2020-07-21_7b 1255 E Grand LLAMEMORANDUM MEMORAND TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: WHITNEY McDONALD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ANDREW PEREZ, ASS OCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 20-001; LOCATION – 1255 EAST GRAND AVENUE; APPLICANT – JOHN HAYASHI; REPRESENTATIVE – PAUL KARP D ATE: JULY 21, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the Lot Line Adjustment will relocate an existing property line between two (2) parcels on East Grand Avenue. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001. BACKGROUND: The subject properties are located on East Grand Avenue and are zoned Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) (Attachment 1). The two existing parcels were originally a single lot in Tract No. 10, known as the Folsom Tract, recorded in 1931 (Attachment 2). The eastern half of Lot 3 was transferred by deed to a separate owner in 1945, creating two separate parcels. In 1974 a commercial structure was constructed over the property line, which runs perpendicular to E. Grand Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment to situate the commercial structure entirely on a single parcel, which will allow for development on the rear parcel. Staff Advisory Committee The Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) reviewed the proposed project on March 11, 2020, and discussed issues related to drainage and access. Members of the SAC were supportive of the project and recommended approval to the Planning Commission. Item 7.b - Page 1 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 20-001 JULY 21, 2020 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description: The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will rotate the lot line dividing the two parcels ninety degrees, resulting in modification of parcel shapes, width, depth, and parcel areas (Attachment 3). The existing parcel dimensions are as follows: Table 1. Existing Parcel Sizes Parcel Number Lot Area Max Width Max Depth Zoning Parcel 1 21,818 sq. ft. 75’ 290’’ GMU Parcel 2 22,108 sq. ft. 76’ 290’ GMU Both parcels meet the minimum lot size requirement of 20,000 square feet for parcels in the GMU zone, but they do not meet the minimum width requirement of 100 feet. The existing commercial structure meets the remaining Development Code requirements for the district, including standards for front and rear setbacks, lot coverage, floor-area ratio, parking, and building size. A total of 752 square feet will be exchanged as a result of this proposal. The lot line adjustment would result in the lot sizes as shown in Table 2 below. Table 2. Proposed Parcel Sizes Parcel Number Lot Area Max Width Max Depth Zoning Parcel 1 21,066 sq. ft. 150’ 144’ GMU Parcel 2 22,816 sq. ft. 150’ 156 GMU An approval of the lot line adjustment would make both parcels and the existing building conform to all development standards for the zoning district. Access Driveways on the easternmost and westernmost boundaries of the parcels provide access to the properties in their existing configuration. There are no known easements over either property, however the application proposes a 25- foot easement along the proposed eastern and western lot lines for ingress, egress, sewer, and public utilities. The prepared Resolution includes a condition of approval to ensure legal access is provided. Standards for Approval The Municipal Code states that the Planning Commission shall approve or conditionally approve a lot line adjustment if it does not: • Create any new lots • Include any lots or parcels created illegally • Impair any existing access or create a need for access to any adjacent lots or parcels Item 7.b - Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 20-001 JULY 21, 2020 PAGE 3 • Impair any existing easements or create a need for any new easements serving adjacent lots or parcels • Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards; • Require substantial alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements; or • Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists. The proposed application meets the criteria for approval; therefore, staff recommends approval of the lot line adjustment. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Commission’s consideration: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001; 2. Modify and adopt the attached Resolution approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001; 3. Do not adopt the attached Resolution and instead provide direction for staff to return with an appropriate resolution including findings for denial of Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Granting the requested lot line adjustment will bring an existing nonconforming into conformance, and will allow for development of an underutilized site. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and deemed categorically exempt per Section 15305(a) of the CEQA Guidelines regarding minor lot line adjustments not resulting in the creation of any new parcel. