 55.5 feet; thence thence North 57° 48' West 125.00 feet; thence South 32° le' West 55.5 feet to the Southwesterly line of the property c~nveyed to Henry L. Kro.vious, et ux, by Deed dated Maren 19, 1947 and recorded in Book 39, page 41 of Official Records; thence North 57° 48' West along said Westerly line an the extension thereof 125.00 feet to the true point of beginning;-thence continuing North 57° 48' West 50 feet to the Northwesterly line of the property conveyed to Henry L. Krovious, et ux, by Deed dated March 19, 1947 and recorded in Book 439, page 38 of Official Records; thence North 32° 12' Fast along said Northwesterly line 111 feet to the Southwesterly line of the California State Highway aforesaid; thence South 57° 48' East along said Southwesterly line 50 feet to a line bearing North 32° 12' East from the true point of beginning; thence South 32° 12' West 111 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCE:L NO. 2: That portion of Lot A of the Town of Grover, in the County of San Luis Obispo. State of California, according to Map drawn by A. Lundquist and filed for record on November 23, 1892 in Book A, page 6 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at corner No. l, being a point on the Southwesterly lit\e of the California State Highway as described in Deed dated August 29, 1928 and recorded in Book 58, page 62 of Official Records, distance thereon North 57° 48' West 405. 10 feet from the intersection of said Southwesterly line with the line between Lot A of said Town of Grover and Lot 106 of the Subdivision of the Rancho Corral de Piedra. Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisal, according to Map of the subdivision of said ranchos on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; thence South 32° 12' West 55.5 feet; thence North 57° 48' West 125.00 feet; thence South 32° 12' West 55.5 feet to the Southwesterly line of the property conveyed to Henry L. Krovious, et ux, by Deed ~~ dated March 19, 1947 and recorded in Book 439, page 41 of Official Records; thence North 57° 48' West along said s~.uthwesterly lif:le of the extension thereof 75 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 57° 48' West 50.00 feet; thence North 32° 12' East 111 feet to the Southwesterly line of the California State Highway aforesaid; thence South 57° 48' East along said Southwesterly line 50 feet to a line bearing North 32° 12' East from the true point of beginning; thence South 32° 12' West 111 feet to the true point of beginning. ~~· (1n1t1a1) M.ir •• 1 ____ ( 1nft1a1) ~.J.M. END Of DOCUMENT BASIS FOR to 8, 1 1901 1907 14, 1929 1937 0 ch. 1955to 15, 1961 Stats. ch. 17, 1955 to March 1 1962 0 1960 to March 1961 CERTIFICATE OF AND CONDITIONAL SAN OBISPO COUNTY PLANNlNG BUILDING ATTACHMENT 8 to this date did not create lots The have been lands those statute to the Subdivision rt:>f'rvnwn;<:> lots created a map Act filed and this statute. Additional Additional Act State law a tract map labeled for creation of five or more lots of one acre or less created any one person within one calendar year. For created to this the verifies the number of created and sizes. For not created this The deleted. r"""""'""""" lots created recorded tract ore:cie1cessor statute and lots created <:nc.ri1'1r<:>th1 identified Records of maps ls tract map for creation of five less. First local Lot Division Ordinance for creation of PACKAGE BASIS FOR 0 DATES 1962 to Feb. 1 to 1968 Feb. 17, 1966toNov. 1978 Nov. No. 1 March 1, 1975 1978 Dec. 18, 979 No, APPLICABLE map for creation of five acres or less. "Section 11535 Records of maps are map. be Local ordinance fewer lots of less than more lots of less than for creation of four or acres and for creation of five Amends the Subdivision map or final those of four Recodifies Subdivision Business and Professions Government Code, Additlonal amendments to Lot Division Ordinance. amendment to Title 21 ""'">r•11rnm into the Real Division Ordinance. COMPLIANCE