PC 2017-12-05 07a Draft Minutes ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2017 ARROYO GRANDE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Martin called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Frank Schiro, John Mack, Terry Fowler-Payne, Lan George, and Glenn Martin were present. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing, City Engineer Robin Dickerson, Planning Technician Sam Anderson and Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner George led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Memo dated October 17, 2017 from Planning Manager Downing regarding Agenda Item 8.b. 2. Letter received from Molly and Elliot Dreger regarding Agenda Item 8.b. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. Consideration of Approval of Minutes Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of October 3, 2017 as submitted. Action: Commissioner Schiro moved to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of October 3, 2017 as submitted. Commissioner Mack seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Schiro, Mack, Fowler-Payne, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: George PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2017 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-001; AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 01-008 TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHADE STRUCTURE; LOCATION – 330 TRAFFIC WAY; APPLICANT – MULLAHEY FORD Planning Technician Anderson presented the staff report and recommended the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit 17-001. Planning Technician Anderson responded to Commission questions regarding the use of the structure; signage; and condition to remove the driveway. Chair Martin opened the public hearing for comment. Speaking from the public was: Patty Welsh, said it looks like the signage is being addressed. Hearing no further speakers, Chair Martin closed the public hearing. Action: Commissioner Mack moved to adopt a resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-001; AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 01-008 TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHADE STRUCTURE; LOCATED AT 330 TRAFFIC WAY; APPLIED FOR BY MULLAHEY FORD”, as modified to add a Condition of Approval that any change in use of the structure from the approved storage use shall be reviewed by the City and appropriate use permits approved. Commissioner George seconded the motion. AYES: Mack, George, Fowler-Payne, Schiro, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.b. CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 16-001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-008, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 2,900 SQUARE-FOOT FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU; LOCATION – 727 EL CAMINO REAL (WESTERN CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL, FAEH AVENUE, AND BELL STREET); APPLICANT – ELA FOODS, INC.; REPRESENTATIVE – KEITH SIMON Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and recommended the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve Lot Merger 16-001 and Conditional Use Permit 16-008. Planning Manager Downing, and City Engineer Dickerson responded to Commission questions regarding zoning; zoning for drive-thru; on and off ramp; wall; wall length; noon peak hours; lighting; view of building from the freeway; requirement of two drive entrances; restriction of trucks on Faeh Avenue; height of fence; the affect this business will have on adjacent business (Francisco’s); change in the square footage; schedule of delivery trucks; route of delivery trucks; and minimum site distance to the driveway entrance. Keith Simon, representative, presented the project; addressed concerns regarding smell and hours of operation. Mr. Simon responded to Commission questions regarding moving the transformer; driveway relocation; lighting in the parking lot; architecture; external lighting; PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2017 location of deliveries/time of trucks; can hours fluctuate weekend/weekdays; support wall and shrubs; an non-audible ordering kiosk; and hours of the drive-thru. Chair Martin opened the public hearing for comment. Speaking from the public were: Richard Bell expressed concern with safety, noise; and does not support a lot of shrubbery. Teri Tardiff said there is no access except for the drive -thru and the project will impact traffic in the neighborhood. Maureen Herrera said the drive-thru will impact the freeway; parking is an issue; and complained about the noise from the drive-thru speaker. Howie Conroy said Bell and Alpine will become thoroughfares; the neighborhood will be impacted; the exhaust hoods will not eliminate smell; and the neighborhood will be changed overall. Chris Wheelen said traffic will be impacted and is opposed to the project. Val Delaney, spoke against the project; expressed concern with drive-thru; air quality; smell; noise; noise from people in the patio; and the impact of traffic. Lori Hunstad spoke against the project; said the Traffic Commission only approved if there is a traffic light at East Grand Avenue and El Camino Real; complained about the drive -thru; noise; and air pollution. Patty Welsh spoke against the project and expressed concern with noise; diesel trucks; truck parking; traffic; trash litter/pickup; and supports the wall with shrubbery. Jason Beres spoke against the project and suggested to put the project on East Grand Avenue. Lisa Suddarth spoke against the project and expressed concern with the location and color of the building. Shirley Gibson spoke against the project and suggested toning the color down for the building. Kim Conroy stated it will be dangerous for pedestrians and will impact traffic. Danny and Grace spoke against the project. Hearing no further comments, Chair Martin closed the public hearing. Planning Manager Downing responded to Commission questions regarding the traffic signal; large vehicles; other potential sites; and number of lots. Commissioner Fowler-Payne stated she is opposed to the project. Commissioner Mack stated some of the issues can be mitigated; there should be guidelines for circulation of drive-thru restaurants; there is issues with pedestrian circulation; suggest to eliminate the driveway to the neighborhood; and stated he cannot support the project as designed. Commissioner Schiro said the pedestrian access has to be fixed for him to approve the project and would like to see it mitigated; suggested to add a condition for an exhaust hood; supports the traffic signal; supports a touch screen drive-thru; has a problem with parking of large vehicles; supports a high wall; have a problem with not using trade colors; and can support the project if mitigated correctly. Commissioner George stated she cannot support the project as presented. Chair Martin stated listening to the public makes it hard for him to support this project; complaints are complaint driven; cannot support a drive-thru on Faeh Avenue; would like to see reduced lighting after hours; limit truck traffic to ingress traffic off of Faeh; support four foot fence height with shrubbery to soften appearance; limit parking to two hours on Faeh; PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2017 kiosk be muted; more tan than yellow; supports the odor hood; and make mitigation to accommodate the neighborhood. In answer to Commissioner Fowler-Payne, Mr. Downing indicated there is a map depicting the ten underlying lots. Director McClish presented the options for the project to the Commission. Chair Martin made a motion to continue this item to a date certain of December 5, 2017. Commissioner Schiro seconded the motion. Discussion on the motion from Commissioner George included that she would like to make the following issues known: 1. Concern with requirement for the two ingress/egress points and does not know how this project will address that because i t is the Municipal Code. 2. Would like the exhaust hood. and 3. Installation of an ordinary kiosk. Commissioner Mack said the applicant can ask for a hardship. The motion passed upon the following roll call vote. AYES: Martin, Schiro, Fowler-Payne NOES: George, Mack ABSENT: None 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 9.a. None 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE OCTOBER 3, 2017 This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must be appealed or called up for review by the Planning Commission by a majority vote. Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner PPR 17-017 Margaret Wheatley 1161 Maple Street Establishment of a homestay in an existing guest house A C. Turner VSR 17-008 Murray Williams 354 Pecan Place Second story addition of 880 square feet to an existing single family residence A C. Turner In answer to Commissioner Fowler-Payne’s question regarding handouts for homestays, Planning Manager Downing said staff could draft a handout for homestays. She stated the VSR should demo and start project from scratch. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS None PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2017 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff reported that Bridge Street Bridge is temporarily closed due to the bridge being hit by a vehicle. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGER GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Approved at PC Meeting ______________)