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT: Per Municipal Code Section 16.12.030 (B), a public hearing is not required for approval of a lot line adjustment. The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project vicinity map 2. Tract No. 10 3. Proposed Lot Line Adjustment Item 7.b - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Item 7.b - Page 4 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 7.b - Page 5 X_l_r !·', �-...,.--.,.,.._ ... ,,,�""-1 \.._�!!()· _r'C,OtG..X4Kr'll'ULI� I ,..,,,__; \ ·._.·� ,..-... �,:,.,.,..-I � 1-.r ', �- ,...,. ,. ... ;,,:/ .d''\ .· \ 1 · ,__ . 1· '---, �-. _. I I : , V ------:---, I -----· . . I I \.-'-, I 1 � -/�ry'AAX_w,{ ...,�--1 \ ' --- ' - ( '--�7J1I.... __ .. , I I I. >OD ' L >oD ,I/ 1'�., J-'-,-,. p= f--;?-:-7· �-,...-,;--�:,.,..-E)f ,,�V�� ... , '-, A5AW..fP,•,1••.1:ll�J1 r......_-Ti I flMP:al�I I ,y;,1 ,,., � .. 1� ,""""w ''jj,m ,., 'jj;,,� ' .. t�,/: �=-. ' .�r.-.• � ' .• - -.. 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Line Aqustmenl A� -XXXX OF A LOT 3 OF TRACT 10 PER ll£ AECOIIOE) MAP N SOOK 5, PACE 2B OF MAP BOOKS, LOCATED N 71£ Q'TY OF ARROYO � COi.MY OF SAN LIIS OBISPO, STAlE OF CAlFOINA. '"-t, ��'T!..-1.as,r.,"rl.n,m,o �6ruldel,GA<&f20 ,,.,..,.,,.._...., ��N• l'"f!,6,-a,d� """"11p�.G.AOQO APJl., 07H◄�026 Karn 543 Andrea Cir. Paso Robles, Ca 93446 805238.9545 ..bb •• .Jo-co, r-.2-20xi UandSur� FL'-' 2000!�� Dat.. �• 2-ll-27700ft';. '>=======d Fktld�Fwfom-.d, 1-5-2020 Sheet 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 3 Item 7.b - Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 20-001; LOCATED AT 1255 EAST GRAND AVENUE; APPLIED FOR BY JOHN HAYASHI WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001 to adjust lot lines between the two (2) parcels located at 1255 East Grand Avenue maintaining a total of two (2) parcels; and WHEREAS, the proposed Lot Line Adjustment meets the standards identified in the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Municipal Code Table 16.12.030 (B) requires that lot line adjustments be reviewed by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the project at its meeting on July 21, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that this project is consistent with the City’s General Plan and Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study and deliberation, the proposed lot line adjustment does not: 1. Create any new lots; 2. Include any lots or parcels created illegally; 3. Impair any existing access or create a need for access to any adjacent lots or parcels; 4. Impair any existing easements or create a need for any new easements serving adjacent lots or parcels; 5. Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards; 6. Require substantial alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements; 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Municipal Code Section 16.48.110. Item 7.b - Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Lot Line Adjustment No. 20-001 as set forth in Exhibit “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On a motion by Commissioner _____, seconded by Commissioner ______ and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of July, 2020. Item 7.b - Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 _______________________________ GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR ATTEST: _______________________________ PATRICK HOLUB, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: _______________________________ WHITNEY McDONALD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Item 7.b - Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 20-001 1255 EAST GRAND AVENUE This approval authorizes a lot line adjustment between the parcels located at 1255 East Grand Avenue (APN 077-141-025 and 077-141-026). GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Lot Line Adjustment 20-001. 3. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 21, 2020 and marked Exhibit “B”. 4. This approval shall automatically expire on July 21, 2022 unless the lot line adjustment is recorded or an extension is granted pursuant to Section 16.12.140 of the Development Code. 5. Future development shall conform to the applicable zoning district requirements except as otherwise approved. 6. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of this approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations. 7. The applicant shall submit all information required by Municipal Code Section 16.20.140. 8. The applicant shall pay processing and plan check fees at the time they are due. 9. The applicant shall have a licensed land surveyor in the State of California Item 7.b - Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 prepare the Lot Line Adjustment on City-approved forms. 10. The Lot Line Adjustment is preferred to be finalized by recording a Lot Line Adjustment Map, and by subsequent deed transfers. 11. A current preliminary title report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to checking the final documents. 12. The applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector’s office indicating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the property. 13. The applicant shall record the 25-foot easement for ingress/egress, drainage, sewer, and public utilities as shown on the plans marked Exhibit “B”. Item 7.b - Page 11 Exhibit B